Killer cannot break a pallet outside the killer shack
M2 is throw a bottle LCTRL is reloading Space is main action (Break a pallet)
unbreakable totem spot on coldwind farm rotten fields
totem is unbreakable in that spot stuck under the harvester wheel CombineHarvester01
The Legion is bugged
The Legion currently has no increased movement speed in Feral Frenzy. His movement speed in Feral Frenzy is 4.6 m/s The Legion also has no lunge in Feral Frenzy. It's as if you tap m1, it does not go any further than that. Platform is PC, it occurs every game and requires no input to have active. It's automatic I would…
Pyramid Head animation bug.
I played a game on console against PH and after performing the Rites Of Judgement animation even after leaving he was still performing it. Please fix this it makes him very confusing and annoying to play against.
Yui Cosmetic Bugs - Been bugged for numerous chapters now
-Yui’s Sakura 7, Pink Striped Jacket, and Road Rash Jacket (Defaults and Prestige Torso) clip into Yui’s character model when performing most actions If you need an example, literally just load up any game as Yui with her default cosmetics and repair a generator. -Yui’s Patched Up (Hallowed Blight legs) does not connect…
Ormond and Autoheaven Collisions
There is a problem with terrain collision in certain spots, for example Ormond snow piles and small objects makes killers like Blight slide off the terrain rendering him unable to use his power which can be frustrating from time to time, actually this problem with Blight still exist on certain map spots and lets hope its…
No description on Demogorgon's add-on
Demogorgon's add-on Violet Waxcap (green add-on that slightly increases the undetectable effect after coming out of portal) does not have a description, other than this code mess: @#ADDON_DEMOGORGON_VIOLETWAXCAP_NAME @#ADDON_Demogorgon_VioletWaxCap_DESC
Dead hard not working fully
Using Dead Hard sometimes lags the game slightly as the game tries to register the invincibility frames causing the player to not gain the forward movement when using the perk making the perk basically useless as you can't get distance from the killer who has basically recovered from their missed swing while you stand…
Slow motion Doctor
I am not sure how that happened or does it happen to other killers as well. Doctor was chasing me in New Auto heaven - Wrecker's shop. After he vaulted from shack window he got slower. And stayed that way till the end of match. Here is a part to show how he moved.
PC - Ormond Window Bug
Playing on Ormond as Huntress in a public match. Searched for final survivor; found her stuck between a window and a rock. Tried to hit her so I could pick her up out of it. Could not, so stepped through window myself and also got stuck. This has only happened to me once so far! Attached is a video of the issue (after we…
Minor Cosmetic bug on PC (maybe all other platforms)
Since Modern Outlaw skin (body) came out for Frank(legion) Every head (mask) equippable for the legion goes through the ride side of the hood (on the top). No graphic change fixes it. It is a rly minor bug, but the only legion skin that has it. I dont rly know if it was reported in the past, but i couldnt find a post about…
Twins Glitch-Screen Blacks out
Step 1 : Booted the game(Steam Edition) Step 2 : Play as "The Twins" in a public match Step 3 : In-game, Kicked a Generator Step 4 : Unbounded Victor and Immediately Switched back to charlotte Step 5 : Screen Goes Black and remains black until I switched back to Victor I believe Character played- The Twins Perks played-…
Victor's head clips into charlotte in loadout screen
November 7th, 2020 Windows 7 Steam Version Step 1 : Booted the game Step 2 : Purchased the new Killer "The Twins" Step 3 : Used Bloodpoints until level 15 Step 4 : while in loadout screen character model glitching out, victor clips into charlotte Step 5 : Restarted game Model error did not correct itself at any point
Living In The Future?? (4.4.1)
I'm currently playing on the Game Pass for PC app/Windows Store version of DbD, and was updated to version 4.4.1 I have searched everyone but can't even see that such update was confirmed, but now because of this I can't play with anyone due to the fact that I'm running a different version of the game. Do I just wait for…
Coup De Grace doesn't work on Nurse when doing a lunge from blink.
• PC • Coup De Grace doesn't work on Nurse when doing a lunge from blink. • Play Nurse, use Coup De Grace, observe it doesn't work on her lunges during blinks. • Every time.
Ready up glitch in solo lobbies.
