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  • You can still slow down raiders in normal maps, and if your normal map is getting blasted through by a good raider and you don't wanna build around that, why is that even a problem? What's the point of you blocking people who are good at the game finishing your base quickly? Saying that instead of just building differently…
  • Traps aren't too slow, you just aren't building right. You need to FORCE the raider to think if they aren't already- you can do the classic piston and flame trap hallway gimmick to at least slow down a speedrunner's initial assault, but you should be building every single trap with other traps in mind. Multiple locations…
  • So you want to block raiders for getting through your base quickly? AKA just playing raider? What the hell are you on about? If people can speedrun your base, it's BADLY DESIGNED. You need to be a better builder and learn how to deal with these types of raiders instead of caring about your 'statistics' this much. If you…
  • Had no idea bomb trap detection radius was so high; also, the range upgrade only gives it one more block of detection? That seems like a waste.
  • I wouldn't mind them changing it but it also doesn't bother me that much. It's just going to become a part of the game knowing co-op gives more benefits than solo with little to no compensation for not playing co-op. SWF situation.
  • I don't really care that much about it honestly. I usually just leave light trails going to mine, but the bases are supposed to be deadly and unwelcoming, if some goober wants to block off the tombs it's not going to mean anything to me. I saw people on the steam forums saying they were going to block people for doing it…
  • It's hard for me to say because I detest microtransactions, battle passes, DLC, etc. and what they've done to the gaming industry in general. Granted, it could be a lot worse with DBD, but even then I think for the quality we're getting they're really pushing it sometimes in what we're supposed to be excited about and want…
  • on-button demand of negating a hit should be just that. giving them invulnerability and distance alongside it was a bad idea, and the more recent version is technically more powerful than the old one. that and old DH didn't let you double-hit bodyblock with the first hit and then the on demand endurance hit, which is so…
  • after getting ran nearly the entire game by someone crouchspamming at every pallet, near the end i caught my quarry and just decided to let them bleed out. it wasn't an overtly hostile act as much as it was paying it forward on the taunting bit- you had your taunting fun, now i have mine since i finally caught you, hee…
  • hold on, are you guys really calling WoO overpowered, the best perk in the game, etc? I've always completely considered it a beginner-designed perk, eventually, you should play the maps enough to understand where things spawn and get a sense of the area as soon as you figure out what map your loading into. there's no way…
  • hi, i'm Rookie 1978, colloquially known as jason or evil spooky man depending on the platform you met me from. I'm currently majoring in teleproduction and make youtube videos for fun and entertainment. I'm heavily interested in the future of MYM and i'd love to base my entire personality around it for a good few months as…
  • i'm so tired of editing a comment bugging out and removing the original text and zapping it out of existence.
  • with how they treated DBD, I'm sure BHVR will find some way to shove monetization in our faces. the only question is, considering this game isn't a heavily genericized streamer-bait psuedosocial third-person experience, how will they do it? an ingame shop? if MYM gets a battle pass I'm liable to delete my account. at best,…
  • I still have no idea why they closed it. What's so awful about your community continuing game discussion while waiting for it to go public? Let your community foster, you can't expect gaming forums in the modern day to carry as much energy and traffic as a discord server. I really do hope they'll reactivate it, I'm sure…
  • I just typed up a whole comment about how hopeful I am for this game's future before it was randomly deleted after a bug with posting the comment, so I'll just leave a nutshell version here. The game is really good, surprised at the stability in the closed playtest, very hopeful & excited for the game's future, I have a…
  • I don't know if it'll get as big as DBD because DBD is the perfect storm of generic unending gameplay loops and streamer bait, but MYM is a really fresh concept and my impressions are very hopeful. The developers seem as excited as the community to see this game grow, and I really hope the work and time they put into this…
  • this is behavior's most unique IP and I really hope it gets the attention it deserves; i'd also like to join in on congratulating them for providing the general gaming community with something new. there have been core concepts of 'base building and base raiding: the game' in the past, but I've never played or seen…
  • sorry but I really don't understand this. my thought process is I played the alpha->I should get the badge like everyone else. it's not even that important to me I just don't understand why the process is so seemingly convoluted; my core issue is that I was never sent an email, and I don't have (for whatever reason) the…
  • she is the best killer in the game, playing her isn't that hard, and even if she did require an incredible amount of skill it wouldn't justify her being blatantly overpowered. i will be ignoring future responses from you
  • i'm in the same boat. never got anything, people in the discord gave me no response, now i'm just sitting here in stark confusion as to how the systems they've put in place to handle the badge-giving process have failed for so many people. it truly can't be that complicated if they have the emails of everyone that…
  • yeah eruption googoo gaga and all but really? as great as it is, it's still arguably situational with no guaranteed proc. thinking ruin/undying isn't as bad or worse than modern day eruption is crazy rose tinted glasses; or, effectively, a present day negativity bias. nerf eruption and all but get real
