Cosmetic Felix bug
PC, steam Felix's belly during the opening of the gate is crackd Take Felix's cosmetics Vest of Old and Handsome Trousers(any type). Open the gate and look at this duuude his belly. Laugh(optional) Dont know
Hag's Bile Bedam outfit missing head piece
As the title states: The head of the outfit is not available in the store, although it is shown in the preview.
Infinite Loading-Nintendo Switch
I joined match as a killer and have been on the loading page for over 10 minutes. It just actually just loaded and went to results screen. I was playing as Doctor (map was apparently Macmillian Estate) and had no issues like this prior to my switch update. I just updated system to 12.1.0 with updates to joycons as well. I…
there is a invisible bump that is on temple of purgation
Crown on spirit not unlocking
Just played a few matches as spirit while going for the crown and every time it says crown unlocked it is in fact not this is the only killer giving me this issue Platform: xbox one
Survivor stuck on Sanctum of Wrath
This Claudette managed to get stuck in between these rocks, she couldn't get out nor I could hit her
Auric Cells - Overcharge and Rolling into Negative
Platform: PC After a match and switching to the Plague, I went into the shop and purchased the Servant of the Gods skin (a 135 cost). While I did get the skin, the store charged me 365 cells and rolled me into the negative.
PS4 Lag/FPS issues
For the past month or so I really got back into DBD, but I’ve noticed there is a super annoying and almost game breaking bug/glitch on PS4. Every single game I play there is random lag spikes and it causes my character to randomly run in a direction I wasn’t going. For example, today I was playing and as I was running away…
PC - Audio reversed?
I'm having an issue where the game audio is reversed, i.e: a gen being repaired on my right is heard on my left; a survivor running to my left is heard on my right. I thought maybe it would just be this one game, so I played another, still the problem persisted. I restarted the game, which still did not fix the problem. As…
Slow vaulting after using flashlight.
This commonly occurs when one is "CJ teching" where they begin to blind the killer, stop and then vault twice and then get the flashlight save. However, after initially using the flashlight to partially blind them, when they vault they can (this is the bug) slow-vault instead of fast-vaulting which loses you time and…
Stair Bug in Haddonfield as Trapper
PC I was watching my friend play trapper and they happen to set a trap on the stairs and got stuck for the rest of the game. We went into a custom to test this bug after. This is able to happen every time if you do it the way in the video. you aren't able to move once you're stuck in the stairs, here's what it looks like…
D-sync issues
multiple games I have been experiencing d-sync issues it’s not the normal lag it’s only started to happen since yesterday, either I get a stun on a killer they get stunned and then I get hit or I’m in chase but the red stain is nowhere near my character model but I’ve been hit from 5 miles away, I’ve had downs where the…
PC - Benevolent emblem seemingly capped at silver, even when higher tiers should be received.
This seems to occur regardless of the survivor played as, I have had the problem as Yui, Claudette, and Yun-Jin. I'm trapped at rank 6 as I have to get at least gold, gold, gold in the other categories to pip up, which is pretty much unattainable in some games. Basically to reproduce it just play a game as survivor, get a…
Twins can just see gens that have blast mine
I was playing Twins and for some reason Victor can see when Blast Mine is activated, which then carries over to Charlotte's vision, so they can both see the Blast Mine for some reason. I've seen this multiple times so this isn't new.
Nurse RPD wallhack exploit
Platform : PS4, although should be possible on all. Description : The exploit lets you see through walls in the main hall of the Raccoon City Police Station. Steps to Reproduce : As nurse you can go to the main hall up the stairs and go the left side of the statue there's a couple boxes and tables. If you hold your blink…
Raccoon City Police Station - Crash Issue When Dropping Of The Killers Shoulder PC
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2: Play the Raccoon City Police Station Step 3: In-game, get downed and picked up Step 4: The Killer must drop the surv ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1 Killer Deathslinger, Bitter murmur, Pop goes the weasel, stridor, BBQ 1 Surv Dwight, were gonna life forever, borrowed time, iron will, adrenalin…
Trapper bear traps gets bugged
I was playing as trapper, then when it started, someone DC, so i went to place a trap somewhere and i couldn't, i spamednthe button but the game didn't let me drop it, i think it was because of the disconnect, please fix this
Trapper can't set the bear traps
So i was playing DbD as trapper, the match was going good until i saw that the set the trap option didn't show up, i don't know exactly how did it hapoend, i think was because a survivor escaped from my grab but i don't know, i wish the DbD team can fix this please
PLATFORM: PC Hello, today I've played a match with nurse and everything was fine from my POV, but then in the end game chat I've noticed that one of the survivors told me something "amazing" happened and to checkout his stream. Initially I was confused since everything was normal for me, but when I actually saw his twitch…
Demogorgon turned invisible after teleport
What happend: the demogorgon turned invisible Where did it happen: Rotten fields How did it happen: it seems that the demogorgons model didn't turn visible once the teleport animation was complet Where was I: I was directly at the portal as I meant to cleanse it but ran away once the demogorgon started teleporting Did it…
xbox-crowns not unlocking
I have used the pedastal for trapper/wraith/spirit and I get the glow but after the match is over the crown is nowhere to be found in my wardrobe.
