More likely saving it.If they fix tunneling ohh hell tgey will need to use the nerf hammer on survs if they dont wanna lose 70% killer base
Nail gun that its supposed to be an exclusive charm from buying the chapter its on rift?
Becuz they dont know how to make sadako not being able to kill survs despite she can do it.I will explain it easier. They want curse to be enought reason to make you move across the map to cleanse it yet not be possible to get fully condemend and moried despite she can do it. Their perfect scenario doesnt exist.If you make…
20 secs it almost useless.Maybe 60 secs
Who on hell use gen regression? Gen blocking is the new meta.
I love the SM the problem its that seems i put the drones such good that survivors always get caught by it, seems trapper is skilless cuz he put traps as same as SM is skilless for putting drones Drones already shown a action area so you should watch your step
I did already kick gens is highly ineffective while block give more time.
Make his dash to be actual antiloop that means longer dash
Mr flashlight eould like to have a meeting with you
I think a good add on could be while walking in carved path ypu move slower
My humble experience just throwing snowballs to others was a poor experience i mean u have fun once or few games after that you dont offer anything new and that mechanic got used to provoke killers
Well basically now the survs dont waste time on healing,cleansing totems etc and just get fixed with glue to gens
Ohh really there is no video of singularity who doesnt play with soma photo
First photo isnt a roach?lol
One idea could be nemesis can infect zombies with Nea virus to make them more clever and chase infected survivors no matter where they are and they get ranged attack. That would be lore accurate also giving better function to zombie.
If you need 2 purples to actually make it work its not balanced
No gonna lie as main killer if snowballs gives 500 points per hit i wouldnt mind participate but i feel its a stupid mechanic we all will forgot next week.
I did and its like event doesnt exist
Im my opinion event is not really good so i play as i usually do.You can keep throwing snowballs each other but dont complain if i hook you.I would like something more dynamic than get snowballs and throw it
Im sorry i dont feel fun in the game.
Singularoty main and im agree emps are busted
Well not merchant fault ur team foesnt know how to play agaisnt her.If the team doesnt activate drones you are a ghostface with less undetectable
Singularity need to be reprogrammed to harm the crew already and the addiction to soma photo fixed
2 hatchets for a health state? No way everyone would stop playing it
Well at that rate he wouldnt need any perk at all
Boost the killer numbers not add ons
Really imposible my mmr as killer have no problem at all they even have the luxury to repair injured.
too OP we cant allow a killer perk to outclass any surv perk
Atm just wait
Who knows maybe next surv buff its u dont see blood pool or scratchmarks unless u use one per for each
Thats the prob newbies: Doesnt understand killer powers Its killer fault nope the surv fight him once and instead of say how it works they dont but hey we gonna nerf em more
They will kill blight itself do not worry
Yeah i wish the cages would spawn the most futher of surv sometimes.
If they could only add soma photo 5% speed as basekit ...
The title is true as hell but i would change the killer for surv word
But devs added limitations as you said so I suppose flicks arent suppose to happen and we "hacked" the game to happen.I mean if they would actually want to make us to crazy turns they would made controls like pig dashes not limit us to do it and guide the movement with our mouse, not using e and q that looks wrong ( like…
I do play alien and believe it or not the most frustrating part is that I pierce the head of a survivor with the tail yet no damage to survivors.
Surely its cuz broken status already done. You are broken for 60 secs so if u last to survive 55 secs and stay on hook 20 secs adrelanine is gonna heal you. In my opinion adrelanine should jump in the moment all gens are done.If you are on the hook you wasted adrelanine.
Ohh u doubt it?
Well lore wise is accurate so no nerf for turrets
Okaythanks for aclaration
The thing is if u dont like a killer its okay i dont like other killers.How about to buff him so we have on High mmr Nurses,blight,weskers and tricksters?
No gonna lie i feel people who dont like to play agaisnt that killer wont like to play vs him never despite the changes would be the fairest ones. The problem is the power if we make it strong people will say nooo i cant avoid knifes cuz shot too fast. If we nerf throw you have a miserable killer and will be unfun for both…
Nope it not right now throws at 3 knifes per sec and keep still at that speed even with main event that should be throwing knifes at hella speed.
Thats not killer fault.Any killer streamer who doesnt play with iris or purples have stated it?
I hope you make all those killers actually able to face comms decent team without bringing busted add ons.
Same i will buy skins when they finish buffing it
You should read killer powers to know it.Atm just Rancor have killer instinct
Ohh no you dont.U still need basekit soma photo
I can show you which players do i find I cant confirm if they are SWF (surely cuz gameplay) but holly molly with the items