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  • Emergency...Shutdown?😯 Wow that is an interesting name right there. Great effect too - Stealth players (who represent less than 5% of the playerbase😑) could make good use of it. HOWEVER, the Developers will never EVER add such a Perk (which is sad 'cause it would have surely become my first pick everytime). As you might…
  • Haddonfield Because:
  • The most handsome Male Character is Sir Park 👍️ The most attractive Female Character has to be Miss Denson 💓💓💓🤩
  • @Shad03 "So you want Legion to tunnel more so then most have to now?" Yes, I do want Legion to tunnel. There's nothing wrong with tunneling, it's a valid tactic.I don't know why so many people complain about it.The sooner the Killer gets someone out of the game the better. It's beneficial for them, they earn the time they…
  • The ONLY thing I absolutely hate about the Legion is Killer Instinct. If that part of their Ability were gone there would be nothing wrong with this Killer. Using exploits/powerful addons/tunneling is fine, but getting to see my Location just because you stabbed someone else while I was within your Terror Radius pisses me…
  • Pig No addons Enduring, Bamboozle, Brutal Strength, Spirit Fury
  • I was about to crawl out through the Exit Gates as Jake. Next to me, there was a Dwight, also in the Dying State. The Killer, a Trapper, had time to pick up only one of us... and he chose to kill the Dwight ! 🤩 He said he had done this because of two reasons: He liked my outfit more. He wanted to take revenge on all the…
  • Dwight!100%! He looks really goofy and he has the most provoking face I've ever seen! The sounds he makes, especially when he gets hit or falls from a height, are extremely irritating/puerile! Whenever he joins the lobby I'm like "Grrrr-ARGHHHH🌡️ !!!!!" . His appearence really pisses me off. When I am injured I never allow…
  • Those who say Whispers is not that great... ARE WRONG! If the Killer has it, no matter how good you are at Stealth, you will not escape. I could have escaped again if it hadn't been for this DISGUSTING🌡️ Perk. We were playing on Autoheaven against a Nurse. She had Whispers (her first pick obviously), NOED (I have nothing…
  • @Kind_Lemon "A survivor wiggles at normal speed when within 20 meters of any hook. A survivor wiggles at 50% speed when not within that radius. However, a survivor wiggles at 160% speed if the killer passes within 20 meters of a non-sabotaged hook and then exits that radius to go to a different hook. It would then be more…
  • Yes, your Aura gets revealed if you do this. I stepped out too early while I had Distortion and one Token was consumed.
  • I would rather have Lightweight make Scratchmarks disappear even faster, like 5 seconds on tier 3. In its current state, this Perk is useless/very inconsistent. I have been using it for hundreds of hours thinking that it helped, but it did not. I paired it with Premonition and even if I started running as soon as…
  • This ^ You're a genius 😀
  • They should give each Survivor a 4th Unique Perk. This Perk is unlocked at Level 50 and like any other Perk, it has 3 tiers. However, unlike the other 3 Perks each Survivor has, this one is not a Teachable, it is truly unique so only that particular Survivor has the opportunity to equip it (if they wish). The Perk won't…
  • "Well to start off Whispers isn't even that great unless you are down to the last survivor remaining" It is ! It's the most broken Perk in the whole game. Today it destroyed my momentum 3 times. The Killer came to my Gen and even if it hadn't been worked on, because of that Perk, he patroled the area and found me. It would…
  • 1556h. Sabotaging all Hooks would take ages (especially if the old Toolbox consumption rate penalty were brought back). If you are sabotaging you can't Gen rush now can you ? By the time you sabotage the last Hook, most of the previously sabotaged ones will only remain broken for like 1-2 minutes.This of course if you 99…
  • Self-Defence might as well be a kick in the groin.🤣 Since when has this game become realistic anyway ?Sweeping Myers of his feet should be possible. It's not only for the Mori either. ANY STUN (Pallet Stun, Decisive Strike or any other Perk) will give you points in the Survival category as well: For example if you Stun the…
  • Yes, I meant the default time. It used to be 180 seconds. Now even if you use Saboteur, the Hook won't stay broken for that long (120 seconds without Saboteur and 150 seconds with Saboteur - 30 seconds less than before AND you're using a Perk slot)
  • I suggested a Perk called Self-Defence which works against a Mori (once) but no one has replied 🤣
  • No one ? 🙂
  • I have leveled up Myers from P3 Level 1 to P3 Level 50 and I have gotten 11 Scratched Mirrors and 10 Vanity Mirrors. I only grab those when they are in the way since I don't plan to use them anyway (because they are disgusting). When I have leveled up the Pig the same way I have gotten 18 Amanda's Letter. Those Addons are…
  • It can be improved. If you get to see the Auras of the Hooks you have a higher chance of guessing to which Hook the Killer will take your teammate to. If the Hooks remain broken for a maximum of 4 minutes with Saboteur, assuming you 99 all of them, (this should be pretty balanced since you're using a Perk slot, you might…
  • It could be way better though... if Perks like Whispers had a counter
  • I see... There were a few matches though, when everyone else died and while evading the Killer and using Left Behind, I somehow managed to repair 2 Generators (there were 5 Gens left), find the Hatch and get out 😀
  • If you equip 4 Stealth Perks and plan everything extremly carefully but you still don't manage to evade the Killer the whole match because he uses an unavoidable detection Perk/Ability/Addon or the bad map design comes into play, then there's no way Stealth is perfectly viable. If you rely on Stealth and Survival only, you…
  • Whispers, Rancor and any other detection Perks/Addons (Like Class Photo or Amanda's Letter for example) that do not have a counter do play a major role when it comes to finding a Survivor as they reveal your location no matter what you do. Killer Instinct is also disgusting: I injure someone and I get to see everyone…
  • Excellently ? How often do you escape from a Trial completely unseen/unnoticed by the Killer exactly ? If you manage to escape unnoticed half the time (5/10 matches) considering you were not playing on Haddonfield or the Swamp, which are actually the only two good maps for Stealth and also having in mind the fact that the…
  • Yeah, you're right. I have only played against the Plague a few times. I guess I wasn't close enough to the fountain when I tried to remove it so that's why the option didn't show up.
