Complete rework. You can polish a turd but it’ll just be a shiny turd.
When Nea came out it was a joke that she was the Entity because she was a little difficult to look at lol. Probably same thing with Haddie. When leaks released a pic of her and Dredge, I had to ask which one the killer was lol (just based on the images we had). They’ve both had qol changes since so perhaps the jokes are…
It comes out tomorrow my bad
A Blendette collection. Lots of camo etc
I’m going to take a wild guess and say maybe maps are being designed with less-experienced players in mind? I don’t know the stats but maybe the vast majority of players are a lot more casual who possibly need bigger maps, more ‘junk’ and pallets in order to not be downed instantly? Most probably don’t understand what…
I suck at flashlight saves too haha but slowly getting better with practice. If it’s a blind challenge I’ll usually go with Blast Mine as it’s much easier to pull off.
Yep all healing triggers skill checks so you can get autodidact value if your healing a dying or injured survivor. It just comes down to whether your lucky enough to get skill checks. Autodidact won’t effect you healing yourself though is the only difference.
Not sure about his perks but I’m predicting one of Nicholas Cage’s perks is going to be like residual manifest/pharmacy but with maps instead, in reference to the Declaration of Independence he stole in one of his movies. Just a fun prediction.
Hard to say so early on, I’m as much pessimistic as I am hopeful considering the last chapter. Overall the story, theme and map look great although there are concerns regarding map playability. From the little bit I’ve seen of the killer, I’m worried it looks a little like it could be a Dredge skin if he was cosplaying as…
I think what needs to be done is revert the chase buff, inconsistent speed boosts, they gave her post PTB. A survivor doing the right thing by disabling her drones always ends up just punishing other survivors who may already be, or are about to be, in chase. Instead they should give her some kind of actually chase power…
Anti camping and tunnelling perks are considered bandaids but this is an attempt of core mechanic change. We won’t be able to know for sure if it’ll be effective or abusable until PTB so will be interesting. If Bubba’s the main concern, someone posted a good idea which was make him go into tantrum if his chainsaw put…
That would be so sick. I also think a fighting style killer like maybe a collab with WWE or something.
It’s actually a really good idea.
No more face camp bubba it’s seems :( I hate tunnelling and proxy camping as much as the next (unless it’s late game/called for etc) but nothing makes me laugh more than a Bubba hitting me on hook, nodding and just doing all the ‘toxic’ stuff haha
That would almost always guarantee an exit for survivor though which isn’t really fair imo. I don’t mind the rng of it. Usually if there’s only one survivor left to open an exit gate, the killer has done a good job and probably deserves the chance to choose their fate as well.
Yeah it happens every now and again but very rarely. Glad I’m not the only one haha
Ok so this is the last time I’ll comment on this post as it’s strayed beyond DBD-related content and I’m sorry for my part in that. Some people love it, some people hate it. It’s behaviour that decides these things at the end of the day and all I wanted to do was understand more and offer an alternative view on adding real…
You explain things so much better than I do haha! I wholeheartedly agree with all of this.
I already explained the kid comment being a side comment rather than the actual question I was asking. Read before you try to cancel others hey.
Mm ok so it seems like it will never stop because it will always change the goal posts and require something different with constant activism. Alright well best of luck with everything and thank you again for explaining things so well :) really appreciated.
I could say the same about you regarding cognitive dissonance and btw everyone else does sit down and shut up about their sexual lives. You’ll really only see those conversations between friends etc.
That’s a really nice answer and thank you for sharing that with me. I guess it leads me to ask, how long does the world have to wait until we can go about our lives, including playing our video games, without having to know everyone’s sexuality? When does it end because I keep seeing things like: ‘it’s doesn’t stop here’,…
LGBTQ+ is an activist group. The more time goes on, the more I see gay people separating themselves from them and realising it teaches them nothing but how to be angry activists. They realise they have ssm and all these other genders and gender dysphoria, mental health issues have nothing or very little to do with them.…
A win for me is whether or not I had a fun and productive/interactive match. Try different perks out, it might help!
