There's a bug in Hawkins that traps you inside a locker as The Dredge (7.7.1)
I think this chest actually spawns inside that locker and if you teleport to it mid-match as Dredge you'll get stuck. The only way to get out is waiting for you teleport to recharge and teleporting to a locker again. This cost me a match.
Gen kicking animation still bugged in 7.7.1
The animation when kicking a generator is still bugged and not properly synchronized as you can see here: Happens with every killer.
Please fix Oni
Oni's animations have been messed up completely since the Alan Wake patch. Most notably: Missing screen shake when using a demon strike Stiff arm after collecting enough blood The hand holding the kanabo can be moved and jiggled around Also a very annoying bug that came with that patch too is that when entering blood fury…
Carlos skin
when you apply the Carlos skin for Leon he holds the flashlight backwards in lobby.
Stuck in the wall bug on Haddonfield
I had an unfortunate game on Haddonfield where I became stuck in a wall on the top floor of the main building. The other Survivors couldn't interact with me and the Killer could damage me but couldn't pick me up. I couldn't move and was locked in place. I eventually bled out. Platform-PC Steps-Healing a downed Survivor on…
Feng Min's Day Off Wrap Outfit Torso Bug
Suppose to look like this (endgame photo). End up looking like that (in game photos)
Spirit floaty physics
A lot of spirit's head pieces/body cosmetics have lost their floaty physics
Dissolution Still Bugged
Dissolution doesn't activate when Injuring a survivor with a claw trap as The Skull Merchant.
Survivor's vaulting through Trapper's Traps
Have had it several time where survivors fast vault over a window and when they should have been trapped they just vault like nothing happened. This is not a case of spacing, there is plenty room between the window and the trap for a survivor to run and slide into it and no they did not run around them either. Vaults like…
Skull Merchant's Drones can Disappear Underneath the Ground After Being Disabled
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of the Issue: Skull Merchant's drones can disappear underneath the ground after being disabled. Steps to Reproduce: This isn't helpful, but honestly, I don't know. How Often Does This Occur: This is the first time this has happened to me, currently unsure of frequency. Logs: (It was my most…
Devour Hope activating/exposing upon cleansing.
PC - Steam. Played on RPD against Plague. Found out totem, I cleaned it and was instantly exposed but with no counter. Realised it was Devour Hope when someone cleansed another totem and the exposed effect disappeared. The Killer had Undying/Devour Hope No body had been hit as was playing in a SWF and we all thought it was…
PC - Strobe light flashing when looking at hook charms
Platform: PC/Steam Occurs with Hag only after purchasing "Snake Charmer" skin Step 1 : Booted the game up Step 2 : Clicked on The Hag in killer menu Step 3 : Clicked on "customize" then "charm" Step 4 : Noticed strobe light flashing on entire screen only when viewing charms on hook customizations
Renato Lyra Goalkeeper cosmetic shorts bug
the shorts that are part of the goalkeeper skin seem to have collision issues and show black materials coming through them
Freeze on Startup
PC-Steam I cant open the game without it freezing on startup It started this update. I verified files, turned my pc off/on and am now reinstalling the game now to see if that fixes it.
Unable to load into game as Survivor, character models missing?
Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Choose "Play" as Survivor Step 3 : Choose character Ace Visconti Step 4 : Notice character model missing, should normally be to the right of the screen. Step 5: Switch to any other character Step 6: Switch back to Ace Visconti Step 7: Notice that instead of the character model for…
Issues with Thalita hair since new Unreal Engine Update
Hello dear devs, since the new unreal engine update some graphic errors have occurred for Thalita. First of all her blonde braid doesn't look the same as before because her hair is missing at her forehead, see the picture in the attachment, it would be amazing if it gets the original look back as we paid for it that way.…
Microstutters/fps drops after 7.7.1 patch?
So besides the rubberbanding NOT being fixed with 7.7.1, I noticed that this patch brought me some microstutters and fps drops throughout the matches. Playing on Windows/Steam. Anyone else?
