Game Crashing Post Match
Unfortunately, I cannot screenshot a crash, but it's happened 3 times now and started since the new update came out (never happened before) as the match ends and the post match results load up, the second they show up, the entire game freezes and I cannot close it or open another application and use it to close DBD (so I…
New map, buggy teleporters
I am on pc and was playing with my boyfriend when we spawned on the new Vecna map at first we were amazed by it but then my boyfriend used a teleporter and got stuck, he was the only player left and unfortuantly the hatch spawned right in front of him, but couldn't escape due to being stuck in the teleporter wall. Then we…
Invocation : WS and blocked gens
Blocked gens aren't affected by the charge reduction. Step 1 : Use Invocation : Weaving Spiders Step 2 : Activate it while gens are blocked Step 3 : Notice that blocked gens weren't affected. Congatulations, you wasted your time.
Map: Forgotten Ruins. Bug: Teleport + Stuck
little back story, my friend and I joined this map and whilst exploring. we saw this teleporter and entered, a killer followed us in almost right after. thus getting me the survivor stuck inside of it and killer was unable to do harm please note in video. adult language used.
Newsletter banner not received
I never received the banner that you were supposed to get for signing up for the newsletter, I’ve been signed up since November of last year and only received one thing before
Forsteten Ruins - Teleport Stuck
12:45 pm Forgotten Ruins I got struck down by Killer while going through the portal and got stuck all game long. 😓
PC - Forgotten Realm Teleport Stuck
Was in a survivor game on the new Dungeons and Dragon map. After getting unhooked, I proceeded to the green portal right nearby. Afterwards I got stuck in it and was not able to move. Will Link video of incident.
Please ignore forgot to check if has been posted.
Sorry had epic brain fart.
Legion new Susie skin
The legion skin Backstabber Susie has the voicelines of Frank instead of Susie's voicelines. Can you please fix this as soon as possible I would be very happy if you do🙏
Problems with decisive strike on both PC and PlayStation
my wife has used decisive strike on her PlayStation and when using it to break free, it sets her free but she is stuck in the air like she is still be carried by the killer. A friend of mine on PC has also had this problem. This issue occurs 9/10
PC - Stuck in Portal in Forgotten Ruins map
Stuck When Passing through the portal Description Step 1 : Open Dead by Daylight on Steam Step 2 : Play as Survivor in a public match and Load into the Map "Forgotten Ruins" Step 3 : In-game, go through the portal in the room where the Beholder is Step 4 : Notice that i was stuck between the portal when i got through the…
Knight's guards do not go through passageway teleporters in new map
Xbox series X None of Knight's guards during his hunt go through the secret passage teleporters on the map introduced with Vecna and instead get stuck on the wall running in place and don't even try to path to the survivor let alone go through the portal. Rendering his power unusable for a portion of the entire map. 1. Use…
ai breaking
so me and 2 friends were playing a private game, just to test out the new dbd killer, i was on hook on the raccoon city map, and this happened with an ai, assumably this can be repeated with players aswell, but this is a link to the clip, it broke the ai for one entirely, they didnt move, react, wiggle, anything, just no…
Unable to get into chase as killer (Steam)
On 3 unrelated occasions, across 3 or 4 months now, when playing an online match as killer, chase with the survivors would never start. I would be directly behind the survivor, having hit them already, having a completely normal chase with no perks in use or anything like that, and the chase would never start (no chase…
Couldn't unhook a player
I was playing as Nea, in the Racoon City police station. We were against a spirit. The Leon was hooked on the second floor, I went to unhook them and the unhook message never came up (I play on PC). I cliked several times and I wasn't able to. The Leon was on their last hook. I am sure they reported me :(
Using Decisive Strike against Vecna will cause your character to be softlocked.
