Being Grabbed out of locker makes it impossible interact with anything
Using Vecna's hand, was grabbed out of locked while jumping in. Camera teleported to new locker, but Vecna was able to hook me. When unhooked i wasn't able to interact with any object/player.
Vecna Power VFX Offset on 21:9 screen
Platform: Epic Games Power VFX should be behind power square Reproduce: Play on a 21:9 monitor with a 16:9 aspect ratio Occurs: Every game
Funny Window On Shattered Square
Yes, we could vault it. Everyone could. Wouldn't lead anywhere, but it was humorous.
Aestri Yazar - Incorrect character tooltip
The character tooltip states that still sight allows you to see totems, but this is incorrect information.
Vecna lifting pallets mid vault
Vecna can lift a pallet when you are mid vault and it forces you off the pallet. if this isn't a bug, it should be! Edit, it sometimes makes you move closer to him, and sometimes further away.
No localization in new map's name
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue There is no Russian localization in the name of the new map "Forgotten Ruins". It should be "Забытые Руины". • How often does this occur: Always
Decisive strike has different timing against Rin
When survivor uses decisive strike against Rin, her stun ends too fast. A lot faster than against other killers
Visual Bug on Pallet BEFORE using Vecna's Hand?
This aura appeared on the pallet when I was in chase while it was upright and Vecna didn't use his hand ability. When I dropped it, it still had the aura. After breaking the pallet, it still had the aura!
Vecna Hand issue
this was on the steam version of Dead by Daylight i was on Treatment Theater and used the new killer item hand of Vecna to TP across the map only to get stuck in the floor unable to move, I could not be interacted with by either the killer or other survivors. i was able to be hit by his power but once downed he could not…
Weird Hitbox Disparity on RPD
On Raccoon City Police Station (both East & West Wing), there's an odd disparity of hitboxes between two locations, which becomes painfully apparent while playing as Bubba. At the short cement barrier loop outdoors right next to the front exit gate, you can cleanly sweep over the red bench without bumping into anything.…
PC - Not gaining iridescent shards when leveling up account level
I have gotten zero iridescent shards for the past 5 account levels, title is pretty self explanatory
7.7.0 - Sable on incorrect position in store
When in the overview of all Survivors in the new store, Sable Ward is all the way at the top. And I just realized that Laurie is not supposed to come after Nea as well, if it is supposed to maintain the same order as in the lobby. Nea, Bill, David, and then Laurie, Ace, etcetera. Other characters might be misplaced too, so…
7.7.0 - Ash and Jane have swapped places
This is sort of a follow-up to my post regarding the misplacement of characters in the Store section. When viewing the list of Survivors in the lobby, I noticed that Ash Williams and Jane Romero have switched places. They seem to be the only two where this happened. (I don't know why the screenshot appears weird here. You…
Steam/PC - Charms visually bugged in menu
When selecting charms in the menu, some of them are off center in the frame. This appears to vary between the charms and sets, framed differently, some zoomed in, some are smaller and moved up… They look fine on the character, but just look bad in menu.
Ellen Ripley twitches
Ellen Ripley twitches in the Lobby
Switch- Camaraderie bug
When a Survivor comes within the appropriate range of the hooked Survivor, the Hooked Survivor glows white as though Reassurance was used on them. The white glow stays with them even after being unhooked and doing conspicuous actions. The timer in the perk window also continues to countdown and only when it is done is the…
Hidden Achievement EPIC Games not working
Hi, I found the tanuki 2x and waiting for it to pop and change and then disappear and neither time did the achievement pop.
PC - Pinhead chain slower in new update and box not visible on some spawns in new map
Pinheads power seems to have been broken in the new update where his chains fire a lot slower and i've noticed that the box will glitch into the ground on the new map.
