Crouching can make special attacks incapable of connecting, resulting in a whiff.
To whom may read this, Today I'd like to address an exploit that has been in the game for about 10 months now that is actively being used in public lobbies to gain a competitive advantage. This exploit at hand is called the "Crouch Tech". What a "Crouch Tech" is in basic summary, is crouching our in the open, by a surface…
Invocation: Weaving Spiders
during one game I wanted to go to the cellar and when I went there I couldn't use my invocation weaving spiders because the summoning circle wasn't there I tried several times but it wasn't there
Head On Is Not Working On Nemesis Zombies
Usually you can get rid of the zombies with head on, but it seems to not be working at the moment. The zombies can be right against the locker and still fails to hit them.
Oni is able to lunge while carrying survivors, leading to serious issue with Mad Grit
Recreation steps: Play any kind of match as Oni, use Mad Grit as one of your perks Down and pick up a survivor Repeatedly spam lunge Since Oni is able to lunge while carrying, in tandem with the cooldown reset from Mad Grit he can rapidly move across the map by chaining lunges. With good timing you can even somewhat…
Territorial Imperative reveals itself to Survivors when active
When entering the basement when the killer has Territorial Imperative equipped, the sound cue that is supposed to only play for the killer also plays for the Survivor, informing them of the perk activating.
Skull Merchant drones not deploying correctly
Since the new update skull merchant can't place her drones like 30% of the time. Animation starts and a drone visibly leaves her hand and then no drone spawns.
Game Crashes When Tome Challenge is Selected
Whenever I have the random perks tome selected, like the ones in tome 17, the game crashes in the end game lobby It's on pc, to recreate this all you have to do is select the remix tomes on killer or survivor, wait to queue into a pre game lobby, and right before the 5 second countdown begins it will crash your game. Here…
PC - Pinhead's Possessed Chain FOV
I can only assume this is a bug because of how disorientating and awful it feels to aim with and the fact that it appeared one day, but when sending the possessed chain the FOV increases dramatically, causing disorientation and a bit of motion sickness. It's really upsetting cause I liked playing Pinhead but I stopped for…
PC - Crash when starting a match while having the By Hook or Crook (remix) archive selected
Step 1: Boot the game Step 2: Select killer Step 3: Equip the "By Hook or Crook (Remix)" killer challenge from tome 17 level 4 Step 4: Join lobby Step 5: Once the timer reaches 6 seconds game crashes
Loading into a killer game makes it crash. Ps5
Every single time I try to load into a game as killer at exactly 6 seconds the game completely crashes.
Bot shows up in "end screen" supposedly dead or escaped, while still being in the game alive.
I don't know how to word it, but when a player leaves a bot takes over them. While the bot is alive and you die, go to the screen where you see perks, items lost, etc... The bot shows up as if it were dead or escaped, even though it is still alive. Alan Wake (Me) and Sable Ward are dead so we rightfully show up, but the…
PC - Shack on Macmillan windows have developed an invisible wall
The boarded up windows on shack in all MacMillan Estate realms have suddenly developed an invisible wall blocking previously possible shots from Huntress, Trickster, Deathslinger, and possibly others through the window. While the video linked only uses Suffocation Pit, I have confirmed it's the same across all MacMillan…
Oni 6.0m/s movement speed while carrying survivors
Platform:PC Oni can be 6.0m/s while carrying survivors Steps 1:take at least "mad grid" 2:start game 3:caught survivor and pick it up 4:lunge like crazy while carring survivor 5:PROFIT How often: ALWAYS And take this video to see how broken is that. It is just 1 full game but it shows why killer should be kill swiched + I…
David King Kicking Skills cosmetic bug
Platform: PC Description of the issue: So this piece previously had a bug where the torso was detached from the shorts, after the issue was addressed in the most recent patch, the gap problem was resolved but it now has a problem with the shoes being distorted. Steps to Reproduce: Simply equip the Kicking Skills shorts (Or…
Challenge crashes
I play on Xbox and whenever I choose the challenge Knickout (Remix) and load into a mtch the game crashes
Oni Bugs (Animation/VFX/Carrying Lunge)
Some of the Oni's animations and VFX are still bugged in every instance Once Oni has collected enough orbs for blood fury, his arm goes stiff for a few seconds ( First seen on Alan Wake PTB and Chapter release) The Demon Strike animation used to shake the camera and kick up dust/debris, now it's just a stiff and dustless…
Singularity EMP Audio Bug
Platform: Playstation 5 When a survivor EMPs a bipod, the sound of the disabled camera can be heard globally by the Singularity whether he is controlling the disabled pod or not. Sound does not stop until the full disable timer runs out. Steps to Reproduce: simply have a survivor EMP a biopod it is consistent every game.…
game crashes if you have random perks
playing on Steam If you select any of the archive challenges that give you all random perks, the game will crash once you've found a match and are waiting for the count down. Happens every time, doesn't matter which survivor you have.
