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  • I'm pretty sure OP user was pointing out the injured requirement for This is Not Happening not Deadline hence why they said "You're also leaving yourself vulnerable since you're injured".
  • Horror is subjective, I have ZERO knowledge of D&D but I think it's a great addition to the game. As long as the devs implement the chapter right, then that's all that should matter.
  • DS just got buffed to be nerfed again… so weird
  • Self-Care. The devs only nerfed it because it had a high pick-rate…
  • The best part about Lightborn is that you can gaslight survivors into thinking their timing is off if you don't make it obvious that you have Lightborn equipped. This will make them waste even MORE time. Every time someone tries to flash you at a pallet, just try to look away for a split second. This got me so many free…
  • Both Teamwork perks need a massive buff to be ever considered seriously. My proposal for the two perks: Reduce the cooldown from 180/160/140 to 100/80/60 seconds The effect no longer de-activates when either one gets injured The effect lingers for 5 seconds once out of range Increase the range from 12m to 16m Power of Two…
  • Huntress was already a scary killer if the player was really skilled but still allowed room for counterplay. She has a high skill ceiling. I can let one extra base-kit hatchet slide but two is going overboard.
    in Huntress Comment by Mazoobi March 31
  • As much as I love DS and as a fellow DS advocate, perhaps making the survivor leave no scratch marks or pools of blood for 5-10 seconds should be healthier. It provides an extra tool of escape for survivors but still allows killers to use their abilities.
  • The part that bothers me the most about invocations is how ridiculously fast the progress resets when no one is actively working on the circle anymore. That in my opinion should be addressed first. I could see the time being reduced to 100 or maybe 80 seconds at most since we only have one invocation and we should wait…
  • Yeah, we all know that… but certain players are making it seem that DS is this god-tier perk that leads to easy survivor wins when in reality, it is a perk that can only stay active up to 60 seconds and provide nothing but temporary invincibility to hooks since slugging is still an option.
  • DS never deserved being nerfed from 5 to 3 seconds so I'm glad they're reverting the change though it took them a VERY long time to do so. I really don't understand how people are still complaining about a perk that makes a survivor technically incapable of progressing anything for their team for 60 seconds but I guess…
  • That's not an issue with DS. It doesn't matter what perks get buffed since S-A tier killers are picked when survivors finally get something strong whether it be a perk, mechanic, or if the player wants easy wins. The stun will only hurt those who choose to eat it which can be entirely avoided.
  • In most cases, it is a bad perk. You have to pretty much go down at a really good loop to maximize its use now not to mention certain killers can catch up the second they recover from the stun.
  • The more I see Background Player complaints, the more I wonder about our balancing priorities.
  • Right. It seems BHVR is really into having hook-related perks having some effect on generators which is killing two birds with one stone but all it does is exacerbate those who do tunnel. Im on NA servers too and 8/10 games result in someone getting booted out of the game at 4 gens.
  • The most frustrating part about it is how rewarding tunneling is. Killers don't have to worry about the risks because they can easily be offset with Pain Res, Grim Embrace, Deadlock, Dead Man, etc.
  • I was wondering the same regarding xbox and pc.
  • I was about to say too. Counterforce destroys Plaything + Pentimento builds.
  • Solid point but you're still progressing the game and applying some form of pressure via a hook state even if you are "forced" to hook a survivor down in the basement with Wicked. The best thing to do in this situation is to leave the basement ASAP and search for another survivor. I like the concept of this perk (& Sable…
  • What I don't like is how rewarding tunneling is. The risks are abysmal compared to the reward as once a survivor is out, the killer immediately gets to control the remaining survivors so much easier. "Survivors can just do gens while someone is being tunneled" That's where perks like Pain Res, Dead Man's, Grim Embrace, and…
  • I used to play the game a lot from 2017-2022 but I've only been playing a couple hours a week now. The constant tunneling is my main cause of burnout personally. Ever since DS (my ex-favorite perk) was gutted, killers can tunnel so much easier and it's sad because it is a very effective strategy. 8/10 of my games have the…
  • How? They simply bring up certain perks that are inconvenient in solo yet so strong in SWF. Very solid if you ask me.
  • Solo Q has remained a circus for years now.
  • upvoting simply for the amount of work you've put for this oh my
  • We'll have to agree to disagree on this topic. I used to play DS when he first came out and even though I didn't play him a lot compared to players like you, he was very oppressive even against competent survivors and I played on console. I would say I mained him until the Twins came out. Dodging a DS shot will result in…
  • This would be a nice addition to the game. I don't see how people can have an issue with this since it's not hurting the game whatsoever. If they implement a free-roam camera then that would be nice just to see how the players interacted at certain tiles. Similar to how OW2's replay system is.
