wire tap Bug
whenever i use wiretap and then repair the generator right after it either makes a bug where your character stays repairing the generator but your 3rd person view can move around
PC: Blast Mine detaches player hitbox from model, model stuck in place
Step 1: Attach a Blast Mine to a generator. Step 2: (I presume this is what happened) Run at the same time as you place the Blast Mine. Step 3: Player model is stuck in place in the fixing generator animation, Player hitbox is invisible and roaming around.
Is the Alien's blind spot smaller than normal?
Me and my teammates are having an unusually hard time blinding him when playing against Alien. Sometimes we can barely blind even with the Alien standing still. I noticed that other people other than us (Twitch streamers etc.) had a hard time blinding, and when I asked some people, there were people who thought it was…
Xenomorph flame turrets
Sometimes when playing against the Xenomorph the nearby Flame Turrets play the "flamethrower/shooting" sound even when they aren't shooting and the Killer isn't even near. It's really annoying and distracting.
Some Trophys wont autopop or progress on PS5
So my issue is i switched yesterday from my PS4 to the PS5 version of the game, and realized literally not a single trophy got transfered over, but that is the less issue I have, the biggest Issue is with certain ones what just dont wanna pop or autopop, I tried everything, synching, reinstalling etc The Trophys what just…
Stuck in locker during endgame
Hi Team, I jumped into a locker during endgame and could not get out. There was no "space" prompt on the screen and pressing "space" on my keyboard does not work as well. After the endgame timer was up, I could not die and the game could not finish or exit (00:26) of the video. Only after the crows were there, the killer…
Bug -- Xenomorph Rancor / Game Afoot Exploit
Platform: PC / Program: Steam Map: Azerov's Junkyard Killer: Xenomorph Killer Offering: Cypress Mori Survivors: Dwight [self], Steve, David, Elodie Killer Perks: No One Escapes Death, No Way Out, Rancor, Game Afoot Killer Add-ons: Emergency Helmet, Kane's Helmet Dwight Perks: We'll Make It, Kindred, Distortion, Adrenaline…
PS5 - Invisible Rebecca Bot
I was playing a match of Xeno on Garden of Joy and after 20 secs of starting of the match the Rebecca DC'd and was replaced by a bot. I played the match wondering where was Rebecca and how I hadn't found her despite at times hearing her and seeing scratch marks. It wasn't till the very end of the match that I found out she…
No getting progress on several challenges of the last Vol
3 of them dont work for me. Artist's for hitting 6 survivors working one gens. totems or chests. Hooking 6 survivors in basement. Vaulting 6 times in chase. One is just usual, but 3 of them? like there was that screw up with the number on that Haddie one in the previous Vol, this just seems rushed as hell.
PC - Green flashlight brightness value bugged
I've been able to consistently reproduce this. Playing as Cheryl Mason with Adrenaline/Made For This/Soul Guard/Unbreakable. Killer was a perkless Spirit, both times. Tried it on two different maps, and can consistently reproduce this. Found a green flashlight with no add-ons in a chest, and pointing it directly at the…
Didn't receive code for 777 slots email charm.
There was a post on twitter dead by daylight saying if we subscribe to the newsletter on the 22nd we would get a code for a charm. A lot of people are saying they didn't get it, along with myself. I checked my spam folder and all and nothing. Can we just get the code or can they try to re-send them out or something? People…
PS4 - Low framerate on RPD
Platform: PS4 Description: Low frame rate on RPD whilst playing on PS4 Steps to reproduce: just play on RPD How often does this occur: everytime I play on RPD
PC- Game super blurry both in lobby and ingame
Ever since the new patch the game is super blurry, doesnt matter if AA is on or off, both in lobby and in game.
Lobby issues on XBox #bug #GLITCH#Urgent
I am on XBox and I stream on FB and Twitch. After each match my lobby is glitching to where my SWF cannot ready up or my lobby freezes to where I cannot see them ready. I have to restart the game each time. This didn't start occurring for me till the Nicholas Cage release update. Plus I am constantly getting grade errors…
Xbox - Cenobite Summons of Pain Visual Bug
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Cenobite in a public match Step 3 : In-game, use Summons of Pain power Step 4 : Notice the visuals do not transition smoothly. Stutter appears and chain does not face the correct direction immediately as expected.
