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  • I liked the idea at first, but it would only punish survivors, not the people who made the change. I think a killer strike would be a better option, despite how funny the mori army would be.
  • It's going to be hard to pip in 5 minute games.
  • I purposely don't play enough to hit high ranks, so I don't start hating the game, so it wouldn't affect me as much. But if there's a killer strike after the Ruin change I'll cooperate!
  • NOED is a perk made for players who are expecting to do badly so they can salvage a game at the last moment. I don't think that's an especially bad thing, it basically makes it the killer counterpart to Decisive Strike.
  • Here's a screenshot of the new and improved totem placement!
  • I'm already picturing how terrifying this perk will be once they update totem spawns. And maybe add that totem offering we want.
  • You shouldn't. If someone actually follows all the rules survivors have for killers, they just get teabagged and insulted for failing.
  • I've always assumed the other reason for Survivor Type 3 to disconnect is that DCing before they're killed means they don't lose their purple flashlight. That's a reason I really like Franklin's Demise, since it forces those players to go back to where they first got hit and grab their item again before they DC... it's…
  • Huh. You know, I thought this was an anti-camp event, since the killer gets more points if they use all the event hooks, no matter how bad they do otherwise.
  • The guide that made me decide to try out the Hag specifically pointed out the power of forcibly turning the survivor to face the trap when it's triggered. Intentionally making use of it is something I never would have thought of on my own, since I'm not a great player. Here's the guide I referred to (the camera technique…
  • I got DCed as killer in my second match of the event. Really depressing, especially since in the first event match I was in, no one was trying to block the other side from getting their event rewards.
  • I would change totem spawn points to be more randomized and hidden, and also add killer offerings that increase the number of totems on the map.
  • HybridPanda got me to try the game, Space Coconut is the reason I'm good with the Hag, and Tru3 is the one I watch when I feel like being entertained without actually playing.
  • I'm assuming they'll add a cosmetic with his logo in game.
  • Making prestiging more useful seems like a solution to the problem the devs have with the excessive number of perks now in the game. Imagine how much faster you could make good builds if prestiged characters got ranked-up perks by default. As it is, prestiging is a drawback to completing builds. This would also make it a…
  • If you suck at survivor and expect to get downed, you could do what I do and run Kindred, which helps the rest of the team.
  • Come to think of it, I never saw a timer for Tinkerer's silence effect after I was given a generator warning. That was confusing me, and if it was permanently active for the trial, that would explain it... If it wasn't just a one time thing, losing terror radius for an entire match is a seriously game-breaking bug.
  • Stake Out and Blood Warden. When either one of them turns out to be a game changer, it's beautiful.
  • "######### U AND UR OP KILLER!!" After a game where I got 1 kill.
  • Yknow, it's amazing how good matches can be when no one in them is trying to make it horrible. I'm surprised by how much of a difference this event is making, guess most people have realized they're getting huge rewards no matter how the trial turns out.
  • Playing normally along with whatever BP boosts you can equip seems perfectly sensible. What makes even less sense than usual is people who try to end the game super fast when there are BP offerings active. The most pathetic moment during the event so far was when I played Party Streamers as killer, and the survivors that…
  • Even after the upcoming changes, there will be a few perks that are still pretty much just wasted space on the Bloodweb. I'm wondering what could be done to dud perks like Spies From the Shadows or Surveillance to make them worth running. Obvious option for Surveillance would be "The last 1/2/3 regressing generators auras…
  • There's been plenty of talk about the nerfs, but I'm really impressed that perks like Deja Vu and Murmur are changing from "wasted space on the bloodweb" to "useful."
  • It's the same as every other online game: "You beat me, that means you suck!"
    in Stupidity Comment by NeoVid June 2018
  • This is awesome. But it might be more awesome if your version was a reminder that Myers wears a Shatner mask.
  • Both Silent Hill and RE would be pretty cool and fitting to cross over with DBD, but I'd expect the licenses to be extortion priced.
  • Is there anywhere to see the statistics on how different killers perform at various ranks? Or would seeing the facts of how the game goes crush our spirits?
  • Seems like it would be simple to include a marker showing if players are grouped, so the killers will know they should give up while the game is still in the lobby.
  • When they start trying to taunt me into continuing the chase. In other words, when they're going "HEY LOOK I'M A DIVERSION!!!"
  • It's a strategy. It's only a decent strategy if the survivors are incompetent, and if they're good, it's a game-loser, since it's countered by completing objectives. I had a recent game where I'd given up since the survivors only needed one more gen, and BBQ had shown me that the other three were on the far side of the…