Select play as Survivor Ready up to enter matchmaking Cancel ready up to exit matchmaking Expected: You're no longer in matchmaking Actual outcome: The game keep searching for a match. This bug is quite annoying because it makes the archives unaccessible after clicking on ready again, and one must leave the lobby to not…
Victor bugs (multiple bugs)
Issue 1 Victor gets stuck in the ground on a semi-regular basis, usually due to cosmetic items or uneven ground causing him to spawn half-in/half-out of the ground. He cannot move, pounce out of it, or be picked back up. This is a huge problem, as he will remain there for minutes, completely invalidating the power of the…
Ormond windows bugged
On the new Ormond there can be big rocks that spawn like half within the space you could go to vault or land after vaulting and then when you vault into that space you are trapped. It was the same with survivor as Killer and even when I downed them they couldnt move out, even after getting heald back up too
Crotus Prenn Asylum - Disturbed Ward ground missing
ok then.
Victor getting stuck in ground
Hey guys, long time lurker new to posting. Platform - PC victor gets stuck in the ground and cant move until he gets squished On the snow map when releasing victor near the hook on the hill he got stuck half way in the ground to where i couldn't move wit him. another time i got him stuck when i released him when standing…
PC - Victor Gets Stuck In Ground When He Gets Spawned
There is a frequent bug I noticed when playing the twins. This bug concerns Victor when he spawns from Charlotte. He gets stuck in the ground and there is nothing you can do. It is extremely painful because you cannot recall Victor so you are forced to wait for the cool down to de spawn him from the game. I noticed this…
The Twins get stuck at shack.
https://imgur.com/a/odu4sFg Video for Audio. Edit: IF the gif is broken please watch the video on the imgur link. I'm a PC player and I played this match at about 7:30 CST I was not the killer, but what I believe what happened was that after Victor pounced, he clipped through the ground and Charlotte couldn't switch or…
pyramid head don't get slowed down after cancel power
pyramid head don't get slowed down after cancel power like at all fix pls Platform : PC
Unbreakable preventing Ebony Memento Mori
PC, Steam, Windows 10 When a survivor has "Unbreakable," the killer's Ebony Memento Mori will not initiate a kill on the survivor equipped with "Unbreakable." Instead it only deactivates that survivor's "Unbreakable," and their recovery process. This can be used in an endless loop to prevent the killer from ever using the…
News Tab Felix Code is Wrong
The new code for the Felix Holiday Sweater still displays the code "SNAPSNAP" for Zarina's as opposed to "HOLIDAYFORMAL" as discussed on the official website.
PC - Intro FPS Issue
Intro runs with unlimited FPS and causes the noise. 3000 FPS for LoadingScreen.mp4 is overkill. Frame rate limit doesn't work on Intro, only on game itself. Please fix this.
BBQ's double bloodpoints not working on twins
So i was playing as the new killer and i got 26k bloodpoits and i had BBQ with all 4 stacks but at the end of the game i didint get the double BPs, im pretty sure that it is caused by you losing your perks when you switch to Victor because i ended the trial while controlling him and not charlotte. It is not a gamebreaking…
PS4 - Survivor can't be picked up at gen
Several times now when I am playing survivor if I've committed to a gen and get knocked down while working on the ends with the wires the killer appears to not be able to pick me up. Other survivors are able to heal me. If I move away from the gen the killer can pick me up. First couple matches it happened I thought it was…
Unable to recover when put into dying state
Platform: PC Description: Stepped into a trapper trap. Trapper hit me. Once in the dying state there was no recover prompt. I could not recover. The only time the prompt showed up finally was after a survivor missed a skill check while trying to heal me. EDIT: I don't think the missed skill check was the thing that fixed…
All Platforms - Cheryl's Eyelashes are Missing on P3
Here is her normal head And here is her Prestige 3 Head You might have to zoom in, but you can clearly see that P3 Cheryl is missing her eyelashes and it looks really weird. Poor Cheryl already looks bad enough before this oddity occurs so if this got a fix it'd be appreciated.
PC - The Nightmare Can't Place Snares In New Maps
In Ormond, and Autohaven Wreckers. Freddy can't place Snares in the entire door chunck. This is as close to the doors you can get. Here I walked up and around the area infront of the door. The indicator doesn't move, and letting go of the snare to place it makes it spawn back at the edge of the chunk. So far this bug made…
Hag could not set traps in the killer shacks basement on new Autohaven
As ttiled, I played a game of Hag yesterday and I was unable to put traps in the basement on Autohaven or on the staircase. The basement was located in the killer shack. Reproduce: Play Autohaven maps - Set Trap in Basement - Doesn't work How often: Happened to me once in one match I played Hag
The twins blood web
I'm playing on playstation 4 and the blood web for the killer doesnt allow me to put any bloodpoints into it. Itll allow me to clear one item and then glitch out to where I cant unlock anything else till I restart the application.