I mentioned earlier that there are multiple reasons why I believe adding sexual activism to DBD is not deemed by all as an overall good thing. The kids comment was just a side note that people latched onto instead of answering the main question being where I asked why he felt the need to broadcast his sexuality to…
Ironic that I would be labelled as someone projecting my ‘feels’ into the game considering what we’re talking about. Do you really think a High Priestess from BC times would be rocking an activist flag from 2023? It doesn’t make sense and therefore - un-immersive. It takes away the huge amount of work that’s been put into…
Does it really make sense that Michael Myers or Plague or Knight or any other killer or survivor from another timeline would have an activist flag representing sexualities that have only existed in the last few years? If you want to assign them a sexuality in your head that’s fine and that’s for you. But the answer is no,…
The LGB(etc) IS political and controversial, just because you might identify yourself as part of the group (or support it from the side) doesn’t make it any more acceptable than adding countries or religion if that’s the professional standard chosen for DBD. It IS absolutely activism, whether that’s your personal reason…
That’s very nice of you but my argument is that sexual activism flags are un-immersive for many reasons in dbd. I know a lot of people mean good but I believe there are more consequences to these decisions than what’s been discussed. Also isn’t Behaviour a Canadian company? Hasn’t same sex marriage been legal these for…
Ok thanks for your reply. I just wanted to understand why there’s such an outcry for people wanting to tell me what their sexuality is in the game because for me it’s completely immersion breaking to have sexual activism flags in dbd. From what I can understand people just ‘want’ to and to hell what others think about it.…
Genuine question. Why do you feel the need to broadcast your sexuality to everyone and anyone in a video game? Especially considering I’m sure lots of kids play this game as well.
I dare anyone to find a demo in the wild that doesn’t have STBFL equipped lol. The synergy is crazy with his no-wind-up-needed shred.
Yeah it’s funny but would be really rare to come across 4 solos who would dare even try mess with Bubbas precious belongings lol.
I’ve noticed that even the S-tier killers are hard camping and tunnelling now. If I see a Nurse, Blight or Spirit now, I pretty confidently know it’s going to be one of ‘those’ matches. Good times..
I wish I had some positive or constructive advice for you for this situation but I’ve tried multiple times to counter SM’s most optimal and frequent gameplay with no luck or enjoyment. Even if there was an optimal way to counter it, it’s not something you could communicate reliably with your other solo teammates. She’s the…
Hook bubble transparency. Kindred doesn’t always show the killers aura for the first second or so, which is enough for some killers to be out of the radius in time. Not only auras, but it physically blocks you from seeing killer hurtling towards you after hook.
I almost always use dh when playing survivor and it really hit me when it got nerfed. I’ve gotten to the point where I can live with the nerf if it makes things less frustrating for the killer BUT I would like to see a small improvement made to it where if you miss click or miss your dh for whatever reason, you can get…
Gen spawning is a big one as well. Sometimes a 3-gen is actually a 2-gen due to one of them being tucked into a corner behind the others or in a massive dead zone.
Yeah you have to be careful what feedback to take seriously because a lot of it is people just wanting to vent based on one bad experience or frustrating game. A thumbs up emote would be a pretty safe bet I’d think considering it’s a positive animation, if someone complains, it’s just a few compared to the many that would…
Haha I did consider this but giving a thumbs up surely couldn’t be considered more rude that pointing? Then again, someone’s always mad at something in the world lol.
I like the “Hush/Shh” one! Would fit perfect I reckon.
It might encourage lobby dodging but being able to see perks in game I definitely agree with.
Current DBD no question. It would be great though to see a realm, like Swamp maps for example, visually nod to the more nostalgic, dark and grungy aesthetic of older dbd.
Having buckle up affect injured to healthy as well as dying to injured would definitely make it more appealing for sure.
I’d be keen. Everything that’s come from the RE license has been great so I wouldn’t be complaining at all. Variety is good though.
They’ve just changed gen spawns on Haddonfeild and added meh-pallets to some edge maps to address deadzones so there is hope. I just hope not every map reworks turns the map into a square, it kinda kills that character of the map a little, but that’s just me.
Dark Theory needs a buff is all I know.
Yep get rid of it. If a trade is worse case scenario for the camping killer that’s not bad at all.
Dredge is a great design and I appreciate him and haddie being integrated quite seamlessly into the game and I believe the overarching lore. The map could use a little tlc but tbf no map, killer, survivor, perk, or anything should ever be considered in its final form and should always be looking for improvement. Knight too…
They’ll figure it out, it’s their job after all. First things first is releasing a fun killer! It’s been a while lol