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  • gotta love people like this :)
  • im not saying they werent. Im a killer/surv main and I hated going again those perks and i think they needed changed. Not gutted. and its a lot more than the meta perks with horrible changes that make them unusable. Mainly speaking about botany and overcharge because i will be shocked if anyone uses those perks anymore.…
  • You can say that about every exhaustion perk. thats the point of the exhaustion perk is to get distance from the killer once per chase. I point out DH because now its hard to use correct and its useless against certain killers.
  • every exhaustion perk does that XD thats the point of the exhaustion perk. you could say that just describing exhaustion perks. I point out DH because its now possibly less usable than overcome, and you can only be healthy to use overcome. My point being people bring that 1 exhaustion to help them and with the changes DH…
  • Thats the point of dead hard though. to be used once per chase ( unless the survivor is godly) and to take one more hit, it doesnt affect deathslinger specifically its supposed to affect every killer the same way. but with the new change killers powers take away one of the 4 perks the survivor chose to bring in, basically…
  • there is an iridescent for P3 I'm pretty sure, but still idk if thats really worth
  • Just for everyone commenting, I made this post and I do not agree that iron will was perfect how it was. It definitely was over powered but the devs nerfed it wayyy too much. Just for everyone talking about the percents i think its fine because now stridor does effect iron will which it didnt before, but all the people who…
    in Bhvr plz read Comment by JCZ June 2022
  • that makes so much more sense XD thx. Should have seen that
  • I never said i did if you would read the post. The point of posting this was to show that BHVR don't take thing seriously and/or can't take criticism. Instead, they take away your cosmetics to try and stop you from talking bad about the game.
  • False. Its their game, every player hates the MMR system, they continue to keep it how it is. How is it not the devs fault? and why should we not get upset with them about it, calling them out for what they know doesn't work for a game like DBD.
  • I mean.. that's kind of the point. DBD has been on a downfall since MMR, and... well the only thing you can do is blame the devs. As harsh as it sounds it's their own fault their game is dying, and people who make videos like Dowsey voicing his opinion on MMR and his opinions about the devs train of thought, are shut down…
  • The thing is the BHVR version of "crossing the line" is saying the truth, that their system doesn't work and whose fault it is that it doesn't work. Also, yes Dowsey is an influencer, he makes videos and what he thinks is wrong with DBD, then gets punished for speaking the truth. Like I said removing his twitch shirts is…
  • I think the dead hard change is completely fine. Im a killer main and still think the survivor should use their get away perk almost every chase, whether it be lithe, sprint burst, dead hard whatever. It is annoying af with all dead hard or something BUT dead hard is still not as powerful as any meta killer perk.
  • BBQ, Monitor and abuse, Infectious, Corrupt
  • I think of 2 ways that would make it less OP and useless at the same time, Lucky break can be used for 20/25/30 seconds after being injured, after you are hooked, lucky break resets. Lucky break can be used for 8/10/12 seconds after you are injured, after you heal, lucky break resets.
  • I have no clue but there better be a new map.. And I'm just guessing here but Survivor(s) Jill, Leon Killer(s) Lady Dimitrescu, Mr. X, Nemesis, We need more male survivors and more female killers either way.
  • There is no doubt in my mind that Calm Spirit will NOT become meta unless it was buffed in another way somehow
  • all im saying is i have almost 3K hours in dbd and i can tell the difference in hits XD, even with good ping 50-60, hits are still screwed compared to how they were before the 4.5.0 patch, its facts, yes they are better but still not fixed 100%
  • true but every hit... it gets annoying, also its not JUST latency obviously, it only started happening after the animation update, of course every online game will have latency, but this is not that.
  • yes that can happen too but in red ranks survivor I still get games that last that long because survivors are potatoes specifically with billy or huntress like I said not every game but when it does happen its usually a billy with those perks
  • also infectious fright and other perks and its not the perks being overpowered its the perks combined with billys power that makes him overpowered. no other killer has better synergy than billy with those perks
  • perks do help with that especially billy. for example number one: bbq and chili.. the main one
  • billy and huntress are the only killers able to get everyone down in the first 3 minutes with right perks
  • why the hell is huntress not on here
  • the ability for certain killer to get everyone down in the first 3 minutes by slugging then 1 hooking everyone
  • this is much needed!!! I main spirit and am a rank 1 killer but if I played nurse or billy I would be acting like a rank 10
  • a radio to communicate with other survivors without coms
  • i have tried it doesn't work sadly
  • I don't unfortunately but it stops right after the bar. I could be spamming it as soon as it pops up and it doesn't fail until after it
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