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  • Definitely not. I play Nurse without a sweat build and do just find against survivors sweat builds. I'm sure Blight can do the same, if he's good. And a lot of survivors don't always go full on sweat. Blights literally always do. I don't think dead hard is an issue for him. He's an insanely powerful killer almost always…
  • Clowns chase is pretty darn good. It's that his map pressure is the issue.
  • It's the opposite on the weekends, especially Fridays. Fridays are the only time where I know I have to go full on sweat. But weekdays? Forget about it. It's literally like playing the game on easy mode. Extremely not fun. And then I want to play survivor for the challenge (and my main, Nurse, is disabled), but then I have…
  • I'm not saying that they aren't. But the vast majority of the people in my games are horrible. The best teams have, at best, 1 good player, 1 okay-ish player and 2 potatoes.
  • That's an extreme case. I just want a happy median where I am not going into every game knowing I'm going to 3-4k without much stress. Literally played trapper today for the first time for a daily and still 3k'ed...
  • I feel like you don't know the strongest way to use dead hard. You use it to make it to a pallet or window and extend a loop. Not hold W and extend a chase by an extra second.
  • Honestly, the only fun exhaustion perk is Head on. And that perk gets you killed 1/2 the time, so it really is a mood. I hate sprint burst. Lithe forces me to run away from loops 1/2 the time, which sucks (although this perk is a lot of fun and I do run it often, I'm not a huge fan of this style of gameplay anymore). Smash…
  • And it's not like they suffer from it. I'm a Nurse main and it is arguably the worst for her and yet I'll still smash. Blight is the same way. And on top of that, most blights (and by most, I literally mean almost every single one of them) do the most OP-meta builds.
  • I'm on East Coast, USA. I play mostly between 11Pm and 1 AM. Sometimes up to 3Am. Survivors during those hours are absolutely atrocious, outside of fridays (and saturdays. sometimes)
  • Why am I getting the exact opposite feeling from everyone? Literally, all my survivors are horrible. I have yet to 3-4k every game for the past month. At first, I thought it was MMR and now I'm not sure.
  • Literally everyone who plays in the hours that I typically play are really bad. Sometimes with the odd decent person. Never an outright super good killer and/or survivor.
  • Queue times. I'll literally take massive killer buffs, if it means that I won't have to wait 10 minutes to get into a game.
  • To be fair, Blights and Nurses need a perk that works against them. They smash without. Doesn't help that 99% of Blights go full on sweat builds.
  • There's already a lack of killers. Turning off bloodlust, like they did last year, would make finding a survivor game even more impossible.
  • I've taken a few breaks, but they were all long. I recently came back last month, but I'm getting turned off to the game because I'm a Nurse main and she's disabled. Rather spend my time doing other things, but once I load the game up - I find myself not wanting to leave once I get bored (aka after 1-2 survivor games) and…
  • People really like to over-estimate how many people stretch their rez. Stretched rez is for the extremely sweaty. And by extremely I mean exceptionally. They're in the minority.
  • I don't even know who is on console until post game chat
  • As a survivor, you don't realize your mistakes as easily as killer. Being a ######### survivor by managing time poorly? Doesn't matter because you have 3 people who help carry you. And it can only take 1 really good survivor to carry a team. As a killer, this doesn't happen.
  • I think you weren't doing as good as you think you were doing, if that was the case. If you are getting extremely fast downs and have multiple people on the hook, you have insane pressure. Something about your story is off.
  • You should just make it so that when the killer is in a chase, it doesn't pause it. Simple.
  • Realize that the people who make these comments are probably 12 year olds who are not very intelligent, so they don't know how to process their emotions and this is the result. Just ignore it. I know it's hard, but it's part of learning to grow up - you learn to ignore people who are clearly a mess.
  • No slow downperks means you should be a strong chaser / down people fast, so that you can slug the hell out of every one. If you can down someone and immediately chase a 2nd survivor and get them down before/a little after they pick up the 1st survivor, that's a fantastic slow down. If you can consistently do this in most…
  • Make it so that when the a killer stands too close to a hook for too long, the survivor's bar decreases dramatically or stops totally. And then if they continue to do it for a long time, it will slowly increase the chances of kobying with applied BT to the koby.
  • Just d/c in the loading screen. It doens't give penalty anymore.
  • For me, I love the Onryo's power. But I just wish her condemn was built up quicker or had steps that gradually debuffed survivors if it's going to take that long. That or make the video tapes reset 1 bar, not 2/3 of it. It just feels bad when paired with her meh chase potential.
