Chasse music while playing spirit is a pain in the ass, when you phase walk during a chasse, the music continue for like 6 seconds and you can't hear #########, not foot step or injured moaning, its a straigth up nerf to her
you actually get tunneled more in low rank
cry more
It does, spirit phasing also make corn move, you are the one spreading lies and misinfortmation because you are salty about spirit, just git gud
yes you can, if you just listen for footstep, you cannot get grabbed off gens
just learn how to loop and hit great skill check and stop crying baby op, all those low hours players convinced that they know how the game should be played at red rank, smh
of course it does, you mean nea, 100% sure about it, otherwise why would have you gotten out of your way to choose her ugly ass in the option as a pfp
i don't even play nurse, have nurse profile pic and proceed to cry about nurse nerf
yes, and nearly 2 years after that, they still have that mentality toward survivors perks
It can be usefull for all the halfwit who claim that MoM is balanced, they get downvoted and start to think again about their poor opinion
MoM deserve all the hate it can get
Soon you'll be limited to only hillbilly since nurse's special attack will give MoM token with the next patch devs are out of touch with ash, 2 of is perks are useless garbage and the third one is broken op and already became meta
dbd in the first place was an unbalanced buggy mess, it got better now
then it will be time to main surv and wait 2 years for a nerf of mom
myers is considered as one of the weakest killer what are you on? pleb watched too much steamer convince him that he's good, buidl your own opinion sheep
durr urr lets throw bottle, that will make the shake window less effective, gret succes, ow noes 5 gens are done how ???
one of the least fun killer to play
killer is kinda easy right now against 4 solo surv
killer is super easy to play right now, unless you run against a 4man try hard swf group, you won't have much troubles even by playing leatherface or freddy
lightweight is already extremely powerful
biased killer main will tell you to just "git gud"
good for you champ, momma proud of you let's just forget that swf have a gigantic advantages over solo survs because mr nick decided so, that a good way to solve problems you muppet
We are not talking about killer buff, thats irrelevant to the topic We are not talking about petals from the event, thats irrelevant to the topic "I usually make it out of the game alive" Like i said, nobody care about your personnal biased experience, you are just like those people who say that since they got a 4k with…
Its about bp gain for survivors.
good, nobody want to hear your personal biased opinion
its wayyyyy easier to make +60k with killer than with surv, just stop with your stupid argument, just because you did mak e60k one time with survivor against a super bad killer doesn't mean it happen consistently in 2500 hours, i can't even remember seeing survivors making more than 25k bp without me farming with them
yes one in 50 games if the killer is a potato and you can take 4 stack of the wglf and escape and have time to stay and farm and heal yourself 15 time to rack up survival point you are just like those peoples who say "hurrr durr freddy is totally balanced since i got two 4k with him and got red rank with him urr"