Thoughts on Knight changes from a Knight player
Overall, this seems like a good direction to take Knight in. My main concern is with the "Hunt Timer ticks down faster when the Knight is within 8 meters" change. I'll hold off judgment until I see how it plays in the PTB since a good Knight will usually try for a pincer maneuver anyway, but I can see this making his power…
Has anyone gotten the anti-facecamp to activate even once?
I just had an Oni patrol the hook for the entire duration of his power. When I couldn't wait any longer to go for the save, I ran up to the hook. The Oni spent a good 10 seconds within kissing distance of the hook as I ran him around it. And he still had time to down me, pick me up and walk away without the anti-facecamp…
First Impressions on Developer Update
Trickster changes (Note, I play Trickster): Rate of fire buff is a welcome change, although I think the increased knife requirement to fill the laceration meter was a necessary compensation nerf. Removing the recoil is awesome, recoil made his power feel awkward and random. Increased movespeed is a very welcome addition.…
Rough idea for Knight Rework
This is kind of a rough concept for a rework so far, but I thought I'd put my ideas out there for other people to see. I like the Knight as a concept. Summoning minions, aka Guards, to help me in chase is really cool, and I love doing pincer attacks with them or flushing Survivors out with them. But I'm also aware that a…
An in-depth Trickster rant.
First, I'd like to say that win or lose, I just like using Trickster's power, and that's pretty much the only reason I've been playing him. It certainly isn't for his actual strength; I personally could get consistently better results on Doctor, Pyramid Head, Plague, Dredge, Legion, Nemesis, Demogorgon, or Knight. So,…
One step forward, two steps back.
We waited years for Dead Hard to finally eat a well-deserved nerf, only for another dumb perk to rear its ugly head just two months later. The devs just don't learn from their mistakes, and it's infuriating. Right when I thought the game was heading towards an equilibrium where all the unfair, frustrating mechanics were…
Suggestion for Trickster
I've recently picked up Trickster and I'm deeply enjoying his gameplay, but I also see many of the reasons why his kill rate is mediocre (At least, according to nightlight: https://nightlight.gg/killers/viewer?sort=pick&shown=pick%2Ckill%2Cdist&start_days=28). In my eyes, one of the biggest issues plaguing him is that if…
Singularity: EMPs should take a few seconds to pick up
While I don't think EMPs necessarily need to be nerfed further in terms of how often they spawn, I do think Survivors should have to spend at least 3 seconds interacting with the Supply Case to open them before they can pick up the EMP. This is mainly to prevent a Survivor from picking up an EMP mid-chase. If you want to…
The Single Biggest Flaw in Map Design
I see a lot of talk about bad map design, but I think it's best to get into some specifics with bad map design. What makes bad maps so bad? For Killer at least, some are extremely pallet-dense, extremely large, have very strong pallet loops, have an abundance of strong tiles that can easily chain together, or have poor…
Garden of Pain
One side of the map is a giant, unbroken chain of pallets and tiles, complete with the Killer Shack and several safe pallets off to the side. It is so pallet-dense that some pallets can literally spawn within lunging distance of one another. A layout like that is bad for the Killer, but sometimes survivable; just drop…
Survivor bots aren't good practice
They make poor macro decisions and sometimes get caught in stupid places, but more importantly, they can't be mindgamed and their reaction times are so fast that it's extremely difficult to land many Killer powers on them if they aren't locked in an animation. I can't get a feel for how to use powers like Pyramid Head's…
Add breakable walls next to more windows
Sometimes, map RNG can create window setups that are near-impossible for the Killer (Particularly M1 Killers) to beat. Too powerful for the Killer to waste time getting looped on it, but too close to important generator(s) for the Killer to simply abandon that section of the map. This can either lead to a 3gen stalemate…
If you think tunneling and camping are toxic...
...Then be the change you want to see. Do not teabag, do not emote at the Killer, do not BM, at all. Especially not when the Killer is playing nice. When a team of Survivors escape, it is almost guaranteed that at least one of them will teabag if I go to the exit gates. And many will wait out the EGC timer if you don't…
How accurate is Tarhos to real medieval knights?
