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  • It was definitely mentioned in the thread. I dont care either way myself, but I'm sure there are people out there that'll be sour about it. Cant please everyone and this can be a fairly toxic community, lol
  • I always thought a casual mode would be a good balance out to SWF. Ranked queue being solo only and casual play allowing teams. Problem with this though, is it splits the player base. I know most good killers would love to never see a SWF team again, and the toxic survivor teams will scare away less capable/newer killers.…
  • I don't believe BHVR would retroactively pop trophies. With each new trophy list they specifically add one that heavily influences you into using one of the new perks for each the survivor and the killer. That would remove the built in "mandatory minimum" achievement whores like ourselves would spend on the new content at…
  • People asking for piggy buffs like her crazy forearms up there aren't thick as thighs already. Ridiculous ;) I really do like that top outfit, but is it really more baller than her default coat? I don't see me buying any of her cosmetics just because I like the original outfit. Still pretty cool between this and Ash we…
  • That 7-10 rank range was always the dead zone for me as survivor where the "good enough to be toxic, but not good enough to rank up" survivors would get stuck and halt my progress from pipping out of their range. I imagine that's the same for killers. I prefer the anxiety of a stressful survivor match so It's been a while…
  • Definitely to keep the game from being held hostage. When I play killer if I know both gates are open and a survivors are refusing to leave in hopes of bullying or farming, I run to a corner and face the wall to deny them chase points and play around on my phone until the match ends 10 minutes later after they're done fast…
  • I think it might be a good idea to implement a time penalty on quitters so they cant readily get into new matches as fast. Cumulative penalty so its worse over time too. the only issue I see is the system not being able to differentiate a DC from a network drop and still penalize innocent players.This should be easier to…
  • I do think it would be interesting to have a point in bloodlust where the killer is so intent they stop seeing the scratch marks. Maybe even add seeing scratch marks at top tier Bloodlust to Beast of Prey on top of hiding the red stain to make it even more viable. I've seen some hardcore tunneling (especially in hopes of…
  • Can the hatch be re-opened with a key after the killer closed it?
  • I think everyone spewing salt from both sides have a distorted view of what winning actually is in this game. Pipping is winning. Survivors dont need to escape to win, and killers don't need to 4K to win. and especially before the adjusted pip conditions yes, it was brutally easy to win. And I say this as a solo queue…
  • I grabbed this as a PS+ freebie at the butt end of August before it rotated out of being free. I was recommended Claudette or Nea as good starters and I went with Nea. Cant say for certain what I ran against but I got DESTROYED for several hours and loved every minute of it. First Killer was Trapper since i was in it for…
  • Wow, I didn't actually expect to get an answer right from the source, and definitely not as quickly as I did. You guys are awesome. And that change will be made on Consoles too?
  • @BigBubs I did not know that. I'm a bit of a newer player, starting the game during the Curtain Call chapter so I missed out on the dark times I frequently hear about from older heads. I unfortunately as a console player think it's just going to be stuck this way though. Didnt Skilled huntress get reduced to 20 downs from…
  • That's true, but what are the odds that one of these add-ons are going to kill the whole mend meter? I find that highly unlikely. And if thats not the case, and just existing near a survivor keeps them from bleeding out... still sounds impossible.
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