Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Unfairly for you, your money is worth the same as that of those who prefer to play "long ego chess matches". Three gen is not a problem only of the skull merchant, and both sides have abuseable tools due to game design.
  • You can't demand a kill switch from a killer because you don't like the character's gameplay. People spend real money or game time to unlock those characters. You can't just deactivate a product they've paid for. We also know that BHVR takes time to make changes to any aspect of the game, so it's not feasible to deactivate…
  • Four consecutive days reactivating a base and not a single assault... I don't plan to continue playing the game unless the problem is fixed it doesn't make sense for me to spend 6h+ creating a base so that no one can assault it and get prestige
  • I have spent 6h+ creating a base quite creatively with no exploits or lazy designs. I can't prestige because no one assaults her. The few people who were able to enter are people who either stayed AFK or gave up and got frustrated at the first death.
  • Sorry if I have not explained myself well but I am going to expand my answer a bit since what I put or omit is not by chance, but because I am not an English-speaking player, and it is easier for me to answer short and simple things. First of all, I have not asked why sloppy and botany have different bonuses, I simply let…
  • The change to medkits is to fix the gross abuse of self-heals and encourage team healing. The base healing speed still the same before the midpatch. You are complaining about the Haemorrhage status. This effect was useless until they reworked it. The effect is not overpowered, it just does its job. If a Survivor heals near…
  • I dont understand. Why Sloppy Butcher is strong (-20% healing speed), but Botany Knowledge (+50% healing speed) its ok? Sloppy its a killer perk with healthy numbers. Survivors have perks to counter it too (And stronger). Why survivors want to play with 4 chase perks and second chances, but don't want to use slots for…
  • I settle for a longer ambush, and part of some gray crouch related addons should be basekit
  • I know the problems of removing bloodlust, but it feels like an outdated mechanic. As long as this exists, the focus will not be on insane loops. Removing red stain would have more impact on casual players than veterans. Skilled survivors rely on good third-person camera control and muscle memory. Skilled killers know how…
  • I hope crossprogression comes to consoles. I have stopped playing on ps4 and will only come back when they implement it.
  • In my opinion, changing the base healing to 24s is too much. The heal would be fixed if it came back at 16s and any self heal (medkits included) was at 50% normal speed (like old Selfcare)
  • I think the effect should activate once the fourth survivor is unhooked. This would allow to buff the numbers and avoid the camp.
  • I understand that a good player with piggy doesn't have any counterplay, but have you tried the "boop the snoot" tech? Sometimes it works very well. You can combine it with drop items.
  • This is the queue of reworks: Myers, Pig, Sadako, Legion, Freddy, Legion again, Pig nerf, Freddy again, Trapper, Hillbilly buff, Hillbilly nerf, Ghostface, Pig nerf, Doctor (forgotten killer), more skins for Trickster, etc etc. Now seriously, Freddy suffers from everything you said. Freddy deserves a better teleport and…
  • Devs hate pig. 100% sure. Probably in the next mid-patch they will remove the crouch for the possibility of doing tbag, or who knows what excuse they make.
  • Because you don't lose your aura reading in the middle of a chase. It would allow you to finish the chase and see those generators where they are still repairing and thanks to the fact that the effect persists, you will be able to use the 10 seconds to see where they move or where they hide when you get close.
  • Gearhead (Buff): After a Survivor loses a Health State, Gearhead activates: While Gearhead is active, a Survivor succeeding a Great Skill Check while repairing reveals their Aura to you. Aura reading effect will persist for 6/8/10 seconds after the survivor stops repairing. After which Gearhead deactivates.
  • Thrilling Tremors doesn't measure up to other info perks, and its "slowdown" is highly questionable. Its a perk with a lot of counters. Mad grit or other carry perks dont counter palet safe.
  • Practically thrilling would allow a killer to pick up a survivor under a pallet more safely. Thrilling works as an "information" perk and blocking generators while charging the survivor. I think it would be a good idea if it also protected from pallet safe.
  • BHVR logic: We wanna nerf second chance perks, so we nerf DS because is very oppresive and sometimes inevitable for killers. Also BHVR logic: Now Off the Record is a second chance perk with 80s and can be used multiple times and combined with the new Dead Hard you have 3-4 health states. BHVR logic: We wanna nerf Self Care…
  • Pig needs: Better RNG system Remove the possibility that the pig can camp the last jigsaw box effectively Better movility while crouch (like 95% speed, 100% with addon) Higher PoV while crouched (like Victor) Ambush longer and/or faster (1 seg longer is ok and still not op) Ambush can be launched while crouching without…
  • The perk was nerfed in the EGC patch because the last survivor would have a very hard time escaping the match. The nerf does not make any sense since there are other perks like Whispers, No Way Out, Bitter Murmur that tell you where the last survivor is. If we compare the time gained with the perk with respect to others,…
  • I also suggested such a change, and I think it would work. Old legion unlike current legion, did not lose power on missing a hit. If the devs keep the penalty for missing the stab, I don't see any problem. The counterplay would be to try to cause the legion to fail the hit, stun him, or to endure the chase long enough for…
  • Because BHVR dont know his own game. They take years to fix or balance things that are evident for a long time. When they do a fix or balance, it feels like a half-solution. And because after making the change, in the next patch they introduce a new mechanic that renders all of the above obsolete.
