Can't pick up survivors in RPD hall lower pallet
There is an office table next to the mentioned pallet which a survivor can crawl into yet the killer can't pick them up, the video is attached. Don't know if it makes any difference but this is Steam
Moaning noises near pallet?
There is nobody there, nobody is injured, it’s a female moaning and it was on a pallet on Coldwin Farm, really threw me off when it happened
Event Cosmetics Missing
Im doing the Dead By Daylight Halloween event and my Claudette Halloween shirt isn't in my inventory - I've gotten everyone else's and it showed that I received hers, first I believe but it's not there at all. Any ideas on a fix? I've checked for several days now to see if it would pop up and it hasn't.
Halloween offering and archives no longer available
PS4 My copy of DBD is acting as thought the Halloween event has ended. The dowsing rod offering is blacked out, the event lobby only appears after I join a public match, and the event archives have vanished from the main menu. The in game event with the void energy and the portals still work.
Xbox One Archives Error
pretty self explanatory - when I try to go to the current Tome, it says this: Someone said it happens sometimes, to keep trying, that the problem is never consistent. However, it’s been like this since the day after the Halloween update. Please fix, or any help to remedy this issue would be greatly appreciated
Invisible dredge
Platform: Xbox One Map: Mount Ormond I have an Xbox game clip recorded. The dredge bacame invisible at one point in my match on Mount Ormond. Dredge eventually became visible again afterwards.
Cannot disarm bear traps when on a pallet
When playing as a survivor against trapper, it was impossible to disarm his traps when placed on a pallet in the shack. It got me killed, so I wasn’t able to see if it would happen again. I’m not sure if this one a one time issue or if it can be reproduced. Map: Eyrie of Crows Survivor: Mikaela Ried Perks: Adrenaline,…
Characters at P1 before update are now P0
Hi, I P1'd a bunch of my characters so they would be P3 after the update. However, all the survivors that were P1 before the update are now at P0. Has anyone else experienced this issue? In the below pictures, all survivors should be at P3 except for Laurie who I did not prestige at all before the update. The rest,…
I can hear a moaning survivor who DCed
I let a survivor freely escape because I heard injured survivor in the building. It turned out to be a survivor who disconnected.
So Many PS5 issues since start of Halloween Event
• Platform: PS5 • Description of the issue See multiple hook auras sometimes when someone is hooked (only one person) Survivors hooked in wall, not on hook Twice when I was the final survivor, it said someone was still alive so I didn't even know to look for the hatch until it was closed. I keep getting "disconnected from…
Crash (Halloween event)
Platform: PC (laptop) Character played: Dwight Perks played: Windows Of Opportunity, Unbreakable, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline Map: Coldwind farm, hut in the middle Additional Info: It happened before math results appeared, maybe thats somehow related to the extra bloodpoints that are given during this event
Mispositioned hook on midwitch that can't be used
Platform: PC The hook is blocked by the table next to it on Midwitch Elementary School. Video: https://youtu.be/pPdJwLgZl1o Map Info:
Is the game crashing today for anyone else?
I run the game on ultra, with a steady 132fps, I never have any issues until today I run the game and it keeps crashing on me.
Multiple Game Error 600 / Now with logfile
Plattform: PC Description: Game randomly stops working. Evertime i get the errormessage that my files validation failed. Just 5 minutes before i played normally. Steps to reproduce: Hard to tell, just happens randomly. Happend when i interacted with stuff like totems or cleansed myself from wesker infection. Now it…
Anniversary cakes not give bonus bloodpoints
As tittle say anniversary cakes (current year one) not give bonus bloodpoints. You can see it if compare bloodpoints on first and last aftermatch pages, they same but at first page must show more bloodpoints at least twice more than on last page. I guess this somehow related to curenty running "haunted by daylight" event…
Awakened Awareness + Lethal Pursuer
For whoever has used these two perks, has anyone realized that the lingering aura effect being removed (due to a certain killer that starts with N) can be brought back by using lethal pursuer to put 2 seconds of lingering aura reading after no longer carrying a survivor? I can't imagine this is intended but it has existed…
Cheating Myers exposing us without T3 and instant T3
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 :Play as survivor in SWF Step 2 : Play vs myers Step 3 : Wierd individual exposes and instant t3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jill Urban Evasion, flashbang, Blast Mine, Iron Will Saloon one match DOCUMENTS TO ADD I didn't have time to pull up OBS during the match because this…
PC- The Trapper's add-on's randomly unequip at the beginning of a trial.