Maps are flashing
When I play both killer or survivor all the maps I am getting are flashing at some point of the match but this is only for 10 seconds max
PC - Discolored cosmetics on Trapper
When the "Unholy Apron" body cosmetic is equipped, Trapper's head is a lighter shade than the rest of his body. There's a clear seam at his neck. The screenshot is from both the killer selection menu, and the store menu. This does not occur with his default body cosmetic, and changing head cosmetics has no effect.
Family Residence - Can climb rock formation and get stuck
Just had an interesting match on Family Residence. After my third hook, I heard a loud noise notification that led me over to this rock and tree formation. Yui had gotten in there somehow and very clearly couldn't get out, only spin in circles. Probing at the rocks around it revealed an entrance ramp in the spot I'm…
Nemesis Speed Bug?
So I played a game of nemesis and I was losing. After all the gens were done, I downed my 4th survivor and this happened: 3 of them already commented on my steam profile claiming I was speed hacking. Here is the end game chat: Honestly I would report myself if I was them as well, It really looked like I was hacking and I…
Game ends as if the server went down
When I play killer something I notice today July 6 2021, the game I played seemed as if I lagged out or the other play lagged out then goes to the loading screen then comes up with the message disconnected from host showing me (the killer) and the other survivors still alive as if their still in the game. The game doesn’t…
Nurse Blink Through wall on new map
Me and my friend found this while playing on the new map and tried it in custom match. https://medal.tv/clips/57388756/d1337RHjTX8U Please tell me if anybody else found this.
Nurse has so much bugs and glitches
There are a lot of bugs in this game, but please could you to solve the problem from nurse. She's the only killer where you have at least a few chances against sweaty swfs. But all these bugs. e.g. the blink bug that the second blink doesn't work anymore, then the bug when she is stunned and also in fatigue or completely…
Game connecting to wrong server region
Platform: Windows 10 (Steam) Occurs: In around 60-70% of lobbies I join (on and off) Since: A few days ago from writing this post (patch 5.0.2) I'm from the UK, so I would normally get connected to EU West servers with around 30ms ping. For some reason though, I'm frequently getting connected to NA East servers with around…
Blight Rush Bug: Rush Disabled
Platform: PC Description: Blight cannot run until he melees the air to fix himself after doing objective stuff. Steps: It plagued me as I just did interactions with various objectives, hooking, gen bonking, ect ect. How Often: Frequently, I'd say half the time or more. Map doesn't matter, kept happening where ever I was…
flash banged ( locked all input couldn't run or struggle or recover)
was running jumped through killer shack window went in a lock made my flash bang killer knocked me down but i got my flash bang off he didn't get blinded and i couldn't do anything nothing worked after that flash bang.
RPD badge still disabled?
Idk if this is a glitch or just some weird choice but the rpd badge is still retired while the map is back to normal circulation?