  • The problem with blights is 99% of them are sweaty. At least 75% of Nurses are babies, and 1/2 of the remaining 25% aren't sweaty. I'd rather lose to a good killer that doesn't have to sweat to one that has their life on the line to win the game.
  • Every game with Blight in it is always a sweat fest. It's so annoying. I had one yesterday who literally just refused to move all 3 gens all game because 2 of them spawned directly on top of each other and the 3rd...well, it's a blight. And Blights are almost always decent/mediocre, which is all you need to do well with…
  • They just need to make it so you can only boon totems once if they are snuffed out. This would make it smarter to move boons around the map and for killers to feel more rewarded for snuffing them out. And then as compensation, lower how loud they sound.
  • Pigs not bad. The ones who start with the aura box blocking + 4 traps at start of game addon are annoying though.
  • If you get getting triggered by t-bagging in a video game, you need to mature a little. It's not a big deal. Same goes with striking a survivor on the hook. The locker spam is pretty obnoxious, but the survivor is doing nothing - this works in your favorite. Slugging someone and letting them bleed out is something I think…
  • I see Doctor all the time. I also played against a Myers yesterday, too. But that is a rare sighting, I'll agree. Hag was barely played period. But boons destroyed her, so of course even less people will play. Trickster and Spirit were aggressively unfun to play against. And Twins is getting a rework (, so why would they…
  • 1/2 the pallets you never need to break because they are unsafe. Learn the pallets/mechanics of the game, and you'll be wasting a lot less time (that you don't realize you're wasting yet).
  • It's the opposite for me. If I get a ######### person who is killer, survivor isn't fun. I don't mind being tunneled. But I don't like being face camped (unless it's end game). It's not fun to just sit there and do nothing and have a moral debate on if I should just move next or stay on the hook for my teammates. I've also…
  • And you act like, as a solo queue survivor, this is not common. You'd literally have people SWF their MMR. You have no idea how DBD works =/
  • Because that's just as bad as the current system. You can get people who carry you or drag you down. I don't want my MMR being tied to the urban evading and/or hiding in the corner of the map and/or throwing a match to complete their archive survivors.
  • I used addons when I was learning Nurse. But now I never run them because it makes the game feel too unfair/boring. I only used the recharge ones (not the ranged ones). But those made me almost never get punished for missing a blink. And once you get good at Nurse, you'll hit a lot of blinks, so you'll down survivors way…
  • Maybe I'll try him out again. I remember getting really frustrated all the games I played with him because his shock was so trash without addons. I was mostly playing him like an M1 killer, but without addons his shock felt like I couldn't even use it to scout (like I see so many doctors in my survivor games doing).
  • I haven't played since the Artist was added, but I heard that she generally sucks outside of shutting down loops. Is this true?
  • Will do. Blight has been someone that's at the top of my list. Just been hesitate because all the high skill-cap killers are exhausting to learn.
  • I'm going to give PH a shot. Doesn't Freddy kind of suck since they nerfed him like crazy a year ago?
  • I totally forgot about Demo. I remember hearing all his addons suck anyways. I'm going to give him a shot. What buff did Plague get? I stopped playing around June/July. I've been debating on Spirit, but I know that a lot of people hate facing her (which is making me hesitate).
  • I have most of my killers leveled up to 40-50, outside of the Nemesis and onwards (stopped playing around June/July). I used to play a lot of Legion when I first began DBD, but I just can't get into him anymore (, even though he seems like he does well into boons).
  • Yeah. I've been debating learning him. He seems fast paced, which I like (it's one of my favorite things about nurse. The games feel like they fly by and not in the stressful/frustrating way). I just am trying to decide if I want to dedicate the time to him because I heard he can be as hard to learn as Nurse (and Nurse…
  • I've played like 8-10 games of Doctor and my biggest problem with him without addons is his shock has almost no range. It's just not fun for me because then I feel like "why not go for the m1".
  • I've been playing her lately with no addons. But I just don't like her. I suck with her power. And I feel like I always do "meh" or bad, unless I play cheesy. I don't want to tunnel. I don't want to focus on 3 survivors and ignore 1 totally. I don't want to back to back hook people. Etc. And Plague (or at least my level of…
  • Problem is, I suck. I play Legion without addons. But then I feel like I just have to sit on crutch perks, which isn't as much fun for me. And then when I take off the crutches (and play with no addons), I seem to get those teams that bully me and then teabag 50% of the time (I'm okay with the bullying. And the teabagging…
  • Just because something was nerfed, doesn't mean it's still unhealthy. If it was nerfed enough it wouldnt be in over half the games. Especially when killers have so many viable perks that are fun.
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