  • tunneling isn't really the fault of killers, it's a game design issue. players playing player versus player games are going to play to win. even if the entire community doesn't, i'd argue a majority of the players do, even players who have no idea what the word tunneling means that have never touched the greater dbd…
  • what you say has so little value that a blank post containing zero characters is preferrable to whatever dribble you think you can spitter and spatter out onto the keyboard in enough rhythm to create a readable sentence, which I'm assuming is a rare case for you, so I'll applaud the fact that you've managed to type enough…
  • Where is the entitlement talk coming from? Why don't you want more from the games you paid to play? Get a grip dude, this weird simp cope over corporations that don't know you exist will get you absolutely nowhere. Bloodpoints are not real. They are not a real currency. They cannot be traded. They can only be 'earned', but…
  • But what 'underground community'? How do they know they're getting matched with you? There are way too many variables going on for the things you're assuming and all the proof you've offered us is a single image of you being disconnected. How do you offer so little, assume so much, and then call anybody 'disgusting' for…
  • I think it would be interesting if killers could choose where to light their hexes, which wouldn't be activated until the Killer went and lit it themselves. The only things that would stop this are auto-lighting Hexes like Undying, NOED, etc. Would also change up Haunted Grounds and Retribution hex totems a little bit,…
  • tbh a charm would be worse lmao. but they SHOULD just give us auric cells
  • no i just dislike current internet buzzwords because i think they've outlived their usefulness and are usually only propagated by lower-tier meme viewers. saying 'i play bill me chad' is just a worse version of saying 'i love playing bill' or something else like it but with an added flair of wanting to feel cool/special…
  • consider this: i wasn't judging camping based off 'new players' and was judging camping based off an equal skill leveled match where players are adequate at the game at least and are familiar with it's systems and how it works. i don't expect new players to be good at anything because they're learning how the game works,…
  • we get it you play bill here's your pity validation points for playing this character you did it
  • survivor is not the power role and having veritable methods to fight back in terms of appearance and actual gameplay function skews the tone of the game in a way i don't like, it's asymmetrical pvp and it should feel like it, things like blast mine/decisive/head-on should be the most of it. straight up slugging the killer…
  • the perk being used a lot doesn't mean it's good or needs nerfs just like how nurse's kill rate doesn't mean she isn't a broken balance nightmare that negatively impacts the game just by existing (nerfing other perks just for her) since her special attack is a basic attack
  • pretty boring, give me cells or irids if you don't wanna bother making prime exclusive outfits. in fact i'd rather have cells/irids in general.
  • Isn't that statistic also from a different tracking site that only high-level players are plugging their match info into or something else like it?
  • I don't think you know what a DDOS is. A cheater attempting to crash a match doesn't mean they're DDOSing you, it doesn't mean you are specifically being targeted, and you losing connection doesn't always mean there's a hacker making it happen.
  • You're going to be so surprised when you figure out what the killer's job is in this game
  • The speed debuff should 100% be removed, it feels so randomly tacked on. just let the perk be positive.
  • Frankly I think it's silly that the Killer isn't allowed to open the gate from the get-go. Having an intuitive built-in option to just concede the match and move on isn't a bad thing. Survivors get a guaranteed escape and some BP, killer gets to end the match instead of AFKing in a corner if they can't or don't want to…
  • Maybe the way the game is set up just isn't for you?
  • What do you consider 'dirty tactics' in a videogame meant to emulate horror franchise media? I get that it's not necessarily a super 'scary' game all the time anymore, but it's a horror game. You are supposed to be scared of getting caught by the killer and having your progress hampered or being injured. There are no…
  • Explain to me how these random 4 survivors have enough information about you to DDOS you You don't know how that kind of thing works mate
  • it's a pvp game and camping is still overall detrimental to the killer in an evenly matched game
  • You're gonna be so surprised when you figure out what the killer's job is in this PVP game. You are going to be even more surprised when you realize what the Killer gets bloodpoints and is incentivized to do and build around. The moment it sparks in your head that it's a player versus player game where the other player…
  • If you act in an intentionally provoking manner and someone is provoked, you shouldn't be surprised about it. 'Just don't get mad' doesn't work when your actively doing things to try and upset someone. It is a completely and utterly inane statement to make.
  • Personally I like this idea Even with how often players can use these words wrong to attempt and justify their bad plays, it's still not fun when it actually is happening. Camping with a small amount of gens left is way to try and secure your kill, camping with 5 gens left is ruining the flow of gameplay on purpose, making…
  • I don't necessarily agree with OP that 2ks should be 4ks but those matches where I get two early kills and the ENTIRE rest of the game is just trying to find the other 2 survivors that do nothing but hide from me while 4 gens are still left... I mean it is the most unfun thing in existence. I don't care if there's still…
  • lol, do you really play camping bubba?
  • The Swamp is easily my least favorite map in the game. It's ugly and I hate playing it as Killer so much. Just disable it!