Plague is bugged from Survivor's POV
Platform: Steam | PC Description: I recently went against a couple of Plagues and her movement via Survivors side is bugged as if she's T Posing. I couldn't tell which way she was pointed, in her power, or about to swing. I've seen this happen last year once or twice due to connection but now this is ridiculous.…
Pinhead Chain Portals Bugged???
Platform: Steam | PC Description: I recently went against a Pinhead & for some reason the chain portals were bugged on the map. It was heavily distracting on my screen. When I walked or ran through them I was slowed as if being chained but there was no passive chains were active at the times I ran or walked through them.…
Bloody Catch challenge not fulfilling
Xbox Series S In match I get the challenge progression successful but after match no progression is made and the challenge is open. This happens Everytime.
Healing against the unknown
sometimes, while playing against the unknown, healing progress bars will disappear, and appear empty for the entirety of any healing action, even through they progress as normal. once this happens, all healing progress bars shall seem empty for the entire match. seems to happen more consistently when running the new…
Invincibility Bug
Unfortunately no knowledge of how to recreate Only information known: I played Sheva with Deliverance, Off The Record, Decisive Strike, and Dead Hard Killer was Legion, Map was Rotten Fields Videos Below: https://youtu.be/wNOKnCIAVIg
Being Sent to Event Tome Level 2
Clicking the "Go to the Even Tome" button on the "Collection" tab of the Blood Moon event overview sends you to level 2 of the event tome instead of level 1 Level 2 from this page. I am on Steam, on the PC.
After being picked up by a killer, the wiggle progression bar disappears
Xbox one x When I get picked up by the killer, the wiggle progression bar disappears and I'm unable to wiggle out of their grasp. This has happened twice, once with Chucky as seen in the picture.
phased through wall while healing
platform: xbox series x/s tried to heal a downed survivor and a phased through a wall with collision. i wasnt able to get out by myself and the killer wasnt able to pick me up or injure me unless i healed someone who was within my reach added clips of when it happened/ what it looked like to others
PC- EAC RCE exploit
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : wait EAC boot Step 3 : In-game normal play. Step 4 : hacker use RCE exploit abused to inject cheats into your machines or installing ransomware software locking up your entire PC.
Demogorgon Camera Bugged (Long time)
For some reason you can't look all the way down as Demogorgon (camera seems to be capped more than it used to be) which is super annoying when tracking survivors dropping from buildings, hills, for me I always look down to keep track of important things like blood, scratch marks, tile structure to have the most optimal…
Sadako is Randomly Condemning Players who are Nowhere Near TVs on TP
Platform: PC (Steam; I think any, though) Description: Since her rework, when Sadako teleports, there is some bug that random survivors that are nowhere near a TV will gain stacks of condemned. Often times, I will teleport, and a Survivor on the complete opposite side of the map will become fully condemned (they are not…
pallets in borgo
i Played a match in borgo (the shattered square) and it seems like every pallet spawn is guaranteed or some are cause there was one loop with double pallets (like the new map) and in the main building there where two pallets in the doorways when normally only one spawn I went in some custom hames and notice the double…
Non stop issue finding games on UK EU server
This problem has been going on for many weeks, maybe even months without being fixed. It happens on ps5. I have read on facebook others in the UK have been having similar issue with finding games. I always have to restart the game and sometimes that doesn't even work. I constantly have to cancel searching for a match and…
Xbox Series S - Framerate drops in very specific spots on specific maps
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer or survivor in a public match on Haddonfield Step 3 : In-game, on Haddonfield, walk into the basements with a generator in it on Haddonfield, I'm not saying the basement with the 4 hooks but the structures underneath some buildings referred to as a basement. Step 4 : Notice…
Nurse locked in position unable to move when carrying survivor in shack
I picked up a survivor, carried him towards basement, got locked in place next to crate. not blocked by player, unable to move the rest of the round, can't blink, can't drop survivor.
wire tap
im not sure why, but wire tap was active as usual when 50% was done, but i couldn't use it. there was no prompt to use the perk, and when i attempted to use it despite the prompt not showing up, it did not apply the wire tap. idk why or how
Singularity Pod Placement
There are some issues with some edge map tiles for placing biopods as the singularity. I haven't noticed these before and it isn't everything, but the collision on some edge map objects can be inconsistent such as the trees on the edge map of coldwind, and the rocks on the edge map of dead dawgs from my experience. These…
PC - Survivor stuck in pickup animation after Dredge locker teleport
Step 1: Launch game Step 2: Open custom game against 4 bots and play as The Dredge Step 3: Play on Dead Dawg Saloon Step 4: Teleport to locker at the back of the main building while the survivor is exiting the locker. Step 5: Killer becomes stuck inside locker (But can teleport out), Survivor becomes trapped in place and…
Steam: 7.6.0: pitch black section halfway to basement in toba landing
In toba landing, if the basement is under the ship, on most of the stairs down to it the lighting is pitch black, to the point that you can't see yourself or other players.
