New void cosmetics are missing their void filters
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The new void cosmetics released this year are missing the void filters that last year's void cosmetics possess PLATFORM: All platforms STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: N/A, the issue is with the visual aspect of cosmetics The top cosmetics are the survivor outfits from this year,…
Clown Mori Outfit Clipping
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When performing a mori as the Clown, the Clown's arms clip strangely and there are other graphical issues. PLATFORM: PC-Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play as the Clown using the Halloween jack-o'lantern cosmetic. Perform the finisher mori on the last survivor. Be…
Bots can't path out of the Void
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: If a Survivor DCs while in the void the Bot just stands still until the Killer chases them inside the Void. It looks like the Bots cannot use the Portals. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Wait for a Survivor to DC in the void. VIDEO:
Stuck in Vecna Chest
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PC/Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I attempted to open a Vecna chest. I was stuck in a "struggle" animation, unable to interact with anything else. I remained stuck until the killer came and downed me. VIDEO: a brief clip attached in .zip file with the logs. PLAYER…
Bardic yet again bugged
Use Bardic perk on Lara and you will have no value at all in match just a waste of perk slot PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Just press E VIDEO: attached Watch bandicam 2024-10-11 03-39-05-690 | Streamable
Clown Mori Animation
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Clown Mori animation PLATFORM: PS5 I killed the last survivor in the match with a mori and the animation bugged out. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/f6EEFz6R3qY?si=rxyscXQPPWceXfx5
Chucky scamper new bugs after 8.3.1
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After the bug fix to chucky's scamper he now has 3 new ones. 1. You can flick with slice and dice after scampering, even completely behind you allowing you instantly re-scamper 2. Slice and dice starts recharging when you start scampering 3. The bug that was fixed is still present in a new way, if you…
8.3.1 Surv's Glitch on Hook when miss skill-check
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: In the second stage of the hook, if you skip the skill-check, the survivors are buggy (glitching). PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Miss skill-check on the 2nd hook stage VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
Hillbilly Cosmetic Physics are Simulating or Rendering Incorrect Beyond Highest LoD
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Hillbilly's Anniversary cosmetic cloth physics are not simulating correctly… he looks dangerously spikey. (Unsure if this is exclusive to this cosmetic) The issue seems to only occur when The Hillbilly is anywhere beyond the highest Level of Detail rendering quality, or very mildly if otherwise.…
singularity teleporting out of the map
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: singularity teleporting out of the map after survivor goes into the void PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: you teleport to a survivor while they are going into the void. VIDEO:…
Offerings are not displayed in the correct order during match
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Offerings that are visible mid-match when pressing the Escape key do not correspond to the players who actually brought them (not in the same order anymore). In this case Meg with Crossplay brought the Escape Cake, but during mid-game screen it is assigned to not-Crossplay Meg. Also during the same…
Survivor Void Crystal (2024) Crashes Killer Games
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When a killer is in a mori animation a survivor can crash the killers game by using the void crystal during the animation similar to the bug from the flashbang PLATFORM: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Killer must begin animation for a mori, a separate survivor player must use the…
visual bug on chucky
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: First person Chucky PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Vaulting a window causing first person chucky (unsure if it has to be from great heights and hasn't occurred any other time it also makes it hard to look around with the camera since its glued to chucky's face also…
Wraith Cosmetic Being Advertised But Unavailable
PC Wraith has a cosmetic that is said to be part of the From the Rift Bundle but it won’t take me to the bundle and the Rift Bundle this week is Nea and Legion is this suppose to be part of another bundle. I’m interested in purchasing it.
Haunted by Daylight: Graphics bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After I left the Void in the Haunted by Daylight event mode, the whole game interface was / the graphics were bugged. I had to enter the Void again to fix this. PLATFORM: Steam / PC PLAYER LOGS:
Victor gets very stretched on lockers.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When victor holds a survivor in a locker he sometimes gets streched. PLATFORM:PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Find a survivor in a locker with Victor. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: non user based issue so logs are not needed here.
