• Platform PC Steam • Description of the issue The Trap placed on the outside of the main building in the 2vs8 map AZAROV'S RESTING PLACE - AUTOHAVEN WRECKERS is invisible until you step into it. See video:
Survivor disappearing
Bug in which the survivor was attacked at the exact time that Chucky's Friends til' the End perk ended, the animation was of the Dying state, but she was only Injured, and the character simply teleported, disappeared. During the Dying animation, she left no trace of where she went, only when she appeared somewhere else.
PC - Doctor madness object auras briefly visible without iridescent add-ons
Launch the game of course. Load into a public or private game as The Doctor. It doesn’t happen often (or at least not while I’m looking), but occasionally a fake Doctor has a white aura through walls without any iridescent add-ons. I could have forgotten quite what his iridescent add-ons do, they might not show auras, but…
Collision bug
Just a bug that's catching a lot of survivors and killers by surprise.
PC - David King "Hard Headlights" torso clipping with "Brace Yourself" legs
Platform: PC Issue: When "Hard Headlights" torso is equipped with the "Brace Yourself" legs there is a disconnect at the waist between the two models. When doing an action such as healing or anything that moves David's torso model you'll see that it isn't connecting. Here are some screenshots of a match where I had it…
Pigs Twisted Trefoil Blade has no Animation and Sound
Platform PC Steam shouldn't actually be like this. The weapon comes from "The Games Continue" outfit and should normally be animated and have a sound. This is currently not the case. Please check once
Kate head cosmetics clip through her body
Major Knight Issue
When the knight's guards (I have only seen jailer do it) attack a survivor in a locker, the survivor does not escape the locker and instead is stuck inside with full control of their character. The guard acts as intended, disappearing after the attack.
Xbox - Xenomorph "Acidic Blood" addon not working.
Played Xenomorph twice in a row with Acidic blood addon and both times it was bugged. The addon works fine the first time it is activated, but subsequent uses, nothing happens at all.
Dredge's new cosmetic, "Crustacean Threat"'s right arm is a bit big
As you can see below, his right arm takes half the screen and is WAY to big than intended.
Tome 2 - Level 1
Challenge : Adrénaline Overflow Perk : Dead Hard When : Meet the killer with Dead Hard's perk and the challenge Plateform : Any The challenge with Dead hard will crashed the game when the challenge and the perk Dead Hard is on the build and we are near killer...
please fix the tome 6, page 4 "premonition" challenge, it doesnt work
i have a buddy use wiretap so i can make sure im pointing point blank at the killer and it just does not work. i dont think much additional information is required. maybe: this is my LAST tome challenge right now. ive done every other survivor and killer challenge. and it BUGS (hehe) me that a bug is stopping me from…
Low Polygon Bill Skin
Platform:Xbox Series S M While playing with some friends, I started observing one of them and his character model reduced its polygons for some reason. It's the first time I've seen it and I don't know why it is.
Killer Charms in Lobby
When you load into a lobby as killer and try to change charms before the game starts it does not save. As a poor freddy main we don’t have cosmetics so i rely on different charms to hide my identity. Please fix, thank you.
Strange behaviour in lobby - Killer
The killer's model in the lobby briefly changes/breaks right as the offering screen is about to show. Above are two clips that illustrate this issue. Patch 8.1.1 PC, Steam, Windows 11
Gen Grabs Bugged - Animation Plays, No Grab, No Damage
Playing on PC, through Steam. Had this happen in several matches since 2v8 update (in normal matches) where I go to grab someone off a gen, and instead of grabbing them, they run away with no damage. The animation plays, partially, and then they are running away and I am swinging in a random direction away from them. Also…
Ghostface Reveal too sensitive after Lara Croft update; Unknown Staredown may also be affected.
I am not sure what changed, but I've noticed Ghostface is getting revealed through solid objects and walls again since the Lara Croft update. I have heard of my friends who play Unknown also finding the staredown mechanic working through walls they shouldn't, too. This appears on a variety of maps and I am unsure why. It…
Can't remap buttons on Xbox 1 wired controller in Steam version of DBD through the game's options.
