Basekit Nurse is unfun, old basekit Nurse was fun. If you are playing basekit Nurse your biggest weakness will be the w key or forward key for us console players. You literally cannot go for more of the risky reads because if they just run they will make so much distance its not worth going for them unless they make a big…
As survivor terrible I'm too altruistic for my own good, I'm the person who is like "this bill saved me when nobody else would at endgame" then go on a super risky save and often end up dying saving my teammates, sometimes I manage to save both me and the other survivor because some killers are like???? did they really try…
Do you think they care? They just want to make Nurse a dead killer lol. Most of the people who make these kinds of threads come up with the most ridiculous threads imaginable I would hate to have them in charge of the balance of this game or it would be an absolute snoozefest. No fun allowed crowd.
Not all survivors are prone to throwing tantrums like you. I suggest perhaps switching to a more relaxing game like civ if you are prone to anger from not getting a killer you like.
Even if you are taking away survivors' resources it's really important not to lose so many generators you can rely on 3 gens if you have the generator regression perks, but losing 2 generators is definitely not great if you are trading for 1 hook state depending on how long they extend the chase for. Such as on maps with…
Whatever floats your boat. :P
How about no.
In what world should a survivor be able to reach more than 30 second against a killer, this is a 4v1 not a 1v1 survivors should not be able to 1v1 the killer. That's just dumb game design if that was the case in whatever world you speak of, but the fact is dbd is a team game you don't win by yourself you win as a team. I…
Better than trying to convince people she is overperforming that much by just "trust me pls" if you provide no substantial evidence other than your word don't expect people to believe you. Do I really need to let you know these things because I for one thought it would be obvious. Don't blame other people blame yourself…
Well yes she is "fun" to play against because she isn't that strong at all, people just put the phrase fun onto things they A.) don't find annoying and B.) can beat nearly all the time. That's why people hate trapper even though he is weak because his traps are deemed too random and its annoying to step into traps. Why…
Thank you, it was a lot of losing once upon a time, but I genuinely enjoy playing Nurse as well as killers like Huntress because they just are the most fun to me personally. I apologize if I was rude, but I just don't think stuns that long is fun nobody enjoys being stunned half the game as Nurses already have to deal with…
Well.. thats one way to make Nurse from a fun killer to play into an absolutely unfun mess to play as. and I played console nurse before the sensitivity and fps improvements lol.. instead of making the killer so ungodly unfun to play as can you guys just get rid of the special attacks and call it a day, because the addons…
sadly there is no way to tell if someone is using a software to cheat in that manner, auto dead hard exists, but the problem is there is basically no way to differentiate between it being someone who got lucky or was super patient as there are people who can time it perfectly like that. Or it being just a cheat someone…
Prestige 19 Nurse and a Prestige 11 Feng, I am not as high as a lot of people because I can't really play a lot im trying to get Nurse up to 20 then im stopping to save up points for wesker and the new survivors.
Again this post is not about nerfing him, but the fact that he is way better against solo q than swf he is B tier against swf, but super strong against solo q. If solo q isn't given buffs he will get nerfed again because its simply the way things are because the developers are going to look at stats and see pinhead…
The problem is he has always been great against solo q ever since he was released his killrate is the highest of any of the other killers not completely from just beating up new players, but because of how much pressure he gains by simply having survivors that don't have swf benefits. I am not saying he needs to be nerfed,…
Honestly maybe you are just better at me at playing against pinheads, just in solo q I have noticed that my teammates can keep up a lot of pressure early game, but midgame and late game is when things start falling apart where generators aren't being done my teammates mess-up where I feel like I can't count on them to do…
Thank you, this is exactly what I mean, im not saying pinhead absolutely needs to be nerfed asap im saying if solo q isn't buffed to be given the information that it needs pinhead most definitely will be nerfed as he has always been good against solo q, me running kindred isn't going to change much when the other 3…
It's such a shame though, because I don't want to see another hillbilly or deathslinger esq nerfs, but at the same time solo q at least for me against pinhead has been so miserable especially if they have regression perks as there is no way I can account for everything or do everything for my team if we are unable to…
Thank you both for the tips ill try to see if these make it better.
I am not usually one to complain about a killer, even ptb legion I never complained about, but it truly is a miserable experience playing against pinhead when they have strong regression perks as well as perks to help them get to the box if it's picked up. I found that most of my matches as solo its been a pain because…
Obviously, even though I dread pinhead matches I don't give up and try my best, so if anyone has any tips to make pinhead better in solo q for me it would be much appreciated I'm not one of those people who cry something is broken unless it actually is futile. So if anyone can give me any tips and tricks I am all for it. I…
not to mention some of us who have been playing for years lose all our progress lol. They act like it's so easy.
I don't know why, but this person seems very reasonable so I second this.
Then you somehow also manage to have a bug where 3 or more hooks just randomly spawn in one corner lol, especially on the coldwind maps map logic is so bugged lately.