Cosmetic bug with Dark Racer Head for Yui Kimura
The glasses are black, just that, but its my favorite skin and I dotn know it looks like Thermite from Rainbow Six with that glasses xd
PS4/5 Broken map on Shattered Square
Was playing normal matches with my duo (Me on PS5, him on PS4) When we loaded in to a match with the brand new survivor and Feng Min on the shattered square of the borgo map when we encountered a glitch that left a giant chunk of the map missing with only a giant red blob as the floor, allowing us to walk out of bounds and…
Vecna's dispelling sphere sometimes not working
Sometimes, when using the dispelling sphere, it will give the "Detected and Dispelled" score event, but there will be no sound cue, no killer instinct, and no one gets the dispelled effect. I've attached the clips as well as the bot's build if needed.
Decisive Strike bugged by any chance?
I brought decisive as I wanted to test get a feel of the new map in case if I was tunneled while checking it out, but I happened to see that my perk didn't deactivate while working on the gen. I'm not sure if you get the chance to escape if you do get grabbed/picked up by the perk as I haven't been able to test that, but…
7.5.1 Firing Pinhead chains is broken and has 5 FOV transitions
In the latest bugfix patch, Pinhead for some reason has 5 jarring camera transitions to a new FOV when firing chains. The player FOV When you enter the gateway, the camera has a very narrow FOV Immediately upon firing, the camera zooms out a lot to the player FOV In the middle of the shot, the FOV suddenly decreases At the…
Glich on Pale Rose
There is a glich right at the corner of the small ship near the generator on Pale Rose were you can get stuck on the boat. You can't escape from there and the killer can't pick you up but it is possible to get healed from other. This has to get fixed right now because the killer could get taken hostage. The game was…
Pyramid head Cages are still bugged
This was reported a few patches earlier but the cages are still bugged until now Platform: PC
Switch - Basekit Bite the Bullet with Camera Angle
When both healing and being healed if your camera is positioned like this, you are silent even though neither player has the perk If the camera angle is like this, Survivors make grunts of pain like they are supposed to.. This happened twice in the same trial while healing and being healed in the basement of the new map,…
Artist birds down despite distance/wall+no swarm
Potentially a bug w the Severed Hands addon, but not sure. I went to unhook someone, as birds flew over. They hit the unhooked person, and then swarmed me (the addon)… Then, out of nowhere, I took damage. Most suspicious part was that when I told the killer what happened (I said it bugged and hit me when it shouldn't have)…
PC - Controller camera going wild after getting hit by Wesker
When I play survivor and Wesker uses his power on me, my camera goes wild for a few seconds. It keeps looking up even though I'm not pressing anything, so I have to constantly adjust it in chase. It does this across a wild variety of joysticks and controllers.
Vito vault bug
I noticed something when playing Vitorrio in Chaos Shuffle, my first couple of vaults were silent in each match. At first I thought that Cut Loose was bugged but then it happened again in the next match. My cosmetic pieces are Arlecchino, Carved Bones Shirt and Medieval High Boots (Deep Rift).I brought in the uncommon…
PC-Clipping out of the map on RPD West Wing with Nurse.
In the room to the right, at the top of the stairs in the main room, If you stand next to the table and use the piece of plaid add on(or not if your a G) you can clip down into "unused assets" left there from east wing maybe? or even the original RPD map.
The Good Guy's left arm is visibly stretched in the lobby
Platform: Steam Issue: The Good Guy's left stretched arm is visible through the ghost carrying him while in the lobby. Occures everytime.
The Good Guy's mori camera issue
Platform: Steam Issue: Sometimes during The Good Guy's mori, the camera transition bugs out and becomes static instead of moving around like intended, however it happens inconsistently as some Survivors don't get this issue when they're mori'd, while other Survivors in the same match get this issue without any specific…
The Good Guy's FOV transition is delayed
Platform: Steam Issue: When picking up a Survivor, the FOV changes to look from the ghost carrying both The Good Guy and the Survivor, however when dropping or hooking the Survivor, instead of the FOV transitioning back to The Good Guy's FOV level immediately, it is slightly delayed by a couple of seconds instead. Survivor…
Nintendo Switch - King of Kings visual bug
David King cosmetic King of Kings has two holes towards top of shirt above the word KING. Holes clip at certain camera angles.
PS5 - haptic feedback not working
Hello! Since the update in late April, the haptic feedback for PS5 controllers no longer works. It works in other games, and others have reported similar experiences, so it is likely a problem with Dead by Daylight specifcally.