Weaving Spiders- circle does not appear- additional information
Below is updated information to my previous report: My friends and I tested to recreate this and have concluded that it seems that specifically Lery's main basement location with any killer and any survivor. If any or all survivors are running this perk, the circle will will not show up in the middle basement. However if…
The archive named "Not so fast now, are they" is bugged
The challenge is not completing when its requirement is met. This is already hard enough to do as it is, so pls just fix it.
Xbox series S - plague 3rd person appearance bugged in match
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, encounter the plague Step 4 : Notice the plagues walking animations often do not play at all and if she pukes at you 3-4+ times her puking effect stays on her face for the rest of the match. Additionally it changes to green or red…
The Onryo appears to have 2 skins while demanifested
Platform: Steam Description: When The Onryo is demanifested and intermitenttly visible to a survivor, changes between default skin and the other that the killer is using (equipped). Reproduce: The Onryo needs to be demanifested, not default skin equipped and in the visible area for the survivor. The survivor will start to…
Guardian activates too early
Guardian activates its effects during the Unhook animation instead of when it is completed, leading to nearly 2 seconds of the perk's effect being wasted as you do not have control of your character. It should activate when the Endurance procs, but as you can see in the video it activates earlier.
Crash to desktop when in pre-match lobby with remix archive active
Platform: Steam Description: When selecting archive challenge "Enemies Closer (Remix)" from Tome 17, Page 1, upon the lobby countdown timer reaching 15 seconds the game will freeze up and then crash to desktop prompting a bug report. Reproduce: Select remix archive, matchmake, allow pre-match timer to hit 15 seconds.…
Invocation: weaving spiders
Hi me and a friend have been using the new invocation and every so often it’s not adding the charges too any of the generators but we would still get injured after the trance was completed. Doesn't happen every match but it kinda gets annoying when it doesn’t but we still get the injury so wanted too give you a heads up…
Issue with Knockout (Remix) on Xbox One
When loading into a match with 'Knockout (Remix)' selected in the archives, the game closes itself. I have checked it is not me, when loading into other games without this challenge the game works perfectly.
(PC) Botanist Extraordinaire Challenge Cannot Be Completed
The Botanist Extraordinaire challenge from "Tome 1 - Awakening" cannot be completed or has an inaccurate description. Steps to reproduce: Activate the Botany Extraordinaire challenge Equip a medkit Go into a match Completely heal two survivors in a trial while holding the medkit Challenge remains uncompleted This bug…
Oni Mad Grit needs to be killswitched.
Oni bug abuser in public matches today. Using mad grit agitation starstruck iron grasp. Why is this not killswitched? Twins is currently for the rework, Knight TP bug was far more situational yet gone so quickly. Why is a build so easy to pull off let free on the servers. Killswitch ONI ALSO DO NOT WITCHHUNT! This gamer…
PC - Stuck as The Xenomorph
I walked over to this hook at the start of the match and became stuck, unable to move out of the corner no matter what I did. The map is Coal Tower II, and I'm unsure if this bug can happen with any other Killers, as this is the first time I've experienced it.
PC - "Robot Final Stage" Charm Visual Bug
When anti-aliasing is turned off (invisible if it's turned on), the charm will have a dotted white line that can be seen from far away on Killer or Survivor. This happens 100% of the time.
Console - Anti Face Camp feature does not work after the hook
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, I get hooked Step 4 : Notice: The bar for the Anti Face Camp feature does not fill up Additional information Character played : Feng Min Perks played: 1. Lithe 2. Super Hit 3. Deception 4. Lightweight Map: lery's memorial institute…
7.6.0 Crash
The game consistently crashes for kill during the final countdown in the lobby before a trail. It seems to be caused if you have a randomized perk challenge active, changing archive challenge stopped the crashing immediately.
White Glyph challenge overrides invocation and the other way around
So I am 99% certain its the white glyph challenge. The only 2 other factors that were different were the map (Lery's) and the killer (Trapper). Without the invocation, the white glyph spawns in, without the white glyph, the invocation spawns in.
