Hook Bug
I just had a match where when I went to unhook another survivor, the hook was empty and the other survivor was inside the hook.
PC - Game couldn't load Archives
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Click on 'The Archive' button in main menu It says the game couldn't load the archives and sends me back to main menu
Tiny killer icons, clipping coats and odd FoV? (edited for addition)
Since the patch I've noticed the following bugs: Icons for killers (the prestige level on the score board as well as the bad ping) are tiny now Wesker's coat is clipping through his legs in the main screen (especially visible when changing back to main from the survivor or killer screen) there's an odd thing I've noticed…
Steam Bloodweeb and rift error +an unknown error
Circle of Healing AOE and disarming Traps.
PC The prompt to heal when injured over rides the prompt to disarm a Trap. The only way I have found to get around this is to sprint the smallest distance possible in front of the Trap which will then give the disarm prompt over the heal prompt, If you can time it correctly it will then let you disarm the tap. But if you…
Problems with the faces of the characters
Hello how are you. I would like to report that with certain characters, like with Quentin. Her face is deformed. It is not the same lobby face as when you start the game. Is there a problem with them? I have also noticed it with several Survivors…
Challenge broken/bugged
Just did 4 Head Ons in two straight games and got 0 credit toward Tome 3's Stun the killer 3 times in 1 game as Jane Romero on Playstation 5.
Devour Hope haste issue.
Not sure if this is intentional design, Devour Hope was cleansed about 2 seconds after I hooked a suvivor. I still got the speed boost 10 seconds later.
My survivors and killers recieved extra prestige levels
So I logged on today to play dead by daylight on my ps5, and survivors and killers I only had at prestige 1 yesterday are now prestige 3. I'm not complaining, but I'm just putting it out there because I don't want to get banned for the possibility of someone thinking I was cheating
Wesker stuck in place after survivor DCs mid-slam
I've got a Claire running in circles in front of me at the time of typing this. Had a Mikaela disconnect when I was in the middle of picking her up after a slam (as in, I didn't pick up the downed Mikaela manually, but the slam automatically transferred her into my grip and it was during that animation where she quit.) My…
Can't pick up Survivor
This is on PC the Dwight went down at the basement stairs of the Lery's map in the treatment center. He was hugging the wall and could not be picked up. Here is a Twitch clip. https://clips.twitch.tv/RoundKitschyNewtTebowing-jFK9hTKn6FfjA-on
Hi, Freddie Kruger was disconnected from the match after sequentially hooking a 3rd survivor from the Dead Dawg Saloon. The disconnect error occurs frequently but this is the first time I formally reported it because it's become too common place. Please advise, thank you. Included is the log information, I don't know if…
Permanent Prove Thyself Bug
I just had a game where we 4 survivors started in roughly the same area and worked on 1 gen together as 4. Then from this point on i just had Prove Thyself Permanently. Not sure if its bugged with Thanathophobia. Also felt like it stacked when another survivors came into my range , not sure though. Very broken bug.
Nurse Base Movement Inaccurate
Nurses basement is currently faster than 3.6 m/s. This should be corrected as it appears in chase without blood lust she is catching up in a linear path. Dwight Fairfield PC Xbox Game Pass Repro Steps: Run against any Nurse and run in a straight line against each other (no teleport) 2x today
Server disconnects frequently and Prestige levels unchanged
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, get hooked or downed Step 4 : Game crashes and I get disconnect error plus lack of progress error ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Mostly Kate, but happens randomly with Mikaela. Map: all of them Frequency of the issue: one every…
Match crashes
Matches keep experiencing errors and it slips the matchmaking lock on me when it's your system's fault with an unknown error
dead hard not working
I am on the playstation using dead hard and every time I try to use it when I am trying to take a hit It doesn't work and i down because of it please fix this
Cursor isn't correct
I have to hover above the button I want to click to actually click it. Pretty annoying, I use PC. Occured after my screen started to bug out after hitting the Windows key. Hasn't been able to return to normal even after restarting the computer.
