I had a match just before with a Ghostface who slug everyone wait till someone come and slug the person as well. He also had Ultimate Weapon with. And sry to say it to all the killer who do not want to hear it but NO it is not the fault of the survivors when a killer slug. I mean when you have a killer which slug and camp…
Seems you get me wrong I do not say that you can not go after a survivor who try to flashlight save another survivor, when he is really close and you know he is there it is nothing wrong in try to get him. But when you let the one you downed lie the whole time, not to avoid a flashlight, but because you are more like you…
Yea but did you not get why it is annoying? When you face such survivors it maybe is bad for you when it happens all the time, but that is the game. Should they add that you will face only once a person with that perks in in 10 matches? It makes just no sense. I mean how often did I read here in the forum that you have to…
All fine. No worries. Do not feel spoken to if you are not like that. Also yes I did not know there is a issue with the flashbangs itself, which cause that problem you mention. I am the least person who would say that a real issue should not be fixed. All I say is to stop complaining about things which are not currently…
I would strongly disagree, while sure camping a hook is bad yea that is still a lose for a killer, while on the other hand helping a survivor to escape will be a win for that specific survivor. Also think about that what you want you basically say you want that you can disturb the healing of a downed survivor. That will be…
No you should rethink while it is a perk we talking about which is not even that good as you stated it here. Maybe this is a strong combination yes, but than let me ask you because of that do we as survivors will get any counter stuff for the insanely overpowered perks killers have? NO because it is not only perks which…
This whole discussion is pointless really. I mean when you already take lightborn with you are clearly the one who is not able to learn how to play against it without lightborn. Sry. Throwing a flashbang is not that easy. And do you want it so the survivors have just more things taken away only cause YOU have problems with…
And for the killer in the Chapter it will be Crowley or so XD one of the more iconic villains in the show. GOD XD
Not to forget, that as soon as this change would be made, all the killers just would slug someone after the person got unhooked to deactivate DS to tunnel him again. So this change would again been misused in the most disgusting way for sure.
Sry but what the hell? Why should they change it? It already does not make that big of a difference if the killer is good. It is so weird how they have to change every helpful perk the survivors still got only cause these killers who have trouble with it. I learned a lot about MMR now and found out that most of the times…
I still think they will try how the resonance of this mode will be. Sure it is a joke event and yeah but still the developers thought about this mode in the survey already and like the lights out mode it is also a bit of a test to see how the reaction in the game and here in the forum will be. That is why I want them to…
Yea you are right these should absolutley been changed should this event ever will be a game mode. And to the 3. thing you mentioned, not only that we can use skins but also the other chars which we can not use there or? And same goes for killer. Imagine a extremly big Nemesis run through the map XD
I know it is for the april fools day. Yet this mode was also in the survey a few month ago. Do not know if you ever made the survey, but this mode with tiny survivors and a giant killer was a game mode they asked about in the survey as the lights out mode was as well. Sure they use this april fools day for a bit fun, yet…
Why should I do that? I am no hardcore player like the majority of the game is not. And that is ALWAYS the problem when it comes to that discussion. You guys only view from the high MMR viewpoint you do not even care about the majority of the players who are not in that MMR stuff. And yet your complains are the ones who…
This whole discussion is a farce. Some just wont read what you have to say at all. Hear me out if you are to lazy to read a complaint, you are to lazy to understand it. So just do not write anything at all it will not help
Sry but lightborn is just a senseless perk. I mean you all killers complain now, that he said he want it to be changed when adrenaline will be changed too. And you all come out and say yea but this perk is not used as much as adrenaline is, yet it negates 100% the effect of flashlights, something what a killer can easily…
Because other than killers who do not need to do that the chance is higher these killers tend not to use it in a extrem overdose. Like when they hunt, they most likely would not just look in the locker because they hunt which makes the whole game more fair. When Trickster or Huntress do hunt they use their knives or axes…
Still a difference on the thing with the Unknown. Since he is not in NEED to kick the gens. Is it really that hard to understand? The Huntress and Trickster NEED to look into lockers.
What has that anything to do with my complaint? I just said that this perk for a killer who NEED to look in lockers should not have the possibility to take ultimate weapon with. The doctor on the other hand is not much more in a big advantage with merciless storm than without. Since it will only show where it is failed. He…
Sounds like a good change, yet still the both will profit from that way to much. Imagine it will be like they can see every survivor all the time more or less, since they only have to look in lockers what they have to. Other killers just look in the lockers by occasion, while these two need to look into them. So sure it…
Because "some" survivors are not all survivors. Sure some will come with that when killers complain about adrenaline, but is that the reason to behave in the same way towards survivors which justifiably complain towards tunneling and slugging? Are you for real now? One is a perk which can help against another perk, the…
Ever thought about the fact that some maybe just used all of the streamers and stuff? Or keep it for the time after the event?
