Oh no, there will be genrush! (DbD meme parody song lyrics)
I've made parody for the MGR ost - The only thing I know for real. Enjoy it, or, maybe, sing if you want, I gonna drop Instrumental version of the original song. Pallets are broken Windows are blocked. I've even forgotten NOED! I don't know the reason Why devs releasing This DbD dating sim. Jake points at my face! (FACE!)…
Доктор основан на реальном китайском психиатре
Оказывается, Доктор был основан на реально существовавшем китайском психиатре. Действительно, согласно вики, на ранних этапах разработки Доктор задумывался азиатом. Ну так вот. Знакомьтесь, доктор Ян Юнсин. Известен за свои противоречивые методы работы. Он практиковал электросудорожную терапию без обезболивающих. Таким…
Golden toolboxes and all related stuff about them
Hello there. I've already did this post in russian subforum. Now I decided to translate it and post here. Enjoy! I bet, almost everyone seen golden toolbox in Haddonfield. That's not really surprising fact, since its the very first golden toolbox added in game. It happened in patch 1.2.1, when second chapter - Halloween…
Золотые ящики с инструментами
Всем привет. @Rattman снова на связи. Предлагаю отвлечься от бесконечных споров о сбалансированности медсестёр/осколков и подвальных Бубб и обратить внимание на кое-что интересное. Я с Фенг на пару подготовил для вас коллекцию мест с золотыми ящиками, а также небольшую теорию об их происхождении. Поехали! Думаю, золотой…
Plague Lady Demitresku skin when?
Devs pls xD
Devs, where is the key nerf?
Like, y'know... You nerfed mori, remember? There should be next step towards balance which everyone expected from you. Just saying.
I found newspaper in new Ormond
...too bad I looked for golden toolbox
Your opinion on new moris
So, guys, what do you think? Let's see how it is.
Why not use Otzdarva's suggestion about moris?
I get it, everyone hates moris and they deserve a nerf, but listen, they almost like waste of BP right now. Why nerfing them to the ground? Otz is one of the greatest guys in our community with over 5k hours in the game. He is also part of the Fog whisperers program. Why not listen to him? His suggestion is: Yellow mori -…
Adept Blight
How do you do it? Any tips? Which addons are best, which map to choose?
Мир сущности
Итак, что мы знаем об этом месте? Давайте попробуем собрать все факты воедино. Есть набор миров (мест) так или иначе связанных с маньяками. Ну, как мы помним, выглядит взаимосвязь так: Свалка Автохэвен - Призрак. Поместье Макмиллан - Траппер. Ферма Колдвинд - Хиллбилли. Психлечебница Кротус Пренн - Медсестра. Гнилое болото…
Can someone post here new lore from PTB?
...I'am too lazy to downolad PTB
PC - 4.1.1 - Grim Pantry weird collision bug
There is a weird collision bug in Grim Pantry, near main building. I don't have logs, sadly.
Thx for new MMR system, bhvr!
Now I finally did my Spirit adept achievement on red ranks with 20 rank survs.
PC - 4.0.0 - Can't use power as Oni
So, as you can see from the video, I press Lctrl, but nothing happens. Problem solved when I hit another surv, but, still, this bug had massive impact on my game.
Make killer adepts easier, they barely possible in high ranks
Some teachable perks is just garbage. Most of the killers don't even have gen defense perks. At the meantime, survs just genrush as if no tomorrow. And you absolutely have to kill everyone, do 9 hooks, defend your gens, mind your territory, so survs don't separate the map, be, like, god tier as killer you playing, collect…
PC 4.0.0 - Legion audio issues
Legion theme stops if I change my outfit. Also, sometimes male breathing sounds playing on Julie.
PC - 4.0.0 - perks don't show on stats screen
So, this basically
PC - Survivor flying above basement while being hooked
Perk icon bug - PC
So, here is a thing I noticed. If you level up a perk from your loadout in bloodweb before the game, in title screen at the end your perk will be shown as if you didn't do it. Check my M&A (second screenshot is right after the game).
Fair rework to some perks. Devs, check this out!
Before we begin, I'll have to say, that I play both sides. These suggestions are unbiased as possible. I have over 1.5k hours in dbd. Oh, and also, this is gonna be long post. Legend: Old effects of the perk, which still apply written in italic. Old effects which don't apply striked. New effects written in bold. (My…
PC - got stuck in chest on Disturbed ward
Iam not sure how, but this happened.