Legion Tech are completely broken now (2 different bugs)
Hey I'm here to report 2 bugs I have encountered on pc : The 2 bugs concern legion and pallets* -The first bug is that, before while Legion Teching you were getting off of your power and you were able to m1, not anymore now for some reason (maybe its normal with the new update and i'm just an idiot) -But the second bug HAS…
Survivor/Wesker Pallet Drop Interaction Bug
I have two clips where I am in the animation of throwing the pallet from in front of Wesker and then I end up either behind Wesker or in his arms with the pallet dropping behind me, not doing anything. https://gfycat.com/silentshinyarcticwolf
Permanent regressing generator (impossible to repair it back, no prompt)
Hi, I faced this infuriating bug few days ago in a solo-queue game... against the killer class and perks combo that are god-like to prevent global generator progression. Killer: Doctor + 1 calm add-on Build: BBQ + DMS + S:PR + Jolt/Surge The survivor team managed to get to 1 generator left on the Plague map without being…
Daily challenge
Hi, i think daily challenge for Meyers is bugged. It shows no progress on Evil Within. 0/4 last two games.
Error fatal de Pyramid Head
I was going to do the special Pyramid Head memento mori when I started it the player disconnected from the game and wouldn't let me move or do anything, really frustrating, if people start discovering this Pyramid Head bug it will be unplayable in the screenshot you can see the moment where it happened to me
Outbreak Breakout Broken, not increasing
The Outbreak breakout achievement simply doesn't add new escapes. I have escaped through the gates 5 times after single-handedly opening the gate from 0% to 100% Still only have this one pip I got on Project W's launch.
Tome 4 - Page 1 - "Quick Thinking" Bugged and not completable
I did search before posting, I have seen posts on reddit having the same issue since Wesker was released, but I went back and did not find anything here relating to this bug. (Please fix this, I have 2 challenges left and it is driving me crazy that I cannot complete either one) I have tried every possible combination of…
Protect Forever - TOME II - Section I bugged
The challange requires you to take 4 protection hits or unhooks in a single match, however, the challange got compleated even if i got only one protection hit and 0 unhooks ( i know it is only one because i ran mom )
Prestige Icon Bug
Hello! This may be uncommon due to the circumstances, but I was prestiging many survivors quite quickly and ended up having the P3 icon stuck. This occurs when you clikc the prestige button, hit next to skip the animation, and prestige the next person. I was simply prestiging all my survivors and wanted to do it fast.…
Daily Ritual issues
I load in today and I have a Mastermind Daily Ritual (With The Mastermind, injure Survivors with Virulent Bound 4 time(s).) even though I do not own The Mastermind. I started out with Legion and Claudette as my primary characters I’ve linked pictures below
Gen cannot be repaired
So I was playing vs Trapper who had Jolt, I was working on gen in shack in a Macmillan map (it was Suffocation Pit). At somepoint I almost finished the gen and Jolt popped. Afterwards I could not interact with the gen and it never officially registered as completed. You can see it in the following video, you can also see…
RPD East Wing Spot where survivors get stuck.
IDK how this happens but it has happened to me a couple times as a survivor and I had a killer game where it happened to rebecca. It is this exact spot every time. On the landing next to the library as it dips down by the door. You can see her trying to move but going nowhere and that she is still giving inputs because she…
Crotus Prenn Survivor Spawning in the killer terror radius
Played on Crotus Prenn. Killer was the Doctor using Distressing. As the game was loading in where the camera rotates around the survivor, I could hear the killer's terror radius. The game hadn't started and I was already next to the killer.
PC-Was frozen in place until knocked
I just got into the Raccoon City Police Station map and was following a teammate when I suddenly couldn't move. My walking animation froze and I bobbed up and down in place a little. I was able to move again after I was knocked. I haven't had a chance to see if it happens again.
