How the hell do I get rid of the annoying exclamation marks on my survivors?!
As above, they appeared since the update and I find it incredibly irritating for my slightly autistic nature! Why have they added this annoying 'feature'?!
When did they remove the good window from Verna’s Dungeon Map?
What's going on with the maps?
Most maps have changed (for the worse) a lot of them are bigger, with very weird tiles, and some are very small and cramped up?? Are they bugged or did they all receive a massive change? Ormond: This area is huuuuge now with so much deadspace + there is gen behind main building where before there never was one. The Jungle…
Nanomachine gel Addon - Singularity
*Decreases biopod cooldown by 15% after slipstreaming a survivor. What does this mean exactly, I may be overthinking it. Does this mean if a biopod is down by an emp it comes back 15% faster if I slipstream someone?
Anyone experiencing cross play being disabled? I didn't mess with it in settings.
Also it doesn't let me change the cross play back on.
Is it possible to link accounts currently?
been trying for 48 hours to link steam & xbox but every time i complete the process it takes me back to the connections page and everything still says unlinked.
Can someone help me please?
I was trying to log into the game yesterday and kept giving me the same error message "The game has initialized incorrectly and may not save your game properly. Restarting your game may resolver the problem" I already restarted it, unistalled and installed again, checked the integrity of the steam files, i dont know what…
How long do PTB's stay open and are there dev updates for changes since the PTB?
Nowhere to Hide Aura Reading FROM GEN or FROM KILLER?
I swear I read somewhere that Nowhere to Hide was changed so that the aura reading was 24m of the generator; not from the killer. Is this not the case? Am thinking of Ultimate Weapon?
How can i get my stuff back?
I just got a new pc and wanted to play with my friends so i downloaded dead by daylight and used my xbox acc to sign in but when i was there all my items were gone. my killers, survivers and currencies i lost all my auric coins blood shard and all that. everything, i dont know if this is a glitch or a bug but if you can…
Question Re: Switch Cross Progression
I understand from the released FAQ that DLC won't cross over from the Switch to other platforms. However the chart attached to the post shows perks and such still should. Am I understanding right that this means if I Prestige a Killer on Switch that I don't have on Steam, I'll get the perks even if I don't have the Killer?…
My account was banned for breaking TOS but it wasn't me.
On July 14th my Steam account associated with dead by daylight was compromised and stolen, it wasn't until July 15 that I had my account back thanks to steam support. After not playing dead by daylight for 2 weeks I enter the game to be received with a Perma Suspension for what it seems for no reason. I didn't receive a…
2v8 question
Seen a statement about how killers will not be able to que up as a premade together. Is that true?
I can't play 2v8 on playstation.
I checked all the menus for 2v8 and it just isn't there. Is it pc exclusive?
When Can I play DBD on PC with my Playstation account?
Cross progression
Spirit Husk has Collision?
Why does Spirit's Husk have collision while she is phasing?
Consecutive match?
By any chance does anyone know how long after finishing a match do you have to que up for it to be considered a consecutive match?
auric Cell charm
Hello, community. I have a question. Today I bought 500 auric Cell, I was in the game and paid normally via Steam. I thought if I bought it I would get an auric cells charm. Has it changed somehow or do I need to buy more? Thank you all for your reply.
Constant departures from the match
I've already been banned for two days because the game throws me out of the match. I don't know anymore, I checked everything, ping, the Internet is all fine and working properly. It was always fine, I'll go in, play 5 games, and for 6 right in the middle of the match, everything just freezes and the game throws it into…
How should we act in here?
Hello. For whoever makes a new discussion or a suggestion/feedback. How should we answer? I would like to keep things to the case. Either agree or disagree. Come with your pros and cons. And examples etc. Then done. Do you like to have a discussion and go back and forth. Message that person instead than having it public.…
'Name & Shame' on Steam's profile
Hi, Is the 'name & shame' on a Steam's profile is allowed or reportable ? Because 'someone' tells many things about me & after a public match, I was toxic & insulting (?) 'in all dbd matches' (whereas we have just played one single match against each other). After I tried to explain myself about the postgame chat where I…
News about the cheaters getting innocent people banned & trickster epsilepsy issiue?
Trying to figure out if its worth playing this game in the upcoming 2v8 event. I dont want to risk my account just because cheaters can fake ID's and stream themselves as others while cheating. And i also cant support a company that doesnt look out for their players health, even though i dont have epsilepsy myself, i wont…
How to Fix Discord Game Detection DBD ?
I want to add dbd in discord activity without adding manually on discord I have dbd in epic games A random ME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Why can't I play with my friend?
I have exhausted Support, they don't know why this happens, so I thought I'd ask the community. I play on Nintendo Switch. I have one friend who also plays on Nintendo Switch that I can't play with. I will invite him, or vice versa, and we both ready up but I get sent to a lobby and he gets a message that says "Connection…
cross progression
hi guys, I was playing dbd on my ps account before, now i bought dbd to my steam account on pc, how do I connect my ps account to steam on pc, please help me. when ı try that it says an error but ı didn't do that before please help
I can't get into the game and after the game intro I'm logged out and this text shows up. Is this be
Fatal error: [File:C:\Jenkins2\Live\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 873] Interfaces.CopyCommandList->Close() failed at C:\Jenkins2\Live\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12CommandList.cpp:268 with error E_INVALIDARG DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping {0x0000000000000000} + 101402546 bytes…
Does Windows of Opportunity show fake pallets?