Nemesis, crates spawn on generator
crates spawns on generator
Deja vu with blast mine is broken.
I was playing a match with kindred, blastmine, deja vu and sprint burst. When I tried to applied a fully charged blast mine on a deja vu gen it refused to give me the promt to put it on the generator. Thought maybe it was 99% so did it for a few more seconds and got off still no prompt. Had to like spam on and off the gen…
Yun-Jin’s Tinted Sunglasses head uses the wrong hair texture.
In-game her is see through and you can see her scalp because it is using the wrong hair textures. For reference it currently uses the “T_CMM” labeled textures when it’s supposed to use the “GS” labeled hair textures. (Picture in blender for reference on what texture is supposed to be used)
Trapper cannot see or break thrown shack pallet
Trapper unable to see shack pallet (new map) or god pallet by stairs in midwich (picture attached) once it's thrown. It looked like it had not been thrown on my screen. There was no option to break the pallet and therefore killer was unable to go through. Survivors were able to vault the pallet. Edit: both times I had…
PS5: Wiggle skill checks disappear when almost hooked but prevented due to sabo + body block
Playing on PS5, Dredge attempted to hook me. A team mate went to sabo the hook and another blocked it at the same time, but it caused skillchecks and wiggle progress to completely disappear when I’d have otherwise wiggled free. video here
Can't flashlight Save on Unknown
On PC, but when flashlight saving on unknown there is no sound notification or visual notification on if he is getting blinded, and no points being added to blinding even though the beam is on his face. But in the same game when he is breaking a pallet he is able to be blinded. And they do not have light born in any of the…
No invocation ring in the basement on Lery's map
Title, the invocation: weaving spiders circle was just not there, maybe the second basement was there but i couldnt find it maybe? Perks were: invocation: weaving spiders, no mither, soul guard, unbreakable
PC (probably all platforms) - Railroad Warden skin has visible gaps at high FoV
When equipping the Railroad Warden cosmetic (body piece) the upper arms are invisible in first person. Very obvious in Pallet Break and Falling animations.
Fix Loose Shimada head/Spirit
Can you please look into what’s causing it to stick up in the air unnaturally? Make it flow naturally, it’s been bugged for as long as i can remember…
Élodie's Cozy Break wrong Footstep SFX
I've noticed upon buying Élodie's Cozy Break pants "Flip-Flops" that the footsteps in fact do not sound like flip-flops/sandals, but just regular shoes. I was actually disappointed, hoping to get the same SFX like Ash's "Water Trash" outfit or Renato's "King Of Athens" or basically Thalita's default. And since I've seen…
Singularity is bugged
Platform: PC Description: While playing as the Singularity, it seems as tho when a Survivor uses an EMP on a biopod, you hear the sounds when it's disabled as if you're controlling it while playing as Hux, it also seems that sometimes biopods get disabled at random. Steps to Reproduce: Play as Singularity and let a…
Invocation Weaving Spiders did not activate upon completion
Platform: PC Description: As the screenshot shows, Weaving Spiders is deactivated and I have the broken status effect. However, the generators did not lose its 10 charges. Steps to Reproduce: I don't really know. The only thing that was different from the other matches is that a survivor joined me and kept cancelling their…
Legion killer instinct.
ive ran into a match with the combined addons; julie's mixtape, mural sketch. my perks are bamboozle, enduring, surge and hysteria, injuring someone with legion's power will trigger killer instinct for less than half a second and then immediately cut off. im sure this is a bug, i will try and replicate said action in an…
Redeem code not working
While in the store page of DBD, I have run into an issue where I cannot enter in new redeem codes. Including the AMD one that released today, which my lovely friend tried today at the same time and was able to get the reward for. I play on PC, through the xbox app. I have checked for updates, and there were no updates.…
Possible Exploit with the new Invocation Perk
Platform: PC (Steam) i was playing against an Oni, as Sable and a build around the new Invocation Perk (No Mither, Resilience, Iron Will and Invocation: Weaving Spiders) due to Ultimate Weapon of the Killer i was forced out of the Basement during the Ritual and a Teammember (without the perk) continued without me. During…
Bite The Bullet On Alan
For some reason, Bite The Bullet doesn't work on Alan Wake. I'm not sure if it's sometimes or all the time, or if there's something causing the issue. I clipped it on my stream and have the link: https://clips.twitch.tv/GrotesqueWiseVultureWutFace-OLbHwJTX5nWLW37K You can clearly hear Alan still moaning, even through the…