Jake Park Somehow Prestiged II & III
4 hours after I shut my computer down, I come to find that when I booted up Steam, I got 2 achievements... Unlocked at the same time and date... I start the game wondering what the heck is going on, and discovered that Jake was now Prestige III from Prestige I. I'd never do this because I'm still trying to unlock all the…
[PC] Wesker sometimes doesn't hit vaulting survivors
Here are two examples of what happens at least once per match: Me not getting neither the hit nor the vault when a survivor vaults a window or a pallet. This actually cost me 2 matches alone today, It also happens when the survivor vaults into you and you just bump off. I could not replicate this one though. I think that…
Rock in Yamaoka climbable
WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Example Step 1 : Play as survivor Step 2 : get chased by spirit on the Yamaoka map that has the pyramid-like shrine in the middle Step 3 : get to and drop pallet Step 4 : tried to vault the pallet but ended up on top of the rock somehow ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The rock in question was one of…
PC (Epic Games) - Unable to rotate the camera around the killer
Hello, Here is my bug report on PC (Epic Games): Unable to rotate the camera around the killer. description Step 1 : Start the game. Step 2 : Press a key to skip the intro. Step 3 : Press a key to continue. Step 4 : Press the "Play as killer" button. Step 5 : Press the "Ready" button. Step 6 : When a match is found, try to…
Deathslinger POV and Button register issues
Platform: PC First bug: Reeling (m2) into basic attack (m1) sometimes doesn't register, so I had to spam the button multiple times. Second bug: Deathslinger turns into a smurf when reeling a Survivor, his POV just dips down a few inches. You can see some clipping in the bottom right with his arm.
We'll make it bug
An old bug has returned this time to the perk We'll make it, i had the bug encountered on me twice while running the perk and it transferred the 100 percent healing speed increase and converted it to action increase, so far nothing i did seemed to remove it, but i found a way to semi recreate the bug since it rarely…
Micheal Myers daily "Right of the dark within " wont count when done
tried this daily for 4 days now different addons no addons it wont complete and its sad level up stalking 4xs to lv 3 ive done this in single games and continued multilple games neither count can you please fix this thanks pc version usa DBD
Trappers traps trap while disarming
Platform: PC / Steam Description: I just had the case where I was standing in front of one of Trappers traps, but not close enough to get trapped. It was placed directly in front of the exit gate switch on Ironworks of Misery. I got the message to press M1 to disarm, which I did. And while my Character was bending forward…
Nintendo switch shop bug
When the game is played or left on for a while this error pops up. The solution to solve this problem is to reset game but this should definetly be looked at
Connection lost error
I got a random error message in the lobby, and then this message appeared every time I opened my friends list. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of the first message and can't remember what was said. I restarted the game to make sure everything was fine, and I didn't get that error again. Platform: PC
Lethal Pursuer blocking rushed actions
Hello, Platform: PC (and probably every other platform) Description of the issue: During the initial activation of Lethal Pursuer, all rushed actions are muted. E.g. if a Surviovr fast-vaults a window, you dont get any notification while you see their Aura. Bug is in the game for a pretty long time already and was already…
Continuous crashing, but with a twist
I've been playing this game constantly the past year and have had no technical problems up until this past week. In the middle of a match (sometimes even a couple minutes into a match) the game will randomly crash. However on the end game screen it will show that myself AND the killer have both disconnected. This is not…
Low Profile doesn't activate multiple times
Platform: PC From Peanits: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/342544/developer-update-low-profile-question He states this perk can activate multiple times. Trying out "Low Profile" and I had it activate in the middle of the match when 1 person was dead, 1 hooked, and 1 downed. Low profile activated and my…
distant animations aren't loading correctly
If you look at a gen or hooked survivor from far away their animations aren't correct. Pistons won't be moving or it will show the entity claws when the survivor isn't in second stage
Killer Fatshaming on Dead Dawg Saloon
There are 2 spots which I just had in the Match on Saloon where I couldn't pass through as Killer however Suvivors can walk through these spots just fine. North Side of the main building South / West Side of the main building.
Hook spawns Coal Tower
Idk if it is bug or intended but those hooks feels very close without offering. They are literally few steps away. The two behind me are prob the same length like the two in Coldwin farm.
Horrible Performance Issues
As of the last 2-3 weeks, DbD's performance has drastically dropped in quality for me. I have a pretty good PC, and I used to get hundreds of FPS (as I do in all my games), but recently it's dropped down to a hard cap of 60-62, with framerates in the 50s-60s range. Not to mention the egregious amount of stuttering I'm…