If you use this perk and are playing against Freddy or The Doctor, do the fake pallets have a yellow aura too or can you tell they are fake because the perk won't highlight their auras?
What does "Respecting Pallets" mean?
I have heard Survivors on YouTube use this term when a Killer doesn't break a pallet that has already been dropped. Therefore, I thought respecting them meant not breaking them. However, recently in a few videos where a Survivor is narrating their gameplay, they will say something like "oh wow, he respected that pallet"…
Can you have Endurance while healthy?
Assume I unhook a Survivor while I'm using the following perks: We'll Make It Botany Knowledge Empathetic Connection Borrowed Time And as soon as I unhook them, I use a Purple med-kit with a Syringe on them. Is it possible they'll get to Healthy before the Borrowed Time wears off, and if the Killer hits them again within…
As Wesker, is there a positive to being able to vault with power?
It seems almost always detrimental when I use it
Any info on Cross-Progression?
Does any one know? I'm not very well updated with the game anymore, and am just wondering if someone could inform me how it might work. I understand the details haven't been fully worked out yet, but if someone has a better understanding than I do, then shoot. Thanks!
When Do Certain Cosmetics enter the Store?
During the Anniversary event, I wasn't able to Get Bill's Full Outfit, The "Masquerade Veteran" (I'm only Missing his Mask/Face), and I really want to complete the look. Does anyone know how long it takes for Outfits like these to Return to the game or Enter the store? (If they Ever Return that is?) Thank you!!
Was overcome nerfed?
It now says retain speed boost on hit for +2 seconds, I'm pretty sure a few months ago it said +150% speed for 3 seconds after hit.
How do you get out of the archives menu as X or B does not work. Xbox one
Why do I keep getting DCed from games?
I’ve gotten gotten DCed from 4 games in the past 2 hours, and have gotten the same message 3 times. Someone I talked to said it’s the servers.
Is crouch teching a blight an exploit?
Im a killer main so excuse my lack of knowledge on survivor. I crouch teched a ttv blight main a few times and once he got me down, he slugged me and camped my body til I bled out. After I died I saw that he was a ttv and checked twitch, he was live and he said that he slugged me til I bled out cause I "abused crouch…
How to fix "No Network Connection" error when trying to play dbd on steam
ive tried everything i could find on it but disabling firewall and antivirus, but i looked in mine and they say dbd is fine and is going through them normally. This is a picture of what happened when i tried to run the game as administrator, hoping for a fix. Any tips? I've played on nintendo switch and to my remembrance…
How do I play Solo Q
How do I play Solo Q? Can someone give me a run down on what I should do and not do?
How to fix EAC error code 4?
I've occasionally been kicked out of random games due to error code 4, that isn't new but it would always be the occasional game after a few days or weeks of being completely fine but ever since the new DND update, specifically the past week or so, I've been getting kicked out every few games I play and it's become…
Constant DCing as killer for no discernible reason
Does anyone else get randomly disconnected in the middle of random matches sometimes? I have these moments where every survivor starts running in place, then the match ends for no reason. Survivors get no penalty for this and even get BPs, while I not only lose BPs, but also get a timeout penalty (which, if it happens…
Exitgate and Mirrored Illusion
Excuse me for asking, but where exactly do I have to stand to use "Mirrored Illusion" at the exit gate? Although the perk is active (prerequisites fulfilled), I cannot use it at the exit gate. Totems and gens work.
Trickster Buff Idea
the last update about the trickster in december 2023 was a bit controversial cause he was overbuffed on PTB but kinda nerfed when he came out weeks later. I realized that the developers tried to fix that increasing the throwing rate in 10% (even though he still needs the memento blades addon) to be confortable to play and…
Constant Harrasment and STALKING by a player.
I have had a player constantly harassing me and stalking/tracking my in game names and social media/twitch activity for almost 9 months now and there doesn't seem to be anything i can do about it? It is now affecting my ability to be able to stream and enjoy the game and i'm feeling like the only way to to escape them…
Hey guys! wonder if anyone could help me.
Okay so i play Dead by daylight Windows like from microsoft and i have trouble with the Nvidia filtering. Apparently it says that the filter is not available for this game. But if i download my steam version, well it works there. So i have a feeling that Dead by daylight Windows is not an accepted game in nvidia but the…
What is tunneling?
I have played DBD for a while now and keep hearing my friends use that describing that a killer is tunneling- i myself have not asked them couse i felt like they maybe would make gun of me not knowing. I wanted to ask couse i am genuinely confused.
I can't start the game.
I'm using ps5 with wired internet. I can't start the game. It sometimes says connection error, invlid game error, save game error, and initialization error like lots of different reasons. I restarted TV, ps5, wifi, and unstalled game but it didn't work. I just want to play the game!! Please help me out.
I just want to play DbD
I have to wait for hours on the first screen. After a long wait, various errors are displayed. Even if I enter the game once, it disconnects me many times. Does anyone know solutions? I'm using ps5 with 5G wired internet. I don't think it's an internet problem.
Character idea: cell from dragon ball z
Before you say it. Yes yes I know dragon ball z has its own dead by daylight clone, I’m well aware but hear me out I think the inclusion of cell from dragon ball z would be a fine addition due to the fact that cell himself can be described as a horror villain as he sucks the life out of people (specifically androids 17 and…