That would be way too OP especially since people are going pair it with the healing boon... why not have a new boon effect like vigil or leader while youre in the boon
I like the game...
Y'all really will complain about anything on here... The new prices are one of the best changes made to dbd on a long time.
Estimated to come out around halloween
Just play the game and try hard yourself
What is the "point" of any video game? We play it because it's fun...
Why did you get frustrated?
Mine happened to stop right in 40 so i moved on.... Just seems like most people would assume bhvr was counting everything on the back end for community challenges like they have done in the past
Are you saying that we need to keep the community challenges selected to count towards the goal? If so it would be helpful to state that in game because im sure most people are switching challenges once their personal contribution is done.
So there is a huge amount of confusion around whether or not you need to have the challenge selected to contribute to the 30 million after youve done your 40. Can you confirm that this is calculated in the background or if not at least make players aware via in game text that they need to keep it selected?
My rift has been done for a month so i couldnt care less about fragments but why would i keep a challenge ive already done selected when i have open ones that reward bp...
Who said that yiu need to keep it selected after youve finished the personal portion? Im sure everything is being counted on the back end...
Needing to keep it selected after your personal is done makes no sense. Everyone will be doing either the challenges at the bottom or tome 4 challenges.
They surely do work in the background without needing to be selected, aside from the personal portion. Rift challenges just came out yesterday and everyone is doing the challenges at the bottom.
Yeah but now people will let you die on hook instead of losing their ds
I just think you should be able to unhook someone without losing your ds, otherwise its fine
So if weve already spent today doing 7 surveys using the wrong total(from the score screen not including bonuses) does that mean we need to do another 7 or we dont get rewarded?
So does that mean if weve done it using the scoreboard bp we have to do another 7 surveys else we dont get rewarded?
The only info i wished they added was if you were in a swf or not when playing survivor because that does make a difference to enjoying the match... i assume theyll be able to track down the perks that were used as well because that often determines the "skill" of the player in question
Can we get an official answer because sofar youve got 1 person saying the total bp and 1 person saying the match result screen
Survivor paradise? Not sure what level youre on but its not gideon
Pretty sure its total but if its not worth your time dont worry about it...m working to p3 everyone so i need anything i can get
I agree...every time i faced her the only time i needed to worry with a tape is if i chose to
How would you add farm at the end of your name? Its totally not worth paying to change it for the event and then paying to change it back after...
He's too broken to play on console...ill play him once hes not an m1 killer
Its the same price as it was yesterday and the same price as any non legendary full set...
Im getting the same issue now... maybe theyre re enabling the rpd map?
Am i the only one who thought this was going to be about his passive gurgling while walking around
Swf cheating obviously...
Who said theyre changing demo?
We already have a witch though
Its already confirmed so save us the suspense and leave now....bye felicia
The same as dying before any gens pop...
Let them try your game then theyll be hooked... Seriously though, it sounds like youre friends are pretty entitled if they cant be happy with everything that comes in the base game. Just make some new friends.
Did it on first attempt...maybe you should try burning luck offerings 😉
Yup..thats it
Spoken like someone who never tried the new addons. The survivor one barely does anything.
Far be it for someone to voice an opinion of their own even if it doesn't align with the whining majority...
Op? Have you tried it lol
Good, one less crybaby on the forums...bye felicia
Just checked and it did gift me thenfull amount even though it was over 1mil...thx
But what if you were already at max bp in anticipation for new chapter...
What the actual ######### bro?
I hear you bro. Cheating with swf should be changed. The game was not set up for swf and yet they never hear our complaints.
This would be a surefire way to increase tunneling and camping if that's what you're going for. And hope you're not tired of seeing the same killer over and over again every match because there will definitely be some that just arent viable with only their own vanilla perks.
Welcome to dbd...
I totally agree. Being able to customize your characters has always been a huge part of dbd.
As a pig player i dont think you should see the trap boxes anyway... Rbts are meant to keep them off of gens and only a ######### pig would go for a surv with a trap on
Monsterinmymind should just change his name to a pimp named flickback...