  • This Perk requires a lot of preparation and luck. Plus, the Hooks will only stay broken for 4 minutes. And I mentioned that the old Toolbox consumption rate should be brought back. As long as the Hooks don't stay broken forever it won't become meta. 80% of the people will think it is not worthy of their time.
  • How is that possible ?! I see Whispers, Rancor or Bitter Murmur (one of these 3) in 9/10 of my matches. :angry:
  • He meant that you cannot hide behind a Generator anymore. The only remaining counters are getting within range or going as far away from the downed Survivor as possible so that you may have a chance to hide before the killer reaches you.
  • You do not run out of tokens that quickly because once any detection perk triggers Distortion, for the next 10/20/30 seconds you are protected against ALL detection perks/addons/abilities as a whole (except BBQ). One token is enough to protect you for the duration of the cooldown. 30 seconds is quite a long time. For…
  • Nurse's can be easily avoided by not healing in the terror radius/ using Premonition against a stealthy Killer :blush: Distortion, as it is now, hardly delays the effects of the Scratched Mirror/Vanity Mirror addons. Firstly, because it only has 3 tokens/each token only lasts 10 seconds and secondly,** if Myers goes for…
  • That is the issue with Distortion. It helps with BBQ, a perk that had plenty of counterplay already, while all the other perks that reveal your location for doing Generators or simply if the killer gets close can't be avoided, which is ridiculous. Distortion doesn't counter Bitter Murmur although this is one of the…
  • I know BBQ is really strong already, but it is not one of the most dangerous detection perks as there are some ways to counter it. However, BBQ is the reason why everyone gets so triggered when somebody suggests a buff to Distortion (as this would encourage camping), so if it were unaffected by this perk no one would have…
  • As soon as the Survivor who uses Distortion gets within Whispers range (48/40/32 metres of the Killer), a token is consumed and Whispers activation (as well as any other aura/location perk) is prevented for the next 10/20/30 seconds ( Whispers does not light up for the Killer and no actual whispers can be heard), but only…
  • Lightweight: Your running is light and soft, making your tracks harder to follow. Scratch Marks stay visible 3/4/5 seconds less than normal. Lightweight is not active during chases and it is also on cooldown for 20 seconds after a chase ends. This way the killer doesn't have to worry about loosing the survivor in/right…
  • I would change/buff Distortion as it follows: * Whenever you complete a Generator, you gain one token (something similar to Dark Sense). * Distortion should hide your Aura and your Location. That being said, it now affects Rancor, Doctor's Madness and Whispers. * Change the duration for each tier: tier I - 10 seconds, tier…
  • ^This. But that is not a buff to Distortion, it's a nerf for the Lockers (for those that do not run the perk). As it is now, Lockers block Auras regardless. That being said, add the Locker Aura reading to the Distortion perk in order to balance the new Locker mechanic, but still buff Distortion.
  • What if the killer is coming your way while you are crouched? You either take a risk by standing up/trying to run away and if he catches you during those 15 seconds he puts you right in the dying state or you stay there, crouched, and allow him to get a free hit but at least you get that speed bonus. I suppose the duration…
  • I totally agree with this one. But whatever the devs are going to do with Decisive Strike, I hope they won't change its effect.This perk is supposed to let you escape from the killer's shoulder once.It's the most satisfactorily part. Maybe an additional condition in order to make the perk active could be staying in the…
  • Skill Checks occur quite frequently during a trial and we are talking about 4 Survivors.It's very possible to hit all Good Skill Checks but I doubt the same applies for Great ones.I've seen Rank 1 Survivors who were affected by Ruin at least twice per Generator.Plus, this hindrance is permanent (unlike Ruin) and it affects…
  • I kind of agree with you. Decisive Strike is not that good.It helps when the killer downs you close to the Hatch or at the Exit Gates when they are open. I have recently gotten it from the Shrine.If I am not the Obsession I rarely have the change to use it, because I need to wiggle to 35% and Hooks are everywhere.If I run…
  • Oh, this can also help with leaving Hooks sabotaged at 99%.The Skill check which appears when you sabotage the hook at around 97% is annoying and it usually forces you to complete the sabotage action. It also makes Stake Out more impactful.
  • You don't become "invisible"; the killer can still see you directly.The perk only cancels his detection perks and addons.Given that all those perks/addons basically do the same thing, which is revealing your location and since most killers use only one of those per match, it is a fair trade. All you have to do is look…