Game won't finish loading
PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch game not loading Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Get to screen to press x or a to continue. Step 3 : Before todays patch would get until l initialization error message. After today's patch get No Network Connection message or cannot connect to online services. Please try again later. Error code…
Cosmetic clipping/charm placement/zarina still not fixed
on ps5
Thalita's Day of the Dead Hair Bug
Thalita's day of the dead hair is currently bugged atm since the new engine update to be be completely stiff and clip through her body. There's no animation and I hope this can be fixed soon. I do apologize for the bad quality.
Re-Lit Hex Totems Don't Have Light Actors Attached/Activated, Making Them Appear Like Dull Totems
Platform: PC (Steam) Description: (This one is a bit confusing, I've tried to word this as carefully as possible with lots of reference images) There are several Hex perks that, should they be able to be re-lit, do not attach a light Actor to the associated Totem, making Hex Totems appear like a Dull Totems without closer…
Artists' new deep rift weapon has no blue colour/hue
Not sure if it's intentional or not but i'm basing this off of her first deep rift weapon having the blue hue ( the black hole weapon), however this new deep rift wing weapon is the same colour / hue as her normal rift weapon.
Pyramid Head Cage Glitch
When Pyramid Head sends a survivor to a cage the survivors have been appearing outside of the cage on the players end. This glitch is not visible to others, besides the player, seemingly on all platforms. Not sure if this happens every time or if it's dependant on where you are sent in the map.
Ash is sorted higher than Jane in the survivor selection UI despite being released later than her
Ash, despite being released after the Demise of the Faifthful chapter, is sorted higher in the UI than Jane, he is correctly sorted in the Store UI though Survivor Selection Store
Charles's spirit
If you take a survivor while playing for Chucky, the sound of the appearance of Charles's spirit is not played
Issues with Skull Merchant's drones
After hooking a survivor near or in the drone's radius, the drone disappears, like it should. However, the next drone that you want to place gets nulified. Meaning that you do the animations, get the undetectable status effect and your power goes on cooldown, but the drone doesn't get placed. The next drone will get placed…
Chris face still bugged after the patch
chris face is still bugged after the new patch :c
Chuckys spirit
The good guys spirit does not show up from his pov after 7.7.1 it does from the survivors point of view now
(7.7.1) DualSense Haptic Feedback is still not fixed
DualSense Haptic Feedback has not been working since 7.7.0 and is still not working after the 7.7.1 update.
Extremely long, occasionally infinite loading screens (Xbox Series S)
SInce patch 7.7.0 the loading screens have increased in length greatly. I play Xbox Series S, and the main loading screen is ~10 minutes long if it even boots up, typically buffering on "Updating Chat Privileges" or "Validating Privileges". If it fails, a "Connection Error" prompt appears after ~ 5 minutes. If the game…
Gideon Body Climb
In the downstairs portion of Gideon, the body that is sitting upright near the stairs is able to be climbed. You are able to stand on its head and can avoid interactions with both survivors and killers.
Не так валюта
Почему в Steam у меня стоит страна Украина, а в самой игре валюта рубли. Почему так?
