yeah, i'm totally happy with this change. hitting every great zone possible looks like it will be very difficult and takes off very little time.
the killer can still damage the generator, it just takes slightly longer to kick it.
i think blast mine is fine as is. it might be more in your face, but i find it weaker than repressed alliance
jumping to weird places was the only part of the twins i enjoyed lol. i really hope this is just a bug...
sounds nice - i don't see why not
i have a lot of fun baiting the attack around pallets. i think he's fine as is in that aspect.
i've played her a decent amount and never noticed. are they really quiet or is this somewhat new?
it's my new favorite perk. i think it's quite good on blight and is super fun.
this person is talking about keys being used to escape, not default hatch conditions
some small changes that could make the punch feel more impactful would be increasing the volume, making the animation end more abruptly after a successful hit, and/or adding a small shake effect to either the screen or just the fist upon impact
myers was referred to as "the shape" in the halloween movies. the alternative would be "the boogeyman", but im sure we can agree that might not work so well
Distortion should be buffed by allowing you to re-gain tokens by escaping a chase. It should also effect any survivors within a 1-meter radius of the perk user. To compensate for this, it should only start with 1 token.
because it's incredibly boring. just play matches normally - most killers will nearly max out all categories unless you get absolutely stomped
this is ridiculous. some people might want to play with x perk on y killer/survivor. you'll have to grind for that. in a game you paid for. judging by this post, it seems your only goal is winning games. i enjoy trying wacky builds. obviously you aren't forced to grind to play the game, but that's not what people are…
surge's 8% regression will trigger on any generators within range when it is off cooldown - including gens that are already regressing
considering it works on any kind of attack, i might try it on blight
i'd be alright with this as long as they fix the "silent when downed" bug once and for all.
legion is hard to counter in solo, but with a little communication, making sure you're spread out can make using their power extremely difficult. and you should be spreading out on gens whenever possible anyway
huntress cross maps. nothing beats a huntress cross map.
i think an important aspect of wraith's lunge thats hard to put in numbers is that you can see unimpeded over low loops, making it so survivors cant just run away for free like you can do against pig.
sure! i dont see why not.
i have insider info. after reading your post, the devs have decided to delete hag from the game and replace her with another clown. he functions exactly the same, there's just now 2 clowns to level up/unlock
no mither is worse if you're just trying to win, but it has great meme value. sole survivor is just really boring.
inb4 "toxic swf overpowered"
no. people should be able to play with friends. "banning swf" or comms is ridiculous.
i dont think there needs to be a killer basekit buff. the only overarching issue that unfairly weakens killers is large map size imo.
how so? fov changes don't affect your stalk zone.
hell yeah
That's ridiculous. As long as you aren't intentionally trying to upset someone or ruin their experience in some way, it doesn't matter.
Nurse is significantly stronger, she's just a lot more difficult
I'm certainly open to more idea for changes to Hag, but the before anything else, I'd like them to address the traps at hook. I feel the solution is simple - Hag cannot place traps within x meters of a hooked survivor. If any traps already exist within the radius when a survivor is hooked, they will disappear and be added…
using dead hard for distance would be more difficult, but still entirely possible. against most killers, being outside the set range would mean the surv wouldn't have to dead hard anyway. i prefer the idea that you shouldn't be able to vault for a brief period of time after using dead hard
i started with meg. i was a complete meghead
even if that was the case, that does not even come close to warranting death wishes lol
I like it! The perks seem strong, but not unbeatable. The only issue I have is with the nature of the speed boost. The game is generally pretty good at telling when you are actually chasing a survivor, but it can be abused. Looking down and briefly stopping is generally enough to break chase, and you can still follow the…
Dwight's teachable Prove Thyself is the best gen speed increasing perk in the game imo. However, you only get the speed bonus while within a very short distance of at least 1 other survivor. If you find yourself solo-ing gens more frequently then not, Yun-Jin's Fast Track is solid. I find it's best to save the tokens you…
Here's two ideas for how they might work. You activate your "Boon" perk by pressing the "Activate Ability" button while interacting with a dull totem. OR Running a Boon perk spawns a Boon totem. Cleansing the totem activates the perk. Personally, I'm leaning towards the 2nd guess. Either way, they sound very interesting…
It's a cool concept! I think Engaged Worker should maybe activate with fewer skill checks, and Helping Hand should have a small duration or heal speed nerf, but it seems solid to me. :)
I run windows of opportunity a lot, so it can be annoying. But that's about all it can do - be mildly annoying.
thanks so much for all the work you've put into this! very very helpful <3
i am eating a massive slice of humble pie rn, get back to you later lol
hate is a bit of a strong word, but i dont enjoy playing as or against her.
i highly doubt they'll add AI elements to the game. which is a good thing. edit: i was wrong. #########
from what i can tell, blast mine doesn't prevent the killer from regressing the gen. so it would just make pop take longer and is completely countered by ruin. it definitely has more in-your-face impact, but i think repressed alliance is probably better. either way, it seems like a fun perk.
they definitely seem interesting. i feel like bite the bullet should maybe hide your aura also, but that might be too much
thank you. i have this exact sentiment towards toxicity and its nice to see it explained so well
they're predropping every pallet, know what kind of add ons the killer is running, the killer has no perks, the killer doesnt know their perks, and they still didn't last that long. the stretched res is just the cherry on top.
starstruck is a perk that offers actual strategic counterplay. like discordance, it can be countered by spreading out. and a solid build will obviously be effective on the strongest killer in the game. nurse is incredibly strong with any perks.
i've only seen 1 huntress in the equivalent of a weeks worth of daily logins. i dont envy your spirit situation, though