Hillbilly Chainsaw overheating bug
There's been this really annoying bug on PC (or maybe console as well) where your chainsaw will continuously overheat even though you're not using. Sometimes after you're done chainsawing, it'll still continue to overheat as if you would be running with it. Really annoying as I'm focusing on the chase and usually don't…
Bug, cheat or did I miss sth?
I don't know if it's a bug, cheat or there was a fix i missed. Cause Victor bounced us out of the locker and as you can see in the end, there was no add-on to make it happen. https://youtu.be/9b3fiQl3VcI
No description on Demogorgon's add-on
Demogorgon's add-on Violet Waxcap (green add-on that slightly increases the undetectable effect after coming out of portal) does not have a description, other than this code mess: @#ADDON_DEMOGORGON_VIOLETWAXCAP_NAME @#ADDON_Demogorgon_VioletWaxCap_DESC
The Twins
The Twins Mori is bugged The one with victor he doesn't even go on the killer he goes the other way
Twins stuck in place as Charlotte
PC I got completely stuck, unable to move, swing, look around, as charlotte victor was about to disappear from where i placed him so i went to control him, then got completely stuck as charlotte on blood lodge - build was oppresion, pop, surveillance, infectious - - silencing cloth and forest stew with bps offering
Victor dying bug.
If victor is killed at the same time You take control of him. Charlotte will be unable to move indefinitely. No movement or controls will work other the esc, and tab. Happened to me on Ormond 2 days ago.
PS4 - Invisible Freddy
Step 1 : Select Freddy and equip any mori. Step 2 : Hook a survivor to allow yourself to mori them. Step 3 : Start the mori animation and then immediately cancel it. Additional information Perks & Map don't seem to matter Freddy will become visible again after making significant distance from the survivor that the bug was…
Name of realm on the whole match
Name of the realm when the match loads stayed on my screen the whole match. Skill checks, player info, generator number, perks, items were not visible for me the entire round.I kept missing skill checks. Nonetheless I de-pipped. Super unpleasant experience and I had to stick through the game because "rage quit" penalties…
Frame rate drop against Spirit
Platform: Nintendo Switch Issue: when playing against the Spirit as survivor, frame rate drops significantly, making movement and skill checks hard.
Look I'm a Club
Funny funny bug. Somehow when I got downed I became attached to the twins. He was swinging me around like a club. The wiggle gauge appeared but wiggling did nothing. Eventually my butt got stuck on a tree branch. I floated there for awhile and then got reattached to the twins. It gave me a decisive strike prompt so I hit…
Ghost face very rare purple addon (Drivers license) glitched
Was playing against a Ghost face and he had the drivers license addon. Was following him and looking at him for 10 seconds each standing still and moving. With camera and body facing him. He never snaped out of night shroud not even a sound que played. He was almost stealthed the whole game except for chases. Is the addon…
Survivor Camera Detached From Body
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: While on Ormond against the doctor, I was working on the gen in the main building when the doctor sent out a static blast (I think) as he entered the room. I let go of the gen to run but the survivor avatar (I was playing Dwight) didn't leave the gen from my perspective. The camera just…
Hill Billy stuck at chainsaw rev speed
Got stuck in the rev speed and surviviors were faster then me couldn't get out of it by chainsawing or getting bloodlust just kept me at the lower speed. Perks i was running. Happened after i got pallet stunned while reving chainsaw and the stun animation didn't go off just kicked me back and continued my rev of the…
pig lunge
in game, it seems way shorter than it usually is for every other killer. It could be that im used to shadowborn on her, but other people on the forums have also stated it feels shorter steps to recreate: 1: start a match as the pig 2: lunge, it should feel way shorter than usual.
Ormond map is unplayable in Nintendo Switch
Platform: Nintendo Switch Details: I post this in place of my friend who cannot do it. He plays on Nintendo Switch and constantly complains that the Ormond resort map is unplayable due to the drop in frame rates. The frame rates are already an issue on Switch and the map rework seems to worsen the issue. Is there any way…
Se me bugeo una perk que compre en la tienda. Es la habilidad del detective trapp (tenacidad) No me aparece en la red de sangre de ningún personaje .. a la feng min ya tiene prestigio 3 y le saque todas las habilidades de la red de sangre y ahora me salen objetos pero no sale la habilidad que compre .. que hago?
