pc - no borrowed time when unhooking from a cage
not sure if this is intentional or not. Executioner send someone to a cage and went straight back to it to proxycamp. My friend who runs borrowed time ran in to do the save. He stood with them when unhooking already. Hit the person in the cage. Went immediately down. There was no BT. Not having BT there, caused us too…
Hatch spawns invisible?
So I was playing some Dead By Daylight on stream, when i was walking arround my character suddenly got risen one game and i was unsure of what the cause was of this issue. I just went along with the fact that it might have been hatch but invisible, so basically hatch spawned in the map somewhere but you wouldnt be able to…
PC - Wrong after match report
Step 1 - Play the game as survivor Step 2 - Hooked, dead Step 3 - Summary after match shows up Step 4 - Notice wrong information shown on the report Character Played : David King Perks Played : Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Kindred Frequency of Issue : Once. Unable to reproduce
Perma Lithe Speed
Hello, I just had a game on cornfields I think, I did a medium vault into a window and I maintained the speed boost from Lithe after the time went away. When exhaustion wore off, the speed remained and to follow it up with another vault, it only added the exhaustion timer, it didn't reset the Lithe.
Plague's corrupted fountains all auto ingesting (edit: nevermind it isn't a bug)
When playing plague (I play on console) when a lot of survivors cleanse and remains just a few clean fountains (maybe they used all fountains already) when chasing a survivor a short time while having my corrupt purge, it gives me another one but all the corrupted fountains become clean, it happens almost every match (if…
Rank/pip system is bugged
I gained around 27K points as a survivor and didn't even gain a pip. Instead I lost one. It showed -1 rank progress. This needs fixing immediately.
mettle of man bugged!!!!!
well the mettle of man don't work, i stacked 3 stacks and when i was ijuried i taken a hit and... nothing happen, i just get downed, just fix that, and hurry up. i lost a game because this, this bug is game changer ######### are you doing guys ? in summary i think we did a pretty good job so far.
PC - I got perma-haste when using Lithe
I was playing a solo survivor game on PC, against a Myers with the add-on that gives him permanent Evil Within Tier 3. During a chase, I vaulted a window to use Lithe, but the haste effect I got after the vault didn't expire and lasted throughout the rest of the game. I don't have a video or clip of the game, but the…
Doctor's mapple knight add on features a horse.
How can such a horrible mistake in lore be prsent in a game like this? This is horrindeus, unbrlievable, most likely breaks the entirety of the Genova convention. Just wanted to point it out.
Alert bug against Wraith
I was against the Wraith with the perk Alert and during the match i could see the killer as soon as he wasn't invisible. But not only when he was breaking a pallet or a wall, all the time ! I think it's because of Alert but i'm not sure of course, i don't understand this bug
Randomly cannot right click even in open areas. Have to m1 to fix it. happened three times in one game.
Stuck spot between rocks and tree's on Santum
So i was playing Solo-Q and got Sanctum. I ended up getting slugged and i crawled along the rocks until eventually i climbed said rocks and fell into the center of a few rocks and a tree. Not only that but the killer i was with got stuck with me. They played a really good as killer and this spot cheesed him out of a clean…
Blight losing power
Platform Pc confirmed maps: racoon city, ormond, coldwind farm. dead dawg saloon step one: Play blight step two: get stunned by pallet step three: blight will be unable for a while to use his power step four: hit a survivor and blight will be able to use his power again
Infinite Long Queues - Killer
As title , i post in bug topic because is impossibilke that for find a game we must wait 10 minutes. It doesn't depend on ranks , i start play to rank 20 and now i'm rank 1 and also when there are 40 up to 100 k people online it still need so much time for find a match. In the morning is a total waste of time. Also is not…
Hag's Bile Bedam outfit missing head piece
As the title states: The head of the outfit is not available in the store, although it is shown in the preview.