If you use Decisive Strike against Vecna, you will get stuck in the wiggling/struggling animation and be unable to do any actions, effectively softlocking your character. This persisted through hook states, forcing me to leave the match. Steps to reproduce that I know: 1: Equip Decisive Strike 2: Go against Vecna 3: Get…
DS is bugged
going on a generator doesn’t deactivate decisive strike
Decisive Strike Bug
When using Decisive Strike, there's a chance of getting trapped in the carry animation, and you remain in it even if picked up off the ground (After getting downed again). You also cannot wiggle properly afterwards, and cannot see the progress of what you are doing.
Decisive active even after performing Conspicious Actions, missing survivor facial expression
Claud Stuck in Portal and Cannot Move or be M1'd
Stuck floating as if picked up
After hooked once, at some point in the game a survivor can be affected by this floating bug. Almost all actions are still possible, there is just no bar that shows what you are doing. There is no way of breaking out of it…. at all. In chase you cannot vault windows. It switches from normal walking to floating in the air…
Chucky Window Scamper
All Platforms Chucky can no longer scamper windows while in Hidey-Ho. This was not mentioned in the patch notes and I am mostly just curious if this a bug or an intended feature with his recent changes. Play Chucky- Enter Hidey-Ho- Vault Window. Occurs everytime.
PC - Forgotten Ruins map spectating bug
When spectating survivors who had previously went through the portals your spectator camera stays in the spots of those portals but the camera still looks around with the survivors' mouse action.
Nemesis zombies bugged on Forgotten Ruin
If one of the zombies drops from the top of the spiral staircase to the bottom, it just stands there and is unable to do anything, even if survivors run past it. The only way to clear it is for Nemesis to knock it down with the tentacle strike (punching it just misses, even when right next to it), but it just happens again…
Hi, There is a bug with Clown's mori : the finger are floating besides the hand (point of view KILLER). Thx!
Flying in the air after using DS
The title says it all. I got picked up, DS was active, I used ds. Got out of the killers grip, but not the wiggle animation. Couldn't really do anything anymore, it didn't let me press anything. I tried to go into a locker to fix, got stuck in the locker and had to die through endgame xd Sorry to the poor doctor who had to…
Blight Bug - No Cooldown on Pallet Break
Playing a game as survivor against the blight. I drop a pallet, the blight breaks it with his power, but suffers no cooldown at all. Blight is able to immediately walk through pallet and swing. This was not a one-time issue, this happened on every single pallet. The Blight player seemed aware of the bug, and seemingly…
Newsletter banner
I have been subscribed prior to the banners release when bloodpoints were given out but I have not received the code this time and was wondering if it is bugged.
PC - Steam Offline
Boots Game, Shows up with 'Steam Offline' error, Game closes, even though my steam is online and the steam servers are not down.
screen freezing at the end of the lich match
pc (and ps4) me and two friends were playing and we were against the lich and when the match ended all of our screens froze, this happened again when i was playing with one of them. this has only happened twice cuz we have only been against the lich twice and unfortunately don't have any screenshots.
Vecna and decisive strike interaction
If a survivor uses decisive strike against the lich sometimes the survivor will start floating
New Map Portal bug
Steam Video showing bug: Description: Tried going through the portal at the same time as another survivor, ended up getting bugged for the rest of the match. The killer then has the AUDACITY to report me for exploiting even though I was stuck in place and couldn't move. My friend wasn't recording but I was floating on the…
Blood Lake
So has anyone run across this bug on the new map where one of the walls is replaced by a Lake of Blood? I have dubbed it Blood Lake, because obvious reasons. I was playing against a Cenobite and this was at the edge of the map. I have a roughly 11 minute video of the whole thing from my twitch which I'm going to link here…
Backstabber Suzie skin has the wrong voice
I am on PC and i noticed that the new Legion skin for Suzie (Backstabber) has a male voice and grunts. Even in the mori on the home menu, you can hear it.
