Localization brazillian portuguese of ruthless and merciless killer
They are the same. "Impiedoso". Which is a good translation for both ruthless and merciless, but it's kind of annoying to not know how well you did after a match. Specially since you don't get the adept achievement when the screen says you're "impiedoso". So here's a few suggestions for substitutes of ruthless (impiedoso…
Hillbilly Speed Bug
I was playing hillbilly and after coming out of my chainsaw sprint i had the speed as if i was using my chainsaw where i could use my chainsaw to increase my speed even further and i could m1 Steps: 1.exit chainsaw sprint on suffocation pit after exiting my sprint, gained extreme speed .started moving at the speed on billy…
DC Penalty Not Applied
Summary: Quit a match before it was over. DC Penalty did not apply. Has only occurred once. Description: As Deathslinger on a Bedham Map I DC'd and the DC penalty was not applied to me for some reason. Was in a match with a Claudette, Nea, Adam, and (I think) a Jane. Steps to Reproduce (Tentative): Be Deathslinger. Hex:…
Survivor became invisible after grabbing from board & can't use any killer actions
Platform: Steam Description: I was playing nurse & 3 survivors (David, Min, Yui) remained. After grabbing an injured survivor (David) from board, I was unable to see / hook / drop him nor blink / chase as normal, another survivor (Min) became invisible as well, only Yui was visible. I could hear David's voice all the time…
[Bug]: hit on the bench on the other side Deadly Survivor (The wraith) [V.3.6.0]
Description: We are in the new map of the new killer, near this structure from a beer bench there is the survivor and on the other side there is the wraith. Here the survivor is injured, after making a fake, the killer mortally hits the survivor in front of the bench, in general it should not cause harm (Video 1) Platform:…
The Hag camera delay on teleport
• Platform: PC • Description of the issue: the camera goes back and forth from and to the point of teleportation on trap teleportation • Steps to reproduce (if possible): play on dedicated servers (has been an issue ever since) • How often does this occur: every game
Sabo Bug abuse
SO, i played Deathslinger on Shelter Woods and I had a claudette ready to hook. I got to the hook and pressed space and just as i did that another suvivor Jake saboed (with the perk, not a tool box) the hook and it made me unable to move or act or finish hooking the survivor (remember, i was in the hooking animation) until…
Lunge not giving any speed
Almost every killer game some of your lunges will not give you any speed or anything its like you are moving forward in slowmotion. It makes the lunge attacks have the same range as a normal M1 attack. I am unsure if its something that bugged out after deathslingers release or not but i have had it almost every killer game…
Adrenaline not triggering when in dying state
platform: PC summary: i was in a game against a doctor, and was left in the dying state. the hatch was closed and therefore adrenaline should've been triggered but instead wasn't.
Disturbed Ward bugged with Deathsligner chain
There are mulitple places around the main building on the Disturbed ward where the Death slingers chain will act like there is an object between the killer and the survivor, and start "burning" the chain, letting the survivor escape faster.
Instant blind flashlights
Platform: PS4 Description: If the survivor shines a flashlight in your face it for at least 1 second it will instantly blind you but it doesn’t make you drop the survivor quicker if you get blinded while carrying a survivor it’s just the visual effect that’s instant Steps to reproduce: Shine a flashlight at the killer it…
Never ending match bug (Forces one of the two parties to DC)
Platform: PC What happened? I (Meg/Lyfe), was hooked, and the random came to save me with Gunslinger pre-aiming the unhook and he fires hitting me. The random tries to body block the chain and hit but the killer lunges around and downs me. He hooks me and then the game doesn't recognize the fact that I am hooked causing a…
Achievement for doing Saloon gen not unlocking
Escaped via exit gates and hatch in two separate matches despite doing the gen in both, no unlock.
Deathslinger Speed Bug
Platform: PC Description: Several matches in a row, I have gone against a Deathslinger who is moving a mile a minute. They have a base speed of 4.4, same as huntress and hag, but they are moving way faster than that. They are going the speed a Shape would go if they had a full stack of Play With Your Food. They aren't…
Missing my head on
I bought Head On in the shrine and it won't show up. I am P3 lvl 50, I have all the other perks that are currently available to me, it did accept my shards, it did block it off in the shine, and it was a good month ish ago when it was in the shrine. No perks are showing up at all when only 1 should be- head on. I was…
Tattered Tradition
Everything is written in this topic. It was closed, but you did not solve the problems.
