Autohaven Offerings not being returned while realm is disabled
Platform: PC Description: After using an Autohaven map offering, the offering is consumed and not returned as the Dev Message said it would. Steps to reproduce: Use the Azorov's Key offering as survivor (haven't tested on killer) How often does this occur: So far after 3 tests, 100% of the time To be honest, I was just…
Not getting the right amount of pips and even depips when safety pip
Since the last update I have problems with the rank system as survivor. When the game shows me I safety pipped I get -1 pip. I also had a game were I double pipped and I only got +1. Below screenshots for example. Happened in almost all my games since the last patch. Lost alot of ranking from it. I'm playing on PC. This…
Cannot slow vault or drop pallets / key will not work (even if spammed)
• Platform: pc/ Steam • Description of the issue: in over 80% of the times I try to vault a window using slow vault, pressing the key will not have any action taken in game; I've tried it on different keyboards and also tried changing the key to something else, issue still present. Issue also seems to be present when…
Ghostface purple driver's license add-on
This one is simple, the add-on makes it easier to be detected not harder, tested it in pc custom match and you are actually easier to detect when using that add-on now.
Trapped on Result Screen with Spectator View
I play on PC/Steam. After being hooked and being out of the game, I took a while to check my emblems and bloodpoints and such, and then I decided to spectate how the last survivor was doing. I must have clicked the spectate button right at the same time as they escaped, because their character appeared running next to mine…
Killer gets on the same side of survivors when stunned by a palet
Hi, I am truly sorry if this bug has already been reported, but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere else on the forums. I am playing PS5 and when you are in chase and drop a palet on the killer, usually, the palet stays between the survivor and the killer. But since the last 4.5.0 update, 90% of the time the killer gets…
Bubba's chainsaw slient
You can't hear the chainsaw being revved up. No add-ons were present to make the sound silent. This is only an issue with bubba as far as I could tell.
Doctor Skillchecks bugged [Stadia]
Step 1 : Get to Phase 3 as a Survivor during a match against Doctor Step 2 : Try to hit the Skill-Checks but on the upper area during the calm down. Step 3 : Try this some more often until the bug occurs. It shouldn't take that long. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Map: Hawkins National Laboratory Frequency of the issue: Nearly the…
(Solved) UI & In-Game HUD Scaling settings not saved
The problem was caused by a read-only GameUserSettings.ini file. Platform: PC, Steam Description: the settings mentioned in the title keep resetting to 100% when I launch the game. I keep having to set them back to my preferred 85% Steps to reproduce: self-explanatory How often does this occur: every time I start the game
Stuck On Loading Screen
I Play on PS4 and since the new update I cannot load into a lobby as a survivor nor killer and it stays on the loading screen.
Player didn't load in, my rank lowered
I was playing with friend and he sometimes doesn't load in. And after I got to the menu I realised I got deranked. Programers what did you do? Before update you got rank back if that happened
[Switch] No Skillchecks Popups in the entire Match
I just started a normal game and since the beginning I dont had any skillchecks popups. I have to tap or try my luck to make progress but... it is hard. I combine 2 of my Switch Clips in one you can see it here. This seems to be a rare problem because I played much since the update and this is the first time this happened.
So essentially the unbroken badge just won’t appear or count on my pip’s? This has led me from rank 3, going down to 6 because it just leads me to safety which is also broken and makes me lose a pip. I know you are all trying your hardest but please fix it soon cause survivor is basically unplayable atm, thanks .
Dc penalty
PlayStation- I haven’t dced in over 2 days and that was because of a hacker but I dced this morning and got a 15 minute penalty plus the game has been dcing players from matches and they get a penalty also. Maybe you should turn it off temporarily with all these bugs from the new update and hitboxes being atrocious why…
Inaccessible Trapper trap on Mount Ormond
I searched but couldn't find any reports of this. There is a bugged trap spawn on the new Mount Ormond, behind a wall/closed door in the corner of the main building. It was possible to reset the trap in place, but not pick it up (I had the purple bag so I had space for it). I am on PC but the survivors were all globe icons.
1 hit downs 2 survivors?
This is probably a old bug at this point but its still in the new update in dead by daylight. I got saved and then with one swing it hits the person unhooking and me too and it didn't even reach me.
Losing rank points or not gaining them while meeting threshholds
this has happened multiple times to me now it just wont give me my rank points or actually takes 1 away while i hit the threshholds. PLEASE give me my 3 rank points back :)
Feng Min Cosmetic Sale
The Spring Festival Feng Min cosmetic is not 30% off like the rest of the new year cosmetics that were announced to be on sale. 02/12/21 on the switch system.
PS5 resolution not 4k anymore
Since the 4.5.0 update the PS5 version of the game is running in same resolution as the PS4 version. I've changed between versions and there is no visual difference at all.
No prompt to pick up survivor, video linked below.
Dead by daylight bugged survivor cannot pick them up - YouTube
Can’t enter the game on Switch!
I open the game, get passed the cutscene, but it stays on this screen with no text on the bottom without any progress, essentially i’m just stuck on this screen.
Can't leave post-game lobby
Stuck on this screen
Glyph Glitch in Hawkins lab
Can't interact with Glyph in Hawkins lab. It is downstairs, basically around the corner from a stairway
Midwich Lunar Event
After using a red envelope offering the generators in Midwich aren’t awarding the bonus bloodpoints. Finished 3 lunar gens and got nothing extra.
I didn't get my auric cells !
I unlocked the pass for the rift challenge and hit the level 2 but i didn't receive my 25 auric cells ! What happened ?
