Adrenal Glands charm is washed out
The Adrenal Glands charm shows up bright white. Minor bug, but still pretty annoying.
Killer Instinct barely visible on new yamaoka map
Picture doesn't really do it justice, as I wanted to capture the true color, against the rocks or the wood of buildings it's barely noticeable. PC player Have played 2 old maps, don't have the same issue. Have not played the other reworked maps, though.
[PS4] Dragon’s Grip (survivor doesn’t scream or reveal location)
Playing as Blight on PS4 and using only his perks. Multiple games where I kicked a gen and saw Dragon’s Grip activate. Then walked away for a moment and came back to someone working on the generator. There was no scream or indication that anyone had touched the the generator after I kicked it. I chased the healthy survivor…
Some Hair textures are looking weird.
After updating the game to 4.2.0, I load up Laurie and notice that her hair looks...weird. Tried to check it in game, same thing For reference, here's what it used to look like prior to the update Even tried to change the graphics to ultra, same thing. I noticed the same with Nancy's hair and (I think?) Steve.
Gamebreaking bugs needs to be fixed ASAP
Ok so let's recap what's happening here. So we now have: 1)Laggy servers 2)Killer can't hook, break pallets and vault window 3)The no sound survivor bug is back 4)The terror radius sometimes doesn't work. (the killer doesn't have tinkerer, insidious etc) 5)Dragon's grip scream doesn't work Did I miss something? Anyway…
"I See You" Achievment awarding false progress
platform: PC- Steam I have not played an exposed perk or addon, i have only used the adept perks and played the blight since his release. Switched to surv and went against a blight that had Make Your Choice on Midwich Elementary Map. After getting downed with exposed applied i was awarded progress to this achievement.…
Rancid Abattoir Hatch Bug
My apologies for not directly embedding the video, I'm not sure how to do it from my phone since I uploaded directly from my Nintendo Switch. Anyways, I had a game today on Rancid Abattoir. The hatch spawned in the main building and my injured friend and I went with a key we had found to open it. Healing my friend kept…
Unreachable slugged survivors under hooks
Platform: PS4 Description: survivors in the dying state can go under a hooked survivor and the killer won't be able to pick them up Steps to reproduce: crawl under a hooked survivor in the dying state How often: always
Cannot hook Survivors - Xbox
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION When trying to hook a survivor from the sides or not dead in front of the hook, pressing the button to hook them starts and then stops the animation, not allowing you to hook them, even if the button is held. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Blight, Pyramid Head Save the Best for Last II, Hex: Ruin…
Loaded in Everyone Stuck
PS4 Mount Ormond. I loaded in and was stuck. Waited 5 minutes for killer to hook me but he never came.I finally disconnected. Everyone else also left. I was the last one in the match. When i messaged the killer he told me he was stuck also. Do you have a Quality Assurance team and if so what do they do? Sound bugged, ds…
Badham Preschool broken generator spot
I didn't know it was going to be bugged so I wasn't paying attention to which version of the map we were playing on. This spot doesn't let you repair even though you can get all the way there.
No New Achievements Displaying On Xbox
Checked and there are no new achievements displaying, completed Felix’s adept and didn’t receive the achievement either.
PS4 - Animation Cancelling Bug
Every-time I try to vault from a certain spot or hook a player, the game rejects and rubber-bands me. I have no issues with my internet. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, hook a survivor or attempt to vault close to the window Step 4 : Game rejects the action and forces you…
Huge bug found while playing today.
This is being typed and reported right after the match just ended. On PC, I was playing as Ash Williams, I brought a Very Rare Flashlight, with the Ultra Rare bulb add-on and the green battery add-on. I also brought a White Ward. Upon loading into the game, during the animation when the camera circles around your…
Micro-teleports to the sides. I would show it on the video, but there are also lags.
After the update, micro-teleports appeared to the sides, pushing to the left teleports you a little to the left, if you push to the right, then teleports to the right, sometimes ... it's more difficult to play, a couple of friends noticed the same thing with me, especially when playing for survivors, after a breakdown,…
Nurse on xbox
Nurse has multiple bugs on Xbox one. Can’t attack when I’m awarded the precise blink attack. Add ons don’t match descriptions. Matchbox doesn’t grant base speed of 4.2m/s. Breath add on doesn’t grant 4.6 m/s on successful blink attack. None of her recharge or fatigue add ons are working right either. Sometimes when I get…
Four chests without any offerings.
I double checked to make sure i wasn't mixing games up. There was 3 chests plus basement chest in The Temple of Purgation and no one had any coin offerings. Not that I mind an extra chest. Anyone else encountered this?
PC - Can't cleanse this totem
Is just like the one when you guys reworked Doctor's map, can't get close enough to cleanse it. Map was Freddy's map, don't know wich variation.
Link Text
bottom text Platform: PC but presumably others Issue: Someone forgot to remove the placeholder text
PS4 Hook Bug
At the very least as the Blight, I am sometimes unable to hook survivors. The prompt will appear, and both tapping and holding the hook button will cause me to jolt to the middle of the hook, but nothing happens, and the prompt simply reappears. Im not sure what steps could be done to repeat this, but it didn't always…
PS4 - Missing physics
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : choose Kate denson Step 2 : Play as her in a public match Step 3 : In-game, mash L2 (crouch) Step 4 : Notice her breast don't bounce anymore which is severally odd for someone with double D And doesn't wear a bra. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played late denson Perks…
Hooking survivors
I was playing spirit and I couldn't hook Dwight and it costed me the game. I don't know if it's just a particular hook, or just Dwight, or maybe spirit just can't hook Dwight. Either way I can't hook him and it needs to be fixed ASAP.
