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  • I picked up an item to stop weave attunement, not realizing it wouldn't stop after so long, but I was also holding a flash bang. Weave attunement was attached to me the remainder of the game and actually cost us the game. I tried to drop it off in a corner, but to no avail. BHVR, please kill switch this perk until fixed.…
  • I'm sorry BHVR, but you designed the perfect return to hook killer in the Dark Lord at a time when even content creators use return to hook as a critical path to 4k. Here is the recipe: transform to bat, traverse map, hear a gen, knock down a survivor repairing, hook, return to gen and kick it, return to hook as bat by…
  • As of August 2024 (PS5), it's still broken. Had to do it 4x (successfully complete in each of the 4 games game). In game, it recognized as complete with the banner appearing, but when game ended it did not register as complete in the post game archive box nor on the tome itself. It is also located on Tome 1, level 2 where…
  • I'm having an issue when I click the sync button for PS, it partially spins and stops and gives no indicator that sync was successful. My switch and Steam accounts gives me a pop-up confirming the sync. Any thoughts?
  • @Ohyakno I don't disagree that there were hard times earlier, but every anniversary DBD turns into a heavier version of Fortnite. I remember everyone used to celebrate the Anniversary and they weren't so sweaty. @VantablackPharaoh91 - we are well past rank reset and if anything its worse. Beyond tunneling and prox sampling…
  • More invisible walls on game maps: Playing as survivor on Sunday, May 12, I have ran into invisible walls during chase that resulted in me being easily downed and hooked twice because I was stuck. I don't record my sessions, so I don't have video or image proof and replicating in custom was very difficult due to spawn…
  • The 400% bonus is such a scam with MMR working so badly. First night of 400% is abysmal. I'm being paired with killers so strong that someone is on hook in 30 seconds. Survivors just dying on the hook intentionally (and I don't blame them). I've played 6 games in a row and I'm up against players that are for example…
  • BHVR developers blatant despise for survivors is so evident in this event. I have only played a few games where survivors break 100k and killers are breaking 100K 99% of the time. It's shameful. MMR is totally shut off as well so for those that need blood points the most have just miserable game play and are not…
  • So, at Crotus Penn with Tinkerer and waited at the only breakable wall until I became undetectable, then chainsaw sprinted into the wall and destroyed it, but it didn't give it to me. Second time I've been in the game doing this action without reward. I'm wondering since it says "after" chainsaw sprint matters? BHVR is so…
  • BONE CHILL AND BLOODRUSH FAILED FOR NEW PLAYERS. Devs don't understand the challenge of new survivor players in the game, and it's a serious quality of life issue. Events like Bone Chill and the bloodpoint rushes addition are not chances to get additional and much needed blood points. (Which is a massive, massive grind).…
  • MMR doesn't exist after 5pm, on the weekends or during peak times at special events, such as the 14th of every month when all the insane sweaty good killers come and just decimate everyone playing. You can't convince me that MMR is even worth talking about when Quality of Life for players under 2,000 hours is just awful…
  • The most recent Ghostface buff in June 2023 has been so brutal. I don't blame killer mains being frustrated by Ghostface pre-buff, but geez, now gameplay is so damn stressful and sweaty as a survivor against Ghostface. I also think BHVR must have tilted map selection towards indoor maps when killers play Ghostface. I've…
  • I'm a survivor main and I beg BHVR to not solve for face camping, but proximity camping. 95% of my games get kills because the killer just stayed within 24 meters of hook. It wasn't that way when I first started playing, but the community has changed. This change will just reinforce and train killers on how to proximity…
  • Please no. This makes the game even more ‘work’ rather than casual play. Here is my out of the box idea. The killers define whether the game is fun or sweaty. so bring DBD back to its roots where the only goal for the killer isn’t an 4K. At the end of each match, share whether each of the 4 survivors piped, reached safety…
  • Could use confirmation on this, but blessing a totem counts under the old "boldness" category, which is now Evader. If you get 20 points for cleansing a totem under Lightbringer, maybe the same for blessing?
  • BHVR Devs, can we now have a conversation? And not just listen to the Content Creators and Whisperers. You could only break 60k 4 times during the Haunted by Daylight 2022 (on Steam). Midnight grove was a sustained 75k. Dead by Daylight is in trouble and it makes me sad because you keep doubling down. Your MMR choices are…
  • Haunted by Daylight (Halloween event 2022) really underscores that MMR is really only effective at a really high player base. For steam charts that is in the 60k range or higher. Unfortunately, players feel it when the tier 1 killers start raining down in their games and just make it so damn sweaty for the great middle…
  • Killers, can you stop playing so damn sweaty for this Halloween 2022 event?!? It's bad enough that the great middle of our player base has left the game, but this is supposed to also be fun time and when you are disrespectful by downing survivors who are in the middle of simply dropping void points into the rift. You are…
    in Halloween Comment by ownoka October 2022
  • MMR is basically non-existent for all the points noted in the thread and BEHAVIOR DEVELOPERS knows that people will still play regardless. It's a shameful disregard for player experience. If you have under 2,000 hours of gameplay and trying to improve, avoid these times or you will be decimated (as survivor) or shamed (as…
  • I'm going to post an update from my original stance when kicking off this thread. I think the problem is very much MMR and everything else is a distraction. I'm gaining empathy with killers who only can tunnel and camp to be successful -- even as much as I hate it as survivor. I play killer once every other week and with…
  • BHVRs only optics (and this is a huge miss on their part) is exceptional laptop players and their own assumptions based on data. Data gives you no insight to player experience - the one thing you need to design a good game. So, I think what we are already seeing is survivors only doing gen repair to pip. Once a killer…
  • Yea, revealing Ghostface is absolutely broken.- at least in some cases. I was staring at him coming directly to me (full view) within 32 meters and he walked all the way to me and downed by in one hit. It all took place in well over 1.5 seconds. I'd say closer to 4 since we were staring at each other on Limpkin Lane in the…
  • EPIC fail by the developers. It is harder than ever. Patrick mentioned he cared about brining in new people into the game and satisfying the streamers with variety - which means 90% of us in the middle are just grind meat. The insult is that any event brings out the highest tier killer which entirely removes all the fun.
  • I've bit my tongue for so long, but the developers at Behavior are so tone deaf. It is so apparent that their only focus is for high-end players and they couldn't care squat for new players who joined when the failed MMR system was enabled. They certainly are more interested in making the game fun for experienced killers…
  • Behavior. if you want to make the game more enticing to new killers who are struggling to learn to be a good killer, start with making their viewing angle wider and let it diminish over their success rate or make there lunge a bit longer. Stop creating massive killer perks that take the fun out of the game for relatively…
  • There is no MMR! Either the attempt at an MMR is so flawed that it can't manage the volume of people and so throws you into overly imbalanced match to get one int a match timely or they turn it off at specific times (every night) so it doesn't even matter. I really am trying to avoid to add to the poison of complaints that…
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