I can get into and start changing my controller setup, however it will not let me input the button to change it to when I do this. I am unsure if this affects other controllers. It has been an issue since the Dungeons and Dragons chapter. Please address it.
bug report of knight soldier hit on a locker
I was in a computer game, with the Knight Killer, at Coldwind Farm, with only two survivors left, I released the Knight's killer soldier, who gave chase with Lara Croft, and when entering a locker, she suffered a hit by the soldier and fell inside the locker, getting trapped and injured
Updated Iron Will fits not the patch notes description
In today's bugfix patch, you updated Iron Will with this explanation: "The effect of the perk is no longer multiplicative, meaning it will lower Survivor grunts of pain volume rather than set it to zero" However, 100% Iron Will still sets the grunts of pain to zero and not only reduce it. You still cannot hear the grunts…
Standing outside cage when 'hooked' (2v8)
Apologies if this has already been reported, I couldn't find a thread on it! I was hatcheted and downed, then stomped on a few moments later. When I was supposed to appear in the cage, I was standing outside of it injured. I still needed to hit skill checks and was shown in the character list as being caged, but survivors…
Bardic Inspiration Not Offering the Buff
Steam - PC When using the perk Bardic Inspiration, once you begin the performance…the die roll takes a while to show what number the roll is. After completing the performance…a buff icon is not shown in the survivor's right corner of the screen. It also does not register on the other survivor's screens either. This occurs…
Sable Ward's Cemetery Grotesque and Banner/Icon Not Available In PTB
I have unlocked and equipped the outfit, banner and icon. There may be other stuff nit appearing too but I noticed Sable because she has become my main. Also it seems the character promotion level is showing incorrectly. Everything shows up right between PS5 and Steam but the PTB is the thing that's missing stuff.
Nicolas Cage Sadako Voiceline on other Killers
PC/Steam I am not sure if he is supposed to say his "Sadako, oh not Sadako..." voiceline only on Sadako as killer or on more. Had him say it while playing against a clown on Chapel. Saw a YT video where he says it at a Huntress.
8.1.0 - The voicelines of the Unknown are still buggy.
After 2 severals patch, the voicelines of the Unknown are still buggy, there is no longer the sfx sound when it speak like at its release in march wich reinforces the semi-alienesque tone, and the gender of the skin chosen, it's just the 2 voices male and female mixed together for all skins. I have report it this bug 2…
PC: When searching for charms, the charms label blocks what you are seeing when typing
To replicate, I selected Trapper, put some random cosmetics on. Went to the decorate my hook, typed auric and it was blocked.
No endurance when using dead hard?!?
I play on a PlayStation and I think Dead Hard is bugged (Again?) because now when I try to Dead Hard a hit, it doesn't give me the endurance effect but I become exhausted at first I thought it was because I was laggy or maybe it was ping issues but looking back at the replay I realized that I used Dead Hard correctly. Off…
Steam Inventory Question Marks
I dont know how long this has been a thing now but feels like forever. All my DBD items in my steam inventory just has no picture on them. My friends have the same issue aswell and is also bugged on the mobile app aswell. I would really like this to be resolved
2v8 Survivor bugged
PC I was bugged and unable to use space, left click or right click. I visually saw a trap on my leg for several minutes. I was unable to escape the game because I could not use the hatch. I have not been able to reproduce it, however what happened immediately before was that I got hit by the trapper, at the same time…
2v8 - Trapper - Naughty Bear - Can't Pick Up Traps
Platform: PC / Steam Description of the issue: When playing as Trapper in the new 2v8 mode with the Naughty Bear skin in the MacMillan Estate Realm, I wasn't able to pick up any disarmed traps when I had no traps in my inventory. Sometimes I would be able to grab the traps after resetting them on the ground. It usually…
Invincible with no interactions in 2v8
While playing a 2v8 match against a huntress and Nurse, I was downed by the Huntress while I was working on a gen. When I was unhooked almost immediately and healed, I realized my camera was messed up and was focused as if I was on a hook still. I went to go heal my teammate and couldn't do so, I went to run and do a…
PC - Shader?/Graphic bug, unplayable
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as any killer in a public match, in any map Step 3 : at any point in the match, main building and/or shack will start shining or emit a strong color, making the game unplayable as the screen gets fully white if said building is in the field of view (pics taken from anni event, this bug…
PC - Shader?/Graphic bug, unplayable
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as any killer in a public match, in any map Step 3 : at any point in the match, main building and/or shack will start shining or emit a strong color, making the game unplayable as the screen gets fully white if said building is in the field of view (cant upload images; permission error)
PC - No Borrowed Time Immediately After Unhook
Step 1 : Play Survivor—Specifically Kate Denson VS Skull Merchant Step 2 : Run Perks Dead Hard and Decisive Strike Step 3 : Immediately after unhook animation ends but before gaining control of the survivor, be hit by the Killer (Must not be a self-unhook) Step 4 : Survivor will not have the basekit Borrowed Time and will…
Invisible platforms
I played huntress on PC and in Shelter woods there was these random areas where I would struggle to walk forward because there was a small invisible hill. I could eventually walk over it but it would take actual effort to go past. You could stand on it and you'd look like your hovering off the ground. The worst part was…
A new feature has been discovered on the Knight !