Yamaoka maps
Constantly see weird visua!l glitches on textures that are away when playing killer. What's worse they look as if someone is moving around there
Yo, enduring works on DS stun with new patch
Probably a good idea to put out a hotfix, huh? edit: nvm I think this guy was just hacking
Literally can't access this totem on the new springwood.
This totem is surrounded by some pine shrubs, and what I believe to be the "access point" to the totem is to narrow of a space to fit a character through. Its on one of the new Springwood maps, not sure which variation of Springwood.
[PS4] Dream World way too dark
Freddy's Dream World is too dark and he has motion blur, which is not present in other killers (and it's really annoying).
Ash bugs after newest patch (PC)
I have encountered numerous bugs whenever playing Ash after the newest patch. The bugs are only happening on Ash and they happen in every game. Bugs: Face animations all wonky when healing Vaulting doesn't produce any sound (no matter the vault speed) I can't hear Ash's breathing, screaming or fall sounds Got stuck midair…
Infinite bloodpoints by claiming Dailies in KYF
I have checked but if this has already been reported I apologise. This on the steam platform of the game, I havent tested any other platform. Complete a daily challenge but DO NOT CLAIM IT Join a KYF lobby with a friend hosting Finish the game and then claim the dailies (your bloodpoints increase but the dailies are still…
PS4 - cannot cleanse totem on Springwood map
Could not get into the bushes to cleanse this totem that turned out to be Devour Hope. Edit: this was on Badham Preschool V
Claimed I used modified files?
I was in a match with a Wraith and had just been saved from the hook (2nd stage). After being healed up I went to a generator and suddenly the game stated I was using modified files. This is odd since not only: A) I haven't modified any files. B) I had been playing as killer (leatherface) for a few hours before that…
Myers DS bug [PC]
Greetings, just wanted to let you know that DS is currently unusable against Myers. It doesnt matter in which tier he is, his stun duration is shorter than it should be. Instead of 5 seconds its duration is 2,5 second afer hitting DS. Edit: Those killers has the same DS issue - Wraith, Huntress, Hag, Freddy, Pig and Spirit…
Badham Pre School Totem problem areas
When totems spawn in enclosed bush areas, they can't be reached by some survivors. I tried detective Tap and couldn't walk into 2 areas where totems were in bush areas. This is a problem
Cannot cleanse totem
Springwood realm. Not sure what version tho. Its directly below the electric lines.
Cannot cleans this tottem
you cant cleans this tottem on new michael myers map
i can barely hear killer's terror radius
platform:pc description:terror radius music and heartbeat are way too silent, on ptb it was fine but on live it's too silent how to reproduce: play as a survivor, try to listen killer's terror radius occurs everytime
[PC] PLEASE VOTE THIS ONE UP Blank Character Roster (See pictures)
Since a couple of days i can't see the characters in the rosters, at both killer and survivor. This is also the case at the rift rewards screen and the costumization settings. Please fix this :(
Springwood now breaks the game
Platform: PC Description of the issue: This map, with the new graphics, severely crashed my game. My mouse continued to lag a good 10 or more seconds after it crashed the client... Steps to reproduce (if possible): Try loading into a match on Springwood. This particular instance was variant II. How often does this occur:…
4.2.0 Invisible Survivor
Just tested out and survivors are invisible or not loading for that case on the main menu after the patch 4.2.0. The same goes for the store. Killer works just fine. Edit: Only original 4 survivors do show up, for the rest it's just nothing.
[PC] Game crash
Before, couldn't launch game on PTB. Thought thats normal, you know, its PTB right? But today after update Im not able to play too. Tried to re-install, tried to verify files, tried to remove game data from HDD, nothing helps and I have no idea what to actually do. And this is everything that pop-ups:
this glitch that shows another killer than the killer you picked
Blocked view
While repairing a gen, when looking into a specific direction, the upper part of the gen gets into the camera angle, covering 1/3 of the screen. Annoying as hell; and dont tell me it is a feature.
The blight cant immediately lethal rush on stairs
[PC] Felix has no animation while carrying an item
Issue: Felix has no animation in the lobby once an item is equipped. How often? Every time. How to reproduce: choose Felix & equip an item.
Killers have no terror radious while moving.
No monitor on . Can get static blasted across the map , but cant hear any terror radious . Legion , doctor , oni. Last hour
Infinite bloodpoints in bloodweb
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Go to bloodweb (survivor or killer works) Step 3 : Spend bloodpoints on bloodweb till the last offering, don't level up Step 4 : Restart game and you will have your BP back.
Running breathing sound when repairing
Plaftorm: PC Holding sprint/run while starting to repair a generator will continue making running breathing sounds. to reproduce this small bug, you only need to hold your shift (sprint/run key) and start repairing a generator. Tried in 2 matches and happens everytime. (First game was Legion and second game Leatherface.…
Hook music
When I’m hooked by a killer, no music plays at all. It’s just dead silence.
The totem cannot be cleansed..
A survivor cannot come close to the totem since bushes prevent it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0EqLFmMdtY
Merged: "The procedure entry point createDXGIFactory2 could not be located" preventing game launch
This discussion has been merged.
Getting stuck on the corner of the hill
I play the game on ps4 right and i been play the game for a while and since the past few games. I been running or walking around that hill or any hill in any map and i always get stuck on that one corner And the same thing happen to my friend