Cosmetic idea for the pig
Im a great fan from saw movies, also a pig main and I thought it would be a good idea to have some cosmetics from that saga. For example: Jhon kramer clothing and mask (when he dressed with it) (also amanda wore it a couple of times, instead of her red jacket) Also, on saw 2 we could see amanda with a blue (with a little…
Moved: Laurie bug? Not really. Maybe.
This discussion has been moved.
A moment of silence....
Dear friends and loved ones We are gathered here today to remember a killer who could keep survivors in check. No longer will anything be able to beat good survivors (bad survivors will still lose to her, god rest their souls) crying to the devs works, so we as the assembled killer mains should use this strategy until more…
is there any sub forum for posting video clips or no?
I have an enormous hangover right now pls help
Any tips? I have a birthday party in a few hours KEKW
New Myers Cosmetic Idea
I was recently browsing the General Discussions Thread where the forum user @Dazlirn accidentally misspelled Myers as Myres. Someone then jokingly asked "Who is Myres? Does Myers have a long lost Spanish brother?" So, let's make Sombrero Myers. You thought Shirtless Myers was an unbelievable meme goal? Now try Miguel Myres…
omg 😳😳😳
I was wondering is there any sub forum on here to post memes or is there nowhere
sincerely a meme boy
Favorite names?
In games, what is the best/most badass name you've heard? I'm a fan of Destiny's naming. Ex: Atheon, Time's Conflux Consecrated Mind, Sol Inheritant Savathûn, the Witch-Queen. Yeah, I'm nerding out. Don't judge me.
Who should I draw?
Here are the games I have played Outlast Outlast:Whistleblower Outlast 2 DBD CoD Pretty much every battle royal Layers Of Fear Who should I draw from one of these games? (Fortnite is not allowed as I still hate that game)
How's your week going to far?
Mines going great! I've updated Dbd so I'm ready to play on Friday without having to wait almost an hour and I've also been planning a lot for Halloween tommorow, it's been fun. I also got this new super rare monster to add to my collection in a game I play, I didnt even have to buy him with real money!!! (he's the one in…
I have so many questions...
And I’m not sure I want answers.
Decide for me: Which Killer plus build/addons should i play the next game?
Hello I always like to play new builds and i like to come out of my confort zone. Please help me by just posting a Killer + Build and Addons / Offerings. These are the criteria Any Killer but 2 exceptions: Huntress and Freddy (have not leveled those 2) Any Build (if i dont have perks, i try to farm those) Any Addons or…
Untitled Goose Game
A real S-tier killer is FINALLY here. Anyone else who's excited for this game? In celebration I present you with my favorite video of a bird attacking a human (just pretend it's a goose):
In DBD, It's always funny when...
A baby Freddy respects his fake pallet.
All this wait and still the mid-chapter update is so bugged omg devs you monsters!!
** Reserved topic to move all the complaint on the upcoming update, don't forger to like and subscribe! *
What are you guys all doing for Halloween?
It would of been hard for me to enjoy a Withering Blight Halloween night sesh, even if the event was on, as trick or treaters would no doubt be constantly knocking. I will probably watch a classic horror film while continuously pressing pause to open the door and hand out sweets. You guys?
Is DbD going to be considered lore to the Evil Dead series?
I say this because Bruce Campbell confirmed that Ash will no longer be in any movies, so will Sam Raimi just decide that DbD is cannon to the Evil Dead?
Something cool you can do as Demogorgon
Story behind this image: I was shredding around the map, seeing if I could get onto certain things, and managed to get on the antlers with the right timing. I was originally gonna post this on the contest but when I got the picture, well, it was 10 PM and the submissions were closed So you guys get to see it on off topic…
Is HIDE OR DIE a threat to Dead By Daylight?
I’ve seen numerous threads on this discussion but all have seemed to cease late-August. I just thought; “Why not readdress it?”, “Like, what’s there to lose?”. So, I did. THE BASICS From what I know, Friday the 13th was the first Asymmetrical Horror Game released on public builds. Then on there, we saw games like this…
How all the low tier killers can be buffed and survivor perks being buffed/reworked
The Wraith/buff Make yellow windstorm base kit. The Pig/buff Make the following addons: Combat straps, Video tape, Tampered time, and rule set No.2 This should compensate for her endgame nerfs and actually make her traps good and let survivors know "Hey, I need to get this off" rather than "I'll get this off once I do 2…
What Creature Terrifies You The Most?
Just a simple question does any creature on this planet terrify you or you just despise this thing in general. Mine would be bugs. I don't know why I just hate everything Bug related :/
What kind of cartoons you used to watch?