The Doctor have an addon that give the wrong description
Summary: When I play dead by daylight in french and I go over the scrapped tape addon to read it’s description, it has the same description than the Iridescent Queen. Even tho it has the same ability than usual. Which is misleading. Step to reproduce the bug: 1: Launch dead by daylight in French 2: Choose The Doctor and…
Deathslinger able to spam attack while carrying a survivor ?
The reason why I put a question mark is because I have no idea what he was doing. I haven’t played the new killer so I can’t be 100% sure. But while I was being carried by the deathslinger it seemed like he was able to spam attack. His body was freaking out and he was making the attack sound (I assume bc I haven’t played…
The game became blurry again
It's kinda like when they changed the antialiasing, except disabling it in the config files doesn't work anymore for some reason. It's so blurry it hurts looking at the screen after a while, it's as if everything is out of focus. PC specs: Ram 8 Gb Intel Core i7-4510U Nvidia Geforce 820M I play at low settings (and very…
Cannot invite everyone to party chat on ps4 all at once anymore
Before the dedicated servers, if you held down the PlayStation button on your controller, highlighted Dead by Daylight, and the highlighted currently playing with you could invite everyone to one big party. That is no longer the case. Would you guys please fix this? It is impacting our ability to party up before a game to…
Deathslinger rotates cameras of survivor permanently
I was vaulting a window on a balcony on the new map and dropped to the ground. The Deathslinger shoot me in that time and after I got released my camera was tilted until the end of the match.
Getting hit while near a hooked survivor counts as a protection hit
Platform: Switch Issue: I was rescuing a survivor off the hook (the two other survivors were healthy) when the Wraith uncloaked and hit me before I could unhook. However the game gave me a stack of Mettle of Man even though the survivor was still on the hook. Reproduction: Take a hit while you're near a hooked survivor and…
Deathslinger harpoon bouncing off survivors
When attempting to shoot through someone on the hook the harpoon will instead have collision with the person in the hook and bounce off instead of going through them. This is on PS4. 1. Get with in less than 8 meters of the hook. 2. Fire the harpoon at the person on the hook as they are being unhooked but before they have…
Gearhead nor working as intended
Platform PC. So the desciptrion says, that after hitting survivor 2 times with basic attack perk activates. For the next 30 seconds, performing a good skillcheck will highlight that gen in yellow aura as long as itz veing repeaired. The problem is, that when the gearhead timer runs out, all highlighted in yellow gens…
Game Chat Problem.
Hello, I am from Russia, and it saddens me that for half a year now we can’t write in our chats “Play as Survivor” and “Custom Game” in our own language. Please fix this) There are no problems with other chats.
Bugs with the body of the Doctor "Blood test".
Platform: PC.
"Pop goes the Weasel" + "Surge" Bug
Summary: If you have the perks "Pop goes the Weasel" and "Surge" equipped, "Pop goes the Weasel" deactivates when "Surge" is applied to a generator. Description: When you down a Survivor, Surge will activate and affect a near by generator. This activation of "Surge" instantly reduces any remaining time left from the perk…
SWF Matchmaking Error
When in a SWF: Get an unknown error after each match booting me out of the campfire Can't join a SWF after just playing a game with SWF, but they can see me in their campfire If I'm in a SWF after just playing a game with SWF, but I don't see them and they see me, we queue up but we find separate lobbies If I try to invite…
Key not working on hatch at lerys
I brought a red key to the match. The killer had Franklin's but I've never seen Franklin's prevent a key from working on a hatch. Anyway there were three of us left and only one gen. We all three find the hatch and pick up the key that was dropped. However when I went over the hatch there was no option given for opening…
Compras de células ps4
Soy de ps4 mi id es McForeSsj y recientemente he comprado un asesino y además 500 células pero no he recibido las 500 celulas(el asesino si) entonces necesito ayuda
Zarina Frozen on Hook?
Summary: When Zarina got hooked, her character sprite froze. Wraith downed another survivor after and hooked them ontop of Zarina's body, knocking her off the hook. Description: Wraith downed Zarina and hooked her, her character sprite froze and had an infinite struggle timer. Wraith downed another survivor after and…
Rift challenges
I feel really cheated when I do challenges and they don't count. It's really frustrating considering it's pretty hard to get two iridescent emblems per match
Bloodweb reverted several levels, Bloodpoints gone.