Because people do it constantly when they get downed first or face a killer they don't like. The people who do it tend to be babies who want to throw a tantrum and shouldn't be playing online games if they are just going to give up acting like they are entitled to things when they aren't if there was a hook suicide penalty…
It's not good in solo q, but the aura reading is really good in swf you can instantly get the free aura reading, I don't have anyone to test it out with, but I suggest anyone with a swf try it out. By having circle of healing zone and someone who can heal you after you get it to proc whichever means you feel like either by…
The perks I was using to create this build were off the record, object, dead hard, and mettle of man, off the record wasn't used at all that match my idea was if I proced mettle of man by taking a hit from a carried survivor I could activate mettle of man and off the record to get a free aura reading the entire 80 seconds…
Also, I have noticed if you proc it using endurance like dead hard it cancels out your mettle of man and it bugs out if someone heals you where it won't show endurance even without a deep wound because you used endurance to get the effect, but it will activate again if someone heals you to full health using the circle of…
Nighttime here is instant, though I don't really like playing nighttime because last night had the first instance of playing against a group with all the same last name like a group tag I don't know how to explain it lol. Had a legacy dwight, sadly I wasn't prepared as I was backpack demo they all had brand new parts and I…
I am very excited, it sounds so cool.
It's not unplayable and my killer wait time is 5 minutes after the thana nerf people have been playing a lot more survivors including myself. You are overstating how the update is affecting the game.
Honestly, I feel you, the constant barrage of these perks suck and they nerfed these perks to death is tiring especially after the huge meta perk change list where everyone was trying to up everyone else over how much it was awful for them lol. I had to leave to stop using the forum then because it just made me upset…
That also got me thinking they really should show the other survivors what perks everyone on the survivor team is using shouldn't they, its outrageous considering swf already know.
I was more joking, but I think OP needs to split up if they notice a token lost, because right now other survivors aren't taking advantage of the aura protection perks available to them as aura reading perks are now worth using. Aura reading isn't op, they should simply use one of the old countermeasures for aura reading…
Use distortion enough said.
The reason people didn't use it a lot was because it felt like a waste because it was used up immediately the only reason aura perks are catching on is because of this buff otherwise it would have just been a niche part of builds. If you take away this buff don't complain if you just start seeing more of the boring builds…
Honestly, I still can't believe there were people that great with old Freddy back then, because sadly I honestly thought he was one of the worst killers at anything besides tunneling since he can just force the survivor he wants to go for into sleep while leaving the other survivors and bypassing bt. So I genuinely am…
Give me more of your games, I was so surprised because the aura reading change to lethal should have made it a really good pick, but nobody seems to be capitalizing it over here besides me when I play the killer. Like even the huntresses which you would for sure think would use some aura reading perks, but nope.
Yeah lately all the updates to perks and changes have been my dream for a while I have been having a blast testing and trying out all these perks and I may sound crazy, but even looking at the patch everyone dislikes part of me doesn't even mind that a niche perk like mettle of a man is getting nerfed because I'm looking…
I wish more killers used aura reading meta, out of all the games I played only 2 killers were running aura reading builds a death slinger with a full retribution hex build, and a Ghostface with Nurses Calling. Everyone is still distracted with the new regression perks when I just wanna get more distortion value lol.
Maybe just part of me thinks when I get value from it like maybe simply denying screams or successfully escaping I make it seem like the perk did all the work, but I probably could have escaped without it who knows. Though I definitely agree the penality was bad, I managed to stealth cleanse a hex totem my first match of…
Sorry I just have been doing a lot of experimenting with perks lately and I feel pain whenever people say a perk is useless lol, I plan on trying out renewal, wglf, and for the people after they fix the synergy.
I will die on the hill that calm spirit is a good perk just underappreciated, it really became one of my favorite perks to run I'm not even joking, but maybe I'm just crazy I have no idea anymore. Seems like this is a bit of an unpopular opinion and I have no idea how to convince anyone it's a good perk lol.
People really need to get it out of their heads all perks should be active and 100% useful throughout the match all the time, playing survivor and killer is about bringing utilities that can help you win the games sure you can bring perks that always workout, but that's boring its a way better feeling playing the game with…
It's not useless, that's like saying distortion is useless, just because the effect that it gives isn't useful all the time doesn't make it useless its useful in its own ways and some games you can effectively win them with it.
I don't know, but honestly, the drawback by itself isn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be in my personal opinion it is worth running as killers are starting to run a lot of perks that cause screaming. Same with distortion, but sadly the aura reading meta hasn't really taken off yet.
They effectively just made the perk even more useless on other killers, it's definitely not worth a perk slot even on the most mobile killers like hillbilly, nurse, or blight because there is no way you will get all 4 survivors injured unless they are playing like super altruistic or you get super greedy, which isn't the…
If they do that, they need to make the zombies smarter and not get stuck on every little thing to give something to nemy because its just taking away one of the few good things about the zombies.
Agreed and on top of that change Nurse's weapon into just a fist like nemy so she can punch survivors to death. Also custom chase music, please.