Blight Rush Bug: Rush Disabled
Platform: PC Description: Blight cannot run until he melees the air to fix himself after doing objective stuff. Steps: It plagued me as I just did interactions with various objectives, hooking, gen bonking, ect ect. How Often: Frequently, I'd say half the time or more. Map doesn't matter, kept happening where ever I was…
RPD badge still disabled?
Idk if this is a glitch or just some weird choice but the rpd badge is still retired while the map is back to normal circulation?
Hysteria not working on instadown killers
Was trying to use this perk on Bubba and noticed sawing a healthy survivor didn’t proc Hysteria. Platform was PC. Frequency was any time I sawed a healthy survivor. I had to use M1 to get it to effect anyone.
Flashbang not working correctly
PC When repearing a generator with 2+ survivors the perk dosnt charge correctly The perk says 'After repairing Generators for a total of 70/60/50 %, Flashbang activates' however if you repair a gen with multiple surv from start to finish the flash bang dosnt get activated on rank 1 and 2. this is either a bug, oversight or…
Bug with anniversary crown for Bill
Hello, yesterday i did two games in a row where i played Bill and i escaped with a crown. And i don't know why i don't have any crown for my Bill. This bug just happened with Bill because i have the crown on 7 other survivors. So is there a way i can get a crown on Bill ? Thanks if you read that, and don't hesitate if you…
PC - Blight loses power after stun.
Play Blight with BBQ, Enduring, Pop, Lethal Pursuer. Pop has been replaced by Infectious on some occasions, bug still occurs . Whenever stunned through a pallet. Blight loses the ability to activate power until he gets a hit. Map: any Frequency: Every stun (seemingly) at minimum it happens 3 or 4 times.
Problem reactivating crossover mode
Hi, I was testing the cross mode disabled and it turns out that the last update have returned to put it disabled, the problem is that this mode has been disabled and all the games I look in this mode has an average ping of 200ms which makes it unplayable, is there any alternative to leave it enabled again?
Impossible to pipe
Since lastest update I cant pipe, I can lost pipes, but when I win pipes them dont reflect in my status...
PC - Endurance status effect did not work when healed
Example Step 1 : Be hooked (by the pig) Step 2 : Be unhooked by somebody with the perks 'we'll make it' and 'borrowed time' Step 3 : Be healed by two survivors immediately Step 4 : Be hit by the killer whilst still having the endurance effect active Step 5: Be put back in to the injured health state despite having…
Crown purple aura
I played a match with Jake at sanctum of wrath and I could see the crown with a purple aura through the wall when I was close That happened only once and I didn't have any aura reading perks and nobody had a map
Claudette morel outift glitch
I saw a bug while playing as a killer on a survivor the survivor was Claudette Morel it was a glitch outift i only could see her head and legs not the torse as you can see you wont see the body but when i came close i would see the torse but when i was far away it was invisble plz fix it its cheating and no fair at all
Matchmaking of killer and survivor is broken bc on survivor i am rank 9 and on killer i am rank 17 and still am fighting against low ranks while my killer rank is high Plz fix this its so annoying to fight against somebody thats higher than me
Didn't recieve my crown
I was playing as leon vs nurse, took the crown but didnt recieve it.
not the crown again
issue with bill no crown for 6 games whatever i have it. reset game no working at all
Tutoral glitch
Platform: PC this is a minor bug what happens is when you finish the new tutorials for both killer and survivor if you had any perk builds on characters outside of the tutorials they all get reset so nothing too big.
Injured survivors in lockers don't leave blood pools.
Platform: PC I have noticed injured survivors no longer leave pools of blood while hiding inside of lockers. This bug was on PC and it happens seemingly randomly regardless of survivor/killer perks or killer played. I have noticed this bug about every other or so that injured survivors use lockers(Mainly because survivors…
Blast Mine and Repressed Alliance interaction
So this is not strictly a bug, but an unharmonious interaction. If you repair generators such that both Blast Mine and Repressed Alliance are active, you will first only be able to activate Blast Mine, and then you have to stop and start repairing again before you are able to activate Repressed Alliance. Also, you will not…
Stuck on Vault as Nemesis
Initiated Vault in a chase and got stuck on Lery's Just wanted to make sure this was known. 1st time its happened
Glitched vault On Lery's
In lery's memorial theres a vault that stops you from moving, looking around, or turning. It's in the upstairs part of the main room. It only glitches you if you try to vault it.
