Potential Energy Bug
So there's a bug with Potential Energy that lets you have infinite tool box charges. This makes matches super unfun when they are blowing through gens already faster then before (which for the record were already pretty fast). PLEASE please please turn off potential energy until it gets fixed because right now i honest…
I encountered this glitch, it has been reported BUT I created this to hopefully be able to upload videos like you said. The teammates and killer thought I was doing it intentionally but I was running away from skull merchant along the edge of the map and was suddenly outside the map and couldn't get back in. I unpublished…
garden of joy exploit
can get out of bounds of map needs to be killed switched asp cause survivors can hold game hostage
Bug regarding missing perk on characters
Platform PC I m having a bug regarding the perk ,,Surge" , i only have it on Wraith and no other killers .
PC (Steam) Character was floating outside the cage and it looks weird when the survivor grabs you from the cage when you are not in it. This is the first time seeing this bug
Rose Marigold
her legs go through her dress when she walks
Hillbilly chainsaw hits bugged on DBD Stats from bhvr side
Hello, ever since the buff to Hillbilly in patch 7.5.0 stat tracker on DBD is bugged, it random added like 66k chainsaw hits to my stats, when the real number should be closer to 1k rather than 66k, my GF has same issue, and she never loaded into a game of Hillbilly, this is quite annoying when trying to compare stats with…
Were-elk pallet breaking bug
When breaking pallets as Were-elk skin, you can't see the feet of it. Playing on Windows 10/Steam. See video for reference:
PC - Steam achievement outta nowhere not updating
To get the achievement outta nowhere i played different killers in public match but it seems no m1 i did during the undetectable status were counted. Started to try doing this achievement with 13/40 stealth m1 done one week ago Played twin with silencing cloth and m1 surv does not seems to count (during the add-on effect…
Haddies arms are bugged
Looking at the pics, it's pretty self-explaining. Just compare both upper bodies to the standard one. Her "Ghost Hunter" & "Fogchaser" outfits arms are bugged. This doesn't seem to apply to any other cosmetic though. So only an issue for her newest outfits?
This map needs a killswitch asap.
You can get outside of it and also get back into the map if you fall through the floor outside and it teleports you to killer shack. Please killswitch it as a killers are at a severe disadvantage when they can't even touch a survivor doing this. Note I did the exploit and took screenshots for purposes of fixing this bug.…
Rubberbanding In Almost All Matches
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: Really bad rubberbanding in all matches. I will be running and then suddenly start glitching and running in place for a moment. It makes winning chases near impossible • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Just playing a game, nothing specific • How often does this occur: At least…
PC - Game freezes at loading screen right before title screen
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, verified files, checked graphics driver. The issue is still happening whenever I boot up the game. Steps to reproduce Boot up the game
Garden of Joy, specific exploit entrance
In this still, you will be able to see the bush is hiding the exploit and some times it will not be there, depending on map rng. the right side is easier to into the exploit area. most vulnerable portion of the map near the shack. this allows you to escape through the back end once the end game timer starts. Please fix…
Terrormisu just not giving bonus BP
Offering didn't show up on the offering screen at the beginning of the match. Did when pressing escape in game and on the end game screen but no bp bonus and it consumed the offering.
I don’t remember the name but it’s in a fascility. I was going to unhook a player, but I couldnt and I was getting rubber banded back inside a room.
Cannot stay in matches
I have been getting booted from matches about 1 minute into each game. When I am booted the from the game my bot is name SURVIVOR_UKRAINE_NAME. I can not play normal matches or custom matches well. The link is some of the rubberbanding before I got booted.
There is a HUGE lag spike issue going on and it is making the game unplayable! Xbox one s
New out of bounds bug on Garden of Joy
There is a spot in garden of joy where survivors can walk out of the map. By walking against a set of stone on the edge they push themselves out. Tall killer, like trapper, don't seem to be able to do the same
Controller vibration are not present on PS5
The PS5 haptic feedback vibrations have not been functioning at all on the killer or the survivor side since the latest mid chapter patch. Turning them off and on again in the PS menu and in the DBD settings does not resolve the issue.
PS5 UI crashes survivor lobbies
If your in a survivor lobby alone or with friends opening the PS5 UI menu will instantly kick you out of the survivor lobby with "The connect to the party has been lost" error message. This happens consistently every time. Killer lobbies seem to be immune to this bug however.
Stuck on initialising shaders and crashes since update 7.7.0
I play DBD on PC ever since update 7.7.0 I've never had any issues. However when the update came out my game has been stuck on initialising shaders, I fixed this with dx11 but when I get to main menu it just crashes. Most of the time it crashes before I do anything. My game is completely unplayable. Tried verifying game…
Victor is not immune to "kick" when he hits successfully
In the patch notes: Victor will now glow red whenever he is vulnerable to being crushed and white when he is not. (NEW) I've been playing for a few days and it seems like this bug, when I miss the hit with Victor the aura turns red so they can "kick" me but when I hit successfully, the aura is white and they still kicked…
Garden Of Joy Bug
This could be on all platforms as I'm an xbox one player but the players exploiting the bug were PC players. On Garden Of Joy map, near an exit gate, if you run up the side you can get behind the exit gate before all generators are fixed. It is frustrating as a survivor as the other two were not helping and the killer…
The game glitches awfully bad
As I play killer, on pc(via Epic games), the game glitches as if I'm in a Bollywood soap opera. Just as I'm catching up it glitches me 5-10 metres back or sideways. Even when not in chase it glitches, just not as bad. I don't know if it's important but I played legion in both games where I glitched.
