The Ace tier list (definitive) (correct one)
So I just decided to rank him... The reason there are multiple images is because the original one is too big. It a big boy. So I split it up 3 times, hope it isn't that bad. (Left to right in case you don't know what what is) Sace: Ace Visconti (god), Ace of Spades (best Ace card), Ace Ventura (The actor for Dr. Eggman in…
Making point
It gets old kills not playing so EVERYONE gets to earn points so we can make tallies too. They just keep attacking survivors. It’s as if they don’t realize that they make points, they get tallies, their rank goes down low. Just like a survivor would. So if killers would play rightboth killer and survivor could make really…
Forum question
I looked at the various discussions and wasn't sure where to post this. I'm trying to figure out how to get the reply count to show up on the forum. It was showing for me a few days ago and now it's gone. Just shows the discussion list without how many replies. Thank you
Which survivor do you main?
I am just asking about the appearance, not the teachable perks, and also I'm wondering why Ash, Tapp, Adam and Quentin is the rarest on the list (PS: Quentin solved: look at his face lol) Mine was Jeff, but now I'm thinking about Ash, Quentin or Tapp. What is your main survivor guys?:)
I got stuck.
I couldn't move, killer couldn't kill me. This was after being unhooked. I ended up disconnecting. Not that it mattered, my PC is trash lol I'm Bill, I tried to get a screenshot but PC didn't take it? I could see inside his head or whatever. This is taken from the perspective of a friend (obviously). Again, can't move. Was…
What are the little Cage things around some people’s profile pics?
What’s the deal with the cage bars around some peoples profiles?
Favorite Anime Openings?
What're your favorite anime openings? I like a bunch personally. Some are: Psycho Pass Op 1&2 Future Diary Op 1 Tokyo Ghoul Op & Tokyo Ghoul: Re Op Kakegurui Op 1 Death Parade Op These aren't in any particular order and I know I'm missing some but yea just those for now. How about you guys?
Streaming Moments
I sometimes say funny thing's on my streams like for instance ,I had a meg at the loop ,I said hey meg you know me and you are one in the same you're really fast ,I'm really slow you like red I like red, they call me the red pyramid thing ,I hear they call you the red thing. And today a Quinton was running to save and I'm…
DBD Update bug
So everytime there's an update my steam downloads it then proceeds to download the full game from scratch i thought i was trippin then i checked the dbd folder and the size was literally on 2gb so obviously i forgot about that and just finished the download anyway but little did i know, it wasnt a one time bug this…
NECA and DbD
I keep wondering, Hey, NECA has all these cool horror licenses like F13, Halloween, Ghostface etc. and I was thinking, hey, imagine how cool it would be if NECA had a collab with Dead by Daylight? We would get some quality collectors figures and we would finally have some true dead by daylight action figures. Imagine…
I played Silent hill 2 and 3
So I finally got my hands on both the 2nd and 3rd games for my 360 to see if this really was the real deal, and I'll say I'm not disappointed this was a very great series, and I'm glad I was able to experience it. The story was good, and it was decently paced. But there is some negatives I have about the game. I played it…
For all of you pig users out there...
Anybody else played F-Zero before?
I used to play F-Zero GX as a little kid on my GameCube, ngl playing Oni and just going super fast in game in general reminds me of playing that game, just imagining when I charge Demon Dash I hear "You got boost power!"
What do you play ?
What games do you play when it's not dbd ? I'm really curious to see what game are being play by the community
Fact of the Day
Went against a team made up of a Meg, David, and two Claudette's, I was Ghostface, the map was Ormond. Even though I am a Rank 20 killer, I thought I did pretty good since I don't play killer at all. My perks consisted of; I'm All Ears, PGTW, Ruin, and Sloppy Butcher. "Where is this going?" You may ask. Survivors were…
Dead by daylight mobile banned my reddit account for no reason
just now my reddit account named Shugon135 was banned permanetly for no appearent reason, i posted a joke on dead by dayight mobile reddit, and these people who were extremely rude spam reported me with there mod friend who banned me. i need to get my account back due to them causing trouble and for me doing nothing wrong.
Favorite ships?
Who are your favorite couples in the game? Does anyone ever ship killers/survivors together? If so, why? Just curious 😊 I’m also bored so please entertain me and tell me your favorite fictional couples lol.
Moved: Carrie
This discussion has been moved.
What music do you all like?
No, i'm not going to say it. My favorite artists Include IDKHOW and Half Alive.
Any emts or medics?