Skull Merchant Dissolution Bug
Dissolution isn't activating when survivors get claw trapped, only m1's. Please Fix.
Nurse Viewmodel, FOV, and fatigue speed bugged
On all platforms, the viewmodel of nurses hand and weapon are too close to the screen, and when blinking the FOV warps in a weird way that may cause motion sickness. Her speed while in fatigue is bugged too, being too fast. This has been a bug for about 4 months. It happens every time.
Random perks challenge bug previous volume
Good morning I'm on nintendo switch I'm doing my challenges from the previous volume and there is the challenge with 4 random perks. The problem is that it crashes the game. If everyone is ready before the last 5 seconds my game turns off and sends me back to the switch menu If it's the time of the game that's ready for…
Bite the Bullet not working when healing self
Bite the bullet is behaving very oddly. While playing Claudette, at random Bite the bullet is not working when self healing. I was using Bite the Bullet, Botany Knowledge, Wicked, and Strength in Shadows. I have tried testing order of perks. I tried Testing it was map dependant, I tried with or without med kit. It just…
Code bug
Bonjour, je suis sur ps5 et les codes pour avoir les récompenses ne fonctionnent pas, pouvez-vous corriger ce bug svp merci !
Singularity Biopod Audio Bug
As of the recent update (7.6.0) The Singularity's biopod audio appears to have bugged out. Now, whenever a biopod gets disabled anywhere in the map, the killer player will be able to hear the electric sounds of the camera as if they were controlling it for the entire duration that the camera is disabled for. This is also…
Leatherface chainsaw bug
Platform is Pc This bug disables your power completely steps to repodruce: join a killer match as leatherface -chase a survivor to a pallet - either get stunned while revving your chainsaw or let go of the chainsaw when you're about to get pallet stunned, take in consideration it happens more often if the revving bar is…
Store cosmetics - bugged counter
Platform - Steam This has been bugged for *months* now, and is still not fixed with this Chapter. The store cosmetics counter shows 2 cosmetics pieces more than what I actually own. Take a look at this screenshot. It says I own 2 store cosmetic pieces for both Quentin and Freddy, even though neither of them has any store…
PC - Full game crash when readying into a game with a randomized perk tome challenge equipped
1 - Set Challenge to Tome 17 - Page 1 - Enemies Closer (REMIX) 2 - Try to load into a game 3 - Game will hard crash back to desktop 4 -Change Challenge to any other challenge 5 - load into game without issue. Notes: -Playing Sable
Tradução errada das perks da Sable Ward em BR
Desde a PTB, a tradução da descrição de duas perks (invocação: aranhas tecelãs e perversidade) da Sable estavam com a tradução errada, comparado com as em inglês. Agora no lançamento da DLC, uma delas continua com a tradução errada enquanto a outra não tem relação com o que a perk realmente faz. Invocação: aranhas tecelãs…
The Cenobite's camera is still bugged in 7.6.0 : the FOV keeps changing after using a portal.
After the latest patch, the FOV while using a portal is still bugged: while, after placing the portal, the FOV is "normal"/the one you chose in the settings, when you summon the chain the FOV changes and becomes bigger, and after bit returns to the "normal" one. This happens with all the add-ons, and it's super confusing,…
Movie Buff Achievement
hi. I did the gen today in the movie theater, escaped, and the achievement did not trigger.
Not saving settings
I play on PS4, the last selected characters and their improvements are not saved. It's annoying to put everything again all the time. Correct it, please! When some update comes out, the character is updated to the last game, but after that he stops on it!
PC - Eruption allows for a gen to be worked after 5 have been completed.