Withered Isle Invincibility spot
Step 1 : Play survivor on withered isle Step 2 : Run to the edge of the map next to a small bush Step 3 : Run against the border of the map until you start clipping onto the rock Step 4 : Turn camera right and keep running to exit the map and get out of bounds
Rubber Banding on switch
playing on switch and constantly rubber banding regardless of region being played on. I'm unsure if it's affecting more than just switch but it makes the game borderline unplayable
new update causing me and all my friends to rubber band glitch excessively. Can’t even play without it glitching back and forth. Character stays stuck and place and clips through objects and killers also clip through the map and hit you at awkward spots! EVEN THE ANIMATIONS ARE MESSED UP!!! Fix this please it’s impossible…
Dualsense vibration issue
The vibration on the dualsense controller doesn't work on dbd I have the setting on both in-game and on my ps5. It's the really a major issue but it does need to be fixed.
not able to click on auric cell packs
i play on the switch and i want to buy some auric cell packs, but everytime i click on the icon for the pack i want, it doesn’t do anything. it just acts like i didnt press anything. it does that for all packs too. i tried multiple days, before and after the most recent update
PC error code #4
when a match starts i keep getting kicked for not complying with easy anti-cheat, i tried unistalling and reinstalling the game multiple times.
dead by daylight never starts
Hello, it happens that I play in Epic on PC, I start the game, it opens EAC, closes Epic, it gets stuck a little, closes EAC and reopens Epic as if I had never started the game. I already told EAC to repair, I already reinstalled DBD, I already told DBD to repair, I don't know what else to do, it's been like this since the…
Vibration is still missing from PS5 Dualsense
I don't know if these things have to be reported each new update so I apologize in advance if this is redundant! But I came here since we're closing towards the Anniversary and its events, and missing this feature at those fun times would be disappointing for PS5 players. Vibration is still missing from the game entirely,…
RPD Map Bugs
I loaded into the game with the devil Ghostface skin, the cloak was missing fabric already. The cloak skin was visible, but the floating cloak was nonexistent and was too short. When chasing survivors, I was noticibly faster and felt no wiggle when carrying survivors. Along the top of the stairs with the centered golden…
Invisible Platform on RPD West
• PC, Steam • Invisible platform at the top of the stairs in the main room. Causes killer to be raised a few feet in the air, making it impossible to kick the pallet and making it hard to kick the gen. Video attached. • Play killer on RPD West • This only happened in one game, but I only got RPD once so unsure if that is…
garden of joy
there is a bug currently where survivors can go out of bounds on the map and killers cannot get up there so someone can hold the game hostage in a way. its near shack past a locker you walk up the rock.
Out of boundaries on Garden of Joy
Some survivors sent me today to Garden of Joy in order to abuse a bug that let them go outside the map boundaries and they were the only ones able to do that. I played killer and I was unable to follow them or hit them. The spot they used to pass through the invisible wall was right under where Meg got downed, between…
Bite the Bullet dont work
PC (Steam) After massage that lobby dc and trying to join game lobby (its not happening, game just stuck at trying to join to lobby) restarted game, didnt change build with bite the bullet and when healing self - perk doesn't make you or teammate silence, like perk not even equiped. Don't know if reproducable, but maybe…
The Executioner's broken camera
Since 7.4.0 The Executioner has broken camera and you (developers) are still ignoring it :) For example watch this video https://youtu.be/pofg6ssKuXk?si=tX5e0-YToGhENqCj There are also stutters when using his ability on MacMillan estate https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveAntediluvianFoxRedCoat-DlEWafTY18SJHVJG
PC - Rose Marigold clothing physics broken while sprinting
Missing DLC
Two of my purchased DLCs ghost face and stranger things are missing including the survivors of the stranger things.
potential energy
hello, I know that you are already aware of the bug with "potential energy" and you are working with it. In recent days, it has been used much more often. if earlier it was once a day for a 10-hour game session, now this number is up to five. why not turn off this skill for a while?
PC - Crashing after Unreal 5 update
After updating the game engine to Unreal 5, I noticed that the game has been freezing a lot when loading shaders, and crashes after a few games, during the game loading screens. I noticed that the problem intensifies when I am screen sharing via Discord. When the game crashes, the entire system becomes unresponsive for a…
Crash in the middle of a game - Steam
Platform: PC/Steam Description of the problem: During a normal game, in which I play without performance problems or any such, almost halfway through the matches the game freezes, after which the game closes and a Unity window appears with the problem (which I attached in the message) Frequency: After a few matches…
Can glitch outside the map on garden of joy as survivor
i was playing killer and the survivors brought me to the garden of joy and then glitched outside the map so i couldnt reach them. the way they did it was theres some rocks on the maps borders and you can glitch up one of them and outside the map
PC - Crash when teaming up in Lobby
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Choose Survivor for a public match Step 3 : Team up with other random survivors Step 4 : Notice the game crashes after other random survivors show up, but before I can click on READY Additional information Character played: Ace Visconti Perks played: Kindred, Visionary, Prove Thyself,…
PC- Shrine of Secrets Buy Bug
Shrine of Secrets Buy Bug PC - For kicks, I clicked on a buy for a perk I already had at tier 3, figuring that if it was already at tier 3 it would refuse the sale. I'm a little bit of a coder, so I was curious what type of error it would throw. Here are the three screenshots, saved as 1, 2, and 3, to show what I mean.…
unable to join lobbies after the update
PC, epic games. after the mid chapter update the game became unplayable, each time i queue up i get met with "dedicated server is not responding; disconnecting". it might let me in a lobby randomly, but thats on the off chance. other than that, the only was for me to join a lobby if through using a vpn, which is not fun…
PC (Steam) I used Deliverance during this match and it didn't make me broken and it didn't go dim. This is the first time I've seen this issue
Chris redfield
When killer hooks chris redfield, he is screaming but his mouth isn't moving, still closed. That happens everytime. This happens in PC and Console.