Hello, i have seen this feature myself in private game: When the Knight is stunned by a pallet or with "Head-on" during the creation of a path patrol for one of his guard, he will find himself clipped half into in the ground, unable to do anything during all the match. Here a thread on reddit with video about the feature,…
I really like this new feature discovery for the Knight !
Apparently, as you create a patrol path for your guards and being stunned by a pallet or by "head-on", you constantly find yourself mid-air, unable do to anything. I had the chance to see this feature during my confrontation against a knight on an Azarov's map variant earlier, and i saw that someone also shared this…
2v8 Huntress - No Bloodlust
Been playing Huntress a lot in the 2v8. I've noticed almost every game I haven't been receiving any bloodlust and survivors have just been looping me around continuously with no progress to catching up. I have much more examples in my VOD on Twitch. I have been dealing with this by throwing all my hatchets away and relying…
Dredge lag/stutter when exiting lockers.
So as of recently, Dredge will often get very bad lag/stuttering when exiting lockers and it seems to be worse when the locker is far away even going as far as making you stutter into the locker and get stuck forcing you to teleport again.
Pinhead's Gateway Placement Bug
As the title, there is a bug where Pinhead can place his gateway on the railings at the entrance of the main house in Haddonfield. These railings, after a recent update, have added standing points, allowing Pinhead to place the gateway on them. This should not be possible as these railings are not supposed to be objects…
2 People In Lobby w/Hatch
Hi, I was in a game with a Ghostface on Toba and there were 2 team mates dead and Ada and I left. Somehow, Ada never showed up anywhere and then the hatch spawned w/ 5 gens still needing to be worked, ghostie closed it then hooked me. I have a screenshot of how the endgame looked. you can still see that we're all out…
2v8 tome level 2 challenges can be completed in 1v4 mode
I did all the challenges do-able as killer, in normal 1v4 mode. This should not be possible. Example picture attached, this challenge was completed as Vecna in 1v4 mode.
Pre-match loading screen hint about hatch wrong in 2v8 mode
The hint should state that when 2 survivors are left in the trail, 3 hatches will spawn.
Cosmetic issue for David King
Probably just a wrong texture or some thing, I don't know, but David's mohawks have a "thin" looking texture that makes them semi-transparent. In the pics, you can see more of the head though it, especially the outline of his head. this applies to all of his green rarity mohawks.
Character filter doesn't work
• Platform: PC (Steam) • Description of the issue: The filters function to display the characters in order of release does not work, every time I finish a game and see the characters, it is reset to default, shouldn't it stay like that forever even after closing the game? if not, what is the point? it is tedious to have to…
Dead hard isn't working
I haven't been able to get this perk to work, it used to be fine
Thr Engineer's Guild Stuck at 2/4
Platform: Xbox Series X Description: Completing 4 generators with other survivors gave completed popup in match. However, after the match, it still shows 2/4 completed. Steps to Reproduce: Assign challenge to survivor in Event Tome. Play match(s) in Game Mode: 2v8 and complete 4 generators with other survivors. Finish…
PC/Steam - Mother's Dwelling incorrect collision between trees
In this particular instance I was playing 2v8 mode as Tapp with Medic build, on Red Forest - Mother's Dwelling. I encountered a spot between a large tree with a brown trunk and a smaller tree with green leaves/needles that visibly looks like the player should be able to pass through it, but cannot. It is somewhere near the…
Xbox - Stuck in locker after being hit
Character: Adam Perks: smash hit, resilience, dead hard and resurgence Map: Yamaoka Estate - Family Residence I was injured and jumped into a locker right before being hit and ended up being stuck inside the locker. Survivors could still enter/exit the locker and heal me but I couldn't move besides rotating in place
Coup de Grâce uses the word "maximum" twice in the same sentence.
"…, with a maximum of 5 tokens maximum." This is obviously not a big deal, but would be easy enough to fix.