New update (The Descend Beyond chapter) Bug
The Flash light can't blinding ! Very high ping (On all players) The touch in very bad ! When i dropping the pallet and the killer can hit me Very slow stun with pallet ! bad timeing!!! PLEASE FIX
Blight doesn't have legs.
Why don't the last two killers have leg animations?(Executioner, Blight). No animation, no legs themselves. But when I make a hit in the air, the legs appear for a moment, but then they disappear. Please fix
DbD 4.2.0 not compatible with outdated DirectX of Windows 7
I couldn't test the beta, because there was an error with a DLL file, which affected only Win7 users. The official update from today doesn't work either and throws this error message. Seems to be an incompatible / outdated DLL file. Any plans to fix this bug for Win7 users? In english: In english: The procedure entry point…
Scoreboard bug (crossplay)
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I had a globe in my own name in the post-game scoreboard, blocking part of my name. See below screenshot. Steps to reproduce (if possible): play with crossplay equipped and check the post-game scoreboard. How often does this occur: first time for me.
I was hooked in the basement on Mother's Dwelling...
And appeared here: The rescuing survivor had to go down the staircase to rescue me as normal; but when unhooked, I was physically where I appeared in the boxes.
Dreamworld on Springwood SUPER dark.
I play on Ultra and when playing as Freddy on the new Springwood it is SUPER dark. The first photo is me loading into the match and you can barely see anything. Inside the buildings is fine, but outside, it's super hard to see anything.
CAN'T HOOK SURVIVORS (Gamebreaking bug)
PS4 Happens almost every match On the clip I was using Doctor with Distressing, Rancor, BBQ&Chili, PGTW. But this also happened wile playing as Freddy 2x, Legion, Trapper 2x, Spirit, Huntress 3x, Wraith, Demoboi, Ghostface 2x and EVEN THE BLIGHT 5 IN FIVE MATCHES. This is stupid lmao
PC-EU Until this update never face this problem. Mid-game the image frezze for 15 seconds then exit the game, not saying any error or something.
Random disconnect on loading screen
Platform: PC (steam) Issue: started Monday midday. In a survive with friends with 3 friends. One person would randomly disconnect in the loading into the map screen. They'd restart match would end. This happened several times until 3 out of 4 of us disconnected at once. Something is causing our games to crash. We have all…
nurse blink sucks in the new update ( like really bad )
when you blink as nurse you will either teleport when youre done blinking or you wont be able to smack survivors after the blink or sometimes you straight up blink in place and it SUCKS
Locker Grab Bug
Map: Badham Preschool Character: The Cannibal Went to grab Laurie Strode from a locker and when I triggered the command the animation bugged out and it put me into the locker and i was stuck briefly for about 2-3 seconds. After that, the animation resumed normally and it showed the killer throwing the surv on their shoulder
Dragons Grip Perk
The perk is activating but when a survivor touches the generator nothing happens, no scream or exposed status, the perk cooldown does start after I hit the gen so I know it's applying to the gen and I've had multiple games where the survivors touch the gen right after I apply the effect and still nothing happens.
Adrenal Gland Charm on badham issue (PC-Steam)
The adrenal gland hook charm is a pure blinding white on every hook and every variation of badham preschool. This occurs while carrying a survivor and while not carrying a survivor. This has happened 8 out of 8 times that I have played killer on badham preschool since yesterday. I am not sure if this is an issue on the…
(Resolved) Game crashing after a few mins in a survivor match (screenshot of crash reports)
So pretty much it's been like this since the game was updated. I verfied the game files, made sure steam was up to date, cleared download cache, restarted the computer and the same thing is happening. I have no idea what it relates to or what's causing it and I'm scared to play because I might get a ban for DCing even…
massive rubber banding issue (PC Steam)
majorty of time it was small but noticeable this one was massive https://clips.twitch.tv/BitterAssiduousBulgogiHoneyBadger
[PC] Double Pallet at Springwood
I came across this double pallet on Springwood. Not sure which version.
Compound thirty three addon doesn't work
It just doesn't do anything. Except that weird visual effect. UPD it still breaks pallets. But it doesn't slow down survivors at all
Vaulting audios not playing sometimes
After 4.2.0 update the first match I played as survivor, I couldn't hear my own vault sounds over pallets or windows. Wasn't sure if other survivor vault sounds would play either if they were close enough, but mine weren't. I could hear it spectating after I died. Map was Haddonfield. I noticed this happens on other maps…
Dream World on new Springfield is so dark you can't see anything
Freddy's dream world on updated Springfield is so dark and badly lit that I felt like I was playing Spirit. You can hear sounds and see scratches but its nearly impossible to actually see Survivors. Please please please look at the dream world lighting on the updated maps. PC player.
badham preschool 5 end game collapse bug
the endgame effects that are on the ground do not appear during the endgame collapse
PC - weird as hell hook bug??
Playing as survivor solo in a public match Teammate was hooked and this it what I could see. I didn't experience any issue with the killer and/or other survivors I could not even determine which hook he was meant to be on but someone managed to unhook him from somewhere and I watched him move and then run away. ADDITIONAL…
Unreachable totem on Freddy's map
I've added two clips in the rar file
DLC Typos
Both the newest DLC's and Demise of the Faithful's "Chapter" isn't capitalised while that word is in other DLCs with that word in them. and another typo in the Saw Chapter on the Reverse bear trap part. and in "Make your Choice".
