What do you like/dislike about the maps?
Maps have always been an important part of DbD, often giving a good idea of how the match will go and rarely be a determined outcome of a match. With the devs saying they understand the frustrations the maps can cause on their latest stream I believe now would be a great time to talk about what everybody thinks a specific…
What happened to my matches?
To give a basic rundown, for the past year my matches used to be pretty good and fun overall. For the past 3 months I slowly started taking off ruin on all of my killers in favor of having completely unique builds and that worked out for a pretty long time, I'd end up with good chases and overall pretty decent pressure.…
Ideas on how to make Spirit more interactive for the game by a Spirit main
Spirit has been my favorite killer since her release last year and in that time I've racked up hundreds of hours worth of experience just by playing Spirit. Despite Spirit being considered by many as being extremely fun to play as, her lack of feedback to the survivors often makes her an extremely unfun killer to go up…
Spirit is technically undetectable while phasing, so why doesn't she have the undetectable effect?
Before I begin, this post is in no way suggesting a buff or a nerf but rather simply just a question as to why Spirit doesn't have the undetectable status effects when her phasing meets all of the requirements for it. Currently Dead By Daylight features 5 killers who have the undetectable status effect in their base kit…
Wraith needs some improvements
Currently as it stands, Wraith is considered by many to be a weak killer unless you're running the windstorm & swift hunt combo which often means that a lot of the same addons get used, often killing off variety and leaving you limited to the same meta in order to perform well with him. With this post I'm looking to make…
What would you do to make totems a bigger part of the game?
Currently in Dead By Daylight, nearly every prop in the game has an objective use even without the need of perks encouraging players to interact with them with the exception of totems which can only impact the game through the means of hex perks and inner strength. As an example, here is a general idea of what each object…
What are your thoughts on Clown?
Clown was originally released during the 2.0.0 update as the killer that started the year 2 roadmap yet I never see any clown players, any discussions about clown nor do I see any real potential in their power. In my opinion, I believe that clown is in strong needs of changes because of the following reasons ; His power…
Oblivious on Freddy is problematic
With the 3.2.0 update a number of changes were introduced, one of which was a change to Freddy which was the addition of the oblivious effect to sleeping survivors. While this change was likely a way to experiment with the new status effects, it comes with some drawbacks which hinders the quality of the match and here is…
Should the self-care change be reconsidered?
Back during the 2.5.0 PTB, a change was tested out which made the overall speed of all healing actions with self-care go at 75% of the normal healing speed. In this post, I would like to ask if this change should be reconsidered while also bringing up a few points as to why it might be a good idea in the current state of…
New Legion needs improvements
Last month the Mid-Chapter update (2.7.0) released which changed Legion to be way healthier for the game while also drastically improving the intended playstyle of Legion and patching out exploits that made them very frustrating. However, some changes also upset some users when they realized they weren't getting that sense…
Pig should have her traps overhauled with more consistency in mind.
Currently as it stands, Pig has a primary power which is her ambush and a secondary power which is her RBT's which allow her to stall the game. With keeping other stalling killers in mind such as Freddy, Legion & Doctor they all have unlimited use of their powers while both Legion & Doctor can consistently waste the same…
My opinions and questions on The Legion changes
Today we received a post containing the changes we will be seeing for The Legion, where we cannot test these changes out until next Tuesday (April 23rd) I would still like to provide my feedback and questions for the changes made especially as a person who has played an unhealthy amount of Legion. The changes started off…
Anybody else have any issues with this map?
This question has to do with the Mount Ormond Resort map which has quickly became the only map I will ever DC from and that's because of two horrible issues I have with this map ; 1 - Horrendous lag 2 - I can't see blood or scratches making tracking very difficult. To better explain the first issue I can play on any map…
If you could make an addon baseline for each killer, what would it be?
This is just a curious question I've had as I wanted to know what single addon on its own would significantly improve your gameplay as a killer for each and every killer in your own opinion. So which addons would you want to become baseline for what killers and why (this part is optional)? (If you can't think of one, you…
My Rework to The Legion
In the past I’ve given Legion a lot of ######### for being fundamentally broken but yet it also doesn’t really provide much insight on how to actually make legion fun for both sides and fix their fundamental issues. Nowadays I think that the power is an interesting concept that is simply flawed so with this rework I want…
Reward better gameplay with bloodpoints
For a while I've had some ideas to help solve a common issues both sides in the game face - an unpleasant match where in some cases you are either tunneled to death or a bad teammate makes your game miserable by completely farming you to death. The devs have taken the approach to punish this behavior by implementing points…
Lets Discuss : The Darkness Among Us Chapter
Part 1 - Introduction/Warnings Before I start I would like to point out that at no point this will be a post advocating for buffing or nerfing anything but instead why the chapter itself harms the health of the game and feedback for future updates. I also respect the work the developers and other members of the team have…
Last second switching and why it's a problem.
Odds are if you've played killer for long enough you're likely aware of what last second switching is. For those that somehow don't, this has to do with how the lobbies are designed. 4 survivors connect to the killer's lobby and allows the killer to select perks based off of the information provided to them as the…
Offer add-ons for killing people
As of currently survivors are able to obtain items by looting chests and by using certain perks they can additionally get add-ons, an item of a better rarity or even loot chests faster for performing an action which is a form of a side-objective. The thing is, killers seem to have no opportunity to be rewarded a little…
Question regarding the forums
So, I wasn't exactly too sure where to post this as this wasn't a topic regarding the game but it isn't a suggestion either, it's simply just something I'm confused about. Normally my posts will go through just fine without any issues but sometimes I will notice that I will have a typo in my post I will want to fix or…
About sheltered woods.
Normally I can play on every map perfectly fine generally without any FPS issues with the exception being 'sheltered woods' where my fps just suddenly drops and ends up causing my game to be very choppy. For instance, I can go on the pale rose and be mostly fine, I can go on the game or lery's, most of the coldwind farm…
Is there really a better way to play killer?
So, after nearly 1,100 hours of playtime (Either half or most of which I've spent playing killer) I've always found myself in a decent position to be able to kill other players but occasionally even with every bit of effort I put into each game I end up with a squad of players that end up turning my game into a complete…
Regarding bloodpoint offerings.
One thing has always stood out to me regarding the bloodpoint offerings and that has to do with the rarity of them when compared to others. For instance, a rare killer offering like the 'Ardent Wreaths' grant 100% more bloodpoints in a single category while the survivor pudding is a lower rarity but grants 100% more…
Doctor Suggestions
It's important to note that while reading the post, these are all just random ideas I've came up with and not all of them are intended to be together or work with other suggestions so when reading this please keep in mind that I'm not suggesting everything in here at once but rather as separate ideas of which some could…