Unbreakable shack pallet
Played a match as Spirit on PC. The shack pallet on Groaning Storehouse was unbreakable from the outside (i.e. no prompt at all). I had to go inside to break it.
4.4.0: Steam: Hit multiple survivors with one normal attack
Survivors were all on console, I was on PC. I suspect this is a bug in hit validation.
'Near Death Experience' Trophy/Achievement Bug
There seems to be an issue with the criteria for the 'Near Death Experience' Trophy/Achievement. Specifically on PS5 apparently it is only counting if only one person on your team gets down the whole match one, not you individually as the trophy states. Is this something that can be resolved?
shack pallet cant get broken
from this side on shelter woods you cant break the shack pallet
Trapper stuck facedown in Backwater
I loaded into a game as trapper on The Pale Rose. Placed a few traps. Down a survivor hook, down a survivor hook. Nobody caught in trap yet. I see someone standing just outside the killer shack pallet. I walk up and place a trap right when they drop the pallet to try and avoid stun. Now I'm stuck halfway through the trap…
stuck on pallet
placed a trap as I was about to be pallet stunned was then stunned and got stuck on pallet for the rest of the game was then disconnected and penalized with a wait timer.
rancid abatoir hatch bug
my friend has had this happen in a game before and it was in the same spot, in the little meat locker part of the main building. They would sink into the ground when using a key on hatch instead of it opening and if they went down they would need to bleed out or dc.
I got stuck looking down while placing a bear trap down next to a pallet on PC
I was inside the Autohaven Wreckers shack chasing a survivor, playing as Trapper. I saw on a video that if you place a trap down as you are going to get stunned by a pallet, you will not get stunned by that pallet. So I started putting down a trap, but I got stuck unable to do anything else but look down as I was preparing…
A couple of bugs that I believe might have gone unnoticed for The Twins
This post hopes to bring light to some issues I fear may have gone unnoticed while playing The Twins. For all of these reports the perks used were Hoarder, Oppression, Coup de Grace and Surveillance. Maps will be specified. Victor is unable to enter the basement on Midwich Select The Twins and play Midwich Unbind Victor…
4.3.0/1/2. Patch - Color issues/blinking screen and a possible glitch
After the update I am experiencing certain uncommon (?) problems, It seems like I am playing the game in a rave’s DLC... It wouldn't be a problem at all, since I don't have epilepsy and it's pretty cool to see these colourful sky flashing which is an extra... but they also change the colour ( in white or distorted…
Nintendo Switch - Pied Piper Bug
This is the first time it happened but, I have seen Pied Piper played multiple times over the past few days and every single time it has failed. I know the offerings can fail, but the fact that it's every game makes me feel like it's a bug. It happens on Nintendo Switch for sure.
Flashlights are bugged on midwitch
Step 1: Boot the game Step 2: Play as survivor in a public match/KWF and equip an uncommon flashlight with an uncommon lens and common battery and burn/select Midwitch offering map Step 3: Attempt a flash light save in the corner of the middle section of the map (see video example) Step 4: Notice flashlight beam flicking…
My *Bug Collection* since patch 4.4.0
Hey, here my list of bugs I personally encountered since the latest chapter release. I won't have screenshots on them, but I try to give as much information for each individual bug. Victor stuck on the ground after releasing from Charlotte - well known bug Victor's camera sideways for a short time after switching to him -…
Assorted Trapper Bugs
Platform: PC Map: Autohaven Bugs: Multiple Can't place traps near exit gate Survivor D/C'ed over trap. Trap was unable to be picked up for the rest of the match New Autohaven map near crane loop. Trap spawned inside the crane (no not the small room inside it, inside the actual crane itself, rendering it unusable for the…
Unable to use abilities or be healed after unhook
Platform: PC Description: After being unhooked I was unable to be healed by the Claudette who unhooked me. The heal prompt just wouldn't come up on the Claudette's screen. If I was broken, there was no indicator on the UI anywhere. I also could not use the map I was carrying (again, prompt simply wouldn't come up), and it…
Sacrificed survivor still makes injured sounds at hook
PS4...I didn't find anything like this after searching through bug reports. Yesterday during a match on rotten fields I heard sounds of Lori at the hook she was sacrificed at. this happens not that often but I've experienced it as a killer also and it's distracting - especially if there's 2 of the same survivor and 1 is…
PC - Flashlights not working on these situations
It seems to me when killer is breaking the pallets, pallet particles or something along those lines is blocking the flashlight so you can't blind him till he finishes breaking the pallet or almost about to finish breaking one, you can even see it on the video it is not doing anything while he is breaking it. I have 2…