Trapper issues on Blood Lodge
Trap spawned inside the tractor, couldn't get close enough to pull it out. Not sure if it's a bug or shadow nerf, but Trapper can't place traps near the exit gate anymore.
Victor stuck on release and seeing scratch marks as survivor
PS5 Two Issues: Victor get stuck in the ground when releasing him and cannot move at all and as survivor, we see barely scratch marks while running near walls and obstacles, like very slightly and for .5 seconds. Play twins and release victor, so it may happen... / Run close objects/walls as a survivor, you will see brief…
scratch marks
I was playing on Nintendo Switch, and when I run as a survivor, I can briefly see my scratch marks behind me. It's not a major problem, and doesn't affect the game majorly, but any time I run, I see the scratch marks just as you would with Fixated, but only for a split second. It occurs every time I run and only has since…
Trap spawn bug
1) PC, Steam 2) Trap spawn in main house wall on Ormond. I can't pick up this trap. 3) Try to play Trapper on Ormond 4) First time on new Ormond
PC - Fast crouching bug
Step 1 : Boot the game. Step 2 : Play as any survivor in a public match. Step 3 : In-game, while standing still, press the crouch button to crouch. Step 4 : Notice the character crouches unnaturally faster than normal. Works on any Survivor. Perks dont matter for this bug. Bug does not accure when you try to crouch while…
Red Forest Bugged Pallet
Just faced a team abusing a broken pallet in red forest. I got stunned with the pallet in the main doorway of the killer shack and the rest of the game I was completely unable to break the pallet, allowing one player to camp there indefinitely. Not fun. Im on xbox one
Flashlight Issues
I’m unsure if the changes with the new flashlights, i.e. Swaying, Inaccuracy, Hitboxes, Not being able to see where you need to aim for a successful blind, and slower than average blind times (Not due to Lightborn) are bugs or intentional. Would like to know what’s going on either way.
hair visual glitch
not sure how the glitch start cuz i saw her that way in the entire match. the glitch stayed after i hooked her. she said she had it in all her games.
extra speed
PC Speed increase on killer - Oni - on the remade autohaven map down survivor through window, vault window, fail to pickup, succeed pickup unknown on reoccurrence speed was supposedly 200% or more the camera would glitch out a lot (sickening to watch)
Bad Framerate and game crashing
platform: Xbox Series X Description: Randomly when in chase frame rate will get really bad. maybe like 10 fps Steps: Get in Chase Occurrence: Every Couple matches 2nd Bug: Game Freezing randomly and then crashing Platform: Xbox Series x Description: Game randomly freezing. annoying as it gives me a dc penalty aswell.…
Victor Bug
Platform: PC Description: When I spawned Victor, I couldn't move him from his position. It happened twice during the trial.
The Twins on the swamp
Can't provide any screenshots or video but Victor is completely unable to attack on the swamp maps, rendering the Twins totally powerless almost.
Balanced Landing not triggering on Junkyard truck
On PC Balanced Landing did not trigger when jumping out of the broken hole in the long truck in Autohaven map (on Blood Lodge in this case) Just had it once now, as I played that map only once with BL. I assume it will never trigger but will update this thread when I get multiple results
Unable to work on one side of a generator in Ormond
I play on the Xbox version of Dead by Daylight. On the Ormond map, near the giant snowmobile vehicle, there is a generator that can spawn along one of the nearby rock formations. The generator is positioned in such a way that trying to work on the inmost side of the generator is impossible due to the geometry obstructing…
Killers. move speed over 115% and under 110% and 115%. Survivors running under 100%
Killers. move speed over 115% and under 110% and 115%. This bug needs to be addressed. Some matches killers are moving faster than 115% with out PWYF or anything to increase speed and other times they are walking at snail speed. Survivors running slower than 100% if you look in any direction. while looking behind you you…
Pallet unable to be broken on Macmillian killer shacks issues
On the Xbox, I have noticed an occurence where the shack pallet on multiple Macmillian killer shacks cannot be broken from the outside. This has happened on multiple occasions, and although I cannot confirm the bug as a killer, I have witnessed it multiple times as a survivor, and my two fellow Xbox players have informed…
Survivor/Killer Model Merge & Instant Hook Kill
I've seen this twice (in approx 10 games) since the new chapter on PC/Steam. When a killer hooks a survivor, they actually don't get hooked and instead 'merge' inside the killer's model like some franken monster. Killer and still run around as normal and if they catch and hook another survivor, that survivor dies instantly…
Unknown Error - Timing out of screens
I've had this bug ever since I started playing DBD and now I always know when it will occur. There seems to be a timing out issue if I stick around in a menu for too long. By menu, I mean when searching for a game, the lobby, post-game debrief and using bloodweb/building perks. It never kicks me out of a game and it seems…
Rock on Ormond
See rock on Ormond map go up it Profit
Flashlights bugged on indoor maps. And freddy bug.