  • As @Aven_Fallen has said, this is a random build with zero synergy. However, if you want to run these specific perks and get the most out of them, then I'd focus on finding a totem ASAP at the start of the match to activate your Overzealous. I run this perk whenever I play boons but since you're not running boons, then…
  • I'm quite surprised the devs made an anti-face camping mechanic before any anti-tunneling feature of any kind. Pretty sure the community can agree that camping is a lot more manageable compared to tunneling. Basekit DS (to a degree ofc) was an idea a lot of players had.
    in Tunneling Comment by Mazoobi January 20
  • og DS was pretty bad 1v4 but was extremely oppressive 1v1 to the point where it sometimes made up for his poor 1v4. Here are my two cents about DS. Most players who say "Just dodge the bullet" don't get how FAST of a reaction a survivor must have to dodge a bullet because dodging a bullet means a survivor knew exactly at…
  • I get you. I still play on the Xbox One S when the game first came out on console and boyyyy does the game feel clunky as hell. I can only play Survivor because my frames are dogwater for killers. Even then, the frames are BARELY manageable for Survivor and I can tell that my game just wants to explode. I actually bought a…
  • I agree. A lot of perks would be WAY better if they received a numerical buff which should be easy to do. I also had a discussion with some perk buff ideas that would make some situational perks significantly better.
  • This. Players are mad because a bug that was not intended was fun for THEM.
  • Trying to get this thread some more attention because this would help tremendously with randoms. Just had a match where a spirit tried camping but my meter paused around 90% because they wanted the save. They went down btw.
  • From a business standpoint, I don't think BHVR would do it since it would decrease the value of future characters since perks change the game. However, on the topic of perks, I think the devs need to look at the entire roster of perks and make changes because there is a plentiful amount of perks that could use some love.…
  • Dogwater. Why do you want to see other people's scratch marks? Use bond. Wanna see the killer's aura near you? Just look around your surroundings. Waste of a perk slot.
  • That's called a combo not an exploit.
  • 7? C'mon, that's too fast for them. I'm betting on 10 at the very least.
  • Not really. This game has always struggled when it came to "rewards". Whether it is collectibles or a sense of satisfaction, the rewards this game offers are abysmal. I think matches are too sweaty now. It's either you become like everyone else and run meta or shake things up and lose.
  • I was hoping they would give it another effect to compensate for the deep wound requirement but I guess the devs don't want it viable anymore. I was thinking maybe it should increase the duration of the base kit bt/haste to solidify it as an anti-tunneling perk.
  • They need to fix the lobby issue with SWF because every 2/5 matches, one of us does not "return" to the lobby and we have to wait for them to restart their game. Not sure if this is a console-exclusive issue but it sure is annoying.
  • Feels so clunky whenever I verse her. I swear it feels like she's hitting me with a jousting stick instead...
  • WoO simply bandages the lack of transparent info on map resources when it comes to soloQ compared to SWF. Even if WoO has become a "crutch" I don't necessarily find that a bad thing as it's hard to identify the remaining pallets left on a map toward late or end-game so this is usually out of a player's control especially…
  • With spies, you're relying on crow spawn locations which is already lackluster since a good portion of them are in the outskirts. This point alone makes UW superior. UW can potentially (and usually) reveal the entire team, while you're probably ONLY going to get one reveal from spies at a time. UW gives survivors the…
  • This would be an immense QOL for soloQ and I'm all for it.
  • Oh, same! Tunneling seems to happen in a GOOD majority of my matches so I ended up swapping one of my perks for Off The Record which is an okay substitute. I just hate having to run meta every game but whenever I run another build, BOOM the killer takes advantage of it. So for now my main build is Sprint Burst, Adrenaline,…
  • Welcome to soloQ where you have to pray to the entity that your teammates won't off themselves first hook or at the very least know what gens are!
  • Anything to make DS viable again is a win in my book. I used to run the perk in almost ALL my games but it being gutted made it near useless now unless there's a god pallet next to you smh.
  • Just played against 3 Chucky players in the past hour and a half w/ a few other killers being Trickster, Myers, and Clown and so far the only matches where hardcore tunneling occurred were the Chucky matches. Yeah, I dunno mate but this chapter is already getting... stale to put it kindly.
  • Good for you I guess but it seems like a GOOD and I mean a VERY GOOD amount of Chuckys or Tiffs just hardcore tunnel. They don't even camp, they just tunnel. The only thing I like is his actual character. They captured their energy very well and the V/A did a great job as always but the players are giving them a very bad…