I feel you, but I have to say I found a way, to make all the NOED Killers regret the decision to only rely on their NOED. I for myself are a pretty good totem destroyer survivor. I have so often now shown these NOED killers that I am done with their annoying NOED. By the time where 3 gens still are left I almost every…
Xenomorph can be really op but there are some others which are much more op. Since the tail is a really small area to hit with and you can miss pretty easily when a survivor knows how to evade. But yea Xenomorph is amongst some of the stronger killers in game that is true. But I can tell you his tail attack is not so easy…
Either split the fourm or, what I would think will be better, give an opportunity to choose which role you as forum member has in the game. Like you can choose from survivor main or killer main. In that way it is better to distinguish these who almost only play killer and these who almost only play survivor to see which…
As a killer I let survivors get some points or help them with any task or stuff if possible. Like when they have to throw pallets to stop a killer or stuff. And as a survivor I do let them hunt me, let them kick the gens, and so on. I also let him sacrifice me when he is very very nice. And put him my item as a gift
It is more like majority of the killers come out and want them to change everything to their favor. But as soon as a survivor main does that they come and talk them down in how powerful and unfair it is as survivor, while meanwhile killers got a wall hack for everything but the survivors without any perks, can use dirty…
I want the small game charm. And some others too for sure
Tunneling and the rest of these so called "game mechanics" are been used very often currently. It is extrem if you ask me. And the reasons the killers come up to are always the same and always no real reasons but excuses. GENRUSH: let me tell you that is in 99% of cases I also would say 100% of cases not a real genrush…
My team and I, we play most of the times in a three man party, we almost never does that. We always try to get the solo person, IF that person really played normal and helped a lot. Even when the killer is a camper we help. Most of the times that means one of us will be dead sometimes even two, but yet we help, if the solo…
Haha Killer who has problem in do what he least have to do and want to take away an advantage (Which in my eyes not even is an advantage) only cause he is to selfish. No matter how many hours you have. You as killer are already in a big advantage and now, cause YOU are to lazy to search for the last survivor or hatch, want…
Because it still is possible to do that. As a killer it is easy to find the 3 gens which are most near to each other. And since when only one gen is left there are only three open gens which can be done 3 genning never could be avoided. How could it? Even if they are not very near killers usually just patrol them. It is a…
To be honest. Playing survivor alone is pretty useless. Mostly the others fail so much. Like close EVERY locker when it is the dredge. And other stuff like that. So soloq is the most useless thing to do. I play mostly with a team. We are now a good working team but yet most game are just outright disgusting. Tunneler are…
Haha I came on this post, read it and as soon as I read "killers gaslight when survivors make a statement" the killers begin to gaslight the issue, so it is already worthless to even discuss it even further. And when you killers really think it is comparable what they did till now for the survivors with all the insane…
But that would be pointless. By the time these update will be released, every slugging killer will just pick one survivor up and bring him to a hook and leave the rest on the ground to prevent this you mentioned to happen. See how they outplay the camper bar. They just camp just outside the range which triggers the bar,…
My idea would be, that like camping, slugging will get a bar which fills like this. The first survivor who got down has his bar shown but not filling. As soon as the second survivor is laid, the bar of the first slugged survivor fills slowly, as such as the bar of the second survivor slugged. When then a third survivor got…
Still unfair, every time when only 1 gen is left for the survivors it is pretty easy for the killer to find them. And stop them. Especially when he did already got some. It just favors the killer and that is a fact. No matter what they took from the killer the most stuff he still can do, while the survivors just can not do…
Dude haha it is a difference when see them hanging or on ground, since that is needed to save them. While on the other hand, see hooks and gens make it easy to 3gening or just hang a survivor as near as you can. It would be compareable when survivors would also see gens. See a downed or hooked survivor is a difference than…
No it is not even. Since it is already in most cases that you can hook the survivor. It is not even whatsoever, because you as a killer still can see where the hooks at and of cause if they are near you the survivor hangs 100% of the time. Since there are no perks anymore which give the survivor any advantage for wiggles.…
If you ask me this mode benefits the killer much more than the survivors. Not only is all what survivors can see turned of, the do not even see how much gens are left to made, no all bars and stuff are turned of. While the killer still is able to see hooks and gens. Also the Killer has a slightly bigger field of view I…
Yea it happens a lot nowadays
Yea I have to admit before start playing the game I thought it was already a game mode because I saw videos with two killers and 8 survivors haha. But to see that they did not really have another gamemode since the game was released was quiet disappointing. But I think they now want to give the players some good modes. I…
But these game modes could be fun here as well. Even you do not really like to see it along with the one mode which is wished for so long time. I absolutley understand it. But it just is natural that game developers go with the current stuff. And Among Us and Prop Hunt just is very popular. And sure it is just a copy, that…
Yea that would be nice too, The master hand idea. But therefore any survivor need some special moves and the killers will be the stage bosses.
Yea some survivors just do not get that even a killer need some kindness too haha. You just have to choke it out of them from time to time so they can realise it. But I just play some snowskull fights with most of them. Sure some do not get it but that is fine. At least the most I met have some fun now. If I ever meet you…
And when you sometimes be kind enough to be nice and have fun with the survivors it will good as well. Just have fun and gift it to others
Or Imagine a mode where the survivors can fight back haha. Or a mode where a group of killers play against a group of survivors in a mode of snowball fight or stuff? But not only in event than more all time. At least in winter. But I am not sure if they should go all away from the base. I just have no idea what they could…
I am with you the VIP mode would be really bad. It was the mode where one is the obsession who only can open the gate right? And as soon as this person hang it is over right? Yea that sounded nowhere near fun. I also would see how it would turn out. The killers just focus on that one survivors the most and the survivor who…
As they said, you are more than a monster. So as long as you are sorry for that it is all fine. We all make mistakes. Just be one who is killing with kindness, especially in the christmas time and all will be fine. The entity is with you I am sure.
Then this song also is for these monster survivors as well of course