They sound the same to me 🤷♂️
This is probably their attempt at shaking up the meta by trying to force survivors to bring totem cleansing perks like counterforce which won’t work as the comment above mine shows. People will just go next
Damn banned for 10 years… what did you do to deserve that? What kind of bug/glitch?
What are you still arguing about? Recovering and healing are not the same, even a dev has said it. What’s next on your list if plot twist gets butchered? UB+DS which effectively does the same thing?
Remember BHVR, the forums do not represent the majority of the playerbase. Almost everyone I know is happy with these changes and thinks you should have even went further with them.
I’m still running it every game since 2020 and it has saved my and my teams bottom countless of times. Like someone else here said, it can turn a guaranteed 3k into a 1k if you can bait the killer into chasing you again after getting unhooked and if you also have DH, the killer will almost certainly lose that match. It’s…
Almost like there are 35 other killers survivors face each with their own counterplay right? Most people who play this game are casuals who only play it a few times a week so expecting them to know the counterplay to every killer is ridiculous, especially the newly released ones
The blights I’m playing against have absolutely zero problems destroying us with 3-4 gens still up so you probably know what I’m hinting at 🤷♂️
no thanks
Well to stop playing the game, they have to first get out of the match no?
It’s always weird to me that players expect others to play out an entire match like they signed a contract stating that they HAVE to finish that game or else there will be dire consequences. It’s a video game, not work. If I’m not having fun, I’m out. I’m not going to be some killer main’s toy to take their real life…
What did it say? I haven’t tried to get a key for it
I had a hacker help me out once against a tunneling nurse who had both recharge addons and had already hooked me twice at 5 gens. We both clicked our flashlights at her (which had infinite batteries) for the entire match and I still have zero shame about it. So I guess it depends on the killer. If it’s an M1 killer like…
Yep, if it happens so often that it becomes a problem for you, it’s probably because of the way you play
I can’t really say I missed him
Because it’s fun? What kind of answer were you expecting? And if you let them go 2nd, you’re also hurting your own chance of survival
So you also agree then that killers should not be able to lobbyshop looking for the easiest survivors?
So what if a single survivor escapes, there’s literally nothing on the line my guy. You’re forgetting that DBD is not a competitive game and the things you’re suggesting would make the game even more dull. RNG is what keeps every match from playing out the same
I was already wondering why I was having so much fun playing survivor, now I know why
Yeah I bet BHVR is peeing their pants now that a kid is threathening to sue them 😢 You have to accept their ToS before you can play their game which states that they can do whatever they want with their content and you don’t own anything in this game. They could literally shutdown the game now without owing you anything.…
So what you’re saying is, is that blight is overtuned and needs a nerf so we can get more killer diversity?
How did the devs manage to eff it up this bad? For years windows have been killer sided and when fast vaults actually get buffed to work like they’re supposed to, it gets reverted because crybaby killer mains are used to getting hits they don’t deserve. Now survivor is literally unplayable, atleast female characters are.…
Dbd is their life, there’s nothing else to use it on
I hope TCM turns out great because I’ve lost my faith in these devs. They have no idea what they’re doing with their game and it seems they just got lucky it became so popular
A simple fix would be giving the last survivor alive the option to bleed out instantly after getting slugged for atleast 10 seconds so the killer still has time to hook them. But we’re talking about bhvr here so…
You’re demo, if you can’t hit them when they go for the window it’s a skill issue
Exposing survivors and breaking pallets with your mind are both broken and should not return next year
Skill issue, no need to announce your departure bye 👋
I’m also getting really tired of hearing weskers voice each time he downs/hooks you. Especially when you’ve looped him for a really long time and when he finally gets you after throwing the game he goes: “PoOr PeRfOrMaNcE iNdEeD” An option to disable voice lines in the accessability tab wouldn’t hurt devs
And I want Knight and Dull merchant obliterated because they remove any skill from the survivor side, but we can’t have what we all want 🤷
Yeah just stop looping and give the killer a free hit, great game design
Blight should not be 4.6 speed imo, he should mostly get hits using his power. Also his tokens should take almost double the time to replenish + addon nerfs. It’s insane how many people give up at 5 gens in my matches when they see it’s a blight, these nerfs should make him less oppressive
Not a celebrity but I would like all survivors from Left 4 dead 1 and 2 as playable characters, maybe as legendary skins for Bill. Also Kenny and Lee from the walking dead game
Yes people only play in swf to win and not because it’s fun to play with your friends 🙃 If you have no one to play with add me and I’ll show you why it’s fun
It's broken, I don't know what the devs were thinking adding this to the game. It's even worse than the snowmen
What can BHVR do about the switch’s poor outdated hardware though? If they started removing foliage and stuff to improve framerate, switch players would have an advantage over other platforms
Ever since wesker has been killswitched, the killer diversity has increased tenfold. I’m seeing killers like twins and pig which used to be really rare. Let’s all pray wesker stays killswitched as long as possible
Let’s be honest… How is it FAIR that you get a boost after failing to hit a survivor? No conditions, just failing the chase and you’re faster? Come on
Try playing against a trickster on a low loop and then come back here
What did you expect really after the DH and healing nerf? BHVR wants survivors glued to gens and that’s exactly what they’re doing. Blame the devs for killing off all other playstyles
What stops killers from abusing this new mechanic? What if they let the bar fill on purpose so they can tunnel someone out faster than normally? Blight and nurse can down and rehook someone faster than the time it takes to progress a hookstage
So you basically get 1,000 auric cells for free if you reach tier 70? Sweet
Yes everyone keep blaming the survivor so BHVR will keep the killer sided hit validation and reward high ping players. DBD is the only game where high ping gives you an advantage
Looks like the Jane got tunneled out immediately too, this why you can’t bring fun perks on either side as the other side will quickly abuse it
You call this a wall of text? So what do you do during tests at school then? Call the teacher to let them know you aren’t reading it because it’s too long?
No, it’s becoming more and more obvious that the devs do not play their own game or else they wouldn’t keep removing fun things with each patch. Survivor, mostly soloQ, will be dead after this update as they have nothing fun left in the game other than holding m1 on gens or die. This is not an e-sports title and it should…
Not OP but it just feels like you’re playing with bots in a custom match and not an online multiplayer game. I get why some people use it but names in an online match are a big part of why multiplayer is so fun as you get to see other people’s creative names and seeing something like “Ace Visconti” feels really generic and…
Hey devs, camping bubba with no counter is still a thing in 2023 but yes medkits are the problem here. I love depipping without being able to do anything for 2 mins on the hook
Maybe this is BHVR’s way to punish us for not voting for them 🤔