Pyramid Head Error (Executioner)
I have already reported this problem before and I have not received a response, this killer is one of the ones I use the most and now it is difficult to handle the attack, if it is a nerf I hope this report is closed and answered otherwise I hope it is admitted, I recorded the following video myself, I also uploaded it…
Jills face bug
Jills face is broken again. :(
Saloon has still bugs.
Luckily it wasnt hex ruin. Couldnt cleanse the totem
Different cosmetics in the same game
Why does everyone have different cosmetics if they are in the same game? And why are they personalized the same as the ones I have saved? (I realized this playing in premade)
Tome VIII - The Engineer's guild mission bug
Platform: PC Description: Mission doesn't count towards progression despite all requirements being met for completing the mission. Tried switching missions/pausing-reactivate/reboot game. Steps: Play any public game and work on a gen with a fellow survivor(s) Occurance: Every game.
skins in lobby bug
the skins you see in the lobby are not the one in game, are how you gat your survivor
PS5 - Can’t kick pallets on The Game map
Steps to reproduce Step 1 : Boot the game. Step 2 : Play as Killer in The Game map. Step 3 : In-game, try to kick a dropped pallet that has spawned besides a staircase on the top floor. Step 4 : Notice that you can’t kick the pallet from one side of the pallet. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I was playing as The Clown Running Pop,…
PC - Visual glitch with cosmetics in lobby
TLDR - in all the games I played today, there was a visual glitch with other people's cosmetics, they all looked like my customized characters' cosmetics (which are mostly mixed and matched, not sets, so it's oddly specific, that's how I noticed it). They would then look different in the actual match as opposed to how they…
PC - can't destroy pallets as killer
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, have a survivor drop a pallet Step 4 : Cannot destroy a pallet from one side ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played - the cenobite Perks played - lightborn, no way out, deadlock, barbecue and chilli Map - gideon meat factory Frequency of…
10 Gen Co-Op Challenge broken
As many have already stated, yet it's not been taken care of, the challenge to do 10 co-op gens gives you no progress and it's hurting everyone's chance to finish tome 4.
Challenge not completing
I'm on Xbox and I have a challenge from the rift that won't show any progress or let me complete, it's to do gens with other survivors and I've been on all day doing it but it still says 0/10, I've tried restarting everything and reselecting the task but still nothing
Skin bug in lobby
When you are waiting for a game, you don't see the right skins of the others. For example, you put the bloody skin on Meg. If there is another Meg waiting with you, you will see her with YOUR skin. The bug disapears when the game starts.
Swapping with Twins causes gen noises.
Playing Twins after Pinhead's release has been causing a false gen complete noise to sound whenever you switch between Charlotte and Victor after a single gen is completed. Really annoying bug and throws me off really hard.
God pallet on Gideon only breakable from one side
I don't know if the stun caused this or the railings on the side, either way you can only break it from the other side as you can see
You can only see your own outfit on every Survivor in the Lobby.
That's how my Feng and Jake look, and they magically change outfits during the loading screen. This must be a bug
Проблема с отображением скинов на персонажах в лобби на других игроках
Здравствуйте! После багфикса у меня появилась проблема: мой скин на любом персонаже отображается на других игроках, которые выбрали этого персонажа (к слову, в самом матче такой проблемы нету).
Cloning cosmetics bug
In lobby every survivor is a hard copy of your specific survivor(cosmetic wise) as in if you load into a lobby with a random nea, meg, and dwight, There cosmetics will be exactly the same as yours. This has been happening EVERY single lobby for me since the patch I installed today. My friend invited me and we figured this…
The problem with displaying skins on characters in the lobby on other players
Hello! After the bugfix, I had a problem: my skin on any character is displayed on other players who have chosen this character (by the way, there is no such problem in the match itself).
Bug! The same skin for all characters
Dear Sirs, I see the same skins as I have on my friend's characters in lobby. What happens??? (lobby screenshots from my friends - how they see the characters) Thank you in advance!
unbreakable pallet from one side in gideon meat plant
if you're gonna add a terrible map back, could you at least have the decency of making sure it's not mechanically broken? thanks
The Cenobite Lunge
Can't lunge while turning around the corner of a loop/wall like you can with all other killers, you also can't lunge while in mid air and falling like with all other killers.
Bug Pallet Can not Be Destroyed on Jigsaw Map
please fix it
No Grade Rewards
Was Iridescent I as Survivor and Gold I as Killer, logged in today and did not receive any pop up regarding Grade reset or my Grade rewards. Both Survivor and Killer have been reset to the lowest Grade already. Unlike similar other reports I was not in-game when the reset happened and did not experience any crash.
Rank reset and showed bloodpoints earned, but didn't actually receive. On PS5
I know I'm not the first but just adding in my scenario as it's quite frustrating. I logged into the game on PS5, saw the popup and even saw the message saying that I was awarded 250,000 bloodpoints, etc. But when I actually got into the game my bloodpoints were still the exact same as they were previously. I know for a…
The twins bug
See for yourself
Rank reset
I was playing a survivor game and when the ended i was in ash 4 and my froze and kicked me out
User Name: Cokeign # Platform: XBox One • Jill Valentine • Blast Mine, Dead Hard, Resilience, Counterforce I was at IRI 1. I was playing a game and got hooked on my second hook and my game crashed. When I restarted it, the game put me at ASH 4. However, it didn’t award any blood points. Will we be awarded for this early…
Im a rank 1 and after a match, my rank reseted to ash 4?