Ice-Capped Jeans (Hillbilly)
Platform: PC Description of the issue: When I equip this cosmetic for Hillbilly in the menu, I show no difference between it and the default Torn Jeans. Not sure how it looks in-game. Steps to reproduce (if possible): equip this cosmetic to Hillbilly in the menu, see if you tell a change. How often does this occur: First…
PC - The Last Mask will not spawn Temple of Purgation
Description Step 1 : Equip the Add-On "The Last Mask" with any Survivor. Step 2 : Spawn in on Red Forest Step 3 : Do this 15 times more Result: You'll always end up on Mothers Dwelling Expected Result: It should 50/50 between Temple of Purgation and Mothers Dwelling. Additional information Occurs on all characters Realm:…
Trapper Addons randomly unequip
• Steam, Win10 • This is not related to the reset after the tutorials (I think). All the perks and the offering were still equipped. They were also still equipped after one game, then unequipped after an entity displeased game. The first time it happened I think it was after a 3K game but I wasn't sure if it's a bug or if…
Crouch near Victor will still trigger Killer Instinct
Charlotte will still see Killer instinct effect on you, even if you crouched. Recently played 3 games against Twins and on all of them i had an opportunity to stealthy kill idle Victor, but as soon is I crouched inside shriek radius, they always switched to Victor, like if they heard a killer instinct heartbeat and…
Xbox One X Save Error
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : Escape or be sacrificed Step 4 : Get Save Error in Match result board or upon getting back to the survivor menu ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ace Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Soulguard and Balanced Landing RPD station 3 times today DOCUMENTS TO ADD SEE…
Legion has two 5th year crowns but only one is available to collect
For the 5th year anniversary event, players have only been able to receive one crown for Legion, unlike in the previous event where Legion received two; one for Frank and Julie, and received both upon collecting the crown once. Receiving the crown twice in the current anniversary event, even if you play Julie, does not…
You hear the survivor chase music on oni & demogorgon while getting into a chase playing killer.
Platform: PC description: when you get into a chase with a survivor, it plays the music that they hear; not the unique chase music. steps to reproduce: play oni , demogorgon & get into a chase. how often does this occur: every time you play oni & demogorgon.
Alert aura bug
Hello, I played a game at Dead Dawg Saloon where I used the perk Alert. After about 2 gens completed, Alert activated but never deactivated. The perk itself in my perk slot wasn't lit up, but I was able to see the killer's aura for the rest of the game without Rancor, Kindred, or any other aura perk. I have a video where…
Shrine of Secrets bug
I'm in a party with one other friend and decided to go to the shrine of secrets and buy a perk to receive 150k bloodpoints. When I bought the perk, (urban evasion), I didn't receive 150k bloodpoints, yet the 1,500 iridescent shards were taken. I already have the perk unlocked and my nea is level 50.
Ghostface is unplayable, he can't stalk.
Platform: PC Whenever I try to stalk, I can. Literally, the game does not allow me to see the white aura in survivors. Steps: launch the game, select Ghostface, play with him, try to stalk survivors without any addons It's happening all the time in this last update. Please if you have the same issue in Pc, vote this report.
Locker Collision bug on Pale Rose, Backwater Swamp
While playing, I was downed by the killer and we both discovered that the locker on the lower level of the Pale Rose on Backwater Swamp has no collision. This allows anyone to go inside it and become immune to being picked up or hit. Attached is a screenshot of the locker in question. This is the first time Ive seen it and…
Nemesis Tentacle Strike Cannot Hit Over Police Car Hood
Platform: PC Even at tier 3, Nemesis tentacle strike cannot hit over the hood of the police car on Haddonfield - Lampkin Lane. It works with the hood of the dark grey car, but not this one. I noticed this while testing Nemesis in a Custom Match.
[Stadia] Doctor's Shock Therapy was not functional.
This issue occurred to me earlier this morning while I was playing The Doctor on Mother's Dwelling. His Static Blast ability worked fine, but Shock Therapy didn't seem to have any function at all. Upon activating the ability, the animation and sound effects would play, but no visible electricity could be seen on the…
lags on ps4
The game lags very often and randomly while playing on ps4. This is especially annoying while: When vaulting the window sometimes you have to vault twice or you cant vault it for a second resulting in getting hit by the killer. Getting hit by the killer causes a lag almost everytime. After that you bump into a wall because…
Claudette Community Outfit "glitches" with other outfit pieces
Her body is not modeled as when she wears her other outfits, so other shirts/pants won't work as good with the new community outfit. (english isn't my first language but I think you understand what I mean) Here are some examples:
Game crashed
PC - Steam The Game crashed while I was chased someone. I didnt even had an error message or a crash report or something like that. I played a few rounds as Killer before and there was nothing... You can see it in this short Video, how fast and without any reasons the game ends:
Sacrificial Cake description is missing important words in Brazilian Portuguese STEAM version
in brazilian portuguese didn't say the bonus bloodpoints is for everyone and didn't say stacks, which is very important i dont know if is the right place to post this, if is not pls say to me where a can post this just trying to help sorry my bad english comparing i sent two prints to comparison now the important part from…
PC - Bloodpoints weren't given after a match
I played as Feng Min and went against a ghostface on the Lery's Treatment theater, we all escaped but an error occured and I lost 67k bloodpoints