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  • No way, this guy can be built into a stealth killer and having a ranged stealth killer at 115% would be pretty OP. From what ive seen, if you walk backwards while reeling them in, you suck them in at like twice the rate; and the guy I was watching was getting reel hits from pretty far distances using that method. There's…
  • He is the same as any of the 24m killers, you slap on monitor and abuse to drop it down to 16m and that's getting very close to free hits range if you are using LOS blockers to approach gens. That's pretty strong for a killer that can combo you if you gets a surprise attack off. You will have save the best, which I assume…
  • Everything plays like trash on console.
  • Hag is insanely strong if played well. Luckily, you don't see many good hags. 3 gen hag is one of the easiest ways you can win in DBD in my opinion.
  • Stealth as an "only thing" is one of the best abilities in the game. Look at ghostface. I get countless free M1 hits with monitor and abuse hag, but usually have to rely on a trap to actually secure the down. This guy gets the free M1 hit, and then has a finisher as well? He will be very strong if played well.
  • "Repair 12 gens" is literally "play the game for a bit". The tomes are a side project, and you can complete a tome in 5 challenges total if you just rush for the end of it. Nothing says you need to do every single challenge. If you are that desperate for some reskinned hag cosmetics, you could outright pay for it.
  • I think it's going to be best to use the hook for a finisher instead of for regular hits. Doing it twice seems like it will take too long. I'd play him as M1 with monitor and abuse, maybe with something like sloppy to encourage people to stay injured, and use the hook to finish off injured people trying to run for loops.…
  • How is putting on monitor and abuse a specific situation? A 16m terror radius alone will get you tons of free hits just because you can walk up to a gen and by the time they hear it you are right on top of them. I am assuming he will have a pretty nasty of combo of getting the free-ish stealth hit, into a hook and down;…
  • He also gets a legit 16m terror radius with monitor, unlike huntress who still has the humming. He also has unlimited reloads and doesn't have to constantly be going to lockers. I think he will end up being pretty strong, especially since we have not seen any of his add-ons yet. I am sure there will be ones to speed up the…
  • This has got to be the most petty complaint I have ever seen on this forum. You are actually complaining a challenge encourages your teammates to gen rush? You only do 1 gen a game? You must be getting massacred.
  • Huntress can't pull someone off a haddonfield balcony ledge
  • I will play him with devour just for that mori. Love how he kicks them away like trash. And he is constantly laughing while doing attacks? That's the reason clown is OP. My only beef with him is the gun clips through the walls far too often for my tastes, the power looks pretty good and fun to use. I've seen videos of him…
  • I saw one in the last 3~ months of playing, and they got pretty much stomped because I was ghostface and they were all no mither. They got a few sabbo saves off but everyone being a 1 shot to a stealth killer made for a very, very easy game.
  • So she can put on ruin and get the game reset while you are hiding from the red puke? Seems meta.
  • Yeah, downing people in a single M1 is pretty strong. It is unfortunate most of the killers on these forums can't land a single M1 hit and cry for buffs instead of getting better at the game.
  • Plague is already one of the strongest killers. You get almost perma tier 3 myers for just touching the survivors with the tiniest amount of puke, and can slap on thanta for an easy 16% slowdown on top of it. Or you just puke on generators and don't even have to see the survivors to get your perma tier 3. Her red puke is…
  • Yeah, cause in solo Q, when someone gets hooked across the map, you know to sit there and do gens while it's a camping ghostface / wraith / myers / etc. By the time you even get over there, they are almost stage 2, and it's too late to go and do gens because the killer already won the game off it now being an effective…
  • And in the time they took to clear out an area, they probably could have done 2-3+ gens with those toolboxes and the game was halfway over. Sabbo is a meme for trolling as a SWF, and it is almost utterly useless for solo Q. A flashlight save will get you just as much value, not waste any time other than you waiting around…
  • If they are sabboing, they are not doing gens. It really as simple as that. If the dev's are nerfing sabbo that is laughable. The SWF could be bullying the killer a million other ways than wasting their time sabboing.
  • You think there is a reason Freddy was the highest kill rate killer in the game before his slight nerf? And by that nerf I mean he can't just put on 2 add-ons and get huge generator pressure for free? Now it's only moderate generator pressure for free? It did nothing to stop him snare-lusting you at almost every tile in…
  • Four keys is redundant. The survivors only need 1 to get the full effect. Four keys screams solo Q, in which case I really don't care what they bring in, because solo Q's can get beaten by literally any killer build in the game. Ghostface is just an M1 killer at the end of the day. There is nothing else that compares to…
  • I don't care that you play spirit. I'm just saying you are a nub if you main her, and have absolutely no reason to be complaining about keys. You can't run from her, or you put out scratch marks and get outplayed by her following them. Or you walk, and get outplayed by her hearing exactly where you are. "You really have to…
  • I see low rank killers struggling to pick up trapper and wraith. I see low rank survivors who camp the shack pallet. They should not even be mentioned for actual balance discussions.
