good joke 😅 dbd numbers are constant for 7 years.. dont even compare to TCM.. that game will bleed yout slowly like friday 13, the predator one etc.. its just released hyped and still not even close to dbd numbers..
i think he is really easy to pick up but hard to master i guess?
bro survivor q is like instant.. DbD has enough killers.. and why do u want to remove content?
you tell this to someone who has like 80% winrate both on surv and killer like lol? i face like 1-2 campers daily.. camper killers won't reach high mmr.. and nope i don't rly play 4 stack or nurse
you doing something really wrong if you getting genrushed continuously
why they should lol
i play cuz i like the concept, i like the horror things and the game is fun for me.. + i like how BVHR handling things.. someone who doesn't like it don't play period.. idk what are u talking about i getting camping killers like on every 10th match.. and other assymetrical games? they are trash and dying like in a month..…
let me guess.. a whinebaby? this.. ppl crying rivers on the forums even if we couldn't even try them :D this.. ppl like: ":'( :'( they nerfed my fav perk :'(".. they dont even try to change their playstyle.. baby survivors baby killers i guess if you don't like the changes you should switch games.. everyone would be happy…
iron will change isn't that bad tbh.. but maybe you experimented more than me :)
so you can choose from like how many? 100 perks? there is always worse and better perks.. meta is changing finally a bit at least
i REALLY like to facing vs billy.. (if they not camp but that's for every killer).. i really enjoy mindgaming with billy players
no worries ppl will still bring it :D
or time to learn playing vs them? 6 years isn't enough to loop them just a little bit? god nurse will get you without addons ye but that doesn't mean you cant win some time or cant escape..
it's a coinflip for me.. i don't really care if i see TTV they can be absolute trash and absolute god and between these too (like every other player).. they have ttv in their name or no doesn't matter
can you stop crying? you talk about like it's impossible to escape without iron will.. there are TONS of good perks in the game.. change your build
i can't even count how many times it hits me through rocks, trees etc..
if you couldn't get a single kill before 5 gen you deserve to lose period
That Arnold skin <3 :D
jeez i just came back to the game and ppl have waaay less brain.. what specific situations you talk about? you guys act like survivors only job is to open the gates.. but not every survivor gonna genrush through 5 gens they slack around opening chests getting attention etc.. im tired of forums you guys always whine for…
you do nothing for 5 minutes then you come to the forums and whine about you can't win when gates are powered.. you dont see the problem?
you cant read? i say that you SHOULDN'T WIN in the last minute of the game only.. if survivors reached the endgame you fcked up early and mid game.. you still have endgame perks but if 4 survivor is still alive when gates are opening then you lost the game simple as that
"Myers, impossible to play without perks".. why would you play without perks?.. in DBD EVERY killer has his place.. sure one is stronger then another but there is no killer who is really bad and impossible to win games..
you have lot of time to work with.. dont try to win only in the last minute of the game..
Dredge is actually really fun to play against :D
so you mad cause not everyone wanna gen rush?
how good they should have to be? if they don't use it they are get a hit.. if they use before i swing it's pointless.. rank doesn't really matter rank 1 survivors can't use it consistently.. maybe if they have a good plan about how to loop a killer so they can reach the next loop with it that's all
think about it.. you are a survivor with 4 friends irl.. if you can escape on a door why would you close that door after you escaped? no logic but i like the idea ingame
daddy from 7 would be nice :) or those molded things.. or Eve (Eve is more than from the girl from F.E.A.R tho)? or even multiple killers?
they should rework the whole ranking system imo.. it's way too easy to get rank 1.. and when you reach it nothing happens.. the highest rank should be REALLY hard to earn so it would mean prestige.. i have no idea how to
i think most survivors would say Spirit
if i meet toxic survivors (post-game chat) i just say "EZ" and leave.. i can imagine how mad they are :D
she is nerfed already she is fine
no tr killers can scare me sometimes :D i like it when it happens
get better.. the only thing that i can say.. learn how to loop.. if you have some basic understanding about looping you can go vs better killers.. good killers rarely camp
i mean.. when you getting close DO NOT SWING.. just ask yourself: "dead hard?".. then you can swing.. dead hard is useful in like 2 times out of 10 if you don't swing before you bait it
this (nurse,spirit.. :))
awesome idea.. would be an rng fest :D i have a better idea.. remove everything when she phases she cant hear or cant see #########.. ohh and afterphase she can't move for like 4 sec.. there would be a red addon that decrease this by 1 sec.. how about that? :) im really tired that you guys always want to nerf something..…
ppl mad cause they are crybabies that's all.. :)
you don't need 1 item to fight the killer
it always makes me feel good when surivors complaining for some reason :D
i think dead hard is fine as it is.. even a mediocore killer can wait for the survivor to DH and then hit.. DH can help reach pallet/window in like 1/10 time
doctor is more annoying than strong.. sure there are really good doc players but they are rare as i see.. ppl tends to panic when they are vs the doctor for some reason.. just chill he isn't that strong..
idk how an asymmetrical game would work in the e-sport scene tbh
they release 4 chapters/year.. that's a killer for every quarter.. i think it would be logical to release 3 original and 1 licensed/year (around halloween).. maybe 2/2
Slinger is fine and he is in a good spot.. he has a speargun not a sniper rifle..
i don't have any problem with keys.. if i see a key on a survivor he is just top of my killing list :D if they can escape then well done
if you have crashes and freezes then check your PC.. something is wrong on your side..
higher level than what? i have no problem stay at rank 1 even with old doc or deathslinger..
not spirit and nurse are the only viable killers.. but i really hope if i can kill all of them in 5 minutes my MMR gonna go higher.. no point to hook everyone 2 times and chase for x minutes and damage generators and things like these.. if i can win in 5 minutes then my MMR is way higher than the survivors
why wouldn't it work? Devs just have to implement properly that's all..