PC - 'Close Bonds' challenge is not working as intended
I died 3-d and 4-th player escaped through hatch right after. I got my challenge for some reason.
PC - Something wrong with the deviousness points
So, basically, this. Something got broken, after I used offering for +100% deviousness points and BBQ. I got 3 kills.
Новый лор с мобильной версии игры
Всем привет, @Rattman на связи. Как оказалось, в мобильной версии игры где-то в разделе с обучением было встроено три новых ролика по лору. И эти ролики... весьма любопытны из-за одной фразы, которую говорит Наблюдатель (у Observer'a вообще есть официальный русский перевод?) Я решил запостить их здесь, потому как,…
Best Laughter
Which one of those is most memeable/enjoyable? Not including Freddy, cause his laugh is not memeable enough, lmao.
Devs, explain me why pip system is like this
...or else I start joking that you survivor biased.
Parents issues
Just noticed that many killers and survivors share some conflicts with their parents. Those conflicts literally made them who they are now. Definetly can't argue that parents have SIGNIFICANT role in one's personal growth. But, well, Bhvr... maybe you overdo it... just a bit? Gonna go brief, cause it's a lot ground to…
Глава IX - Прервавшийся род. Перевод Лора.
Привет! С вами снова я, и мы продолжаем копаться в лоре DbD. Пользуясь случаем, хочу передать привет @Clyde, которому, вероятно, это всё нужно будет переводить (может и нет, я плохо представляю, входит ли это в его обязанности) и @dubsteppaman, который это всё, скорее всего, переводить не собирался, лол. Ну и всем…
Today I teabagged first time since 2018
So, I've had daily for Ghostface. Created a lobby, waited a bit and then survivor named "Teabagg is life" joined. I really like to think about myself as not a toxic person, but, man... ######### is wrong with this community? I got tilted and teabagged him every time I down him. At the end he was unhooked right in front on my…
Thoughts about new/old ruin and proposal for alternate rework
So, here is my opinion for it. I guess the amount of regression new ruin provides aren't really equal to the old ruin. Sure, old ruin was supposed to buy time early game. It gave 3/4/5% per failed skillcheck. That's plus time it takes to search for totem and cleanse it. New ruin gives 0.25/0.375/0.5% regression per second…
When do you give hatch to last surv?
Just curious how merciful killer players out there.
HEX meme
There is a meme in DbD community about HEX totems.Like, if something in your game, or in your life is going wrong, it's because of specifical HEX totem, which hidden somewhere. For example: HEX: Friendzone HEX: DC every match HEX: Low salary HEX: Allergic to cats etc. Which are the most fun you've seen/can come up with?
Withering Blight numbers (Hallowed Catalyst skins)
So... Numbers. What are they mean? Any ideas? Spirit: 2825 Hag: 1227 Clown: 1130 Plague: 2514 Nurse: 2330 The only idea i have, that numbers have some order, which critical for deciphering. Maybe, the same order, as killers portrayed in promo banner from left to right: As @EmpathyModule pointed out, the symbols are infact…
Can we get some hint about Hawkins lab Golden Toolbox?
Pls, devs. I searched about 3 hours in kyf. Found, like, 10 potencial good places where it could have been, but still no luck. Can you atleast confirm it's even there? Pls, I can't sleep xD @not_Queen @Peanits
Demogorgon chase music is REALLY sounds like The Walking Dead intro
I mean, seriously
Let's discuss some random hypothetical situations
So, I wonder, what would Entity do if 1) Some survivor becomes way too skillful avoiding killers. Killers just can't catch him - he is way to quick, agile and mindful of surroundings. This happens from trial to trial and slowly becomes regular thing. 2) Some survivor just don't afraid of dying - and willingly die for other…
Wait, isn't Ochido permabanned?
My youtube just popped up with this video, where he playing against Plague. What the hell?
This new emblem system needs rework
Like, seriously. How do I even supposed to do adept achievements? For 2 pip I need, like 3 irridescent and 1 gold? On 12 rank? Come on!
Spirit question
Spirit appears to be dead dismentled body, right? Her limbs are literally flying near each other. And at the same time she is able to leave her physical dead body form and create new one. So, question is, either if she is dead body or some type of ghost, why she able to feel pain from DS and pallet stuns? If she is able to…