Getting temp banned for reasons out of my control
Recently my PS4 has been freezing, on any and every game I’ve been playing. DBD is probably the worst case of this, and I can barely play without freezing at least twice after a game of survivor or killer. Because of how the DC penalty system works, I end up being put on a timer. It’s not bad at first, but over time it’s…
Masterminds of Dead by Daylight, have you ever done something what pissed the killer totally off?
and if so, what was it?
The spirit's new TR theme leaked!
Anyone else find it suspicious...
... that Plague got a fat buff during the first worldwide pandemic since 1918? Are BHVR secretly Mayan gods capable of predicting the future?
Everything you need for the perfect shelter
A loving pet? Check Tons of food and water stored? Check Central Heating? check Several inches of brick and/or concrete protecting you from the outside cold? check A great view? check, check and triple check
Dc penalty
i had an interesting bug with a friend we were playing SWF and he disconnected and i received the penalty as well. What was quite odd for me is that the penalty ended for both of us at the EXACT same time, is this how its supposed to work or what.
How did you come up with your dbd forum name?
Originally I was going to set my nickname as either ThegreenkillerJ,which is an old nickname,Jarofaxe,my first ever nickname and then I realized that since I'll join a dbd community, I needed to come up with a relative nickname. Claudette was my first survivor,and since they are famous for hiding in bushes,claudetteinabush…
So I attempted to make "The DeathSlinger" In Red Dead Online...
Custom icons ( Susie )
So recently i fell in love with Susie from the Legion, and thought she deserved to be the icon representing the legion - is this a banable offense `? O_O
Clown needs a rework
The Clown is weak, since he's released no one play a lot with him. He's a forgot killer and i think Bhrv may rework him, to let the Clown funnier to play with. I think he needs a buff on his power ( or change his entire power), add a new chase song, remake some addons, and buff some perks of him except Pop Goes to Weasel,…
Spirit's facial expressions perfectly show how we react to stepping on a lego
Change my mind
random question
How can I request outfits for a survivor
ORIGINAL Killer and Survivor Ideas?
Alright guys, gals, and non binary players! I asked what lisenced characters yall wanted and now its time to get creative! Send me your ideas for original killers and survivors I honestly love how successful the first post was with ideas so I have a feeling this will be interesting. You can be as in depth, or as vague as…
Could we kick people who glitch and refuse to leave when they have no blood points
Got in a game with a meg who happened to glitch after I hooked her one time and I cant interact with them while they are down and messaged them to please leave and they responded saying I was toxic and deserve them not leaving
The Doctor's cut scene in the rift
So, in The Doctor's archive he opens someone up and then keeps them alive by supplying electricity. Is it actually possible to cut someone up and keep them alive by supplying electricity to the heart and the open places?
Now i palying game vs The Cannibal(BUBBA) and he stayed on 1 place and facecamping with chainsaw and no way unhook this guy on hook!!! PLEASE add new report for camping or face camping!!! :(🤬😡💀. You can post commend. Thank you for your time!
(Mouse-over text on the red icon)
I bet nobody on PC forums will use 25% zoom for an entire day
It literally looks like this the entire time Bet nobody here will try it
Anxiety i guess
My dad is sus since I tried to call my gf and almost caught me. I dont have anyone else to talk to so woe is me right ? :)
Went against my first hacker...
I was honestly really surprised to see one or for that matter 3 because there were 2 killers... but the reason i was surprised is because I'm on console more specifically ps4, and i thought it was a little more difficult to hack ps4, I'm not complaining just really surprised and i felt like sharing it
What's going on with xbox?
So far xbox has had ONE DAY of dedicated servers, and now its just gone and so far i haven't heard any news about anything regarding it, it was just deactivated and isnt getting any attention at all from what i see. Can anyone help me understand what's happenibg
Who else would like play it?
I am literally having more fun with Roblox than with dbd, because ya know, it's kinda uhh #########
The New Patch Sucks!!!!!
Why fix stuff that isn't broken? Do you take the bumper off your car one day just because? Why have toolboxes in the game now? They are useless! 75% of the matches i play as Survivor i have to turn on like 3 gens myself just to have a chance. Change the sabotage around for what? I never ever saw more than 1 hook sabotaged…
What games are you going to playing or are playing? since dbd is starting to be not fun:(
Right now IM playing dead space 2:) and after I finish it ill be playing dead space 3 :D What games will you be playing?