Step 1 : Play a match of survivor, and work two seperate gens. Step 2 : Trigger Eruption on the lower-progressed gen in the moments before the final generator is completed. Step 3 : Complete the final generator. Step 4 : Notice the lower-progressed gen is still workable. Video from the game i played where it happened:
The Cenobite / pinheads chains are bugged
Whenever you fire out a chain from a gateway the camera zooms out from the chain and makes the camera very disorienting making it impossible to use. I play on PlayStation but from what I’ve seen this is happening on all platforms
Pinhead: Possesed chain camera always behind the wall.
For some reason, whenever Pinhead use Possed chain, the camera shows behind a wall instead of the actual place that suppose to be summoned. as you can see here:
Selected addons still doesn't exists despite buying them in bloodweb
Platform: PC (steam), ver. 7.5.2 Steps: Step 1. Open equipment tab and select an item. Set addons to it, which remains in the amount of 1 piece Step 2. Play public match to spend the item and addons Step 3. After the match, open equipment tab and make sure there is no more selected addons Step 4. Go to the bloodweb tab and…
5 more survivors on result (post game) screen
Platform: PC (steam) Game version: 7.5.2 When survivors disconnects during the trial bots replace them. After game ends you can see 5 more survivors on post game screen.
Guards do NOT detect bot loud noises
Steam. On Ormond. A Bill had disconnected. Dropped a guard, Carnifex I think, but am not certain, on the outside of a Jungle Gym tile with the pallet dropped. The pallet was 100% in its patrol radius (wasn't moving basically). The bot was able to fast vault back and forth across the pallet without triggering the guard.
Garden of Joy bug
There's an issue that has happened to me a couple of times now on Garden of Joy. Upstairs on the external part of the house, on the right side (looking from the front) near the opening into the house, there is a little buggy spot where you can get stuck in the corner. If you tuck in a little to try to be out of line of…
Unbinding Victor causes No Movement (Twins)
On PC. Playing as Twins on Mother's Dwelling. I unbind underneath the exterior stairs on main, near where the pallet spawn is. However as soon as the unbinding is successful and I enter "Vic Vision", I cannot move as Victor, can't press Ctrl (M4 for me) to Control Charlotte, and I can't I press M2 to charge a pounce. I…
Display showing wrong number of hooks
PC During a game, I hooked a survivor. I thought the survivor was dead, because there were 3 survivors remaining, but only 2 blank spots left in the "number of hooks" display. Sorry I don't know how to explain better. According to the display, I had 10 hooks out of the full 12, but 3 survivors were still alive. I was…
17book 3 chapter
A bug with getting a reward for completing a chapter.
Two Basements
Hello there. I play on PS5 but play with others on all platforms. Since the Lights Out event, in Lery's, there are sometimes two basements in the map. I do have clip of this if you need. Now, I support that this gives us two chests and when Chapter 31 hits it will be good for the hearing perk, but at the same time, this is…
Can't Enter Chase?
Was just playing some DBD when I couldn't get into chases this game. I have no idea what caused it and it just happened randomly so I started recording. Even when I hit someone and the chase actually started it would end after a few seconds even when I committed to the chase. Recording: https://youtu.be/s7mGlQ5u3Y0
Fix walking animation/Spirit
Please fix Spirit’s walking animation, it’s been almost a year since the bug occurred.
Blast Mine only blinds killers, no stuns.
Platform - PC (Steam) Description of the issue - Blast Mine only blinds killers, no stun. I noticed when trying to do a "blind or stun the killer four times in one match" archive challenge. Every blast mine I did only gave me credit for a blind. Steps to reproduce (if possible) - Put blast mine on any generator and have…
Survivors' hitbox became very small when they crouch against Billy, Blight, Demogorgon
It's almost impossible to hit a crouching survivor with Billy, Blight, Demogorgon's power unless the killer aims at the exact direction.
Trail of Torment yellow aura not showing
As per title however I don't think it happens all the time. I just had a nurse on midwich, last 3 gens, she was using trail of torment, had no terror radius (no other perks and addons for undetectable) and none of the gens were highlighted in yellow. It definitely happened in some other games with other killers/maps but…
PS5 - after closing and reopening the game my character resets
I've noticed for the past week or so after closing the game and opening it again (a day or so later) the character I last played as has changed to the one before (I'm currently playing as Steve but it keeps going back to nick cage) and in doing so removing all selected perks, items, add ons and offerings I had on the…
Clothes and items save
I have report the issue twice and i have the same problem, once i switch off the game my characters clothing and items are not saved ,now its getting very annoying.
Lery's basement bug
Lery's Memorial can spawn with both basement locations having a basement in it.