Yeah oceans for me aswell
Chance is if you're looking for the hatch the killer is too, I would let the killer find it first and camp a door lever instead of risking it.
Also I'm thinking of a mine-shaft like realm for him to dwell in under mcmillan's estate which would be pretty sweet if you ask me
He can pass under solid objects, I also forgot to mention he is blind. He is immune to pallets as long as he stays underground and yes he can detect survivors they become marked due to his slow mobility on land.
We should add a timeout feature that increases as the survivor continues to DC. Should prevent DC'ing a bit for a now
Just put them in the corner till their time is up then they can play with the big boys again, why didn't we implement this in the first place?
So should we nerf the hell out of Hag too since she can pass through objects? Obviously not; The class requires skill after all.
Killers camping hooks and only tunneling me during the whole duration of the trial
Escape is the objective, the hatch is also an escape simple.
As if loading times weren't long enough we gotta wait for this guy to camp spawn points
Annoy eachother
Fortnite died out and they are crawling back to their overlord once again
The thing is you immediately regret getting the hex totem the moment it's destroyed and you could have replaced it with something more useful.
You monster.
You could get work an hour at Mcdonalds and have enough to buy clown, clearly the devs are trying to give us jobs.
Getting rewarded for being caught and dying doesn't seem like a good system.
I feel good about it too (Don't ban me pls)
It's a ploy from the devs to make us have jobs, those evil scoundrels. Yes, it is pretty low but you are going to be playing the game a lot anyway so just keep grinding for now ;). Also 10shards/10minutes
Depends who your character is; A character that is unlocked by high level players? "I'm gonna kill you first". It's all on whoever the killer thinks is the most valuable in a situation.
The amount of hiding spots is insane, I don't think any more objects need to be added. I mean there's so many additional attributes that help you escape the killer, Dead Hard, Flashlight, Firecrackers, Etc. And on the "rare" occasion you're found by the killer you have 3 other teammates backing you up. Take in killer's…
My guess is the entity has only enough power to control a limited area at a time, thus why it needs souls to expand itself and "gain power". If the survivors aren't chained in the range of the area it couldn't claim it.
Plague vomit is pretty spammy, but avoidable if you use stealth wisely.