PC - Stuck inside hook after hooking a survivor and even after being unhooked
Playing as The Shape on Backwater Swamp: The Pale Rose probably (didn't had time to explore and don't remember). I hooked a Claudette next to the brocken building made of iron where the cave can spawn. I immediately got stuck inside of her as I hooked her. Hoping that getting her unhooked would save me from my demise, I…
Stuck ON a pallet
PC Played as Wraith on Haddonfield (Shapes map) Perks:Sloppy butcher, Overcharge, Shadowborn, Bloodhound I was attempting to hit survivor who was staying behind the pallet, from the slightly higher ground(the house, he dropped the pallet and instead of stunning me pallet placed me on top of it, thus making me unable to…
Léry's Memorial Institute: Totem cleanse
PC You can't cleanse the totem.
Trapped on top of Pallet
Ghost Face Brutal Strength, Hex: Devour Hope, All Ears, and Thrilling Tremors Azarov's, I don't remember the name of the specific map but it is the one in the capital I formation. First time the issue has happened, but there was no way to solve the issue once it started. So took about ten minutes to get into the match.…
Xbox pallet drop
Experiencing a glitch/bug when a pallet dropped on killer Killer gets stuck in pallet with pallet stun Killer: Trapper Perks: nill Map: McMillan estate
Stuck underneath hook
I played a game against a deathslinger before, and was hooked during endgame. After being unhooked by a teammate, I was locked underneath the hook (able to look around but unable to move). This did not change after being hit again by the slinger. Definitely worth looking into.
Wraith nerf not included in patch notes
When uncloaking, Wraith will ring his bell much earlier than in previous patches, giving a sound cue much quicker and giving survivors more time to react. In the current patch, he will ring his bell after 1/3 of his uncloaking progress, in comparison to the previous patch where he rang his bell after 1/2 of his uncloaking.…
Huntress on xbox makes zero points for Hatchet hits.
Title If you hit hatchets you get no points for it no matter distance or how much you charged the hatchet.
Huntress Not Getting Deviousness
Huntress's hatches aren't giving any deviousness points for successful hits. Bug or just not right conditions for hitting?
Stuck on the pallet after getting stunned
I was playing as Hag yesterday. A survivor stunned me with a pallet and I became stuck to it and could not move. I wanted to go around the pallet and continue chasing without breaking the pallet but I was stuck to the pallet. I was able to get free by breaking it. I play this game on PC. This happened only once so far…
Hillbilly is bugged
Yesterday I played some Hillbilly and he feels very, very weird. Everytime I end my chainsaw sprint the chainsaw was coming from my head. And overall he feels very strange to play. (Playing on PC)
X1 - Huntress hatchets hits aren't giving deviousness points.
Played two matchs, both of which I didn't receive any bloodpoints for hitting the survivors with my hatchets, only for brutality. Please, patch this asap. This affects the archive character and there is a big bloodpoints loss every game.
I’ve been force disconnected many times and am getting banned for it.
I just recently bought dbd for the switch. In one of maybe 4/5 games, I’ll be disconnected. This counts as me purposefully disconnecting so I get banned from matchmaking. This has happened so many times that I’m up to my second 30:00 ban. I know my connection isn’t an issue as I’ve had no problems with my internet and even…
Hag in a pallet bug
When hag teleports beside a pallet and hit you. Direct after you drop the pallet on her then she's stuck in the pallet.
Huntress cant gain deviousness anymore
Now when you land a shot with huntress you dont win deviousness anymore please fix it soon.
Stuck in Place After Getting Pallet Stunned
I was playing Ghostface on Dead Dawg Saloon, when the match started there was a Jane using Object of Obsession and I began to chase her near the hanged man (I have no idea what the proper term for a execution thing is), I lunged and hit her when she was going for a pallet, I ended up on the other side of it. She dropped…
PC - Legion stuck in a pallet
So, I was not the cause of this glitch, so I do not know how it occurred, however as I was playing a game, our killer, Legion, got stuck in a pallet when it was presumably dropped on him. I managed to get a screenshot, but that's about it.
Stuck after getting pallet stunned
I'm on PC. I was playing some killer. Twice tonight I got pallet stunned and I was stuck in the pallet. Movement was impossible. I had to break the pallet to get out.
Killer stuck in air after slamming pallet
Okay so me and a friend were playing we were the last two alive and we're running from the killer my friend slammed a pallet on the killer and it made the killer get stuck floating in the air
Legion stuck on pallet
Sometimes when I play legion and vault a pallet I'll get stuck and to get unstuck I'll have to break the pallet. I'm on Xbox and it happens somewhat often. I think it happens when I enter feral frenzy close to the pallet.
Stuck inside a pallet (groaning storehouse)
Slammed a pallet on a billy and he ended up getting stuck inside of it. Have had minor issues getting stuck by pallets before but this is the first time that I have seen one inside a pallet and unable to break it. Map: Groaning Storehouse Killer: billy
Maniac stuck over a palette
Platform: PC Description of the issue: killer stuck over a palette after stunning How often does this occur: once
Getting stuck on pallet when droped on as killer (ps4)
Idk if its lagg but when a pallet get thrown on me i get stuck and cant move intill i break it
Rank Update Error !!!AGAIN!!!
since nearly a year we have the rank update error. u fix it, then the devs put a new patch out and its there, again. my only conclusion i have, i stop playing the game because its broken since a YEAR. im really disappointed.
Pallet Drop = I'm walking in the aaaaaaair.
-PS4 -Pallet drop a killer, the killer is stuck up in the air. -Unsure. -Once. Was trying to do the pallet drop Tome challenge. Dropped the pallet. Legion was stuck up in the sky.