Are any of you seeing a shortage or people leaving the field? At my station I'm one of two night trucks and we're running constantly
I buffed trapper
Leaked screenshot and description of upcoming Legion rework
Power: Gun Legion is armed with a Glock 18 semi-automatic pistol containing 17 rounds which they can use to hold up survivors repairing generators. SPECIAL ABILITY: GUNPOINT Survivors held up at gunpoint by Legion are forced to either hand over all their accumulated bloodpoints for the trial, perform an extended moonwalk,…
Hillbilly & LeatherFace
chainsaw goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....cooldown....brrrrrrrrrrrrr
this a bug or normal? theres 2 no eds? also its off topic because the rest is grayed.
Nea's hype tshirt
I am aware that Nea's hype tshirt is no longer purchaseable. Does anyone have a code that I can use? I really want the tshirt (no0b3).
Old Survivors then Vs Survivors now
(WIP) Classical Communal Library
So most of the time when I start talking about music I get looked at like I sprouted another head. So this thread is to combine all our braincells and best works of art from the classical genre. Work in progress. Higdon Violin Concerto: https://youtu.be/9Fw3yBxIGXQ Sibelius Violin Concerto: https://youtu.be/J0w0t4Qn6LY…
What is quentins black jacket in the movies?
Im just curoius scince iv never seen a jacket like the one hes wearing Sorry i cant put a image of it on the screen but im sure some of you know what i mean
Okay, soo Halloween Kills releases this October 2021 and no one knows for sure exactly how the film ends. There has already been an announcement for Halloween Ends, set for a October 2022 release. Was wondering what events everyone feels will take place in Halloween Kills and how the film might end to set up Halloween…
This guy gave me and my friend death threats after we beat him(fairly)
Story: So me and my friend were playing against The legion. Everything was going fine for us, but around the end he started camping between a hooked survivor and a near completed gen(1 gen needed to escape). I didn't see as a big issue, i just had to lure him to the said gen so we can rescue our teammate but later after we…
What video game world would you live in?
If you could live in any video game world, where would you live? I used to think that i would love to live in Los Santos (GTA 5) Because well it's just LA at the end of the day. The more i think about it though if i could i would live in Midgar (FF7) simply because its the world of my favourite game of all time (original…
If anyone is at all interested in a communal classical music library...
Say something here, because if no one cares I'm not going to put in the effort to do it.
Do You Ever Feel Bad for Killing a Survivor?
A random question for all the killer mains out there! Have you ever felt extra guilty for killing a survivor, and why?
i will legit pay money for this, anyone else agree?
New Doctor meta?
I play everyday 10 Hours DBD thats like 50 Matches a Day and in that 50 matches i got like 30 DOCS as Killer? Last month there was like 3/50?
New Assassin (Brazilian Concept) is excellent.
Killer created by:Tiago Sansil @tiagosansil9 https://twitter.com/tiagosansil9/status/1299493564703965184
Cool Underground Licensed Killer Idea
So I just finished watching "Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon" and I thought it would be an insanely fun idea for a licensed killer that's flown very under the radar. If you're a fan of Halloween, F13, and Elm Street then you'll love this film. Based in a world where all the just said characters are actual…
Moved: My suggests for hex perks and more
This discussion has been moved.
Need Mod help - 'Confirm email address' email not coming through
Hi guys. Sorry to bother you. Changed my email address, and now my 'confirm your email address' email is not coming through to my email. Had to post here as now have limited access. Can any Mod please help? Thanks :-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN!!!!!! (CornPoppers Evan!)
What if steve harrington met ash willams?
Self explanitiory title
My Favorite Game As GF
So me, a young Rank 20 killer waddling in while the sucky MMR was active, prepared for death. I get into a game, Claudette, Cheryl, Bill, and Jake. None were SWF so I go for Cheryl first cuz she spawned near me, put her in exposed, hook you go. I turn around, unhooked by Claudette, they teabag and flashlight click before…
New Pyramid Head Skin Leak!!!
Anyone know how to report a hacker player?
Had a nurse way too buff from PC who could move way too fast and blink with no fatigue. Her add-ons didn't add up.
NOED Console Babies
I've noticed that since crossplay is now in effect that the number of killers using NOED is massive compared to PC. Almost all of the killers from console use this perk, whereas when playing just PC it is about 1/20 using this perk. What's the communities take on this?
What kind of clincial phobias do you have?
Personally, I have Xenophobia, or fear of the unknown, this is actually why the Ocean and the dark scares me so much, you cannot put me in a dark room and tell me something is out there and looking for me without me having a near instant panic attack and anxiety
Do you think survivors should have more than 1 second chance perk
For this poll the second chance perks included are Decisive Strike Unbreakable Deadhard Adrenaline
If you were a character from a
Childhood tv show who would you be and why?.For me I would say Cleo Sertori because I like her power to be able to shape water into different forms. For those who don’t know the show she’s the one in the middle.
Ask Mushwin anything.
Yish! Let's talk or maybe ask questions or well, just ignore :)