When equipping The Trapper with any 2 add-ons, one of the add-ons seems to unequip at the beginning of a trial even if you equip 2 add-ons before the match starts. When the trial ends and you go back to The Trapper's loadout screen, both add-ons will be equipped even though one of them was gone during the trial. This seems…
PS4 - Renewal not counting completed healing with Great Skillchecks/Healing speed buffs
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, use the perk "Renewal" and heal another survivor the equivalent of a full health state but also include ANY method of speeding up the healing process i.e. landing a great skill check, being inside Boon: Circle of Healing, Botany Knowledge,…
PIN HEAD FAMILY RESIDENCE YAMAOKA ESTATE doesn't respond to strike or hit command when in pursuit.
PIN HEAD FAMILY RESIDENCE YAMAOKA ESTATE doesn't respond to strike or hit command when in pursuit or chase of Survivor especially when chase is in circular until trajectory is a straight line.
The Blight - Lethal Strike Challenge Bugged?!
Hello, Platform: PC Describtion : I´ve now tried 4-5 times to solve this challenge, at my last try i noticed on paper how often i hit an survivor with an lethal strike, to be safe that i calculate right. I think that if i down an survivor with a lethal strike it dont count. But in the right upper corner is a notice for…
Hex:Undying + Hex: The Third Seal not working together
Platform: PC Issue: When playing these two perks together, if one hex totem gets destroyed, the tokens from the Third Seal will not transfer and you will lose them. Steps to reproduce: Play these two perks together
Hand glitch during gate opening
Just like in the photo
PC- Graphics Settings Reset To Ultra After Every Match
Platform: PC Description: When you log on the graphics quality is set to ultra. If you try to change this, after you leave your next match the graphics quality will be back to ultra. This bug has existed for at least 2-3 patches Reproduction: Change graphics quality. Play a match. Changes will be reverted when you get back…
PC : Pained Sounds DC Glitch + Enormous Lag
Platform : PC Map : Wrecker's Yard Killer : Hag Circonstances : Survivor DC'ing. Hello ! So I had a weird game earlier. I had been playing survivor for 2h30 before deciding to switch to killer. My survivor games were fine, and I didn't have any noticeable lag or rollback. I start as Hag on Wrecker's Yard. One of the…
Hook in Midwich that isn't usable due to being blocked by a table
Unable to hook a survivor here due to a table blocking the hook
Carburetor Tunning Guide is not working correct | The Cannibal
Helle everyone! Everyone knows that Carburetor Tunning Guide is the worst Bubba's addon. Why? Because this addon is bugged since December 2020 (Twins Release). With this addon, Bubba's Chainsaw Sweep movement speed is worse than Survivor's movement speed. Basically, The Cannibal reaches maximum Chainsaw Sweep movement…
Left For Dead / Achivement Broken
This achivement is imposible to get .Why because was designed when there was no hatch . Lets take this scenario : you are the last survivor with 1 gen left ,the chance of doing that gen and also escape thru the gates its practically imposible .
Dredge smashing pumpkins stutter/lag
Platform: PS5 Description: When stomping a pumpkin as Dredge, I get frozen in place for about a second or so after completing the action. It was a little hard to tell at first because Dredge has slightly different animation timing to most other killers when kicking gens/pallets and stomping out boons/pumpkins, but after…
My computer froze while chasing a Survivor in DBD and then the following message appeared on my frozen computer screen: Game Files Corrupted: Game Files Validation Failed. Please make sure the game is installed correctly: Error code: 600. I had to reboot the computer to get it to work again. Note: Right click on link to…
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance Bug
I didn't see it on the 1st page. Not sure if this bug is well known but Pain Resonance effected the gen I was working on right as I finished it, however the gen wasn't finished but I couldn't work on it. My friend who I was playing with could actually work on it. No eruption in play and it wouldn't have happened at that…
Tome 1: Decisive Light / Unable to complete
Platform: Xbox I tried completing this challenge for 3 games, on Nea, Kate, and Cheryl. Game 1/ Pig: 1 flashlight save 2-3seconds after pickup Game 2/ Spirit: 2 flashlight saves during pickup (different flashlight) Game 3/ Legion: 1 flashbang save 2-3seconds after pickup
Compendium Gold Highlight Broken since 6.3.0
This was not listed as a change so I assume it's a bug. Before the patch, the 4 squares on each tome in the compendium page would light up individually if that level was completed. Currently they only light up if all 4 have been completed. See screenshot below. Edit: actually it seems to be broken in a different way than I…
Viewing Charm in the Rift Crashes the Game
The game crashes when you try to view a charm in the Rift. The charm is called "Moonstone Cafe Logo" and it's at level 27 of the rift. Here's the Crash Report Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x0000000000000010 DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 70492961 bytes…
Hex: Plaything Cursed Survivor Without Spawning a Hex Totem (Permanently Cursed)
Platform: Steam Description + Steps to recreate: I was playing on Sanctum of Wrath and was the first one downed. I became cursed by Hex: Plaything. I checked all totems on the map and ran to over every square meter of the map and not a single one was my Hex totem, and the aura of my totem never revealed itself to me. Other…
Jake's blight outfit is bugged
If you load up the game and go to jake's blight outfit you'll see that the vials on his chest are empty. It has been this was since the Haddonfield update. The juice shows up when I get downed. They used to have bright orange juice in them. It isnt my graphics settings, it's like this for everybody.