I'll just keep posting the same bug until you notice devs c:
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: Getting dc from server and NO it's not an internet issue • Steps to reproduce: Just play the game and out of the blue the game laggs and it kicks you out of the match. • How often does this occur: Once every day. PLEASE NOTICE THIS, IS ANNOYING.
Killers getting stuck in pallets
Ps4 Killers getting stuck in pallet after pallet slamming Slam a pallet on a killer rng I guess but it happens twice today while I was playing felt I should report cause unfair
Stuck on a pallet
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue: Today, I got stuck on a pallet when stunned by the pallet. Then I couldn't even break it until end of the match. • Steps to reproduce: Video --> https://imgur.com/wGC20kZ • How often does this occur: Once
Huntress Deviousness Glitch
Step 1: Boot up game. Step 2: Play as Huntress in public match. Step 3: Hit a survivor with a hatchet (any charge). Step 4: Notice you did not get any deviousness. Step 5: Finish game to confirm how little deviousness you got.
You don’t get lore in the new rift
The new rift either doesn’t display lore entries or the UI to show a master challenge has lore is gone. There are no specific steps to recreate the bug.
Pallet Stuns Buggy
I was playing as Trapper. I had just downed a survivor and picked her up and was taking her to a hook when another survivor dropped a pallet on me. Me and the survivor both began floating above the pallet and shaking back and forth. I messaged one of the survivors who happen to be in a group with 3/4 of the survivors. The…
Skill checks not shoi
I'm not sure if this has been posted or if it has given any attention before, but the skill checks weren't showing on my screen for over half of the last game. I get that glitches and bugs are a thing in every game, but playing as a survival is 50% skill checks and 50% running and you can't escape the levels by just…
Got Stuck After Pallet Drop
I was playing Trapper on Sheltered Woods in a chase with a Dwight. He dropped a pallet on me, one that spawned between two rocks near a corner tile adjacent to a generator, and it stunned me, then left he stuck in place beside one of the stones in front of the pallet. Every time I tried to move I just juddered and then…
Blinded all the time
I was playing in public match Killer: the plague Acc:(in spanish) aceite cutaneao (green) (emetico infectado) (green), cascara hueca Perks:(in spanish) intervencion corrupta lvl3, parrillada y chile 3, pim pam pum 1, nadie escapa de la muerte 3, Platform: Steam/Pc Map: cantina del perro muerto (game in spanish i dont know…
Rank update error
Always after 2 or 3 games, after death or escape the rank update error comes up. Then it takes me to the main menu screen and then it shows network error. Please fix this, The pip earned on the matches are removed as well.
Flashlight Bug!
What is this??!! i hate this flashlight bug. Flashlight light does not go out, please fix it ! does anyone know this bug?
Infinite Blind
I was playing killer and got blinded with a flashlight and the blind effect was lasting the whole game and i dc'ed because i couldn't see the whole game. please fix
Permanent Blindess
I got blinded, and the blindness never went away. I could see very little and it was pretty much unplayable. https://youtu.be/zaAJexMz9QY (No audio)
Bug demogorgon flashlight (PC version)
Playing a game as an assassin using the Demogorgon, a survivor points a flashlight at me blinds me and I am blinded throughout the game ...
Survivor perspective on hook
So sometimes when you get hooked it shows your character around 3 meters away from the hook and floating. As far as i know it only shows this to the hooked survivor. Consoles: Ps4 is the only one i know of Chance of it happening: 30%
Blindness lasted the entire game
Summary: When you avoid the flashlight sometimes you are permanently blind. Description: During the game while breaking a pallet a survivor blinded me with a flashlight, then tried again but I evaded it and was blind for the rest of the game. Steps to Reproduce: Break a pallet. Let a survivor blind you. Go ahead and have…
when the game turns so long the server instantly kick me from the game, i was doing comeback in my game that i wanted so hard to win and this happened, meg was on the ground but cant find her, was the last one and the game just DC for NO REASON. ALSO IM HAVING ISSUE WITH MYER BECAUSE I CANT STALK WITH HIM, FORCING ME TO…
The Wraith using old unused trapper animations
The Wraith is now using the original trapper first person idle animations as seen in the screenshot, tested in custom game. It's really funny to me because I'm pretty sure The Trapper's new first person idle is based off The Wraith's so it's as if they swapped idles.
[Prove Thyself] No negation of 15% debuff or visual bug of progression bar?
Normally you would repair at normal speed when 2 survivors repair the gen with Prove Thyself together, but the bar still shows red: I know that this happens for 3 or more Survivors, but not for 2.
Rank Update Error
Hey I am sorry for the trouble but I wrote this report before and you guys replied saying that it will be fixed. This have been happening for the past 3 months and it is often (2/5 games I have it). I tried reinstalling and verifying the files but it is still the same. Please help me..
Torchlight Bug
Summary: When killer blinded by survivor during breaking pallet, the blind become permanent. Occurs On: PC Attachment:
(PC) David "HARD HEADLIGHTS" create a clipping around his neck
As in title this skin on ptb present this bug where you can see those lines around his neck.
Nurse Mori
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of Issue: The animation for the nurse mori isn't aligned properly with the survivor. Steps to reproduce: Do the mori on a nurse. Often: We only played it once. Not sure if it's all the time.
Flash Bug
i got half flashed after that the flash effect doesn't disappear.
infinite blind duration.
well i was playing normally untill a claudette blinded me and i just became remain blinded for the whole time so i just disconnected since this bug happend to me long time ago before and here is a vedio for the proof :) https://youtu.be/zRPMQxSumW8