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  • Survivor never killed themself for no reason. Give arguments or let it be. He said, after I literally "gave arguments"
  • Oh but either you're joking or you bought the game yesterday for you to say something like this. Survivor ALWAYS killed themselves for no reason. If you're getting camped, you're giving time for the team to escape. If you're getting tunneled, you got 25 different ways of stopping that tunnel AND you're giving time for the…
  • People are just realizing that the game is more balanced now and stopping all the bull######### on throwing the game and "not playing survivor anymore". People were throwing the game probably because they couldn't use Dead Hard to escape outplays anymore, so first hook after getting their ass handled to them, they just…
  • They can actually say they did a pretty good job so far now lmfao But of course, there's still the matter with your average Dead Hard connoisseur who don't know how to loop a killer without having a button that undoes an outplay, so of course they are still gonna complain nonstop. I like where DbD is heading. No more free…
  • Gotta wait for Tuesday, if the update doesn't drop then, wait for the next Tuesday lol
  • Bro, you could be playing against a Ghost Face/Myers/Wraith/Pig and they would never catch you off guard because of the perk alerting you they are near and looking at your direction even through walls. It also gave the vaulting speed to the survivor which further weakened these same killers, now it doesn't. Tbh I thought I…
  • Short answer: no. Long answer: No endurance status perk can overlap with each other "creating additional healthstates" anymore. The only perk that gives another healthstate that needs to be tested if it stacks is MoM. MoM negates the hit instead of giving you endurance, so probably it stacks. Want my advice on this? If you…
  • That looks fun, imma join this. Here's mine based on how much fun it is to play them: Funnily enough I often play Doctor, Legion and Cenobite because I like their gameplay, usually ends up in frustration though.
  • why did they do it like 6 years later and not something in the beginning of the years of DBD? Well they did something right now, better than to remain the same forever. Many of my friends are gonna uninstall/stop playing after the update Survivors have grown accustomed to being way more powerful lol Now that the killer is…
  • And you do understand the lack of simple logic in the statement "easy 4k face camping" right? If you facecamp you lost the game, unless the survivors themselves want to throw the game at your feet. Lmfao even with NOED+Blood Warden combo, getting 4k simply by standing still camping is just NEVER happening unless you're a…
  • Bro made an entire post the size of a damn book to say a killer you can loop by breaking line of sight is OP 💀💀💀 The thing about nurse is: she's definitely OP, but only in the hands of the right person. Even at high MMR it's easy to loop nurses by breaking line of sight and juking them if you have more than 1 functioning…
  • Tunneling/camping IS the easiest strategy, thats why new/bad killers do it. So... You're calling "strategy" sitting in a spot and just waiting to kill 1 out of 4 survivors? New players do it because new survivors are clueless enough to go attempt a save with the killer 3 feet away. You give killers all the base kit rewards…
  • Brother, I love how people tend to see camping only as that one Bubba that just stands below your feet just waiting to trigger a chainsaw and they still have the nerve to say if you put somebody on a hook you're supposed to forget they are even there. There's a video from Lilith Omen who is a Blight main, where he gets 50…
  • It was funny seeing people freaking out when BHVR announced the Legion buff to be actually rewarding to use their power. You would see people left and right saying "instadown on a killer that is way too fast is op!" But nobody took into account the ABSURD amount of effort you need to put into getting the 5th hit, they just…
  • He just tunneled straight in our face and we could do nothing about it because he just tanked all the BTs and the DSes and still went after the unhooked survivor. Bro, if a killer waits for the Borrowed, Gets DS'ed multiple times and focus only one survivor until he's dead you have more than enough time to get the gens…