Game Crashing in Haunted by Daylight Event
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I've been playing DBD for a while now and never experienced any crashing, although my PC isn't that great, it still ran DBD just fine, now it crashes any time i try to play the Haunted by Daylight event mode. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I would join the Haunted By…
Twins - Victor auto recall when entering void
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Im not sure it is a bug or mechanic. Charlotte enter the void will cause latched on victor immediately return. If it is intended, twins will be extremely op in this event. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Use Twins to play Haunted by daylight. Let Victor latch on…
Pig's mori is broken
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: the modell is completly ruined PLATFORM: steam, but I do not think it is relevant STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: moried a survivor VIDEO: https://www.twitch.tv/kaoraku/clip/ResilientSeductiveBottleMingLee-XVZw2_g4PIhdL2hl
Artist Crows are Completely Unusable in The Void
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Artist's power does not work in the Void at all. If a Dire Crow is attempted to be placed, it will simply not be placed. PLATFORM: PC (Steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play the Artist Enter the Void Attempt to place a bird The bird should immediately dissipate VIDEO: LOG:
Devout Emblem not working correctly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Devout Emblem was lower than what I should have gotten given how many hook actions I did and that two people died on hook. PLATFORM: Steam, PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I had a game where I hooked everyone, had 10 hook actions and two people that died on hook, yet I only…
CHaracter stuck in terrain - Backwater Swamp
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Playing as killer encountered a character (Leon in the screenshot) stuck in the small boat, behind the generator, and slipping beneath the floor geometry PLATFORM: PC (steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I did not witness how, but he said that when healing another player, he…
Apex Slacks is missing bow on shoes (Ace Legs Cosmetic)
The cosmetic item for Ace "Apex Slacks" is missing a bow on the shoes - This bow is present on the christmas item for reference. The icon shows the bow but the actual item is missing it. PLATFORM: PC - Medium / High Graphic Settings
Blighted Pig Outfit Glitch
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE:The outfit is all glitched out and wonky whenever I use it PLATFORM:PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Broken hitboxes/hitreg issues after latest patch
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Getting hit from twice as far away as before the update as a survivor, not hitting point blank as a killer. I am certain this is not a connection issue, it has been happening to my friends since the latest patch as well. PLATFORM: All STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURRED: Happens…
Bots have bad pathing to climb the hill on Fractured Cowshed
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Bots can have a really bad pathing to climb the small hill when someone is hooked on the top… PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Depending of the RNG, be hooked on the hill and waiting a bot comes to unhook you VIDEO: bot bug on the hill bad pathing (Clip Twitch)
8.3.1 - Artist missing SFX during spawn-in animation
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: During her spawn-in animation, the Artist slowly forms her ink weapon. This is supposed to produce a sound effect, but I've noticed that it has been missing for a while now. I can't quite pinpoint when this first occured. PLATFORM: PC, Steam, Windows 11. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE…
Survivor bot seemingly broken against Xenomorph on Hawkins
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Survivor bot was stuck in a broken state for the entire match against Xenomorph on Hawkins National Laboratory PLATFORM: Switch, but the disconnected Survivor was cross-platform STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play as Survivor in regular queue (not Haunted by Daylight Event queue)…
Maria Legendary Idle Issue
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Maria’s idle animation is not working properly, she acts like she is holding an item, despite not holding one PLATFORM: Xbox Series X STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Wait in the lobby, using the legendary Maria skin on Cheryl. After waiting a couple of seconds, she will close her…
Gen bugged on one side, Lerrys
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: A gen on Lerrys is unable to be worked on, from the only open short side, making it a one man gen. The glitch occurred in the new Halloween event and was there for my teammates as well. I tried it both healthy and injured. PLATFORM: STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: It was just like…
8.3.0 NEW Auto-aim issue | PC - The Pig (+ Other Killers?)
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When I played my first Trial in 8.3.0 I immediately noticed something was wrong. I cannot confidently lunge towards a survivor to hit them now, because on many occasions auto-aim has forced my lunge to end prematurely because it thinks the survivor is close enough to register the hit when they were…
Scourge hook pain resonance in Garden of Joy bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Scourge hook pain resonance has bug it doesn’t activate of some those white hooks at all in Withered Isle Garden Of Joy i added photo one of those places don’t work and end result of the match PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: it happens with trapper in garden of joy…
Zarina's void skin has a different skin tone
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Zarina's new void skin has a whiter skin tone than normal. This creates a very visible and distracting seam when combining parts of the void skin with other skins. PLATFORM: All. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Equipping parts of the new void skin with other skins. VIDEO: I…
Blight serum cant be used on blight
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: pc, steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: load into a game as blight with blight serum addon equip and try and rush VIDEO: http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK38UzsI6I8
Missed skill check without any skill check prompt
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: No skill check prompt. But the game said I missed a skill check. PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Do gens. VIDEO: https://streamable.com/i69mb3 PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only. How do I get player logs?