Stunned by a dropped palette
Platform: Steam/PC A Palette was dropped by seemingly no one (Survivors were either dead, on hook or on the other side of the map) and stunned me when I tried to break it. It only happened once so far on Decimated Borgo. Link to the clip:
Knight hindered bug on nostromo wreckage
Platform: PC Description of the issue: Whenever you use knight's power and follow a survivor through pipes that release steam you get permanent hindered status. Steps to reproduce: Be on nostromo wreckage map, play knight and use your power Follow a survivor through main when he/she passes by pipes that release steam (time…
Midwich rubberband spot every time
On the map Midwich there is a ramp in the walls of the map hidden by 2 different breakable walls in the bathrooms connecting the upper and lower bathrooms. At the top of the ramp it becomes a rubber band zone if you try to go through it normally at least on killer side. I am on Xbox Series S and this happened on multiple…
unable to unhook teammate on Nostromo Wreckage
Step 1: boot the game Step 2: play as survivor Step 3: teammate gets hooked in the main room of the main building on Nostromo Wreckage Step 4: try to unhook, prompt will not appear Additional information: Map: Dvarka Deepwood - Nostromo Wreckage Example:
Xbox/console - Potential energy bug
I tried by best to explain what happened. making this just in case Step 1 : Join a game as survivor and find a generator Step 2 : I'm not sure how to explain but I had clicked and unclicked buttons by accident on gens and I think accidentally pressed the use button ability for the perk Step 3 : the blue circle thing stayed…
Bite the Bullet not working on Sable
I've been playing several games with new character Sable, I noticed that Bite the Bullet doesn't work either when I self-heal with Self Care, or when I heal others. At first I thought it was a perk bug maybe Bite the Bullet is bugged to not work with Self Care, but later when I switched to Yui they work perfectly together.…
Nemesis Tentacle Wind Up Sometimes Missing Animation/Sound
Can you please fix this bug? It's been literally years and makes playing against him exceedingly frustrating when this happens.
Archive Movie bug
If you view any movie you've unlocked in a Tome, you get sent back to the Archive's but the menu doesn't load in. You can't click on anything except your player badge and the only way to get it back to normal is to exit out of the game and boot it back up. May you please fix this? Thanks in advance.
PC Bug - Wesker Bound collision bug
Was playing Wesker with only his base perks, add ons Green Herb and helicopter stick, on the boat map. Used his ability against an injured survivor in front of a tree, showed that I grabbed them before abruptly saying they were downed. She was stuck halfway in the tree glitching, sometimes turning completely vertical into…
DS not working (after being grabbed by a pallet)
I can't replicate it all the time, but sometimes when I get grabbed from a pallet, the ds skill check appears, I hit the skill check and it does work at all. I was playing against the Nurse on Badham version 5 Playing on PC
Character's auras in low FPS and stuttering problems since today's patch (7.7.0)
• Platform: Epic Games • Description of the issue: I don't know if you can see it correctly in the video, but since today's update the auras of the survivors and killers (in this case, in the video you can only see it in the survivors, in the previous game I had against a trapper it did happen to the killer's aura) they…
Chemical Trap Visual Bug
After Breaking a pallet with chemical trap applied to it your screen becomes blue and software gore begins to take over your screen as if you cracked your screen
PS5 - No perks listed in end game bug?
Summary I've seen a few people now with no perks listed, but I just assumed they were going for the Power Moves... but in this game I got hit by head on from the Steve, but no perks were listed for him the end game screen. I have no idea how you'd reproduce this... maybe its some kinda platform issue?
Chucky scamper cancel has returned
I would like to report that the chucky "scamper cancel" (the bug that allowed you to reset and flick your slice and dice without scampering), has returned after its previous fix. How this bug happens: First enter hidey ho mode and the good guy Then slice and dice towards any vault chucky can scamper. When chucky touches…
Dream Pallet Auras
PC - With Update 7.70, when facing The Nightmare, the auras of dream pallets while in the dream world from windows of opportunity remain in place even after being destroyed (Allowing for some freaky things to happen!).
ps5 pop vs blastmine
when killer has pop goes weasel and goes hit generator if it has blastmine that pop goes its not active no more because hit the was disrupted by blind so i don’t know if is intentional but i just wanted tell those
Tanuki statue bug!
Summary of Tanuki Bug in Dead by Daylight Player's Description: The player encountered a Tanuki statue on a Yamaoka Estate map. Upon observing the Tanuki, the player was instantly teleported to the escape screen. The other 3 survivors had been killed by the killer who was guarding the exit. The player hypothesizes that the…
Azarov's Resting Place Map tile blocks the killer
PC/Steam On Azarov's Resting Place, the map tile "FenceCorner2" (or "F enceCornerB" I'm unsure which it was) spawns a set of tires that block the killer from walking through and making the tile stronger for survivor. I don't know if survivors can walk through or not since I played in a bot match and they walked around the…