Can’t Move as Killer and Unable to Hook a Survivor
The first issue occurred when i tried to hook 1 survivor. Whenever i tried to hook them i couldn’t and nothing would happen. The second issue occurred when i tried to grab a survivor off of a generator. When i tried to grab them they stopped repairing the generator and this caused me to be stuck in place. I could still do…
Nintendo only bug?
any time i play as killer any action to do with the r button does not work and its not my controller sice i tried it with another game i dont know why it is happening
Felix has no lobby animation when holding an item
He's animated without one, but as soon as you put an item in his hand he just freezes up, giving the camera that sexy smouldering look.
Blight - No Heartbeat and footsteps
FFS, you should have told us he was a stealth killer. Not only he doesn't have a terror radius, the music only starts when he is like 8m from you. His footsteps are also silent, only his slam and dashing make sound. Edit: Played against a spirit without terror radius as well. Maybe they just removed terror radius from the…
Killer gets stuck carrying a Survivor who then turns invisible for the killer
Platform: PC I was playing killer and chasing a survivor. The survivor got inside a locker and I grabbed him out of it. Somehow the survivor didn't see the same thing happen and they escaped. They must have gotten out the right time. I got stuck carrying the survivor although he wasn't there and had ran away. I obviously…
People dc while in the game and the game closes?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSqBp--A4QI&ab_channel=BaroneMaximus what the hell?
Everything wrong on Switch
Being the killer right now is impossible. Everytime you try to hit, you get back for an unknown reason, you are completely deaf on both roles, from killers sight you can see how the survirvor is already on the other side of a window when he hasn't even done it and most importantly, you almost can't hook, break a pallet or…
Hit by NOED but don't get down
Good evening, i think, i found a new Bug. Please take a look at this Video: https://youtu.be/6c5v3ur-jgU I got hit due NOED was active. You see the NOED got cleansed a while after this hit. Endgamescreen, the Killer had no other HEX Perks: Thank you for your attention :)
You cannot interact with this totem on the new Springwood map. Please hotfix!
Totem Placement Badham Preschool
There is a totem which is unreachable in a set of bushes on a tile at the edge of the map on Badham preschool. In the attached clip the totem is seen within the last 15 seconds.
new bug in another rock
so i was playing against this ghostface (nice killer btw) and i got stuck on this rock after claudette saved me in my first hook. they did everything (hitting me, trying to give me an item) to ''save me'' but..... nope. nothing worked and i died.
Game won't start after purchasing the Descent Beyond
On PC the game won't start after purchasing the Descent Beyond DLC. The launcher will stop and read "Another launcher is currently running" despite that, that is not the case. Occurs every time.
Basement hook bug
PS4 Hooked on temple of purgation in basement vs. Blight; i appeared at the doorway to the shack, “floating” in hooked state, and had collision (survivors and killer couldn’t get past me). Survivor ran in the base,ent to unhook me, and once they did, I came down from where i was (doorway in the shack, already out of the…
Killer stuck on pallet at Badham
I was playing as survivor on PC via steam, the killer and other survivors had globes so I assume they were all console. I dropped shack pallet and stunned the killer, he got stuck on top of the pallet as seen below. He was able to walk onto the boxes on either side, as well as use his power, but couldn't get down until he…
Killer Matchmaking
when want to play as killer itll find nothing i waited near 10 minutes and try it over and over again even on diffrent pc again didnt worked
As per Blight update game won't even start anymore
No changes in drivers or windows. Using windows 8 and I get the error of createdxgifactory2 not being found in the library or something. The same that has being commented at the discussions. Wanted to post here on bug reports, since here is the proper place to say what is happening. Never had any problems starting up this…
Texture bugged at Badham V
Hi there, I was playing a KYF game at Badham V map and I noticed a bugged (or glitch) in the leaves' textures at the floor next to me while I was cleansing a totem. I'm attaching a video where you can see what I mean. Thanks!
Unreachable totem on Badham Preschool
End of street on Badham.
Hatch Key Glitch
I was playing on the Yamaoka map. The first one that came out and there's a glitch where the hatch won't open with a key. The hatch spawned right next to the stairs of the smaller patio buildings and the only way to open it was to stand on the stairs and try it. However, every time I clicked the open hatch button I would…
Can’t play SWF since July
For the past few months, since about July, no matter how we try to group up, I cannot get into a lobby with friends. As soon as I join, it kicks me or my title screen gives me 8012 or 8018 and I can only play alone.
Glitched hill (new, not terrible)
There appears to be an invisible wall when trying to run off the cliff here, it is about 2 character widths. You can walk around it and through from the other side. In the image I am standing in the center of it. I tried baiting the killer over to try it, but they turned it into a farm game and just took practice shots…
Springwood Map
I couldn't get to this totem on new springwood (i didn't get more video Because the killer come after me)
extremely laggy with the Plague After update
Yamoka family estate
In Yamoka family estate there is a rock spawn that you can climb on top of
PS4 Adrenal Gland charm texture bug
So I went into the Blight's hook to put charms on it and found that the texture for the Adrenal Gland appears a flat black color all around it except for the top of the lid. It looks like this on every hook position and when I select it for inspection, it also appears black. It is the only charm that appears to have this…
Adrenal Glands charm is washed out
The Adrenal Glands charm shows up bright white. Minor bug, but still pretty annoying.
Killer Instinct barely visible on new yamaoka map
Picture doesn't really do it justice, as I wanted to capture the true color, against the rocks or the wood of buildings it's barely noticeable. PC player Have played 2 old maps, don't have the same issue. Have not played the other reworked maps, though.