*Old Man Voice* Back in my day i watched 'Suite life of Zack and Cody' 'Rugrats', Code named Kids next door, Foster home for imaginary friends, Teen titans(Old better one), Thornberry, Pokemon series 1, Yu-gi-oh! and many more! What did you guys watch?
Old Pictures: What do you guys think?
Which one is your favorite? Mine is Mario getting force fed a Head Crab
Should I be Ghostface or Pyramid Head this Halloween?
Big fan of Scream and Silent Hill 2, so it's hard to choose
I would like to change my name?
Someone pls help. I want my streamer name on the forms. 😂
Hey all killers...
Start getting rid of all your moris. Every survivor and there moms are wasting insta heals before the nerf so its not a bad idea to just bring a mori every game.
The picture that describes what almost 90% of Spirit posts are about
Change my mind
When survivors chew you out for “camping” when you see them trying to rescue a hooked survivor
Hook Ornaments Came Early!!! lol, jk
Films which legitimately frightened you.
Notice I didn't just put horror as some folks may of found a film of another genre scary. So, which films gave you really big creeps? For me, two particular films left a lasting impact on me. I saw Jaws and Halloween around the age of 6. Despite being terrified of both as a child, they are and always have been my two…
Does this happen to you guys?
I just kept on having this fly atack me on crucial parts. After the game was over he was gone too. That evil plotting fly!
My RE Halloween week marathon
So, I just begun my Resident Evil marathon and I'm going to ask the good people of the forums to give me any tips, hints or tricks you've got while remaining as spoiler free as possible please, I'd greatly appreciate this. REmake- This is my starting point and I'm already up to the point where the hunters have arrived. RE2…
Look another Halloween event post.
I’m not upset..just a little sad. 😞
You haven't lost me....
I'm taking a small break, but I hope one of these chapter's is the Beesiness 😉
Association: Forum members and killers
Do you associate forum members with specific killers? List will be updated continuously. Trapper: Wraith: @LCGaster, @Skarkio, @Cardgrey, @MandyTalk Hillbilly: @Rizzo90 Nurse: @xXNurseXx, @NMCKE Michael Myers: @Thanzar, @Kiskashi Hag: @SpaceCoconut Doctor: Huntress: @Peanits, @Gay Myers (Luzi) Leatherface: Yamaoka (2),…
Who ISNT going to see Rise of Skywalker?
Me: Raises hand!!!😁
Spooky season
Important question, what are y'all gonna be for halloween?
Dbd characters be like
Piggy has the best oinks in the game The Legion has the best mixtapes in the game. Demi Logorgon has the most accurate version of Barb's glasses Clown has the best porn stash Hag's mint rag is strong Michael knows where to get the best tombstones. Freddy is all about the kids Wraith has all seeing potential Trapper has the…
Anyone else going to play The Outer Worlds when it releases?
For those of you who don't know, Fallout: New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time. And I love Obsidian Entertainment as a gaming company. So, is anyone else going to purchase their new RPG when it releases? Being a stalwart New Vegas fan, I'm pretty much obligated to buy it 😄
New Picture: Detective Tapp is super proud of his new Pet!
Such a happy memory for David Tapp, I'm sure he misses these simpler times...
Merch Store Experiences?
Hey guys, Does anyone have any experiences ordering from the official DBD merch store? I ordered some patches five months ago and received the tracking information shortly after. Unfortunately, they have yet to ship out of the warehouse and have been stuck there since June. I've attempted to contact the merch store…
Get on Dying Light, Left 4 Dead 2 event with 3 new challenges!
You can get 3 new weapon blueprints at the moment An electric guitar, Golf Club, and Frying Pan I think that is it but you better go get em!
Naughty Peppa
I Need Puns
Give me some puns! I don't care if it's a horrible pun a great pun or a cringey pun. Just give them all to me, I'll start! Why couldn't the bicycle stand up? Because it was two tired! Why did the coffee taste like it was mud? Because it was ground a few minutes ago I carried a lamp yesterday, I couldn't believe how "light"…
Favorite melee weapons?
Is there any melee weapons that intrigue you? Any era, like from a Viking, Samurai or Knight era? One that interests me in particular is the Medieval era Scottish Claymore. Can be any weapon.
Can someone post the icon recolour for LightWeight?
I need it for something
A lot of speculation for IT recently
Made another sculpture in Mud-box. This time of Pennywise. Thought I’d post it here because of the speculation of him being in the game.
Why are people are afraid to unhook?
Like the killer can be mid chase on the other side of the map with the obsession and they’ll still walk to the hook? I never understood it. If I have full health I’ll unhook and take the hit instead of letting someone get 2 hooked. I don’t see why everyone will risk losing a person early game because I just let myself die…