Player disconnecting while unhooking causes hooked person to become bugged
Twitch prime reward bug
Twitch prime mask have the hair fully brown but on the game the head hair brown on the upperpart and purple on the lowerpart. In game image as you can see its not fully brown hair
4 game, 3 crash
Platform : PC/Steam Description of the issue : Game crash regularly ( just shutdown after a few seconds freeze with the unreal engine dialog that show up ) since the start of the event Haunted by Daylight, during 4 game today ( both with Ghost Face ) I had 3 crash. I join the log of these games. Thank you.
SWITCH - Sound cutting out & game freezing randomly.
The game freezing up on the Switch isn’t a new issue, but I’ve noticed it happening more frequently since the Haunted by Daylight update. A new issue is the sound randomly cutting out (this also started after the Haunted by Daylight update). At first I thought it was my headset or the Switch itself, but it’s in fact the…
lobby bug ?
i'm not sure if this is a bug or not but it's been like this for quiet a while now. survivors in lobby seems to be too far pushed back than how it used to be. is this something the devs changed? or is it a bug nobody noticed? *i miss how it used to be in the second screenshot. hopefully it's a bug and it will be fixed soon
Xbox controller RB (right bumper) issues when playing against Artist or Cenobite
The RB button on an xbox controller serves as the action button for several things (vaulting windows and pallets, jumping into lockers), and this conflicts many times when playing against Artist and Cenobite. This conflicts because against Artist you have to repel the crows with the same RB button, as against Cenobite you…
Unhookable Hook Midwich
The hook is upstairs in one of the rooms, I don't have screenshots since, I don't have a friend to do custom match with me, but I literally had someone wiggle off and it was the only hook, all in all really need to just add more hooks to midwich anyways, I've gone there 3 times today, and it's so difficult to get people to…
PC - Unable to Move After Using Virulent Bound on a Survivor as They Disconnect
I was playing on Haddonfield. ~30 seconds into the match, I attempted to use Wesker's Virulent bound on a survivor who had just finished kicking a pumpkin. He disconnected right as my bound connected. I could no longer move, attack, or interact with the game in any way but opening the menu for the rest of the game.…
For the People + We're gonna live forever bugged
When using For the People to pick a teammate up from the the dying state and having the secondary effect of We're gonna live forever ready, it does not grant the picked up survivor the endurance effect when they should be getting it. A video i found that showcases what i mean: (you can tell the secondary effect of We're…
Flashbang Perk is bugged
Since the last patch Leon's perk as been bugged. Bugs: You dont hear the "ding" sound when crafting the Flashbang inside the locker The Item Icon wont show (the icon that shows the item youre holding) (Not sure if its only this item) When holding a Flashbang and grabbing one of Wesker's First Aid Spray, it will bug out and…
[BUG] Dired Cherry Blossom The Spirit Add-On - PC - Steam
It says "Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 4 meters of The Spirit while she is phasing" I get an audio notification, but no visual. Killer Instinct is supposed to have the red web. Without this, it makes the Add-On useless since you're already blind and it takes away the scratch marks. Character…
Yamaoka Family Estate Hook Spawn's are broken
Platform: PC Description: Yamaoka Family Estate Map's Hook spawn's seem to be broken, one half of the map will have 1 hook while the rest are gathered on the other side, there doesn't seem to be a specific side or area, it's just half the map has all but 1 hook while the other half has all the hook's. This make's it…
Bloodpoint Offerings Not Working?
Are these intentionally disabled or are they bugged? If they are intentionally disabled, one question: WHY?