I've tested this and it seems if you shine your flashlight near a pallet on indoor maps (including midwich) the flashlight beam will disappear preventing you from blinding the killer. This was on console. Also there is an animation bug where after setting a fake pallet Freddie's arm will stay in the animation until he…
Hag basement bug
Hag can't place traps on the basement (happened on the reworked blood lodge in the game I witnessed) and it's really difficult to add to certain places as well (you need to place traps a bit further now)
Ormond Totem Stuck in floor - uncleansable
On the Xbox, there was a totem along the new long rocky structure right outside the main building that was partially clipped into the floor, rendering it unable to be cleansed. This is the only time I have seen it before.
Cosmetics not displayed properly after exiting the shop
i just went to the shop to screenshot some of my Killer cosmetic combos and when i came back i was greeted by this lovely boy. it goes away after witching to another character and then back on him and i dont know whether thats an ingame (in a trial) issue aswell or not.
Pig RBT not working
So i've played a match where Cheryl got a rbt on head for the entirety of the game, she didn't take it off and yet it was not working
Flashlight Visual blind Cue Issue
I don't know if this was a change or not. But if I get a blind the beam won't do that visual cue where it extends and does the flash. Reason I know they were blinded was because they dropped the survivor and the bloodpoints indicating the blind happened appeared on the left side of the screen. I did two blinds yesterday…
Items not awarded from shop
I bought some clothes for feng min for 7200 iridescent shards, the shards were taken from my account but I wasn’t awarded the item. It doesn’t matter that much to me as it was only shards but I thought I’d post in case someone paid for some currency :)
bug on mcmillan
killers cant brake pallet outside killer's house on mcmillan...killer can brake this pallet only inside...
Stuck in ramp after attempting to crush Victor
On the Xbox version of the game, I Was running up one of the ramps on Grim Pantry (The Swamp), and after attempting to kick Victor from a higher elevation due to being on the ramp and Victor on the floor, it clipped me into the ramp, and I was totally unable to move. I only had this happen to me once, but if you want to…
I got down only once multiple times and escaped but the achievement progress didn't go up. I'm not the only one who is having this issue
Wrecker's Yard Mist Not Thickening
Platform: PC Reproducible: Yes Map: Wrecker's Yard The fog on Wrecker's yard cannot be thickened with murky regent.
Nea's "Undercut comb-back" hairstyle loses the pink hair in the end-game results screen
Step 1: Play as Nea with this hairstyle. Step 2: Complete the game whether by dying or escaping. This will occasionally make Nea lose almost all of her hair, leaving her clean-shaven. (please note: I would buy a hairstyle that looks like that if one is made available)
Bubba's chainsaw speed same as regular speed.
On PC. I noticed bubba does not have the speed boost it used to have after revving the chainsaw. It happened in all the recent games and i heard someone else happening the same so i don't think its just me being paranoid.
Archive challenge not being awarded.
Good Evening BHVR, I am not a great survivor so when attempting to get two iridescent emblems in the same game, it took me some time. Probably 10 games or so. However, the archive never actually awarded me credit for it. I'm a killer main, so I'm really quite bummed out about this. Kind Regards, Falhurk (Wednesday in game).
Kindred Not Displaying Killer Aura Intermittently
On killers that don't have stealth, like Huntress or Blight for example, once a survivor is hooked their aura may or may not be shown. This has been like this for a few weeks/months. I don't see that anyone else has reported this. This bug counteracts the main power of the perk and it should work consistently.