Clown's bow tie is still bugged in 5.0.0
EDIT: Bugfix Patch 5.0.1 has solved the problem with Clown's bow tie colors, the issue has been solved. Despite the 5.0.0 patch notes saying that they fixed the issue that caused the Clown's bow tie to display an incorrect color, it is still displaying the wrong color, as all of the Clown's common and uncommon recolors are…
YOU, YES, YOU KILLER MASTER CHALLENGE - hook obsession 4 times??
how in the world am i supposed to hook the obsession four times in a single trial??
Can't Rush as Blight after a pallet stun, fix: hit a survivor with a basic attack
Platform: PC
Issues Progressing Through Tutorial
Hey Everyone, I'm having issues with latest update. The Survivor tutorial is allowing me to complete it however the game sends me back to main menu with an Error message and not awarding me the Blood Points or Progression to next trial. Just wondering if anyone is facing a similar issue and if they have done anything to…
Tutorial completion error
So, I've attempted to complete the survivor tutorial 3 times already and every time I kept getting "Error 411". As expected, because of the error the tutorial was not considered as completed. Honestly, the bugs that come with every update are just getting worse.. Fix it please..
Palette that disappear
The paddles disappear and reappear when it is lowered, it happened with all the killers so it's not because of the doctor
Ranking up backwards
PC - Xbox gamepass I was playing killer and although I got a pip I still got a -1 (as shown in the screenshot provided) this issue has happened to me multiple times since the new patch (5.0.0) even when I got 4 iridescent emblems and get a full bar I still get -2 I was rank 10 after the game it said that I was 1 pip away…
Wraith completely stuck in window
PC: Wanted to jump through the diagonally placed window in Léry's Memorial Institute as Wraith to follow a survivor and got completely stuck for the rest of the game couldn't do anymore than watch the game end. I was not stealthed.
Pip system bugged
Playing matches on PC, none of my last four games have given or taken away ranking pips. I tested this on different maps and killers to make sure it wasnt killer specific. Seems to be affecting at least Nemesis, Plague and Blight.
No pip gain after 4k, all iridescent emblems
Did not receive my pips either of my pips.
Nemesis is too tall for one of the stairs on Temple of Purgation
One of the side stairs on the temple that open after the generator has been done has a hitbox that almost makes Nemesis get stuck on it. On the video I was trying to move in all directions and I barely managed to get out. This only happens on one of the side stairs
pallet invisibility
having the lower side of a dropped pallet slightly out of frame (even if just a corner is out) the entire pallet turns invisible, occurs every time, seen on pc, very easy to reproduce by as killer, walking up to a dropped pallet, and turning to have a specific corner of the pallet out of frame but the rest of the pallet in…
Exposed not working
Platform: Xbox. Issue: the killer had iron maiden, I had the exposed status symbol showing but when the huntress hit me with a hatchet I wasn't downed. She had to hit me again.
Cannot buy Ashley J. Williams with Shards
Is this supposed to happen? I had the option to buy him with Shards before. Was it removed, or is this a bug?
Pools of Devotion Sometimes Show Up as Opposite State
I notice that every now and again when playing Plague a Pool of Devotion will be highlighted by a white aura, but when I go to it it is visually clean, but I can drink from it. When I drink from it, it goes from clear to infected, then shortly afterwards it goes back to its' proper state (clean). I don't know what causes…
PC - Game crashing after flashing lights?
Crash report: It's crashed two times due to this, and was happening for one other game. Just something that I saw that was weird