Nurse fatigue glitch
Nurse is able to bypass the fatigue state after a blink by attacking immediately as her fatigue activates. This should be pausing the fatigue state forcing the nurse to wait longer in punishment of the blink and the swing but the timers sequence of the swing removes the blink fatigue effect completely.
PC - multiple issues.
Just had a match against Freddy (not sure if it matters but maybe it was a bug from being asleep?) and after finishing the first gen, the new UI still said 5 gens remaining. Thankfully, after doing another, it went to 3. While on the hook - sound is totally messed up, audio tracks are constantly crossfading over each…
Loosing pip when its showing a maintain.
The title says it all, yesterday it was my partner who kept loosing pip even though at the end of the game it shows a maintain and now today its happening to me. Yes, we didn't do too well this game, that's what happens when you are camped and tunnelled but i still should of kept my pip.
Third year party starter during lunar new year
Platform-Xbox one I was levelling up my ace and I reach a new level, and all of a sudden I see a third year party starter in my bloodweb even though it’s the lunar new year event. Is this a mistake releasing the party starter?
[Missing translation]: PC- "Find the escape or found the hatch"
Description: When the survivor finish the last gen into the match, the game shows this message which it's partially untranslated into italian language. (Screenshot 1) step by step: 1)I login into my account 2)I'm playing as "Plays as Survivor" 3)I'm starting a match with others friends 4) When the survivor finish the last…
Audio mutes when changing characters while spectating
This video explains everything that matters. I know it's not a traditional bug report but it also literally shows the issue.
Bug with the perk "Opression"
Hey everyone, Yesterday I encountered a bug with the perk Opression which is kind of hard to reproduce but I'll do my best to explain how : The killer was running Opression and I was playing as a survivor. I was working on a gen when the killer kicked another gen, triggering "Opression". As most of you must be aware (and…
https://clips.twitch.tv/ElatedSincereSangBCWarrior-78S0v3iAQtdMuCf4 i cant go back to the menu and i have to restart de game.it happen 2 times now.
Game Crashing After New Update
After the new update I can't play the game. Everytime I get into a match it crashes. Sometimes it takes longer than other times, but eventually it crashes. I've validated my game files twice, I've reinstalled and I've had EAC fix itself but nothing is keeping my game from crashing. I'm also racking up dc penalties from…
Same household
My friend and me have the same ID/ IP and we are in the same house but the game don't let her join as a killer it takes millon years it is on the same IP? she is angry because as a surv she can be in faster and she want to play killer so maybe it's a bug or something that the killers need endlessly times ?
Progress lost from cancelled match.
If a match is cancelled because someone disconnects from the game before it begins all players (including the killer) lose progress for their rank. I have a clip of this ps4 and I am sure I was not the one who got disconnected, so I'm going to assume this is a bug. This is quite annoying because it can be hard to move…
Invisible skill checks
Platform-Xbox one I was playing a match against a bubba on bad ham with cross play. So I went on and started working on a gen. The sound notification for a skill check played but there was no skill check.Needless to say the gen exploded. I went on to play another match on Macmillan and my skill checks were back.
PS4 Lagging on Maps
2 maps are causing a lot of lagging, Macmillan and Autohaven..the killer is blipping all over the place and players are dcing..I'm thinking it might be the heavy fog causing but can never be sure. It needs a tweak fast 🙄
delayed chest opening animation
when opening chests the actual opening animation is delayed by 2 seconds after completing the interaction. You can still pick up the item but the chest looks closed.
Game Crash
Was playing a game as survivor, 3 man swf. Game crashed while repairing last gen. No error or anything. Lost a pip and got locked out of matchmaking. This is literally the 4th crash I've had today. This was the first time I had it ban me from matchmaking. Playing as Adam, Deliverence, dead hard, decisive strike, borrowed…
Ignore - Seems to be working now
Killer pick autohaven = glenvale
survivors dont picked map
Flying Red Glyph
Is this a BUG or smth?
White Ward Didn't Keep Item and Add Ons
Platform - Xbox One X I had a Ranger Medkit equipped with Gel Dressings and a Gauze Roll while trying to make use of the White Ward offering to protect the loss of my item and add ons. Even though I escaped I lost both the Item and add ons, which should of been protected even on death. Its happened twice so far since this…
Flying glyph
do i even have to explain it? i just started a match thats all i did and no i couldnt interact with it i play dbd via steam happened 1 time so far😛
Ending screen bug
Hello, I just found this bug, it happened when the game finished and I click on the spectator button. I was unable to get out of there. Hope it is useful for you. PD: fix the hitbox please
unable to pick up survivor when pick up UI present
step 1: play as wraith step 2: down a survivor step 3: try picking them up :))
[Xbox One] Victor is unable to pounce
I was playing The Twins on Coldwind Farm and when i summoned Victor, the button where it tells me to pounce wasnt on the screen and I was unable to pounce all game. It only occurred once when i went to Coldwind Farm. It worked fine in the next match.
Screen dims when match with Nurse ends.
So I was playing a round of Dead by Daylight as the Nurse and I blinked right when the match was ending and the edges of my screen went dim. I believe this is a visual bug with the game and I would like to address it to the DbD team and the forum, the bug occurred when I blinked at the end of a match and the Nurse went on…
PC - Unbreakable Perk not working properly
Step 1 : Playing as Meg and running Unbreakable in public match Step 2 : Killer downs Meg and puts in dying state Step 3 : Meg uses recover ability and completes the bar, activating Unbreakable, just as the killer returns and activates the pick up animation Step 4 : Meg remains in prone "dying" position, but is able to…