Sable's halloween cosmetic is missing it's belts
Platform: PC Issue: Occurs always
Chucky stuck in first person POV
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was stuck in first person and could see INSIDE Chuckys head. Vision was obscured by his eyes and teeth. You cannot turn properly when this happens, and breaking pumpkins, using slice & dice, and vaulting did not fix it. Couldn't hook a survivor or get one to stun me so I'm not sure if that would fix…
Knight Screams and Performs Wrong Animation On Main Menu
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When Knight is selected whenever the main menu is accessed (including on booting up the game), he performs his Killer Menu Select spawn animation and screams rather loudly. Every time, too. PLATFORM: PC (Steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Select Knight in the Killer Select menu…
Soma Cruz's voice line appears in subtitle even though there is no sound
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Explained in title. At the start of the match, his voice lines would sometimes appear in subtitle even though no word is said or there is no voice lines for him in the match. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play as Soma Cruz Enable subtitle Try until his voice lines…
Soma Cruz's coat has weird texture when infected by Nemesis or The Unknown
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Explained in title, at the back of his coat the texture doesn't cover it fully and it looks like a chessboard PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play as Soma Cruz Go against Nemesis or Unknown Gets infected with Nemesis or hit with UVX by the Unknown Observe VIDEO: PLAYER…
Broken Bulbs not spawning in blood web.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Broken bulbs for years now have not been spawning at their intended rate along side other event items. For every million blood points you spend in the blood web, you will get dozens of med kits, flash lights, and serums, but you will only get 1-3 broken bulbs. This is the third time I've made this…
Medkit still on hand while repairing generator
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The medkit stayed on my hand and Meg when repairing the generator PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Don't know how VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS:
Soma Cruz's coat is bugged when hooked
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When hooked, Soma Cruz's coat is stuck inside his body due to weird physic, I think it only happened against The Unknown because I don't see it happening with other killers. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play as Soma Cruz Go against the Unknown Get hook Observe…
Achievement "Desperate Escape" not tracking correctly
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I got progress for this achievement when I should not have gotten progress. Another player DID get hit within 3 seconds of me fast vaulting which could potentially be the cause for this tracking error. In the video you can see another player going down followed by me fast vaulting a window. In the top…
hey, so my english is not the best but i try to describe the issue, i play against the deathslinger he shot me im downed, an other surv flashlight saved me and after that i can't heal myself i have a medkit, but it's turned out other survivors can't heal me as well and can't pick me up from dying state, after the first…
Incorrect Chaser Emblem Progress for Unknown
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Playing as Unknown on Midwhich. Chaser emblem progress was "10 Survivors Hit" and "13 Chases Won". These were clearly incorrect, as I definitely won and got hits at least 12 times (I was not counting) though some were from the Venom ability. PLATFORM: On PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE…
I used Vecna's hand teleport a 2nd time and got stuck in a locker. EGC didn't kill me, so I had to wait 45 minutes. I play on Xbox btw, while everyone else was on a different platform.
[8.3.1] Nurse teleports out of bounds in RPD
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was was playing as Nurse in RPD (east wing) when I blinked out of the map. PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: The blink was in the direction of the left ladder, near the main entrance (see the video). VIDEO:
Bubba's Chainsaw sound keeps going
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: As far i can see when the bug was happening. You play bubba Get a survivor to be able to mori And the sounds keeps on playing I have no idea what is to do when you get the other chainsaw revving sound. as you can see in the video Bubba…
Clowns Mori animation is bugged again
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When the clown uses his mori his arms and legs stretch out. It seems to be a bone displacement issue PLATFORM: Xbox