  • My idea of ​​how to buff The Pig: Increase speed while crouching (between 95-100% speed without addons) Ambush lasts 1 second longer. Ambush can be charged on the move while crouching The probability of removing an RBT will be similar to the mechanic of the trapper (25% the first Jigsaw box, 50% the second, 75% third, 100%…
  • Even the devs did an exclusive validation for this perk. Now seriously, Dead hard should only be limited to dodging an attack and not giving extra distance during the chase.
  • Base Power Remove Tier 1 (Keep Ninja Myers only with addons) Stalk reduce your terror radius 50% The Auras of all Survivors within 12 metres of The Shape are revealed while Stalking in Tier 2. When Tier 3 ends, all survivors' stalk points are reset. Reworked Addons Vanity Mirror: The shape can get Evil stalking the aura of…
  • I am in favor of self-healing having 50% normal healing speed, even when self-healing with medkits, except for the green medkit (Green medkits would self heal at 100% normal healing speed). The game should promote team play, and not allow a survivor to be self-sufficient at peak performance.
  • Survivor gameplay should focus on team play. If a survivor rescues in the face of the killer, he must be penalized, but the abuse of perks allow to turn one's own mistakes into killer's mistakes. If the killer tunnels, the survivors must focus on generators and bodyblock. They must distribute the hooks. If the killer camp,…
  • DS is still very strong and unbalanced. The design of the perk is really bad and abusive. Is the root of much of the imbalance of the survivors.
  • No mither makes no sense in this game. BHVR has squandered an opportunity to put no mither to real use. Perks shouldn't always be meta, but at least they don't go against you. A weak survivor hurts an entire team, and no mither makes a survivor weaker.
  • My idea of ​​how Iron Will should work. Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 30/40/50%. As long as you are crouching, this bonus is doubled.
  • Nice!
  • Devs should nerf his beauty face. He charms me every time he stares at me from the hook.
  • I don't know what they are based on to balance the game, but I sometimes play a endgame build without noed (Remember Me, Rancor, Blood Warden, No Way Out) and many times the kills I get them in that phase of the game. If the survivors are very altruistic I can turn the game easily. It is simply a strategy, and it does not…
  • I get it, but I don't think behavior removes perks. I always saw the perk as an easy to use Blood Warden.
  • NOED has a great impact on the endgame, but the main problem that makes it strong is the altruism of the survivors, not own perk. I am not saying that it is perfect as it is, but NOED is one of those value perks that to the slight nerf becomes useless.
  • Devs, I have a better and incredible idea. Dont change the 24m TR, and don't put a lullaby on it. This advice is free. You are welcome.
  • Monstrous Shrine No mither Buckle Up Insidious Sole Survivor Predator Territorial Imperative
  • I think blindness should reduce the survivor's fov in addition to avoiding aura reading (like an inverted Shadowborn). That would create more moments of insecurity in loops.
  • We imagine that the perk is reworked and it works immediately if you are under a pallet. The killer must win a chase to wound, another to knock down, and if the survivor is under a pallet, another chase to make a hook. The survivor who knows this, before losing the second chase will let himself fall under a pallet. The…
  • I think that Power Struggle does not need buff, Flip Flop does. Listening to others gives you another point of view to discuss issues. Second chance perks should only work in very specific and not so abusive circumstances. The game is currently unbalanced in favor of the survivor, in part due to second chance perks.
  • The shape need a buff, absolutely yes. He is a killer with obsolete mechanics and addons, slow early and M1 killer. I think the T1 should be removed, and implement T1 ninja builds only with addons. I think the Stalk ability should reduce your terror radius And I think it would be interesting if Stalk ability could show the…
  • No, the survivors will abuse it by falling under a pallet in a chase. DS is not a balance perk for reference. Power Struggle is not a meta perk, but have good synergy with Flip Flop and Unbreakable. Not OP but not useless with the combo in solo queue. In swf groups is very abusive but not so used.
  • If I could add something else to the rework I would add the ability to use Ambush without needing to stop while crouching.
  • I think legion would work better with 2 small improvements: Power cooldown is 20% faster When Legion hits a survivor affected by deep wound with Feral frenzy, his power no longer ends, instead he can keep hitting, but the time of Feral Frenzy will not be reset. With this change, you can injure multiple survivors and take…
  • I think it would be a hex at the level of Hex: Devour hope. Strong if the totem persists in long games, weak at the beginning of the game.
  • Please watch the video again and answer me. Why are Kate's breasts the only ones bouncing while she runs?
  • I dont know, but killers have a perk named "Hoarder" that generates 2 additional chests. I guess the case with the hooks is more or less similar.