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  • You know what the worst part of being killer is atleast for me is when I do horrible and get 1 or 0 kills, survivors says gg ez, BUT when I actually do amazingly and get a 4 man without camping or ######### like that, the chat is completely empty. Survivors are just aids imo.
  • I was once a follower of the entity, but then I took a pallet to the face.
  • That's the entire point with The pig. You have a 25% chance of getting the mask of as there are 4 boxes. And well, yeah.
  • You wouldn't not need to camp, I am so original, right?
  • I have made it to rank 2, 4 pips without ruin and have had really rush heavy survivors. I defiently would do better with it, but Ruin doesn't do much at high ranks, they just eat through it.
  • Sucky, sucky 10 dollars, sucky n fucky, 50 dollars, pay the price and the Pallets will sucky you, I am talking to you, Claudette mains.
  • I am actually more of a metal guy myself and besides we heard like a 2 second song that she played on the guitar, who would be your survivor?
  • Kate, because of obvious reason. hehe. And also because she has great perks.
  • I have played on both the ps4 and PC, and I can't stand the controllers, honestly that's the worst thing that I have ever experienced (this is my opinion) and the framerate seems a little weird on the console, constantly getting drops as killers, especially with the doctor and his electrical bat, so I would take PC any day…
  • Try lowering the graphics, the difference between ultra and Low is mostly lighten up the dark spots and rendering less shadows. Helped me finding cheeky claudettes.
  • I am a killer main for now as I really want to get to rank 1 and I am really close (rank 4) but I am also a rank 10 Survivor, I feel both sides, I even play a piece of ######### build on survivor (adrealine, DS, SC, Sprint burst) There isn't much to balance to be honest. It's just the players that are either good at…
  • I haven't really spent money on the skins, mostly on the killers instead. They will probably release new skins, yes. And probably pretty often as you can see with this random Meg skin we got. I'll just keep my shards for the new killer or a skin for The Clown.
  • They said they will disable the shrine of secrets untill all of the consoles get the update and then reenable the shrine. So it shouldn't be long untill it's back up.
  • You got 10 shards per game with the old system, the new system makes grinding actually pretty fun. I just wish they could do something about the emblem bonus. All iridecent emblems does not equal 30 extra xp.
  • There is literally nothing Behaviour can do, as you can see yestarday there were rumors that MS accepted the certification and a day later, they got the DLC. This is all on Sonys hand, you can't really tell behaviour to do anything because Sony created the ps4 and it's their responsiblity, I get that a lot of people are…
    in Dev Stream Comment by lemoNN June 2018
  • They said that the DLC will be out soon, probably today or tomorrow. If you are impatient you could buy auric cells and get the killer and survivor that way but keep in mind that will cost you 10$ instead of the usual 7$
    in Xbox Comment by lemoNN June 2018
  • The auric cells are the new micro transactiona currency that you can buy to get new skins or even killers and survivors. I am sure Behaviour will fix the issue soon. Have you tried restarting the game?
  • Also his addons are lovely. I am level 40 with him. Bought him as he came out, he's really fun even if you get looped or lose because you still have a chance if you actually mindgame the survivors.
  • Letting other survivors fix generators faster because someone d'ced might not be the right idea imo. I get that it's an issue but I really don't know how to balance it, fixing generators faster is defiently not the way though. Also I have seen some really toxic survivors when one d'ces and they decide to blame me for some…
    in Please! Comment by lemoNN June 2018
  • Amanda is the only normal killer so defiently her.
  • I have played on both PC and ps4, And I really don't understand this, like we have cheaters but not as many as you think, I have more then 200 hours now and I have met one cheater, and I am not even sure that he was cheater. But on the console, oh boy, where should I start. The performance. Horrible experience imo, I got a…
  • Yeah. I also realized that claudette has like the highest sounding moan or whatever when she is hurt, the men are relaxed expect Bill. He's insane.
  • Bamboozle is lovely, I know but I was thinking more like forcing it to block, like you contact the entity somehow and block the window or throw down the pallet before they get to it.
  • Every killer can be bought with shard, my good sir. The only thing you can't buy is cosmetics for the licensed killers.
  • Forcing down pallets or blocking windows for a small period of time. That would be amazing. It's obviously OP but... it can be balanced.... maybe.
  • Guess I am just a bad killer then. Thanks for the answers
  • The thing about the exhaustion nerf is that it actually makes sense. If you get tired in real life and keep jogging, you don't really recover to full strength, do you? I guess it adds a bit of realism to the game.
  • I do have a pair of Razer kraken and they are pretty sensitive, I can hear on maps like The game and lerys or if they are really close to me but nothing else. Especially the stupid chase music that literally destorys all kind of sounds for me.
  • Steam actually added a option to gift "gift cards" to each other through steam itself.
  • I used to main Bill and then Kate came out so I started maining her.
  • I used to main Bill and then Kate came out so I started maining her.
  • I think they made David shirtless because of his lore. But hey, where are the shirtless ladies at? Aren't we living in a society where everyone is equal? kappa.
  • A clownface for leatherface from the Chainsaw massacre movies would be great.
  • My friend forced me to buy it. So I did. I didn't like it that much. Then I started playing a bit of killer and here I am with 200 hours.
  • I try to play all the killers. But my boy, Clown gets the crown. I just love to stop the pallet loops and to one shot with the bottles
  • I have played on console and I feel ya. But can we really blame BHVR? Like they would need to do so much to actually remove the shop and then readd it to the console version. What I don't understand is, why are we complaining about the chapter and why aren't we complaining about the gameplay. My ps4 barely gets 30 fps. I…
  • That's really sad. Well, hopefully the devs will ban him or something.
    in SPEED HACKER Comment by lemoNN June 2018
  • I guess, that's also true. Mostly my post was just off tilt so sorry if I sounded angry or something like that. But I just can't imagine why they should disconnect.
  • Yes, I am serious. Being killer is plain aids. No matter how much you mind game the survivors. They will find a pallet or a window or get sprint burst or dead hard or literally anything. And if you get teabagging survivors with flashlights and ds. It's just insane. I am just amazed how anyone wants to even play killer.
  • Killer main here. Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then. I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane. Survivor should be…
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