Do you hate something in FPS games like CoD and Apex Legends?
Scopes I hate scopes so much, even with snipers I hate scopes When I play Apex and get any sniper I would never pick up a scope for it, just run around sniping without a scope at long range, god I love the sentinel
What is your mother language and what is your favorite word?
Don't judge me,I'm just curious. Mine is Greek and my favorite word,if I had to pick one, would be διαυλοεπιλογέας just because the length of it. It means "remote controller" btw How about you? Let me know down below Αντίο :3 (Means goodbye lol)
Moved: Hook camping
This discussion has been moved.
Do you guys remember this toy?
I had a blue one. Idk why I'm asking, just curious.
What is your dream in life?
I was just thinking about this topic and got curious what others would say. Me personally, my dream is to find myself a loving husband and become a father. Not the most ambitious dream but eh, everyone is different. <3
Wanna play a game? ;)
You are alone one night, you're not up to much just playing some Dead By Daylight. When all of a sudden a dark fog takes over your room. You can't move you're paralysed. You're fear doubles as a Dark Figure imerges from the fog, the creature speaks to you. "I am a servent of the Entity. And it has noticed you. However you…
What’s your go to perk if your toxic LOL
Do you think the devs make the killers attractive on purpose?
Do you think the devs purposefully make the killer's attractive to sell more DLCs? Asking for a friend. I mean, it works. I have all of Trapper's cosmetics but rarely play him. Does anyone else notice the new killers getting more attractive over time?
Is anyone else afraid of ending up alone?
Normally I brush today off like the creation of candy and greeting card companies like it is, but literally everyone in my social media is gushing about their partners, fiancés, spouses, families and it’s kind of getting to me a little. I’m 27 and I’m nowhere anywhere near becoming important to someone. It’s honestly…
The Rush to Finish Tome 2 before DOOM Eternal hits is Real
I have exactly 10 days before Doom Eternal hits and I forget DBD exists altogether for about a month. I've been playing the cat-and-mouse game for so long that I'm overdue for a break. I want colorful hordes of rampaging demons to pop, instead of hiding behind pallets and running for my tiny, insignificant little survivor…
Off topic section is so different
When reading here, it seems like the light side of the force. No negativity whatsoever, while the general discussions seem like a Battlefield. Kind of funny but sad if you notive how much negativity there is.
Cross-Platform UI?
@Peanits Hello there, i was playing with some cross platform players with the grey grid-like earth symbol. After the match i clicked on their names and it doesn't show up any menu or nothing to talk or add the player. Will this be an addition in the future? just curious :D
The Racoon Thread.
Dedicated to all those lil critters, lil trash pandas - was posted on another thread we need more racoon stuff! lol
I’m new here. thats it. been playing since August 2018 on the PlayStation 4, can’t get enough of the game. I do SFM of the game so maybe I can post that idk
I am in danger
Coronavirus now is on my neighbor city and a lot of people of my city lives there. #########
Sequel To The Revolutionary Horror Game
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NiQAlGUw_o ITS HAPPENING BOIS! Amneisa has done SO MUCH for the horror community come late 2000s. It was in a downhill spiral for the most part, and this game singlehandedly revived how horror games were done; minimalistic, very little combat, and dripping with atmosphere. I may be…
I think my friend might be ghosting me and I don’t know what to do :(
Backstory: we’re best friends and we would always talk everyday all day pretty much. We even got to meet in person last September/October and it was amazing! But idk what happened but it’s like something changed or I did something wrong and I don’t know why. We used to play games together all the time - that’s how we met -…
Gotta love The Cover Up
Gotta love when you post on reddit and a mod removes it for showing how bad matchmaking is 😂
Change your calculator from radian mode to degree mode before doing trigonomic calculations. :)
Moved: Ppl who played the PTB
This discussion has been moved.
Am I going to be a survivor?
Is the entity going to kidnap me?
Moved: What killer is worth buying?
This discussion has been moved.
For those of you who drive
What type of car are you driving right now? And what would be your dream car?
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! From me and Mr Mushwin!
Random survivor head cannon
Feng Min is lesbian. Besides her choice of a gaming career that's my she became the black sheep of the family so quickly
What inspired your name (in game/forum name)
My psn (TreemanXD) was something I thought up after learning about Epidermodysplasia verruciformid (Treeman syndrome) and the “XD” was added because just “Treeman” was taken.