Playing on PC When I logged in today, my Deathslinger bloodweb was reverted around 5 levels from when I logged out last night. From around 40, back down to 35. I also seem to be missing a good chunk of bloodpoints. I still have my rift progress from where I ended yesterday, so I lost out on the bp for a completed challenge…
The Plague can't pick up corrupt purge on one of the lery's map fountain
One of the fountains that spawn in the bathtub room in the lery's memorial institute cannot be used by the plague at all: This is the fountain i'm talking about: As you can see, no option to ingest corruption at all: PC Platform btw
HUD disabled during match (PS4)
I just went into a game and after about 10 seconds my hud disappeared from the screen and skill checks, teammate heath, hook status bar ect were all gone meaning I could only do actions like dropping pallets, vaulting, cleansing totems, opening chests and unhooking as they do not use skill checks.
Old Exit Gate Bug Is Back On New Map For Nurse With Video
This is an old bug that affected Nurse players last year when Temple of Purgation came out. You're unable to port through the exit gates missing your chance at a potential kill. Devs, please look into this. Replication is at a 100%. https://youtu.be/SdbFTL7PApQ
Life giver challenge is bugged.
After 2 matches I've healed a total of 4 healthstates, the challenge progress is still 0 out of 8 :/
Steve's Scoops Ahoy bug "Ice Cream Architect"
Hello, Steve's "ice Cream Architect" (part of Scoops Ahoy skin) has a little bug, you can see a black line on top of his t-shirt. it looks like his head is not attached to his body. See pictures below : It's a small detail but I would like a fix for it. Thanks :)
Two most painful topics, HITBOXES and LATENCY
https://streamable.com/6yjj4 ; https://streamable.com/dmeae Don't think it needs any explanation, most of the time my spear doesn't even latch onto survivors and goes through them. Had it happened to me while I was playing as survivor too.
Redeemer vs Dead hard
When you hit someone, and you even get the scoring event, the person can just dead hard out of the chain
Rank Update Error
Summary: Periodically I am kicked from PC matches with the message: "Rank Update Error. An error has occurred and the game was unable to update your rank." Worth noting that upon being kicked from this error, I am still banned from matchmaking for disconnecting from a game. Rather inconvenient. Steps to Reproduce: Play…
Plague camera shake
• Platform PC • Description of the issue: Everytime the plague falls from height, the camera shakes. Its annoying but not game breaking • Steps to reproduce (if possible): Play Plague, jump from a building, rock • How often does this occur: everytime
Matchmaking with friends blocked.
When invite my friend in party, the game say connection lost.
Crash during match loading
My game crash 1/3 times when a match is loading that force me to end task the game. My addons and offering are still consumed when it happen.
Broken Animations
Fix pls Disappearing bottle Broken animation reload and broken pallet breaking animations from 1st person: After the update, Trapper has no diagonal foot animation. Before the patch, if you turned and walked along the diagonal, the legs also changed their position. The same problem is observed in the Clown. (Clown's bottle…
Can't blink through many structures on the new map (as Nurse)
Namely the balcony that's reachable climbing stairs between two small houses, across the shack from the saloon (the one that has a chest spawn on it) I heard someone opening it as I was nearby so I charged up the blink and never could get up there, and even from up there I couldn't blink down through the floor. Other…
floating mori corpses
, a mori on the balcony leaves a corpse floating in the air for the rest of the game u
Disconnection Pre Game
Just wanted to make aware of an issue that I originally thought was a local connection issue. Since the update, I have been disconnected post load screen with the error: Error 501. I know it isn't me because this has never happened until the 10March update.
Minor things. Maybe bugs, but not sure.
I posted this earlier, but in the wrong section. Whoops. Since the update, I’ve noticed a couple small inconsistencies that might be intentional or were maybe just overlooked. Either way, here you go. I’ll add to this if I discover more. Sabateur Perk: If you’re in a locker when a teammate is being carried, you can still…
David is not fixed despite the patch notes
In 3.6.0 patch notes, the following line is not true (at least on PC steam): -Fixed multiple clipping and lighting issues with David King's Hard Headlight Torso customization. David is still broken the same way the last patch is, and the patch before the last patch, and the last last patch. Please Please Please fix him and…