Alright, soo i was doing a pinhead game, it wen't well, got a 4k. When they all died, and that the game officially finished and that the leaderboard showed, my game crashed. I thought "No big deal", when i restart it, my rank got reverted to ash 4?
Rank reset happened a day before tomorrow which is the 12th before the 13th and I wasn't rewarded.
I was rank 3 killer, and rank 1 gold survivor both reset after a match and it bugged out and crashed, I wasn't rewarded my bloodpoints, so please reward me the amount of bloodpoints I was supposed to get, my name is Valaso on steam and I am a pc gamer.
Grade Reset Didn't Provide BP
I'm using the Xbox version of the game. The grades just reset, and for both roles I went from Iridescent 1 to Ash 4, receiving none of the 500K bloodpoints.
Did not received my bloodpoints after getting rank reset
Hi, I find an issue that caused my game to not be rewarded with the rank reward. It happened a few minutes ago, I was in a survivor game, and at the end of the game, I saw my rank being back to ash, and I was rank 1, then my game crash due "to an error in the application" so my game closed himself and when I got back I did…
Twins Sound Bug very apparent
anytime you switch between the twins it plays the gen complete noise and trips me tf out. please fix it
Hawkins invisible wall.
Title and video explains it all. The wall didn't happen on the other side of the stairs. This was on PS5. Haven't had a chance to try and reproduce. https://youtu.be/6n57CnqvobI
Random white and red bars appear on killer powers box
There is a white bar appearing on huntress power at the bottom in the box and it's like the power is filling or sth like that but it doesn't make sense because huntress power doesn't fill automatically it fills from lockers and no bars are appearing on the power This also happening to the clown. A red bar appears for the…
Ruin totem uncleansable
uncleansable totem on lerys
Crotus prenn bug bloqué
J'étais en game sur la map de crotus prenn. J'ai purifier un totem a cet endroit et mon personnage est resté bloqué. impossible de bouger, je ne vous dis pas la suite, c'est facile pour le tueur de gagner une partie contre un joueur qui est resté bloqué
Infinite Speed boost with Lithe
Wretched Shop vaulted at the start of the game and had infinite speed boost thereafter. Now I'm being called a hacker and getting reported by the entire lobby
Survivor stuck in totem spawn point on Disturbed Ward
There is a totem spawn on the 2nd floor of the Disturbed Ward, where it's possible to cleanse a totem, but impossible to move afterwards. Possible duplicate, only filed a separate report as I saw no photos on the first one. Hex cleansed: Ruin.
PC - Unreachable totem on Léry's Memorial Institute
Survivor playing as Leon on Léry's. Killer is a Spirit with Hex: Ruin. Ruin is a totem hidden slightly inside a blue container that is unreachable by any means as it never gives the cleanse prompt or responds to any button. Checked from every possible angle as well as standing and crouched and it still cannot be reached.
Survivor stuck in totem spawn - Crotus Prenn Asylum
On the second floor of the main building in Crotus Prenn Asylum, cleansing totem in a small enclosing got me stuck and couldn't move for the rest of the game.
PC - Infinite Lithe Bug
Apparently i found a bug that when you vault using Lithe, and crouch right after, you get lithe until the end of the match, i searched on the forums and i found out that behavior is aware of the bug, but this is ridiculous since it made impossible for the killer to catch me. This should have been fixed right after it was…
DH not working properly
SO, killer is about to hit, i press DH and recieving damage. Im getting exausting status which means i used it and it wasnt too late. it happens almost every time
peformance issues
I have noticed that consol players like myself are still getting some lag spikes here and there. It happens at times like using the perk dead hard I'm not exactly sure what is causing the lag spikes they have been happening since the resident evil chapter came out. Also, I was playing with a friend recently playing with a…
PC- Lithe glitch
I entered a match- only using the lithe perk. I fast jumped a window to escape the killer and had infinite speed boost for the rest of the game. I wanted to report this because it looks like hacking and I really do not wish to have my dbd account deleted (Mysmak.ttv#21f7).
PC - Lithe speed boost not disabling after use
What happened: So I was playing Leon with a friend (who was playing Claudette[BlackwaterRevenant]) and 2 randoms(no cross-play icons, so had to be from Steam) and the killer was Pyramid Head (had cross-play icon but was able to respond in post game chat) on the map Temple of Purgation. The match started off with Corrupt…
Endless Lithe
At the beginning of the game, I vaulted the window in the killer shack in redwood, and when my lithe ended I kept the speed boost, and even when I walked it made the sound like I was running I didn't know what logs you wanted so I got these ones I have a video but it won't let me send it to you guys Thank you for helping…
Infinite Lithe Speed
I encountered this bug not too long ago. I was playing on Backwater Swamp and used Lithe, but the timer never ran out and I was stuck with 150% increased speed for the remainder of the match. This bug was encountered on the Xbox One version of the game and I'm slightly worried my account will be reported for it.
Invisible Demogorgon bug
Encountered a Demogorgon with the (i think) Twisted Demogorgon skin and for the first half of the match he was invisible and only the red stain was there. I talked to the killer in the end game chat and he didnt know he was invisible.
Totem Cleanse - Stuck in Crotus Prenn map
Cleansed a hex totem in the main building upstairs in Crotus Prenn and it got me stuck. Couldn't move. Crows weren't showing for other survivors. Killer could still kill and carry me.
Stuck When Totem Cleansing on Asylum.
Platform : PS4 Occurence : Happened once My friend was trying to cleanse a totem on the second floor of the asylum when suddently his camera made a weird turn and he became stuck in this position and was only capable of moving the camera around. It was possible for the Killer to hit him to unstuck his character. Was not…