PS5 Forgotten Ruins map bug
I was in a match as survivor against someone playing Wesker as killer. I was using Aestri with the perks Boil Over, Windows of Opportunity, Dance With Me, and Distortion. There is a map glitch on the right side of the map if you're facing the tower dungeon main entrance. One of the floor panels appears all red. If you walk…
[DUPLICATE] The Lich - "Flight Of the Damned" does not remove "Save the Best for Last" stacks
== Looks like this issue has already been reported, please ignore this report == Well, not much to add really. Flight of the damned doesn't remove STBFL stacks. Additional information Character played: The Lich Perks: Save the Best For Last
Self-Care Visual Glitch - Bar does not appear to show itself filling.
Step 1 : Equip Self-Care Step 2 : Get injured normally. Step 3 : Use Self-Care and notice bar is not filling. Additional information This occurs 100% of the time and is easily noticed/replicable. I have not tested with other healing perks, Medkits, or anything else like that yet but they could stand a look too. The perk…
Assorted Bugs on the Forgotten Ruins Map
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play on the Forgotten Ruins as any character Step 3 : Notice various graphical, collision, and spawn mistakes Additional information I've so far found the following glitches in this map: Sometimes, Survivors can become stuck inside a portal that has closed. Unsure how to replicate this.…
Weird Pallet
Was playing on the new map when I saw a pallet that a survivor had dropped but I could walk right through a gap near it. The pallet still had collision like normal and could be vaulted but I think it might be a slight bug.
Decisive strike bug occurred two games in a row.
Happened on Garden of Joy and then on the next map on RPD. After Decisive strike was used on the killer successfully the killer was stunned and both times the wiggle meter was still present on the screen. This prevented me from interacted with any objects even though decisive strike had gone off. The game seems to think I…
Forgotten Ruins Map had a very weird pallet in one of my games.
Basically there was a pallet on the edge of the map connected to a very small L tile and a tree. But the pallet didn't even connect to the tree… you could walk around the pallet. Attached Clip shows it.
Monitor Crashing Following the 8.0 Patch (Dungeons and Dragons)
Following the 8.0 patch (Dungeons and Dragons chapter), my monitor will crash within about two minutes of being in the menu. I can still hear the game audio, but my monitor completely turns off and briefly shows a "No Signal" message before going to black. Quitting the game via "Alt+F4", trying to switch to a different…
No perk killer
Happened to me like 5 times now I load a game with my usual build, i end up in the game with absolutely no perk (and they are not hidden they are just not there, i equiped enduring in the lobby but in game it doesnt show and its not there) Happened on pc Dunno how it happens, im just tired of it
Lag on teleport makes you stuck in wall (PC)
My PC is quite old and sometimes glitches and makes movement jittery. When I was using the teleportation portal on forgotten ruins the game lagged and I got stuck in the wall. This has only happened once.
Bots character/ removing bots in custom match doesn’t work
when entering in to a custom match so can you not remove eny bots from the lobby, alter the bots characters in anyway. Perks can be changed do. Bots in lobby have strange names as Smoke_01, S24_03, S39_02.
Trapper Infinite Wiggle Glitch (Steam)
Game wouldn't let me heal vault. I don't know if this could be a ping issue, or just something with Trapper. Still, very funny.
unhooking bug
sometimes when you try to unhook it doesn’t allow you to I’ve lost several games due to this issue
Game keeps crashing, now I'm banned
Character played - Jonah, Ash, Nea, Vecna, Knight, Freddy Perks played - [too many to count] Map - multiple maps, no correlation Frequency of the issue - every second match Since the Vecna update my game keeps crashing, again. The last time I had the same issue was during the Xenomorph DLC, then an update got added and it…
Xbox — Hand of Vecna allows teleport to unreachable area
Step 1 : Play Temple of Purgation as survivor against Vecna Step 2 : Receive Hand of Vecna from chest Step 3 : Attune Step 4 : Fast vault into highlighted locker to be teleported to a different one Step 5 : Get teleported into the locked area beneath the temple, which only opens when the generator is completed Step 6 :…
Badham Preschool - Bed pallet value