Inward Journey cosmetic graphical glitches
It's a cosmetic for Mikaela Reid. Just equip it and is visible on the character before starting the match, PC platform.
add-ons bug
• Platform: pc (steam) • Description of the issue: end up with add ons equipped in round when i didnt pre-round. they are not there in the post round recap. • Steps to reproduce (if possible): it just seems to happen at random, i dont seem to have any control over it. • How often does this occur: its been happening…
PC (Epic) - The Legion infinite Frenzy
Description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play The Legion in a public match Step 3 : In-game, destroy a pallet and activate Frenzy at the same time Step 4 : Notice that you will enter into an infinite Frenzy (Frenzy animation enabled until the end of the match) Additional information Character played: The Legion Perks…
Cosmetic Bug: Shimmering Silk Trousers (Claudette Morel)
Step 1 : Select Claudette Morel as survivor Step 2 : Equip the Shimmering Silk Trousers Step 3 : Rotate Claudette and look between her legs (see screenshot below) Step 4 : You can also have a look at the pants in a match, they are bugged there aswell Additional information Character played: Claudette Morel Frequency of the…
Possibly bugged exclamation marks in menu
Sometimes I see exclamation marks on the Store and Bloodweb buttons. They're confusing and I'm not sure what they mean. The first one means there's something new in the store, I think? But I don't see anything new. No idea what the bloodweb exclamation mark means. If it's a bug, please fix it. If it's not, please make the…
ps5 map problems with plague
map has problems is the Underground Complex - Hawkins National Lab first bug is when i game started one pool is blocking to get down so you have to use window way out and i will add photo of it and another bug is when game was ending door was opened and i used vile burge but it didn’t affect two of survivors and they only…
PS5 - Ada Wong Dress Outfit Low Polygon Count
I bought this cosmetic recently and its a very cute cosmetic but I think it has a few glitches, The lighting is weird in some basements (I cant remember which basement it was but a few others have the same sort of problem as the one in the pic), The bottom half doesn't spawn sometimes when loading in a match, I've had this…
The survivor became half transparent
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue My survivor went inside the killer's body while hanging on a hook, and then became invisible. Then half transparent. At the same time, I couldn't use the spray, open the chest, or drop the pallet. • How often does this occur: It happened to me once
Killer's hands and hanging animations
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue 1. When the killer carries the survivor on his shoulder, there is an empty gap between his palm and the survivor's body. That is, the killer's palm is in the air, and not holding the body. Almost all the killers. But, for example, the Huntress and the Pig keep the survivor…
Patch 7.7.0 Crash on Startup
I'm on PC and I did the 7.7.0 update and now I can't log into the game without it crashing before it's finished initializing. Is there a fix for this? I already verified the integrity of my files.
Wesker Bug on Sanctum of Wraith
I was playing Min against a Wesker. I was running towards the little gazebo type thingies. When he slammed me into the gazebo there's a small gap between the stairs and a little statue. I got stuck and couldn't escape until Wesker figured out he could slam into my character at an angle and get me out. I couldn't wiggle…
ps5 leap of faith
that challenge named leap of faith i don’t know if it bug but it doesn’t register when it pellets or windows if you get hit or it’s in challenge it’s not explained correctly because it just says vault a pellet or window while in chase it should say then : vault a pellet or window while in chase without A getting hit…
Legion Frenzy Vault + Blind Bug
This bug has been in the game for a while and I keep thinking it has been fixed and its always reproduced in the same way. Stand at a pallet as Legion Survivor on the other side tries to blind Legion If Legion attempts to frenzy and vault over the pallet at the same time you are getting blinded, you will be bugged. I've…
afk crow animation bugged when hiding in a locker.
Platform: Steam Issue: The Crows don't land on the locker if you're afk inside it, they just remain in flying animation. Occures everytime.
RPD - Map Bug
Looks like a survivor can vault over the rail in the back of RPD and get stuck on the map. This player DCd shortly into the match so I imagine he wasn't able to move from this spot. The bot didn't move from this spot or struggle after I downed him and carried him to a hook. I was able to down this player by vaulting the…