I've heard before that real medieval knights were not nearly as chivalrous or honorable as legend made them out to be, so I'm curious: Just how period-accurate is Tarhos? I'm guessing most knights couldn't survive against a hundred attackers all dogpiling them at once, but were there actual organizations like the Guardia…
Skull Merchant Rework
So, Skull Merchant's kit still has three glaring issues. -Her power is still very weak in chase. -Her power only helps her when she uses it to camp gens. -Her power is one of the most effective at holding 3-gens. These issues make 3-genning the only viable strategy to win against good Survivors. Other Killers can also be…
Skull Merchant's Visual Design is Bad
The weapon, the gadgets, and the particle effects, I can get on board with. The mask and the bling, no problem, she's rich and wants to show it, I get it. But her actual clothes? Why did she settle for anything short of the best and most snazzy-looking hunting gear money can buy? Heck, she could probably get a more…
Thoughts on April Developer Update
Healing Nerfs- No complaints. Self-healing was the problem, not altruistic healing. Hillbilly Changes- Good choice. I would consider making Engravings basekit at some point, though. Dead Hard- Less than ideal. The perk is just Off the Record now, but worse in almost every way. I could see this being used in a Decisive…
A definitive Dead Hard rant.
Credit to Killa Whale for the first iteration, much of this is paraphrasing him. Since we're on the verge of a DH nerf and all the DH users have come crawling out of the woodwork in a last-ditch attempt to keep it from getting nerfed, let's address all the major arguments I've seen in favor of Dead Hard, one by one. "I…
(Meme) Dead By Daylight Players React to March 2023 Update
(DISCLAIMER: All reactions in this video are exaggerated for comedic effect and may not be representative of the Dead by Daylight community as a whole.)
Thoughts on PTB changes
I won't go over every single one, just the ones that I feel warrant the most discussion. Dead Hard- While I'm not sad to see this perk eat a big nerf, I question the wisdom of having yet another perk that encourages tunneling. The most effective way to counter this perk now is to hard tunnel the first person you hook out…
Dead Hard is fine.
If you are a weak or intermediate Killer player and complain about Dead Hard, it's a skill issue and you need to learn to just wait it out, so Dead Hard is fine. If you are a good Killer player and complain about Dead Hard, you just got outplayed and you're probably not as good as you think you are anyway, so Dead Hard is…
To everyone saying DH is so easy to counter...
...Here's two tournament-winning Oni performances where the Oni swung into it. Four times total. Twice with his power, and twice with M1. Yes, in a setting where only one player is allowed to have it. Yes, even after seeing which Survivor has it. This guy got first place in the DbD community cup. Twice. So, are you really…
What no one seems to talk about with Dead Hard
It's bad enough that Dead Hard punishes the Killer for hitting the Survivor, it's bad enough that it's essentially impossible to avoid triggering it with many Killer powers, it's bad enough that it can be used to force no-win situations at pallets, but what Dead Hard also does is remove full-length lunges as an option. If…
This game has a toxicity problem
Even within the gaming community at large, Dead by Daylight stands out for how much I can rely on at least one player in every match to do something toxic. Easily on par with MOBAs. And I'm not talking about optimal strategies like tunneling, proxy camping, looping really well, running in the open to draw the Killer's…
Tunneling: Why Killers do it.
Tunneling (Which I will define as: The Killer going out of their way to hook the same survivor consecutively until they are dead) is a very common strategy for Killers, and I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it's not fun for the Survivors. I think it's best to go over the factors that encourage Killers to tunnel,…
Dbd is the only non-team game I know of that penalizes leaving
In most PvP games, if you don't have any teammates who need you, you can concede the match at any time and that's that. You lose, your opponent wins, end of story. But the Killer not only won't get any points from the match but receives a matchmaking penalty for conceding? Why should the Killer have to put the survivors'…
Dead Hard still needs to go
There should never be a perk that punishes the Killer for hitting a Survivor in a normal chase. Endurance should only be granted under very specific conditions where the Killer can ignore it by switching targets, like Soul Guard, Borrowed Time, and Off the Record.
Hitbox for Wesker's power?
I wanted to know if anyone has a visualization for the hitbox of Wesker's power? Though what I really want to know is, is the hitbox centered on his torso, or his left arm?