Turrets not breaking when disabled after coming out of tunnels.
PC Every time I have tried to break a turret with an m1 attack while it is disabled from coming out of tunnel it does not hit. I have tried lunges and m1 attacks and neither will break the turret. This will cause you to break out of power before you get the chance to attack again. To reproduce this result simply come out…
Turrets take more than 1 hit to break
I've had various matches where turrets would need at least 4 hits to break. One spot I specifically got this bug on is in the Nostromo, the room at the end on the left side where a gen can spawn in, everytime a turret was placed in that room, it took 4 hits or more for me to destroy it. Really infuriating bug .
scorching bbq event bug after new update
So after updating to the latest version of DBD i still had a unclaimed challenge reward for the killers side and i cannot claim it. It is just stuck in the finished challenged animation/Button i cant seem to find a way to claim the challenge to get rid of it. please fix this ASAP i cant do any new challenges for the…
Brand New Part not activating
I was repairing a gen with a toolbox and brand new part but bnp wasn't activating. I managed to empty the toolbox with bnp still intact
Installing Blast Mine too quickly causes an animation desync
As said in the title, if you stop repairing a generator, install Blast Mine, then go back on the generator, you can desync your Survivor from your camera. Your Survivor is stuck repairing the generator, but you can teleport your Survivor by pointing or waving which moves your hurtbox. Luckily, you can't repair generators…
Xbox - Wraith visual Bug
If you cloaked as Wraith and you start moving the screen is glitching. It's like the map is loading not fast enough so all assets on the environment is "flashing"
Spirit’s walking animation
Currently it is not the same as it was… look at this video and compare it to the other one and see the difference in the walking animations: 1- https://youtu.be/Kd-HhClptEI?feature=shared 2- https://youtu.be/97WUwIH86qA?feature=shared at 4:38
Blast Mine Bug
Applied Blast Mine to a generator, wasn't kicked and was never able to re-build the perk to place another, it just stayed lit up the entire time.
Deja Vu and other gen aura perks prevent you from seeing gens with Trail of Torment on them
Trail should override Deja Vu, not the other way around.
Corner hooks in RPD hallways can be bodyblocked
A killer standing in front of the hook is able to completely bodyblock it and prevent an unhook. There is not enough room to move around them, nor enough space available to be able to unhook. Two of us were both trying from opposite sides (it was a Singularity), and neither of us was able to unhook while he just sat there…
Xeno Adept & Achievements bugged Xbox
I just completed Adept Xeno but the achievement didn’t unlock, i got 4 kills with all 3 perks, also the tail attack achievement is not updating. I play on Xbox Series x/s
Agitation Tome 1 Challenge
The challenge reads: "hook two survivors in the basement while using the perk agitation, complete this challenge in a single trial". I played two matches of artist where I had both the challenge and agitation equipped and in both matches I hooked at least two survivors in the basement and the challenge did not complete.
Scene partner blocking vault
I have an bug that, while scene partner is active (when character scream) the vaulting is bugged, this bug kill me in this game. Instead of actually vaulting its only animation. There is a video of this situation https://youtu.be/3qW6-PKU1dQ?si=ZQksEgHx7gAODVvS
Alien Specific Hooks appear when facing Pinhead
I played against Pinhead on one of the farm maps and all the hooks were the hooks that are specific to The Alien. My platform is Nintendo Switch
Switch needs Optimization - New Map is literally frame by frame
This is getting ridiculous. Each new chapter makes the game performance decrease. Steps to recreate. Play on a wired LAN connection Play a match Move frame by frame on new map Also Move frame by frame on Skull Merchant map near her bedroom. The devs need to address the Switch performance issues.
Wiggle progress Not Working on ps4
The xenomorph picked me Up and my wiggle progress was full but my Charakter didnt fall off the killer and IT Cant be my internet Because i heard my friends in the Party
James Sunderland Lobby Animations
I've recently purchased James Sunderland and I notice only one of his lobby animations actually play in the lobby, but while I was in the store he had more animations than what was actually playing. While in a lobby he repeats the same animation repeatedly while the others never play at all.