  • Oh my god. Spirit has a vaulting animation now? What a nerf! She can't get even more free downs by just walking into you anymore? What a nerf! Does it stop her from teleporting straight onto your head with 0 counterplay because you can just hear exactly where they are with stridor? Uhh no, not really. Everyone plays spirit…
  • I know I depipped the lobby because that is what tombstone myers does, that's what he has done for years now. When you murder 2+ people and they have less than 5,000 points? I think they depipped. And the rest of the survivors? They get 0 altruism, and with nemesis + PWYF you can nail someone with the tombstone before 2…
  • Yeah, she's the most played killer at red ranks because she is bad. You just put on stridor and collect your free downs because she is a bad killer. I hardly play spirit because I like there being some challenge in my killer games. I'm sorry you need to crutch on overpowered killers, then have to complain about powerful…
  • You can tunnel mori people with the Ivory at red ranks and still pip just fine, assuming the rest of the people don't suicide because of it. There is literally no downside. You can tunnel mori 3 people and still black pip fine, easy 4k even at red ranks. Just use whispers so you always 4k. I tombstone 2 people and black…
  • Literally playing the most overpowered and easy killer in the game and complaining about keys lmfao. How to play spirit, put on a pair of headphones. And two of them still died? I bet you more would have gotten out if it was 4 toolboxes instead.
  • Look at the first game of this stream, starting at around ~7m, and tell me camping doesn't work at rank 1. He only get's a 98%~ win ratio by camping and tunneling the crap out of people because it doesn't work, right? BT and DS are complete crutches, right?
  • You know the mist caps out at 1 murky reagent, right?
  • There's no skill in using the majority of the perks in this game. What's your point?
  • I mean look at someone like myers. He gets mori's literally every bloodweb for me. Mori's are mori's, tombstone piece is a mori, judiths tombstone is a mori (albiet harder to use), and every black ward is a mori. You can pretty much run them nonstop on him if you want and don't care about your rank. But clearly, all the…
  • Because the game was lost before I even loaded into it, just because the killer decided to put on some overpowered items? It's fine though, they are "ultra-rare" and only appear in every single bloodweb.
  • No, because I can go watch youtube or something while I wait for the DC penalty to be out. I don't usually DC to mori's, but honestly when you hit an iri head huntress with a mori, do you ever expect anything except a hatch game? If the huntress has the slightest amount of brain cells? Tunnel mori is a massive waste of…
  • Killers have way more crutches than survivors. Entire killers are crutches (spirit, freddy, oni to an extent, nurse if you are good), tons of crutch add-ons like almost every ultra rare / tombstone / rusty shackles / etc etc, mori's are a crutch, crutch map offerings like hawkins and lerys. Then you got NOED and spirit…
  • I don't blame people who DC to tunnel mori's, endless slugging, iri head huntress, etc etc. Because any of those builds run by a competent killer are basically going to just be a waste of your time anyways. Imma just leave this here.
  • Lmao. It is a single use perk. You use it once per chase. All exhaustion perks are.
  • It's not an issue at all at high ranks, because the good killers hardly use it. But the fact you would condemn your team to death because you are doing dull totems instead of gens when the killer has pop goes instead of NOED is the problem with it. They are for solo Q. You can get away with perkless if your team is really…
  • There is no time to go find and do bones on many of the maps. Especially preschool, lery's, and Hawkins etc where they are extremely well hidden and you would need dedicated totem finding perks or a map. There is no way to ensure, as a solo Q, all 5 totems have been done. You would waste probably 2-3 gens worth of time…
  • You literally have to be running BT and DS in solo Q if you want a good chance to win at the high ranks. All the sweaty killers are going to tunnel and camp when the games go south, and those are literally the only answer to it. Otherwise, you can just watch your team die off after they get camped from 2nd hook to dead and…
  • Yes run a ton of garbage perks and items every game to counter ONE perk that might not even be in play? Makes a ton of sense. NOED has got to be the biggest crutch that still exists in this game; outside of some of the downright broken add-ons, mori's, and spirit fury. Keys? People have to be dead before you can even start…
  • There's plenty of times where teabagging is justified. I had a streamer with like 2000+ viewers smacking me on hook in the basement at the endgame because I ran him for too long and humiliated him in front of his viewers. But some very brave soul saved me with BT, I got the BT bodyblock off and hell yes I teabagged the…
  • I don't think so. I just think it feels worse because the games have a small amount of players and thus are much more personal so you really notice it. There's usually plenty of time to teabag in a game like halo. And if you die because of it the consequences are usually nothing anyways. But taking the time to teabag in a…
  • Realistically, if they are clicking at you with a flashlight, they don't have a toolbox or a key. You can slap on lightborn if being flashlight blinded bothers you that much. T-bagging is justified. It happens in every FPS game I have ever played; except maybe Apex, because in Apex there is usually no time to teabag or you…
  • DBD, competitive, lmao. That's a joke right?
  • I mean I get salt almost every game I win, even when I play fair. Here's one I just played against a streamer.... "Sorry we got a sweaty guy" - Dude who got 1.4k points cause I tunnel mori'd him.
  • It's honestly better to just use lightborn if you strictly want to deal with flashlights. It will stop any and all flashlight saves, stops all blinds at pallets / vaults, and usually gets you some free hits at pallets before they realize you are running it. Really good players will not get M1'd easy, so you will probably…
  • Camping, tunneling, mori's, map offerings, object of obsession, DS/BT/DH, gen speeds. That's probably 90% of what I hear people complain about in post chat. Sometimes tombstone if I am on a tombstone spree.
  • I honestly don't think haddo is THAT bad since the BL nerf. Most people are not running BL anymore, making the houses relatively unsafe. It is still bad, but there's far worse maps out there now. Badham, most coldwind maps, and ormond come to mind. When someone offers a strode key I usually think "at least it wasn't the…
  • Oni is ridiculous right now, I would say one of the strongest killers in the game now that his flick is back. I think it's only a matter of time before people catch on. All it takes is securing two M1 hits earlygame and he can 4k no problem with infectious fright. You can literally run around the entire shack and nail…
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