Deathslinger Gun fires unprompted
I'm playing PC, on Windows. Sometimes after I reload on Deathslinger, my weapon will fire again immediately after the action is complete, even when I'm positive I didn't touch M2 or M1. In fact, if I continue to not touch M2 or M1, the glitch will sometimes repeat after I reload again. I seem to notice it happening most…
Knight Suggestions
Suggestion 1: Make Map of the Realm's effect baseline. A longer detection range enables a variety of plays that are otherwise likely to fail. Suggestion 2: Remove the visible green orb. Survivors should get a sound cue when the Knight is using their power nearby, but being able to see exactly where the guard will spawn…
Feral Frenzy Vault Not Working
Hi, I'm playing PC and I just had a match where Feral Frenzy's vault didn't work after the first use. My perks were Barbecue and Chili, Hex: Ruin, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and Thanatophobia. My add-ons were Smiley Face Pin and Julie's Mix Tape. My offering was Spotted Owl Wreath. Step 1: Start a game as Legion in…
Please silence the Demogorgon's footsteps
Having audible footsteps causes the Demogorgon to lose all pretense of stealth, despite having multiple abilities that mute his Terror Radius. It makes mind-games on most loops far more difficult when the Survivor is continually informed of exactly where the Demogorgon is at all times during the chase. This feels like a…
Thoughts on the upcoming matchmaking changes?
Personally, one of my biggest gripes right now is that I get consistently matched with survivors that are several ranks above me when I play Killer, then I depip even though the match was clearly unfair and I had little hope of victory, so if the matchmaking changes help to fix that, then I'm all for it.
Expect Corrupt Intervention to be the new go-to Killer perk
In the time it takes a 115% movespeed Killer to reach the most distant generators on the bigger maps, the survivors can easily finish that generator. You can't apply pressure to generators when they're so far away that you can't even reach them before they pop. So, Corrupt Intervention will be a meta perk now on any Killer…
Killer's Rulebook for Survivors (Joke)
-Survivors are not allowed to do generators faster than the Killer can keep up. If you do, it's genrushing. -Survivors are not allowed to take advantage of it when the Killer makes a mistake during a chase. -Survivors are not allowed to loop the killer around safe pallets, safe windows, and/or god loops. -Survivors are not…
Are there plans to change the emblem system?
Title. The emblem system doesn't seem to accurately measure your skill. From my personal experience (And from what I've seen from other people), ranking up as Killer tends to be too difficult, and ranking up as Survivor seems to be too easy. In many cases, Killers will only get a black pip for 3Ks and 4Ks and will…
Exact time it takes to break a pallet?
Hi. I'd like to know exactly how long it takes to break a pallet by default, and how long it takes to break a pallet when using special attacks like Chainsaw, Demogorgon's Shred and Oni's Demon Strike. The reason I want to know is because I'm never sure when it's worth it to use Shred/Chainsaw/Demon Strike to break a…
Keys have got to go
When your opponent has a toolbox, you can counter it by keeping that person off the gens. When your opponent has a medkit, you can chase down injured survivors so they don't get a chance to heal. When your opponent has a flashlight, you can look at walls or look up to avoid being blinded and listen for sounds if you are…
Feedback: Deep Wounds
I think the change to Deep Wounds was a well-thought-out solution. It prevents the killer from downing a survivor using Terror Radius shenanigans, but it still forces the survivor to Mend as soon as possible once the Killer has given up on chasing them.
Undocumented changes to the Doctor?
This wasn't in the patch notes, but several of the Doctor's ability and add-on descriptions are quite different now. I'm too lazy to type it all out, but the descriptions say that he now has a new ability called "Static Blast" which interacts with several of his add-ons; Scrapped Tape now has a completely different effect…
Did they change flashlights?
I've noticed that when I pick up a survivor and another survivor tries to flashlight me, I never seem to drop the survivor when I get blinded. I look up as soon as possible, but often, the whole screen is obscured by the time I can do that. Did I manage to look up at the last possible moment, did the survivors mess up the…
Surge buffs
I think Surge could be a strong stall perk, if it received one or both of these two changes: -Remove the requirement to down a survivor with a basic attack. Make it trigger anytime you put a survivor into a dying state. This feels like an unnecessary limitation that greatly reduces the number of killers that can use Surge…