Challenges: "Leap of Faith" and "Swarm of Darkness"
In the latest Vol, both of these challenges arent working properly, LoF fails to register vaults completely during chases and SoD fails to register the swarm hits which do require a survivor working on a gen, chest or totem. Before anyone asks, yes i did made sure the survivors didnt let go of the gen before getting hit by…
PS5 | 7.2.0 Bloodweb is so slow
Platform: PS5 Description of the issue: On the Bloodweb, it is very slow to move to the next level once the level is completed. Steps to reproduce: 1.Open DBD 2.Play as a survivor or killer 3.Complete a level on Bloodweb 4.See the new level open very slowly How often does this occur: Almost every time (like 80% - 90%)
Xenomorph getting stuck on vents in Sanctum of Wrath
Xenomorph can get stuck on a vent if a gen is placed on this small platform. You can free yourself with some wiggling but it feels like a bug or oversight. Posted the video in the link below. https://streamable.com/359kay
Merciless Storm
Experiencing an issue where I hit the Merciless Storm skill check; however, it counts as a failed skill check.
The game is closing instantly (gamepass version)
I have a problem for about 4 days with the gamepass version, and it consists of the game closing instantly in the middle of a game. There is no error window or anything like that, it just crashes the game. This issue happens in every match. I've tried reinstalling the game, reinstalling drivers, windows, everything, and…
PC | Invisible collision on Haddonfield
On the roof in main building there is invisible wall.
Unable to M1 and survivor cannot wiggle off
Platform: PC/Steam Playing as Xenomorph using the backpack build of mad grit, agitation, iron grasp, and awakened awareness. I have had it happen twice on RPD (don't know if that makes a difference, just coincidence that I got RPD both times) that I would be M1ing the air constantly when suddenly (without hitting another…
Flashlight blinding can now blind at any position
Whether you flashlight from behind the killer or he's facing a wall with no FoV increasing perks, he can be blinded by flashlight. This bug is game breaking.
PC - Flashbangs and Blast Mine hits do not count towards Blindsided
Equip the perk Flashbang or Blast Mine, and simply blind a killer with either of these perks. The blinds resulting from the explosion will not count towards Blindsided, a challenge in the current tome.
Head on Alien Bug
Platform- PlayStation Description of the issue- you try to head on alien it doesn't work you do get exhausted though like it went off How often does this occur- every game I ran head on or my friend ran hit
PS5 invalid version
Hi I can’t seem to load/ start up the game. I get an error message saying invalid version. Please help. Thanks
Xbox- The Xenomorph is visible when leaving tunnels
Xenomorph appears to be visible when leaving tunnels existing above a walkable space. Not sure if this was a one off, or if the bug is that tunnels shouldn't spawn in these locations. Description: -Doing gen in Badham Preschool IV basement (house) -Xenomorph tunnels to terminal placed above basement -Xenomorph becomes…
Stuck in tunnels as the Alien.
Had a match today in which I entered the tunnels as the Alien at the start of the match and had no prompt to exit any of the tunnels. Persisted the whole game. This is on PS5 and i've included a link to a twitter vid. The acct is mine also.
PC - Character Disconnected from model after using blast mine
Playing as survivor in a public match, I have experienced a strange glitch twice today where, after placing a blast mine immediately after standing up from a generator, my character model would remain in the generator fixing animation while I was controlling an invisible entity, who had the collision and interactibility of…
Getting kicked every match on Playstation 5
Ever sense the patch went live for the Alien chapter, i have been unable to complete one game as the new killer or survivor because in the middle of the match i get kicked due to dedicated servers. the error message is i cannot connect to dedicated servers and I'm already up to a 15 minute dc ban because i get kicked every…
Singularity's Cameras Just Not Working
Its never gotten this bad with cameras, its always been really wonky and honestly just wish it like how it worked with ghostface but as of recently it's felt even worse, maybe it's this specific map as my worst singularity matches have been on it. https://streamable.com/65n9f0
Couldn’t leave the basement
Not sure if this is a bug or just something that can just be abused but I had a match against Xeno and while in their runner mode, we could not get past them on the stairs to or from the basement unless they hit us. Which means, they waited till our endurance was out or just sat there so we couldn’t save. Most killers, you…
Blinds sometimes bug chases for the rest of the game.
Sometimes when you are blinded in a chase, you lose the ability to start a chase for the entire rest of the game. The only way to start a chase once bugged is to hit someone, and this chase only lasts 10 seconds. This means you are denied bloodlust and the normal 3 vaults = blocked window. It also denies any perks that…